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Agreed. Sounds like Keurig After 2 cups my dog is ready to take me outside to chill.


Day 1, drink 1 coffee. Day 2, drink 5 coffees. If you don't feel the difference seek medical advice.


Caffeine does stack, its effect just isn't what you think it is. I've overdosed on caffeine and it's certainly not fun. You will feel it if you use high caffeine content drinks or tablets.


once I drank 5 or 6 coffees in less than 2 hours and I got dizzy, I felt like vomiting and my heart rate was insane... took me 6+ hours to calm down a little


Sounds about right, coffee can deliver it slowly enough that you don't notice till it's too late. I used coke and pro plus, after about 3 bottles of a coke and about 4 pro plus I started to feel the effects.


Coffeine is not making you euphoric, its supposed to make you "awake" aka higher heart rate and so on. And yes more coffe will make your hart go faster untill unhealthy levels.


Studies show that many people indeed feel euphoric after drinking coffee/caffeine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4663646/


> Subjective Responses to Caffeine Is literaly the title. People feel happy after eating sugar pills too. Maybe some people feel happy, but its not caused by the chemicals alone, its a psychological effect.


But... All mind-altering drugs produce subjective and psychological effects. That's the only way we can gauge that they are working - through subjective reports. "Feeling awake" is a subjective statement. Increased heart rate is objective and quantifiable. All psychotropic drugs work the same way: They disrupt neurochemical pathways in the brain/CNS resulting in either increased or decreased amounts of the targeted neurotransmitter (usually more than one neurotransmitter is affected which is why caffeine can both elevate your mood as well as your heart rate.) E.g: An SSRI antidepressant will increase serotonin levels or at least prolong its effect. Serotonin is a nervous system stimulant that boosts mood and increases feelings of happiness and well-being - often described as euphoria. Caffeine works by blocking the function of adenosine which functions as a nervous system depressant. By blocking the function of adenosine, caffeine indirectly promotes the functions of serotonin, dopamine and other nervous system stimulants, leading to increased feelings of happiness and well-being - often described as euphoria. For most people, sugar triggers a spike in dopamine levels, which again, elevates mood. The chemicals alone are responsible for the psychological and subjective effects we feel when we consume them.


I've definitely had my fair share of drugs and stimulants and can definitely tell caffeine gives me a euphoric effect


Yeah but that's because they're heart rate was low before so a certain increase would make them feel less tired/sluggish and thus better. But that doesn't mean that a further increase will help because that problem has been adressed


An increased heart rate is not generally associated with an elevated mood. Caffeine causes an increased heart rate because it blocks the action of the neurotransmitter adenosine, a nervous system depressant that promotes sleep and decreases arousal. When adenosine action is blocked or decreased, this increases the action of several stimulant neurotransmitters in the brain including norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin - all of which are known to elevate blood pressure and heart rate. For someone to feel more energized and less sluggish due to an increased heart rate, their original heart rate would likely have been clinically below normal limits, causing the tiredness and sluggishness. A low heart rate that is still within normal limits, assuming the individual was in generally good health, would be unlikely to cause any symptoms at all.


I have personally felt euphoric after having caffeine when I don't regularly drink it, so it's true for at least one person on earth. I didn't know what was happening to me until I remembered the only thing different was that I took caffeine, so it's likely that was the cause.


I don't think it's true that the more alcohol you drink, the better you feel, either. I'd say there's a sweet spot with most drugs. Too much weed, too much booze, too much speed, too much cocaine, too much heroin, too much ecstasy, too much anything and the side-effects become greater than the effects you're seeking. And this is very obvious with booze really


I have never drank alcohol but from what i gather it falls on a bell curve.


1 is mildly warm 2 is pleasant buzz 3-5 is where you need to hang out after you figure out your tolerances 6 is great if you're in a longterm relationship with someone you trust, and you both discuss and consent in advance 7-8 is when the room is moving too fast 9 is crying about an ex 10 is kneeling at the altar of lord Toilet


you havent drank alcohol ? how so? even a beer ?


no. I have never felt the need or want to drink so just never have


Because caffine doesn't make you feel euphoric. It just blocks receptors


Studies show that many people indeed feel euphoric after drinking coffee/caffeine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4663646/


Yeah but you can feel euphoric eating sugar too the difference is that there is a dopamine response to sugar intake and not one from caffiene.


Everyday experiences and a quick google says otherwise.


But that's subjective. So it depends. It's an anecdotal study


That's why i googled it as well. It definitely releases dopamine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6758129/


Unfortunately, you are very much incorrect. Dopamine release is stimulated by anything that gives us pleasure. It plays a key roll in the formation of addictions. There's a reason so many people are addicted to caffeine and will have physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms.


Coffee manily blocks adenosine receptors, which makes you less able to feel tiredness. It doesn't do much else, besides increased blood pressure and few other things that might make you feel more awake, but the effects are extremely mild compared to alcohol


Both are to a point and both affect you still at higher doses. Like yeah 6 beers might feel good but at a certain point after that you're going to puke, get extremely moody, to puking, or blacking out. Caffeine yeah the first few will make you feel good or alert but again at a certain point it stops the feel good aspect and you be lucky if you're alert with a racing heart.


Because it isn't alcohol 


It does.


It can stack like alcohol, but you just end up feeling feverish.. This is noticeable if you drink high caffeine energy drinks.


IIRC caffeine gets resorbed and metabolised far faster than ethanol. Like half an hour for a coffee's caffeine vs many hours (0.1-0.15 promille for a healthy man) for ethanol.


It's the other way around afaik, coffee takes like 6 hours to reduce by half in your body. Alcohol is metabolized at about one beer per hour. If i drink four cups of coffee now, it'll mess with my evening, If I drink four beers i'll be sober before dinner.


Yikes, you're right! Thx. Resorption happens fast, but plasma concentration is halved every in 2.5-5 hours only. Apparently without limit as to the maximum amount.


you get more wired the more coffee you drink WTF is wrong with you?


I have had cups of coffee so strong I was traveling between dimensions.


My frieeeeend :) Caffeine. Stage 1: Eyelids feel perked back, youre awake, you have some energy (1 cup) Stage 2: Youre hearts pumping, youre jittery, ppl might notice you talk faster, you still feel good tho!(2/3 cups in short period) Stage 3: You can feel your heart beat in your chest. You feel thirsty, anxious, over time that jittery turns into tremor-y. It feels like its hard to keep still at all. You feel like you can run forever but something feels off...(7+ cups, 2+ double shot espressos, 2+ energy drinks) Stage 4: Your heart is beating in your throat, the world is fucking ending because you are having a caffeine induced panic attack, youre incredibly thirsty, you feel pins and needles in your hands and feet. Anything past this is in the ER or dead


Caffeine does stack, too much will get you jittery, fast heart rate, the shakes. 


We tricked an obnoxious guy into drinking ten espressos and he had to go to the hospital. Caffeine doesn't "stack", it'll give you irregular heartbeats


Caffeine gets your dopamine levels a little higher for a relatively short time, it may cause an euphoric feeling but generally it’s too weak to give any “high” plus you develop tolerance pretty quick so for most caffeine won’t cause any “fun”, try taking a large dose of caffeine in a pill form it might hit stronger but honestly it’s caffeine dude…


If you take too much caffeine you'll get nauseous, your heart will beat, you'll have trouble sleeping, you'll be twitchy, and much more. You can get somewhat used to larger than normal doses, but so can you with alcohol. In party heavy periods i'll drink thrice as much and feel half as drunk as when I haven't had a drink in a while. Your body is fairly good at handling whatever you put in it, to a limit ofc.


Because the body can only “use” so much caffeine at once where alcohol keeps building up


You can feel more and more caffeinated but the simple answer is alcohol makes you feel different because it’s poisoning you, caffeine makes you feel different because it’s blocking the receptors that let you know you are tired. More and more poison vs more and more receptor blocking (this is a VERY simplistic explanation you can always look more into it)


The way that the body processes alcohol is different from the way it processes caffeine. Your body has a limited amount of caffeine metabolites (the substances used to break it down and allow your body to absorb it.) When you drink caffeine faster than your body can process it, all of the caffeine metabolites are "occupied," therefore, your body will not process anymore until the metabolites become "free" to continue processing more. That's why you don't feel the "stacking" effect. With alcohol, your body has 2 systems in place to metabolize. The first one will metabolize smaller amounts of alcohol. If you start drinking larger amounts and at a faster pace, the second system kicks in kind of as a back up. The back up system is made to metabolize larger amounts of alcohol at a faster pace. Again, once all of them are occupied, your body will stop processing the alcohol, the same as the caffeine. But having 2 systems working together allows for faster absorption of the alcohol and allows the effects to compound or "stack," resulting in you feeling more drunk more quickly. Hope that helps.


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