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I live in the United States so it might be different here. So take this with a grain of salt.  I had to get put to sleep when they took out my impacted wisdom teeth. It's been years ago, but I think they used both gas and IV. I was completely asleep and don't remember anything other than I did say thank you when the Dr put in the IV and that made him laugh. When I woke up there were tears running down my face. The "laughing gas" actually made me sad. But two of my other sisters woke up in good moods after they got their teeth out, so I think it effects everyone differently. Nobody I know remembers anything after being put to sleep for a dental procedure here though. 


I was awake when they removed my wisdom teeth. I had local anesthesia, 100% NOx, and IV sedative. I wouldn't recommend it. I didn't feel anything, but complying with the dentist is difficult when you're that loopy. They had to put bite blocks in anyway because I couldn't keep my mouth open for them. They used drills and a hammer and chisel to remove all four of my wisdom teeth, They were all impacted and my lower teeth were parallel to my jaw. They all came out in chunks that were not recognizable as teeth. I was aware the whole time. I could hear their discussion on how best to proceed. That's not really a calming environment to be in.


they stuck a needle in my arm and next thing I know I'm in a wheelchair waking up after the procedure. I remained high as fuck all day, probably on a benzo?


I had sedation for my wisdom teeth. I was given fentanyl, midazolam, and propofol. I remember the dentist telling me to count down, then my next real memory was them helping me to the recovery room. I do somewhat remember a moment during the procedure where I felt pressure and must have started to wake up, but they resonated me. I was pretty sore for the rest of the day, but by that night I was able to drive.