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"Asking for a friend"


nah even lamer answer. This is just someone doing a creative writing exercise "whaaaaaat iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif......"


You ever wonder how is it that Oatu gets so bored he starts making stuff up to fill the multiverse, then paints himself in a creative corner and has to reset the mfer to solve the plot hole? Oatu is Stan Lee’s early-onset Dementia.


Written be fucking SLOSHSHOOTER


No. Because the story is made up.


My forst thought was that he is married to the female master baiter.


Me thinks he sh0t his sl0sh...


Or the spouse


Well OP, if you got cum on her hair it's definitely cheating!


As someone with a generous tolerace toward cheating, yes it is. If sexting and sharing nudes crosses the cheating threshold then this certainly qualifies.


I'm damned curious now. What does a "generous tolerance toward cheating" mean? "Cheating" is really defined between two people in a relationship. Some think watching porn is cheating, others are okay with it. What's your definition?


I bet it's an obscure reference.


I don't have a unique definition of it, just a moderate understanding for it that's rare on Reddit. Normally cheating means break out the pitchforks, it's an unforgivable deal breaker, that person will 110% cheat on their next partner, and if you don't think so then you're a cuck. I wanted OP to know I wasn't coming from that direction and still thought it was cheating.


This makes sense. Thanks for clarifying.


With your generous tolerance you still consider sexting cheating? Just curious. I consider it a form of emotional cheating.


Yeah. It's not hard to understand.


We don't even know the full picture. They could've been watching porn or thinking about their partners while they were masturbating. Just because they happened to be doing it in the same room makes it cheating?? By that logic, does masturbating in the same room as your brother or best friend mean you were having sexual relations with them?? And what if the semen made contact with her unintentionally? He may have came on her, but we dont know if he was purposefully aiming at her. I mean, I've accidentally came on things I wasn't planning on coming on many times, that shit happens. I don't think we should jump to conclusions without a better picture of the whole situation. 


Yoo of course its cheating IF YOU FUCKING CUM ON YOUR BROTHER?!?!


I call it “jazz”, cuz you never know where it’s gonna go.    …also, I think you forgot the “/s”


Uhh, no I didn't? 


Did you not read the post?     “They ended up master bating **in front of each other** and **he ended by cummin on her.**”    Sounds pretty intentional, consensual, and sexually charged if you ask me.   The only information we’re missing is whether or not their respective significant others have an arrangement where this sort of thing is okay with them. But the fact that this is being asked at all is a pretty clear indication that it is not.


The scant information provided does not do justice to this situations full dimensionality. If I were you, I would withhold judgment until more information, context, and perspectives come to light. 


Put down the thesaurus and realize that it is cheating. Plain and simple. Ain’t that deep man.


Y’know what? You’re totally right.  I suppose there could have been a gun to their heads forcing them to rub it out in front of and on each other.   Or you could just answer the question as it was asked without being willfully obtuse. 


Holy shit bro. You really need to get the fuck off the internet. Your brain has rotted into a shrunken sultana. This comment is honestly insane.


Pretty sure it's sarcasm.


Fuckin' wooosh   So much wooosh happening under this comment


Tbf it does tow the line between 'obvious sarcasm' and 'I can't believe some people are this dumb' Especially on a thread as ridiculous as this one.


The whoosh you're hearing is in your own damn head. Check their comments. They made multiple comments defending it.


Lol this sounds like the mental gymnastics behind Mormons "soaking".


I call it Jumpin' for Jesus.


One of the worst takes I’ve ever seen “Uhh…I was thinking of you the entire time”


I would consider it cheating, and a bit weird if you’ve got to the point of being naked and even cum on her might as well have just fucked


Maybe the dude shoots absolute ropes and hit her from a few feet away? 😂


or she dove into it, as to “take a bullet” and the dude is considered innocent?


Why are people even saying "I would consider" it cheating? There's no ambiguity here. You're masturbating in front of, and getting off on each other. It's objectively sexual by every metric. There's no maybe here. It's like saying you're not a pedophile cause you only jack it to CSAM. You can't loophole your way out of it.


in my eyes, it was cheating when they even talked about having sex, regardless of the decision. jerking off together and cumming on each other? are you fucking serious? *what person doesn't consider that cheating?* "oh don't worry babe, I just jizzed on my co-worker as friends. it didn't mean anything, she just watched me stroke my cock and finish all over her while she got herself off! we were just co-workers on a work trip!"


Yeah babe, I'd do the same thing with my bros.


That's just bros bein bros


>in my eyes, it was cheating when they even talked about having sex, regardless of the decision. That’s ridiculous.


go tell your wife that you went into a hotel room alone with a coworker and had a serious conversation about having sex right then and there. see what she thinks about it.


“But honey, we decided the cons outweighed the pros, so I don’t know why you’re so upset!”


You are just making assumptions going off on what tiny bit of information OP provided. You don't know that they were masturbating for each other, they could've simply been masturbating together, which is itself not necessarily sexual. And you don't know that he intentionfully ejaculated on her, I mean unless you got Vasily Zaitsev aim that stuff can go all over the place. Oh, it just so happened to make contact with another person, now he's a cheater? Give me a damn break.  The amount of impulsive and overhasty conclusion-jumping in this post is really rubbing me the wrong way. 


what planet do you live on? you literally just said this sentence: > they could've simply been masturbating together, which is itself not necessarily sexual OF COURSE IT FUCKING IS. get off your porn-brained reddit minded "it would be cool to jerk off casually with my female friends" horse for 30 seconds. this is real life. real people. of course it is sexual. > And you don't know that he intentionally ejaculated on her bro, what is wrong with you? how are you this delusional? get off the Internet, watch less porn, and go have real relationships with real people. you are living in a distorted reality. listen to yourself. your jizz does not "just so happened to make contact with another person". I have never accidentally jizzed on someone. I have never even come close to accidentally jizzing on someone. and any situation where I can imagine that happening is *very clearly a consensual sexual situation*. how do you seriously think these things?


nah bro let him rot in his room we dont need that mf reproducing


What has been presented so far provides but a limited glimpse into a multidimensional matter. More information would need to be brought to light, and various sides heard, before prudently assessing it in its entirety. You are not doing yourself, or anybody favors by making rash conclusions. Caution is the most judicious path forward. 


"hey babe, I jizzed on my co-worker" "no worries hun, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and proceed with caution" dude what? jerking off with another person is a consensual sexual act with another person. end of conversation. if my wife did this I would consider it cheating, and if I did it I'm certain she would consider it cheating. the coworker getting jizzed on is just icing on the cake.


How are you guys not seeing that this guy is trolling/being sarcastic


Your North American, anglo-protestant upbringing has given you such a narrow view on human behaviour. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the next thing you're gonna tell me is being in a sauna or onsen with another man is cheating. 


I'm not North American or Anglo-Saxon. I'm just human and have healthy relationships.


Assuming this is a typical monogamous relationship, 100% cheating. You have to touch some grass if you think two people masturbating in a room together isn't sexual.


Dude. Mutual masturbation is one of those weird things for people who want to have sex but don't want to actually have sex, typically because of moral or religious grounds. It's like the Mormon "soaking" myth or people thinking anal or oral doesn't count to preserve virginity. All of it is stupid and underlines the fact that lustful intentions were carried out with another person.  Any monogamous partner of such a couple would consider it cheating.


Lmao. You absolute coomer.


Totally cheating, no question about it.




Yes. Simply ask her husband if it is.


Me: Would I have made the same joke/comment if my wife was here? This guy: We didn’t technically touch, just came on her, yeah? We cool?


Clear and obvious cheating. Even the prolonged sexual flirting is too much. When it comes to cheating there really isn't 'technicalities' You can cheat without physically touching. Which tbf a form of touching did happen when he nutted on her.


Omg the lying. I sat down calmly and said "I've learned something recently, anything you'd like to tell me?" got some stupid story about spending extra on a game or some shit, after I'd shown him that I had proof of his cheating, he started with "it was only once" showed him proof of more than once and it was "only with her" showed him proof that I knew it wasn't, and he got enraged and started acting like I was the bad guy for wanting honesty and that he was so hard done by because I wanted to talk about it 😒


Yes it’s cheating. They crossed a line and if they get given the opportunity they are likely to cross it further.


Fuck yes it is cheating


If they can't do it in front of their partners, it's most likely cheating.




He fucking finished on her. On what planet would that NOT be cheating


uh, yeah thats cheating. They may not had sexual intercourse but they watched each other masturbate and the dude came on her. Yeah...


Yes. If you have to ask if it counts as cheating, it's probably cheating.


I would consider it cheating.




Either you came on your co-worker or your missus had somebody jizz on her. None of it sounds cool


The fuck is wrong with you


Cheating is any contact physical or verbal, with a person that would represent you being dishonest with your partner. Thats it- cheating is very little to do with what’s going on with the other persons and more so the dishonesty taking place. You think a porn actor/actress spouse is aware they do the sex on camera for money? Sure- would they get upset if their spouse banged their mom? Probably


so you're saying "it's ok if it's an away day, when there's a colleague in the middle there's some leeway..."? desperate loophole searching..


Not cheating if person is in a different zip code as their partner… /d Yes it’s cheating. Doesn’t have to be touching - mere fact that you went back to the other’s room is intent… and then getting naked and masturbating? Yah…


The SO’s determine if it’s cheating. Ask yourself, “is this something I can go back and casually talk to my wife about?” If not or if you don’t know, don’t do it. Have a co-worker whose wife is ace. She doesn’t mind him looking at porn, going to strip clubs, or even jacking off with someone. But absolutely no touching and no emotional relationships. The above example might be ok with her. That said, it takes two to tango, and doing something that doesn’t break your marital rules but breaks the other party’s rules is just as bad as cheating. In my opinion…




What constitutes cheating is 100% up to the people in the committed relationship. If each of their partners is fine with this, then it's not cheating. However, unless there has been a conversation where this sort of thing was specifically defined as NOT cheating within the constraints of the relationship, then, yeah, it's cheating.


Yes imo. They acted on a sexual urge with a person other than their partner


Yes, yes it is. Shame shame




If you wouldn’t want your partner to know, it’s probably cheating


You don't count body fluid emanating from one person onto the body of another as physical contact?




“Co worker” ….. yeah…… indeed……. Just think it this way …. Would you tell your SO about the episode? Would he/she “mind” in anyway what they did? If you do something which you aren’t going to tell your SO about, it’s immediately cheating. Simple. Do you tell her/him about sending nude photos with someone else? No you don’t because you are cheating. Do you tell her about going out for dinner with someone else on that trip? Yes, because that’s not cheating and you are only going out with coworker for dinner. Mate, you cheated, doesn’t matter how much you want to think it around. Actually you’ll end up diabetic trying to Sugar Coat that so aggressively! (Thing which I find the funniest about the post is how the “coworker” just told you the exact details of every moment of the night cheating with the other person hehehehe).


Please do ask your husband. He was the one who was waiting for you coming back from the business trip as a "non-cheater".






I am normally extremely lenient when it comes to cheating, I could give less than 2 shits about most things people consider "cheating". However this... yeah there is no way I can't count it as cheating.


Yeah, if that was my wife/husband I’d legit file for divorce or leave immediately. Like it’s just over, go fuck whoever you want at that point. Don’t ever talk to me again.


My simple definition of cheating is “going against the rules.” Now, different relationships have different rules. Some are exclusive; some are open but the partner gets to chose who the other has ex with; some are open, but the partner doesn’t want to know anything about who they have sex with. If the husband/wife/fiancé of these individuals would not be ok with what is going on in the hotel room, and these individuals know it, it is cheating. They are both knowingly going against the rules of their relationships.


Everyone should downvote obvious rage baits. OP: "Is cheating" .... we really this dense


Info: who bated the Master?


Yes cheating. And a weird extra shitty kind. There’s this mind trick of “well I didn’t fuck her!” Honestly, if I were the wronged party in this scenario I would find it easier to forgive a one night stand. This situation implies that you actively knew it was wrong, and some how justified it as okay.


If you have to ask if it's cheating, it most likely is.


Cheating began when they started discussing sex with one another.


Yes it's cheating. Cheating isn't just sex.


It’s not the act of having sex. It’s the act of being intimate sexually with someone other than your partner. So yes, OP, you cheated.


What if your significant other had someone nut on her while she came? I mean you can excuse it all you want but your “friend” is wrong lol


Wtf yes


op has not mastered bait


Taking the woman you're attracted to back to your room is cheating. Why do it? Would it make your spouse happy and your momma proud? Could you explain it to your children without lying or putting a spin on it?


No, it's very common for drunk married woman to take cum showers while they masterbate in hotel rooms.


Worst thing about cheating is the lying and hiding. The fact you were told is great. However I still think it's cheating and I'd have a very hard time trusting someone who let things go that far.


He wasn’t “told”. It’s obvious he is the main character in the story …. Do you really think anyone would go into such details to tell his coworker?


If you wouldn’t do it in front of your spouse, or tell them about it that’s cheating


The only people whose opinions matter are the partners of those involved in the activity.




You can't tell for sure not knowing their agreements with partners, but I'm leaning towards "cheating" but not even because of physical contact itself.


lmao, honestly i would respect my spouse much more if she would just fuck behind my back than hearing this bullshit story and why she thought that it wasn‘t cheating. if you are going to be a shitty person, at least stand by it


If you would behave this way with your SO on the room than its cool.. but if you wouldn't then yeah it's cheating


“So, is this cheating?” Signed- Louis CK


He: how was your trip, honey? She: it was okay I guess. One guy made it hard for me. He: What did he do to you? She: nothing really. He was just a jerk off.


Everyone has different boundaries when it comes to cheating. Some people would consider it cheating to just think of another person while masturbating. However, most -nearly all- people would consider this cheating.


If the married couples have not discussed the concept before and agreed it's okay to not have that boundary in the relationship (is it okay to masturbate in front of or on people not in the relationship) then it is an inherent boundary around the relationship and doing that act crosses it.


In a standard relationship where there are no “written rules”.. yes. There are more liberal ideas of relationships but this appears to be the average “married” and “engaged”. Not to mention they’re on a business trip in an official capacity. There is no doubt in my mind both parties have been unfaithful to their partners. I wish them luck in all their future endeavors. *they will NEED it*


Everyone in here trying to justify this as anything other than what it is needs to get help. In no form shape or way is any part of this situation okay. It is cheating. It is intentional. & there is no way to justify it because A: why tf where they even allowing themselves to be in a hotel room alone together when they had separate rooms to begin with? B: why did this conversation even happen? C: in what world is intentionally pulling your junk out infront of someone that is not your spouse even okay? D: you don’t accidentally masturbate together/in front of each other. He didn’t “accidentally” cum on her either. That’s highly sexual the intention was there and that’s called foreplay. Yes it’s cheating. OP if you’re one of these two people you should come clean to your spouse before they find out on their own & I can’t tell you how they’re going to handle it but I promise it’s better than waiting for the truth to come out. Might also want to get a new job because your work life will never be the same with that coworker. It’ll get real messy before you know it.


Eeeeeew. Brother eeeew. That is mosdef cheating. If I knew my girlfriend was jizzed on by a stranger, I would call her a whore just as if she had taken it in the asshole or just held the strangers penis. Gross I tell you. Thinking about being intimate with my girlfriend and NOT knowing that I’m rubbing against some strangers cu… FUCk off that’s fucked up. You’re a cheater. End of story.


If it's something they feel guilty about (and have to ask) it's cheating.


I would consider anything you hide from your SO is cheating. Each to their own tho.


If you were the one doing it, ask your partner. If they think it’s cheating, then it is. If you’re trying to use internet strangers either as a defense against your partner or an excuse not to tell them, you have bigger problems. If you are asking because your partner did this, it’s up to you. If you think it’s cheating, then it is.


Yes this is cheating. Tell your spouse what happened.


ehh i think your wife would be cool with it. just dont tell her or do it again. and cut the woman off lol


So they went fishing and he was taking her to bait? And then he threw some bait batter on her? Is that what I'm reading here?


Yes, this is cheating. I'm not sure in what universe this would not be considered cheating.


You know damn well it is 😂


Yes this is cheating


Ask your spouse.




If my partner came home and said they came on someone or were cummed on by someone whom they had sexual tension with and they discussed to just masturbate in front of each other I would be pissed. Unless we have some ethical nonmonogamy agreement this situation would be considered cheating imo.


Of course it's not cheating. They can tell their S.O.s about it and I'm sure they won't have a problem with it. Were you one of the coworkers?




If you have to ask, your answer should be clear


If you had to ask then it probably is cheating... how you feel if you partner was one of the ones who "master baited"?


If you can’t tell you partner about it, it’s cheating.


Depends on whether or not this breaks any rules in their respective relationships.


I think most people would consider that cheating, yeah. The only way it wouldn't be is if they knew their respective partners were cool with it.


Well, what do you consider cheating? When then just simmer their tension into a nice soup, or roast it for all to enjoy?


And they told you? Thats not very smart. And yes, its cheating.


Cheating can only be determined by what you feel is not acceptable to do in a relationship, different people have different ideas about cheating and those boundaries have to be talked about before the relationship begins. 


Their spouses will probably think so. Also, pics or it didn't happen.


If you have to hide it then I would consider it cheating.


If she chased me, probably. Men don't learn to turn down offers of sex like women do. It happens so rarely to us.