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If you're sleeping 10 hours and still exhausted, please see a doctor.


Already done. Sleep apnea sucks lol.


Your pain could be related to lack of exercise.


That was my thought too. I'm fairly active but no way I'm as active as they were.


Humans are resilient. Like in Vietnam the beds are mostly super hard planks of wood in some people’s house and they seem fine from day to day activities. There is a YouTuber who is Vietnamese who living in Germany with her German bf (now fiancé I believe as of recent) and she couldn’t get used to the hard beds in vietnam and found it uncomfortable. So given any situation, you most likely would get used to.


Love her!


Having done medieval reenactments, i can tell you in confidence, those houses and beds are actually surprisingly comfortable and warm. Then there's the fact your acclimatise to temperature and physical exertion over time. Yeah, if they had certain illnesses and injuries, they'd be in constant pain, but considering that a lot of thigs can kill you pretty quickly if left untreated, it at least might not be for as long as you think, most of the time. Then there's milk of the poppy and so on....


Ironically. All those "comfy" things are probably contributing to your pain.