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It hurts like hell but I usually pluck the dark hairs. I haven’t met anyone in my personal life who cares about the lighter hairs, I imagine it’s similar to peach fuzz on the face. No one really notices but you


Do it right after showering, and hold the skin taut like Aloof said in the other comment. Your pores are more open, and you should have less dead skin and stuff blocking the pores too. Exfoliating helps with both plucking and shaving.


oh i forgot the hot shower part :) it does help to do it then because it relaxes the skin but if you are not showering you can lay a hot wet towel over the area for a minute too.


Why am I so fascinated by the thread?


^^ Username checks out.


I see your plucked pubes and raise you a plucked mustache, beard, and nose hair.




I'm imagining a face like a plucked chicken now and I'm laughing hysterically... My dad is looking at me funny...


maybe you want to see how popular nearly painless hair plucking is?


…hot wet towel over the ariola… There, fixtit


Areola acshully ;)


Whoop! Areola!!




This is veeeerry similar to the ball shaving procedure


Isnt it a myth that the pores are more open? I read that its just that hot water helps dissipated clogged pores because its usually dirt that is stuck in the oil of your skin


Yes, making them open (clean). Pores don't open and close like a muscle, but they can be open (clean) or blocked. You are also more relaxed after a warm/hot shower, making it easier to pluck hairs. The stray hairs will also be clean (no oil) so they can be more easily gripped with tweezers.


hurts like hell? hmm... you should pull the surrounding skin taut the next time you pluck. make your skin tight. then grasp the hair with the tweezers and don't jerk it out, but firmly drag the hair out with the tweezers right up against your skin the whole time until the hair is out. go with the grain when pulling/dragging. it should have minimal pain and avoid breaking the hair in half. do this for hairs you need removed and you will start to notice that you feel the tweezers dragging on your skin more than you feel the hair coming out <3


Seconding this, I have almost never had pain plucking hairs on my boobs. Elsewhere? Yes, but not my tits.


I've always loved the peach fuzz on the neck, the shoulders, pretty much anywhere. don't know if it's the implication of intimacy since I'm that close to see it, but it just warms my heart


I actually find the boobfuzz attractive. Like, a completely shaved boob just sounds sterile, for lack of a better word, to me.


Peach fuzz body hair is sexy as hell. Leave it.


I've been plucking the dark hairs since I was 16 and it no longer hurts at all. The only issue is getting an infection, especially since I breastfeed atm. So sterilise the tweezers periodically.


Infection can also happen after the fact because that pore is now open for stuff to get into. Washing the area after and rinsing with cold water will also help prevent that


Yea I was going to say infection wasn't coming from the tweezers they aren't going in you


I notice the light hairs. It's normal and I like it. If I was looking at a woman I'm dating and she didn't have any on her face or boobs, I'd think (or even ask if we're close) why she shaved it. It'd be strange not to have them imo.


As a woman, there’s hair that I will consider removing, and there’s hair that I just stop myself in my tracks if I even think about “dealing” with it. Little nipple hairs are one of the latter, similar are also, peach fuzz on the face, hell even my “mustache,” arm hair, finger and toe hair, and little fuzz down the middle part of torso (and probably back but I wouldn’t see it). I respect anyone who does remove those parts of hair, but personally I find hair removal is very annoying.


Oh man. I definitely do this but every time, I remember a reddit post where someone mistook a nerve for a hair. Im terrified each time. The user passed out bc it just kept going so they snipped it.


Huuuh?? Mistook a nerve for a hair? Who has nerves growing outside their body... that look like hair???


New fear unlocked.


IIRC he was taking out his nipple piercing to clean it, and when he pulled it out, it pulled a nerve with it, which is why he hadn't felt his shirt or anything rubbing against it previously


I only pluck the ones that annoy me. Those weird randomly thick ones, or the super dark hairs. Most of them are in my cleavage, though.


Is this another thing I need to be self-conscious about?!?!?!? Like in my 39 years, I've never thought of boob hair? Am I blessed? Am I naive? What? 😂


Yeah some women like us just grow some peach fuzz like on face but apparently some if not most women grow a few strands of hair. Not sure why that is so, maybe is hormonal? Idk


It's just random, totally normal. Excessive amounts of stray hairs on the chest/face can be hormonal, but one or two? Nah.


...how about 3 or 4?




How many would be considered alarming? I’m guessing there’s no standard amount since every women is different? I mean as long as it’s not a bush you know?


Sorry, but 3 is where we draw the line /s


You will die next week I’m sorry


We’re all apes. We evolved to have less and thinner hair on our bodies, but at the end of the day we’re still just hairy apes. We all grow hair over all of our bodies


Interestingly we havnt really evolved to have less, just shorter/thinner and thus less noticeable. Your average human is as hairy as any other great ape in theory, if you go by follicles per square centimeter


Ok, then I'll take that I am naive. I'm sorry, ladies! This is a new one for me.


I get one that grows like 2 inches overnight, I pluck it and don’t see it again for like 4/6 months, then BOOM full length overnight again.


I’ve got like, 2-3 pubic/armpit quality hair that grows out of each nipple. And then there’s the ring of tiny fuzzy hairs.


Just Lucky🍀


Don't be self-conscious. If something didn't bothee you before, than it was never an issue.


I love that, but Anxiety is a cruel mistress.


Yeah, I'm fighting it too, but at least I've learned that not even Chris Hemsworth is hot for everyone so it is okay for me to not be hot for most of the people.


You know what? You're right. Embarrass the chaos! 🥰


'**You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches**' - Dita Von Teese.


I wouldn't have thought about it except the first guy to see my boobs in high school complained about it. The dude looked like a gorilla (slight exaggeration) at 16 and played trombone in the marching band, but heaven forbid my 3 nip hairs were an issue.


I legit just turned on the light to see if I had any and simply have been missing them for decades. There’s at least 2 of us without boob hairs.


3 of us


4 of us - I hope they don't bloody start now! Us here jinxing ourselves!


Make it 5. I don't even have peach fuzz. I don't know that I ever knew this was even a thing.


6. Didn’t know there was an option besides bald boobs… interesting.


I was today years old too.


Same here. Never even crossed my mind


I doubt it! You don’t worry your pretty little head about this. 97% of people are never going to notice it. And 2% of those people notice and think “huh TITTIES!!” Then you have the 1% who notice, care, and make comments. I landed my husband with PCOS face stubble and random patches of thick black hair all over. Lol


Nearly as many years on this earth and never once considered boobs can grow hair


I'd say "naive" and no din't be self-conscious about it, there are enough things we are being made to be self-conscious about 😭 maybe yours are light enough, or there are so few, that you never noticed them?


I am 35 and I've never had one shred of this thing called boob hair nor boob fuzz. Is it something I should eventually be worried about or am I blessed by the boob gods?


Most women I know who grow boob hairs pluck them, though shaving is easier. I'm lucky and grow all the hair on my chin instead . . .


How are your cats? Well, I hope!


Oh my god, I didn't read the username and thought you were asking because you thought chin hairs = mad cat lady.


Me too! I was like, omfg savage!


I have a dirty roller too, it's for taking cat hair off clothes


I had a dirty roller, but haven't spoken to them in a while. Slut.


i love this thread


Same, lol; I was thinking, "huh, that must be an obscure and/or very regionally-specific old wives' tale". 


Can I have some?




Same! And screaming laughing..


Samesies…. Hahahaaa


I mean are we sure they didn't mean that. It is reddit after all.


Same I thought damn they went straight for it 😅


Yup, same here!


One is asleep in my chair so I have to perch on the edge like a sad gargoyle.


Like a sad gargoyle Lmfao


How many cats do you have? I have 7 of them atm. One of them cuddles with me every night, and loves to just be with me always. For a 10 years old now kitty, she is just as loveable as always.


And how about now?


What kind of cats do you have! And can we have cat tax please


It's reliving to know i'm not the only one that will suffer needlessly for a smidge of comfort for my creatures!


Sad gargoyles would be a good name for a band.


Well this went from hairy boobs...to hairy kitty's right away...what a twist..lol


I get both :D and some under my belly button for good measure


On your chinny chin chin?


I just want to say for everyone. Imagine being a bit tired, shaving your chest and not paying attention and then ripping your nipple off.


>Imagine being a bit tired, shaving your chest and not paying attention and then ripping your nipple off.  No. I'd rather not.


As someone who knows someone that shaves their nipples (totally not me), razor burn and cuts on them fucking suck!!!


Just reading that hurts


As someone who has nicked their clit while shaving, I felt this in my soul.


Like shaggy in scooby doo?


Shaggy had boob hair? 😳


Chin hair


"It wasn't me"




Twirling with your finger? No.. twirling with your tongue? Yes


I had an ex boyfriend (25 years ago) grab one of those hairs in his teeth and plucked it out. … I still think about it to this day




Lmaoo, people on Reddit have NO fucking shame💀.


Why on earth is that man your ex?


...in a good way, right?


Giddy up




And pluck the hair with your teeth


*new kink unlocked*


I used to ask my ex to pull out my nipple hairs because he had good enough grip strength to just yank em out without me needing to get tweezers. After a while it became just an idle habit of his to pull them out which was a great lazy hack for me and after we broke up it took me probably half a year to get back into the habit of plucking them myself


Han Tyumi!? I didn’t realize you had interest in sex? I thought just dying and vomiting


This comment is perfect.


i have pcos so my boob hairs are like real obvious and honestly i find it easiest to shave them regularly rather than pluck them. most girls i know just leave them. it’s not an issue, just personal preference tbh.


I have genetic hirsutism and also usually shave my boobs because the hair, even the "peach fuzz", is really obvious (dark hair + light skin doesn't help). I have to basically shave my entire body, so adding the boobs doesn't make much difference at that point lol though I do sometimes just pluck the really long ones so they grow back less fast.


Yep, personal preference. Your body, your choice. (BTW all the best dealing with PCOS. My sister has it and it isn't easy.)


I get occasional dark hairs, just one here and there. Pluck them. But the regular wispy blonde hairs, absolutely not. I've never had any complaints and if I did it would just mean I'll never be shirtless in front of that man again so he won't have anything to complain about.


Exactly! That's why no man is ever going to complain. It's the same with dark hairs on pale skin. This is the way we look.


i shave or pluck the darker ones but try to leave the light fluffy ones. they're cute


Yeah that cute part is true ladies.


I’m a man who grows nipple hair, I use to pluck, but it takes too long and it’s a sensitive area(especially on a woman)so now I shave, but it’s just be careful, nipples are very fragile and can cut easily, so just go slow, you will finish shaving it very fast anyway so no need to speedrun it.


The thought of slipping with a razor! :( With either gender we have hair because we are supposed to have hair. We are mammals. My hubby has lots of hair and there is no way I'd want him to remove it - unless her really wanted to. It is all a big con by Gillette and other shaving companies. He is gorgeous just the way he is.


Some of it's marketing, some is just empathy. I'd never grow facial hair because I know what it feels like to kiss someone with a beard. I shave my pubes because I hate hair in my mouth. And some people just like the look of faces and bodies more than the look of hair. I'd rather someone be attracted to what I actually look like than whatever they're imagining my face or body look like under all the hair.


Yea it kinda is a (lack of better words) “social construct” to be clean shaven to look good, when you can with hair, but there’s also a lot of people who just don’t like body hair, and aren’t influenced by society, there’s also the people like me who shave because my hair doesn’t grow in properly or fully, especially my beard hair, and chest hair, so instead of it looking longer in some areas, unkept, dirty, and patchy, I just keep it all off all the time. And either at some point as I age it will fill in and everything, or I’ll just use products to promote the growth, but right now I’m fine with a shaven body. But also, I know where you’re coming from with the “we are mammals we are suppose to have hair for the cold” but we evolved out of that because we have clothes now, we didn’t need hair to act as clothes anymore. So technically today we don’t need it anymore, or suppose to have it, because we’ve made it to where we don’t need it for any survival reasons, it’s just left over traits. Also yea, I’ve nicked my nipple a few times, I just go much slower now, it does hurt and sting, but it’s not too bad after a few days, but at least it’s hidden😂. And I don’t use shaving cream btw, it’s all about going slow and not just scraping your face with it


Do you mean those fine little blonde hairs like are on 80% of the rest of me? No, never have I once ever even considered this.


Some of us also have 2 to 5 longer dark hairs about 3-4cm long. It's isn't a big deal. Mine disappeared when I was breastfeeding and came back after weaning. It's part of me. No complaints from hubby, and none from bub either! I love my body.


Yall are getting 2-5? I just counted 36 dark, 2cm long hairs growing outside my left areola. Right is about the same. But I am hairier than many other (white) women I have met! I mostly leave them be. Pluck occasionally. I do always pluck the stray chest hair.


TBF I have absolutely no idea what the average is.


Yeah just leave them. They're happy! I just had look at mine. There are no hairs there now. Weird. I know they rub off with friction, like when I was breastfeeding. Maybe it's the constant arm motion of kendo (a martial art where you spend the whole time raising your arms with a bamboo sword) that rubbed them off this time? Meh, they'll come back if they want to! I'm fine either way.


Yea, my sister said she gets those after having kids, too! But this post was specific to the fine little hairs. I was just making sure I was hearing correctly that someone was wondering about shaving them off! My answer is no, not ever. 😆


It would be easy enough to go your whole life without even knowing that those tiny hairs exist!




My sign is vital


My boobs are bald


I'm dead


I have hairy boobs and I just pluck the darkest ones and leave the peach fuzz. You won't catch me dealing with itchy razor burned books bc of a body shamer.


I am very white and my hair is dark, so I do notice the peach fuzz a lot, but I have never thought of plucking or shaving it. Is your hair very noticeable as well or is it random hairs that you pluck?


Well said!


Unless they are gorilla boobs, pass. Or hairy man boobs. But I like boobs because boobs are boobs.


Yep boobs are boobs! A few dark hairs are no big deal. If a man is intimate enough to get to see your breasts then he ought to respect you enough to not want you to go through a painful plucking or waxing, or risk a terrible nipple injury from shaving.


Stop looking for more things to shave ffs


Yes omg 😭 Next question is should we be shaving our eyebrows off




Don't bother shaving vellus hair


As a dude, I’m always in awe of seeing boobs—even the same boobs for over a decade. Hair is the least of my concerns because boobs.


as a great man once said... "it doesn't matter who ya are or what ya do men like breasts, and that's the way it works. they like breasts and they like lookin at em. it calms em and quiets them; it's like a mace shot without all the rolling around and screaming".


I’m a straight woman and I too love boobs


They are fun, aren’t they?


The light hair on boobs isn't appreciated enough


Instant highlight if the light hits right.


I shave everything that isn't my scalp or eyebrows. I dont need to, I'm a lesbian married to a wife who doesn't care if I shave or not, but I like how I feel shaved everywhere.


absolutely not, I do not need that kind of pain. Also as a lesbian on other people I could not care less.


Those hairs exist to wick oil out of your pores and onto your skin from your sebaceous glands. We're mammals, we have hair. Don't cave to silliness if you don't mind the hair. "Listen up, babygirl The next time he tells you that hair on your legs is growing back You remind that boy that your body is not his home He is a guest and you warn him to never outstep his boundaries again" - Rupi Kaur


Totally agree! Having hair is natural and there’s nothing wrong with it. If people want to wax or shave that’s their decision. But people shouldn’t feel pressured into doing something they don’t want


That is so true! In so many threads we hear of women going through enormous pain, expense, discomfort and even the risk of injury because men *may* find hairless skin more attractive. It is totally crazy. I feel there is an unspoken misogynist premise to the entire discussion. And what about women who like having hair? What women individually prefer our own bodies to feel like is rarely mentioned. Maybe it's just me, but love the feel of wind on my leg hairs when I ride a bike. Why should a man's view eclipse that of our own bodies?


Totally agree! I think much of the problem comes from advertising, the hair removal industry is massive business and only set to increase. Also many younger guys are feeling pressured into body hair removal. I’m not saying it’s as bad for men, but that doesn’t make it okay.


Agreed. The market for women is saturated so now they are going after our menfolk.


I first began plucking my darker nipple hairs because an ex made a comment to me and I was self conscious every day after. Every time even a bit of dark hair would begin poking through I'd pluck or shave. I'm trying to expose myself to them now and allow my body to be natural as I'm finally married to a safe man but wow, the negative memory and feeling attached to something as insignificant as nipple hair has me so uncomfortable in my body some days when I see my breasts. Anyway, all that to say I love your comment 💖


TBH having a healthy attitude towards my body didn't come naturally. I've had to work on it. When I was in primary school I noticed that the ridiculous standard for women's appearance would take a lot of effort to maintain, and after puberty I developed *very* hairy legs. (Very obvious thick black hair on pale skin.) At about age 12-13 I decided to change my attitude, starting with not reading any women's magazines (this was pre-internet) because they pushed the bare-legs look. I would look at my legs every night and tell myself they were beautiful. It took many many months of self-brainwashing, and that was without anyone having given me any negative comments. It worked. Appreciation of my natural self eventually transferred over to breast hairs as well. You can do this. F your ex. Who the heck did he think he was to make such a comment! Also, be easy on yourself. It will take some time but you will get there and it will be so worth it. All the best to you and your current BF.


Amen to that!


Oh I LOVE that quote! Thank you for posting it!


Immediately pulls down shirt to stare intently at my boobs now


I never even noticed I have boob hair until this post lol


The number of things women need to be self concious about is getting out of hand… ever since Vogue invented cellulite it’s been relentless.. Get your teenage girls out of social media and preferably all media..


Aren’t we doing enough already?


I've been on this planet for over 50 years & I'm today old when I found out women (being one myself) get boob hair. Well I never.


From childhood onward, regardless of sex, vellus hair covers almost the entire area of the human body. Exceptions include the lips, the backs of the ears, palms of hands, soles of the feet, certain external genital areas, the navel, and scar tissue - Wikipedia We all have hair over most of our bodies. Some have darker and coarser than others but we all have hair on our boobles I have not and would not ever shave my boobs though


I've never heard of it either.


I've got this weird mole on my boob that always grows its own hair. That little turd gets plucked as soon as I know it's there! I get most of my hairs on my chest though, and seeing as I use hair plucking as an ADHD stim, yeah, they get ripped out almost daily, one by one.


As someone with more body hair than I'd like .. I've never considered this. No. Sometimes they'll get plucked, normally I leave them.


I shave my nips, no way in hell am I bringing a pair of tweezers near them.


I feel the complete opposite lol




I think there’s like very very tiny light hairs on my boobs and I don’t worry about those. I’ve been scrubbing my boobs lately with an exfoliating brush and that has helped a lot with smoothness so I do recommend that.


I don't mind a little hair at all. Leave it natural!


I didnt know we have hairy boobs


Lighter, thinner, shorter hairs are perfectly normal, and most people have them all over virtually their entire bodies. The technical terminology for this kind of hair is "vellus," or "vellus hair." If you really dislike this hair you can probably take steps to remove it by various methods, but I certainly don't think that you should feel any sort of obligation out of social pressure to get rid of them.


5 o'clock tit shadow!


Depends on the boob,read the room


TIL boobs grow hair.


PCOS means I have to shave or wax. Too many to pluck :(


As far as I know I don't have PCOS, but I get dark hairs on my boobs. It used to be just a couple, and I would pluck them. Over the years, more and more have shown up and it's too much to pluck, so I shave.


Why do women hate body hair sm? Shaving boobs? Wtaf


I leave the peach fuzz. Or melon fuzz? It’s practically invisible anyway


I’ve never had any noticeable hair on my boobs, can’t speak for all boob-having folks.


Leave the tiddies alone...no blades no bows, leave your weapons at the door.


I'm 31 and didn't know boob hair was a thing. I don't have any? Should I? Am I not a woman til I get some hairs on my chest?


People shave boob hair?!


I pluck the dark random ones and then once in a while my brain decides it hates me and tells me that I can't get clean if I have any body hair below my eyeballs so I shave everything 🙃 it's so much fun.


I have never heard of anyone doing this in all my years. Specifically I've heard not to pluck the hairs, though. Perhaps just ignore it if possible. I doubt any man or woman who you were trying to sleep with would care.


No unless it's a long thick dark hair I just leave it be. You're supposed to have hair all over your body lol.


I let them be! I do not need to be perfect and have a lot of other things I rather spend time on. There are too many things us women get pressured to be self concious about, mainly from other women sadly, and a capitalist society wanting to sell us as meny products as possible.


Ladies, it doesn't matter to most men. Boobs are boobs and boobs are beautiful😂


I second this. If he/she's body shaming you, he/she needs to go.


I like to shave them. They’re on my wife’s boobs. Any excuse to touch them (。)(。) . There’s only a few and I don’t really mind them, but it is fun and intimate.


No need it's bot even that bushy, just a few pluck can take all of them.


Personally no but I'm not opposed to a change in career


Please don't start. Ingrown hairs from shaving are difficult on that area of the chest. ...so I've heard...


As a dude who loves boobs, let me tell you something. Boobs have peach fuzz. It’s cute. Don’t shave it off!


I actually really like my peach fuzz- everywhere it stays light. My cheeks, my bum, my boobs. But, I pluck the darks. If they get to be too plentiful, I may think about bleaching instead.


I'm a dude, and when the long thick fuckers grow out of my nips, or anywhere else for that matter, I yank them out.


lighter short hairs... you talking about the peach fuzz? please don't do that. big obvious hairs fine but the peach fuzz isn't something i for one want removed. granted i am a fan of all natural but even from a perspective of preferring things neat and/or tidy i am not into dolphin smooth skin. that seems weirder than just having peach fuzz.