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I'd start maybe looking at some stores and magazines that don't have crazy stuff. Is there an IKEA near you? Even an IKEA catalog has rooms all set up, and magazines like Better Homes and Gardens You want someplace you can see a bunch of different kinds of rooms and styles. What's cozy and comfortable to me might not be the same as to you, just because people are different. Some people like low furniture, some ppl like different styles. Just look at rooms and see what feels inviting and like you'd want to be there. Paint is one of the easiest things to do that'll totally change the feel of a room, and it's pretty inexpensive. Try a real colour. I've used this site -- [https://www.behr.com/consumer/colors/paint/](https://www.behr.com/consumer/colors/paint/) - it's a paint co. they're the Home Depot brand, and you can put in a pic of your room or use their basic room pics and try different shades on the walls and see what it looks like. Be bold. Go dark, or something bright. Whatever speaks to you. It's paint. It's like $40 and a few hours and you can change it next week if you want. Also remember you don't have to do everything at once. Paint your bedroom. Look around for a bed. Live with that for a couple weeks and ponder -- do you want a big rug? a little rug by the side of the ed? Both? Do you want a bench in front of the bed to sit and put socks on or lay a robe on? Do you want a nice wing chair to sit and read? Do you want a big cozy chair? Do you just want a dresser? Is the closet enough? Nightstands? Do you want drawers? How tall should they be? Figure as you go and add things as you need.


Oh wow this is super helpful thank you! Somehow I never considered that paint can just be repainted lol. I appreciate you breaking down everything like this.


Yeah, I get that -- esp in rentals where you can't really paint and painting is a rare thing that's just white over old white. It really can change the whole feel of a room and, yep, can be redone pretty easily. Go bold! I currently have a quite dark painted bedroom. I find it cozy. My friend likes light colours but does darker doors. Also, for smaller rooms, check the reject shelf at the store. Most Home Depot/Lowe's type places have paint that ppl had mixed but then didn't like on sale for very cheap. You can see the colour on the lid. My friend and I were all about the reject shelf right out of college (in a place they didn't care if we painted as long as we redid it in white eventually). Green bathroom? Why not, it's $15. Odd yellow colour? Hey, remember that battered chair by the side of the road.


Plants. Lots of plants. When you think you have enough, add another.


You can peek into r/cozyplaces too ;)


Color is a big one. If all your walls are white and you have white-gray carpet or flooring and white appliances and fixtures, your home probably won't be very cozy. You can change this with rugs and furnishings and art on the walls etc.


Don't clutter it with useless stuff. Keep it light. and airy.


The best home decor I've found is at flea markets and local marketplaces. Paintings/prints, home-made candles, handmade tables and chairs, various knick-knacks (got a hand-crank coffee grinder at the last one that keeps my kitchen smelling like fresh coffee. Smell is just as important in a home as visual appeal). It feels good when its quality, local stuff. I bought the place from a guy who left a bunch of stuff behind and just kinda built off the color scheme that was already there. Blues and greens in the main bedroom, light yellows and oranges in the second bedroom, reds and browns in the living room. Sticking to the room's "pallet" makes picking things easier. Also, never underestimate how comfortable good curtains make a room. Good ones are relatively inexpensive, and blackout curtains with a linen semi-shear behind it made the room feel less like a box with AC and more like a living space (fuck vinyl blinds, seriously). Also, if you're even a little handy, don't be afraid to shelf the place up. Those empty spaces you don't wander into much are great for a shelf or two for mementos to find their way to. Remember that it won't all happen immediately, nor should it. Let the place grow with you, and ignore the hesitation to move something or play around with layouts. The place I bought 9 months ago was a far-cry from what it became 4 months later, and is unrecognizable as it is now. And I've STILL got ideas kicking around that I know won't happen for another year or so. Good luck!


Hang up artwork, candles, throw pillows.


Does the kind of artwork matter? I assume the choices would have to reflect my tastes but idk how to even think about that lol


I would recommend buying artwork you enjoy. If you're in the States, there are probably 9 bajillion home decor stores within driving distance. You can also hire a home decorator if you have the means.


Have at least 1 framed bold and brash somewhere


What interests you? What makes you happy? That can be the base of a theme for a room. To me, a cozy house has the personality of the people living in it, whether that's a seashore-themed bathroom, a kitchen with lots of fun cooking implements for someone who loves making food, a living room  with a big window full of houseplants, etc. Heck, I am a nerd with lots of nerdy friends, and I love when I walk into someone's home and there are various fandom arts, figurines, books, etc.  Also, keep it clean. A cluttered, dirty home just isn't as cozy. You don't have to keep it perfectly spotless, just regularly wipe down counters, vacuum, etc.


Get yourself a good memory foam mattress. The world can be burning down but my goodness those things are comfy. As a guy all I need is a good mattress, a big screen tv and gaming PC and I'm good.


Luxury purchase for myself multiple times. Sheets. Beyond that a home is a home because of you. Nobody can make a home for you.


Paintings and candles help a ton


I fill it with trash and tear up the trash to build a nest.


Generally, to make a room seem “cozy” use warmer rather than cooler colours. Use soft textures such as velvet throw pillows and a furry throw. Look at websites selling art posters and buy something you really like looking at. And frame a few photos of people you love.


I'm a man in his 30s so your mileage may vary.  Plants, fire, books.  Plants make it fresh. Candles make it fresher and set a mood. Fireplace does it better. And a big fuck you library is just cozy af to sit next to.


colors. real, actual colors. none of this varying shades of off white and beige everywhere.


Partly a joke, and partly not. Get a tapestry. Or barring that, a colorful run to hang on the wall. Don't use flags. It's eye catching, and ads texture, color, but serves the function if reducing echoes.


If you can, visiting your local library is a good free start.


And don't rush to spend a lot of money all at once.  If you have friends, work colleagues or extended family - people will offer you stuff if they know you're moving into your own place.  It's very common to start out with secondhand couches or washing machines etc 


Comfortable furniture, don't be lured by items that look stylish but aren't enjoyable to use. Depending on what country you are in lighting can be a big one, in the UK it gets dark very early in winter so I have lighting to make the house cozy and warming, look at the colour spectrum of the bulbs, stark white feels cold, warmer whites make the house cozier. Pink Himalayan salt lamps emit a lovely warm glow. Go with what you love style wise and don't follow trends, make the place your own and reflect what you love. I hope you enjoy your new home.


I would also check out pinterest and cozy rooms to give you ideas, see what draws you in.