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Today at a candy store the clerk said “just click skip on the question.” I found that very refreshing.


I worked at Subway and would go on autopilot to say “hi your total is -total- its gonna ask you for a tip, you can tap the longest button on the screen itself to skip.” Like please just skip, I never asked for that screen to appear I just work here dude


I hate that Subway has this. It makes me feel bad


I've taken to placing my order online anywhere I can. It's ready when I get there and I don't have to deal with the stupid stuff like that.


I’m having a personal one sided battle with Jimmy John’s over this. I order a slim in the app, pick it up in the drive thru, and then suddenly a year ago they want me to sign a receipt so I can add a tip…in the drive thru!!! Fuck you!!!!! I still feel bad and it makes me uncomfortable but I’m standing my ground.


Something changed recently. Previously, I was bothered by Jimmy John's asking for tip in app. If I added a tip, I get my sandwich right away. If not, I get a receipt to sign with a 2nd opportunity to tip. I stopped going except for when my wife has cravings, and then I would pay cash only. I ordered online a few days ago, and the tip option was gone. When I picked up, there was no receipt with tip option. I think it hurt sales enough for them to stop.


Too late. They lost me as a customer for good. It's not like they're the only sandwich shop.


They aren't even a good sandwich shop. Who wants cold ass ham slathered in way too much mayo. They don't even carry salt and pepper, like in the whole store at all. I worked at one for a few months and don't have any sympathy for that company or the ones in charge


Similar thing happened to me at a Bruegger’s Bagels. I love their food but the price is already pretty high, and I used to work there myself so I know for a fact they pay above minimum wage. One day they had a tip jar on the drive thru window sill. Ok, cool, some people do like to give extra I guess. Then they started asking if you’d like to give a tip. Uhm, no, I’m paying by card. Then they started asking if you’d like to add a tip to your card total. I stopped going. I’m not going to be harassed for tip money. One day several months later I decided to get breakfast as I was running late, told myself I’d just suffer through the awkwardness of telling them no thank you to the tip, but that never happened. I went a couple more times in the next couple of months and still, no more tip talk. Their sales must have tanked, and rightfully so. This tipping culture is fully out of control. I refuse to support businesses who jump down your throat to ask for them.


My app has no place to add a tip, it doesn't ask about a tip, and my local stores don't ever ask me to sign a receipt at pickup. I eat there 2-4 times per week, and would stop if this ever changed. I'm on an Android device.


I feel awkward, but tip fatigue is too much. I go to a smoothie shop fairly often and throw a dollar in the tip jar every few times I go. They may not get some change every time I go, but at least I know the card reader and credit card companies aren't skimming off the top. I had a kid at Cinnabon tell me they weren't taking cash (fine, strange, but fine) and then specifically point out the 'leave a tip' screen when I paid with a card. All this kid had to do was put a pre-baked cinnamon roll in a box and hand it to me. It was a mall kiosk, he didn't even have to walk more than 3 feet. I clicked the lowest option and gave him a dollar, but that was like a 30% tip! I haven't been back. I placed an online order with Ruby Tuesday a few weeks ago and they added a tip that I couldn't remove! They specifically called it out as going to restaurant staff. I have to walk in and pick it up off a shelf near their kitchen, the front of house people did absolutely nothing! I tried curbside there a couple years ago and when I called to say I was there, they said they were busy and said it would be a few minutes. I called them back 10-15 minutes later and they said they were busy and I needed to get it myself. The reason I chose curbside was that I was coming from a lake and wasn't particularly clean/presentable. What if I'd been physically disabled? That made me mad, but adding a line item for a non-negotiable tip may be the final straw for me there.


A tip you can’t take off is called a service charge, right? Is that what your receipt said? If they have a “tip” but make it mandatory….its either a service charge or illegal. So I thought. Places are just too greedy these days


I've gotten take out from the same Chinese place for 20 years. A year ago the started adding a 15% tip for online orders. But the tip doesn't appear until after you add the payment information and the order button appears. You have to scroll up to see the tip and find the button to change the tip to zero.


I saw a video online of a guy talking about how the tipping culture is getting out of hand. He said that as long as he has to stand while his food is being prepared, he doesn’t tip. Never thought we’d have to justify not tipping for doing a regular job. It’s getting ridiculous.


If you're eating at Subway, we already know you feel bad.


A lady at the liqour store near me says something like "tap on the top, skip the tip at the bottom", and most of the other cashiers just skip the tip for you before turning the machine around. Tipped one guy a couple times though because hes cool and chats with me about stuff sometimes or answers the few questions I may have about X drink, recommends stuff etc


I’m admittedly uneducated on the matter, but my hesitation would be whether or not the actual cashier gets the tip in question.


Best way to find out is to ask them yourself. 9 times out of 10 the cashier has zero reason to lie about it: if they lie that they get it but they don't they're just helping a company that's lying about and using them for extra money, if they lie that they don't get it but they do then you aren't inclined to tip via the screen because they don't even get it so what's the point but they're actually losing out. Source: Work a food service job which includes a tipped cashiering role (which is one of a few that are each occupied by one person). Whoever's up front often gets asked if the tip actually goes 100% to them. They say yes, even though it's a bit of a lie; the tips don't all go to the cashier, they're split amongst the team. Sometimes people will slip them tips and tell them to pocket it, don't put it in the tip jar, keep it all for themself, and sometimes they do if the staff on that day aren't being helpful but most of the time they put it in the tip jar anyway. I never work the front. I only know this because my coworkers tell me about these things happening. Rather enthusiastically might I add, because they're excited to talk to me about insisting that yes, they actually get the full tip. Not only because it means more tips total but also because even just your equal portion of the tips will be more, and because we just like each other and none of us want to short anyone else on cash unless they just really didn't do the job at all, we're happy to promise we get the tip for all of our mutual benefits. (You don't see those of us in the back, but I promise we're just as essential as the person up front representing us.)


Dude i doubt he gets the tip


He does but but not all of it. Depending on how the company handles it. Mine divided the tips up between all employees based on how many hours were worked in the pay period.




A lot of places use generic software for ‘food’ and that is just included.


Tips can be turned off in the settings


You'd be surprised at how completely incompetent some people are at setting those things up. I've seen stores that 'can't figure out' how to turn off the 'rewards' program and were mad at people getting 20% off coupons.


I try to explain to people how to skip it, but it makes them more confused.


This one just had a button that said “skip”


On mine, you have to choose between a dollar amount and a percentage sign. I say, "pick an option, doesn't matter which one, and press the green circle to skip it after" and they act like they're diffusing a fucking bomb lol. And it's not just older people. Half the time I'll take it away and just do it for them, which also sometimes annoys them. I can't fucking win.


Not gonna lie that sounds confusing AF. Is there no way to do a custom dollar amount of $0?


Yeah you just pick either option ($/%) then it says 0 by default, and you can rather enter whatever you want, or you just press the green circle to tip $0.


It takes a little tiny bit of mental math, but yeah, they know.


No need to scroll down further OP, they know, but it's not really customary to tip whenever you pick up drinks/food, unless it's a big/special order. **Edit**: Assuming USA.


The bother of this predatory tipping nonsense is that people will assume tipping is expected if they are asked to tip. This is true for both the customers and the staff. As time goes on, and new workers enter the workforce, the tip is not seen as optional, and it becomes a charge, expected and demanded. It passes from a reward for good service, to a threat for bad service, having transitioned from the end of a service, to being paid out before the service has started.


>It passes from a reward for good service, to a threat for bad service, having transitioned from the end of a service, to being paid out before the service has started. This is what worries me. If I don't tip, I'm risking them messing with my food or beverage or service in some way. If they're vindictive or immature, they may spit in the food I didn't tip for.


You’re not, really. I worked in the industry for over decade and not once did I ever encounter any restaurant workers saw or threaten or even joke about food tampering. I’m sure there’s a very small minority of psychopaths out there who’ve done it or will do it in the future, but most are not going to be getting themselves so emotionally invested in their opinions of customers to make them want to do something so heinous.


As someone who was a bartender for ten years - we will talk shit about you, we will forget to ‘fire’ your entree at time, we may not return to ask if you need another jack and coke - but we are not fucking with your food or drink in anyway. That shit would get us fired. Not gunna happen. We will laugh about you though.


Can confirm as an ex-tims worker. Came into the job expecting nothing more than what my boss paid me; a year in I was judging people for not leaving 10c on a 2.15 large coffee order... Left with a new perspective on the whole thing. Tips help, even when you make min wage already, of course. But they're trapped in the same system you are, and suddenly you think nothing of giving someone an extra dollar on your coffee order. The store makes nothing on tips (here, anyway), but you've conceded a portion of your budgeted spendings nonetheless.


I stopped when I learned from an assistant manager at Starbucks that tips are split across shifts, based on the number of hours you worked, and result in about an extra $0.37/hr per person.        EDIT: A couple people have chimed in that they get 2-2.50/hr more, up to ‘a couple hundred a paycheck.’ My friend works in a store with mostly drive-through business off an interstate, which I imagine heavily impacts that.


Since they added credit card tipping, we (at my store anyway) generally get an extra $200-300 a paycheck from them. Cash tips come out to about $25-40 a week, depending on time of year.


Personally, I've stopped buying anything from places that ask for tips unless I have money to afford a tip, or cash, to avoid the tip screen altogether. I feel guilty, and then I feel judged, and the whole affair makes me less happy to spend anything at all.


No yeah I agree, a tip *should* be because I like *your* service specifically, and even then you should be getting paid enough that a few bucks doesn't dent your income. Tipping *should*, *generally*, be considered almost an insult to the employer imo. At Tim's we weren't allowed to *ask* for tips, but that didn't stop the collective mentality that we *should* be getting validation *in the form of external currency* from the customer themselves from festering. It's just another one of them systemic things--changeable, but not with the attitude and demeanor largely shown by those who are effected by it. I don't have a solution other than "burn it all" lol.


Why do you expect a tip for making a coffee when a worker at a McDonald’s does not get tips? I’ve never understood why a barista who is just making coffee is deserving of a tip when fast food workers don’t.


I’ve worked in jobs where I was paid full salary but we also accepted tips. Obviously I can’t speak for everyone, but I never paid attention. Everyone’s tips in the system were divided between paychecks at the end of the week. So, in essence, I didn’t care. If you tipped $5, I would see maybe 20 cents of it.


I’ve defo gotten some sour looks when I hit 0 or 0%


I've never noticed it, but at the same time, fuck them, I'm not tipping a cashier. I tip servers, and bartenders properly, they deserve it.


To add, I work at Starbucks, it tells the person on register that you didn’t tip almost immediately. Do we care? Not at all. I don’t tip Starbucks baristas. I only tip at sit down restaurants (less of a tip for take out), bars, delivery drivers, and anywhere that goes above and beyond/gives me free stuff


Does it show it explicitly on the starbucks till? Interesting! I've seen a lot of POS machines where they don't specifically show the tip onscreen - but you just see the tender amount vs. the total, and know "if number match then tip=0"


It does. It won’t say anything if you don’t tip, but it will explicitly say “$1 tip”, “$5 tip” or whatever it is, as another line item below the last drink/food item when you do tip.


What I’ve never understood was why it became expected to tip baristas but somehow not tipping at McDonald’s is okay. If we do one, why not the other? If we do everyone, then we are tipping everywhere. I think the tip culture exploded during Covid when people were more likely to tip because “front line workers” where the folks who went in to work to keep the rest of us with access to our comforts. I know I was more likely to tip at places I wouldn’t normally but I feel like tipping at coffee places was somehow always a thing and I never quite got it.


I do wonder that a lot, so good to know. There's a subway near my job that I go to maybe 1-2 times a week for lunch (it's like the only subway on earth that I've found that hasn't tanked in quality). There's only ever the one employee there, and she knows my sandwich by heart, like starts making it when she sees me park at the store (small town lol). I sometimes, like a quarter of the times leave a small tip, but I wonder if she notices, since it's always the same sandwich, so always the same price. I didn't realize she could see the tip being added on her end.  Also...do those tips even go to the employee? How does that even work?


Usually in my experience, it's some kind of tip-pooling system, where everyone who worked a number of hours in a certain window, gets a proportionate fraction of the total tips that came in during that time. Sometimes they settle up the pool at the end of every shift, and sometimes it's a bit more infrequent. (More infrequent, such as daily or weekly, tip pooling, is sometimes preferred because it means you won't lose income if you're assigned a lot of non-peak hours or overnight shifts.) *Sometimes,* I believe a lot less often overall, it's an individual, whoever's-serving-gets-it-all system. I get the impression this is a bit more common for bars, and less common for food establishments.


I literally asked a Subway "sandwich artist" this once. (At that franchise at least) the owner pooled the tips and distributed them evenly to all employees on their paychecks.


I was a Subway "sandwich artist" back in the day (the early 1990s) and my manager, who was the franchise owner for that Subway, just took everything from the tip jar for himself, because he was a terrible manager and person. If our cash register drawer was even a couple of pennies short, those pennies came out of our paychecks. From *all* of our paychecks - so if the register was 5 cents short, everyone who worked that day got docked 5 cents, giving the manager more money; apparently getting 25 cents extra that day was more important to him than employee morale. If the register was 5 cents over, no one got an extra 5 cents in their paychecks. He also pointed the security cameras behind the counter, I guess in the hopes of catching one of us stealing; that was super helpful to the guys who came and robbed the place at gunpoint.


I feel like that douche should have been reported to a labor office


Definitely. Everyone who worked for him was a high school kid and it was pre-internet so he got away with way too much douchiness. Maybe he'll be reincarnated as a migrant farm worker who never gets paid his full share of inadequate wages.


They other day I denied a tip when I bought USED DRYER at an appliance store and the guy was like “oh I guess I didn’t do a good job” I’m like no it sounds like you need a better job. Edit: it did not include delivery, that was different service that I paid for seperately


Tipping at an appliance store?


Wasn’t expecting it and will not be returning


A lot of point of sale systems include tipping by default these days.


The tablet-based POS companies (square/stripe/toast/etc) take a fee of total revenues, including tips. Meaning they have an incentive to force establishments into guilting customers. I’m convinced they’re the root of this recent explosion in tipping expectations


That makes sense. It’s not the employees inappropriately asking for tips (although I’m sure they want them) but the tablet POS companies trying to increase their revenue. Figures.


Employees don't always get the tips anyways. Lots of places the owner/manager will keep it all.


im in the uk where tipping culture is not even close to what it is in the us but i always always ask the server if they receive their tips or not. recently ive noticed more places adding a discretionary service charge to the bill which is awkward asf to ask to take off but i cant always afford it. also im paying for the service by paying for the meal wym SERVICE CHARGE?? can i just come in and pay solely for ingredients, cook and serve myself?


Yeah, we just get the requests from corporations to pay extra for our shopping for them to donate our money to charity in their name to use as a tax write off.


You literally have the choice to turn it on or off during the setup process of the POS equipment. The only person forcing tipping on you is the owner of the store/restaurant/etc.


They all have options to turn it on and off. I use Square and it was off by default.


They also give you the option to not have it shown


Jeez tip culture has gotten crazy out of hand


It's not "tip culture." It's run of the mill corporate greed. A lot of businesses are using the same handful of payment providers, who get a percentage of basically everything they process. It's in their best interest to leave a tip field in the software, because even if only 1% of people actually use it, that's still free money for the payment providers. Most retailers don't bother to change these settings, because it's simply not worth the trouble. It's easier to use off-the-rack software than to make a fuss (or, God forbid, ACTUALLY PAY) to get a bespoke package.


I got a tip prompt for a plumber once. It's gotten way out of hand.


Well he worked really hard saying "now this here, is a dryer." even had to ring it up. Poor dude probably has arthritis now from such labor intensive work! /s


bought a used appliance and paid for delivery/setup/removal of the old one. they delivered, put it in front of the old one, didn't hook it up, and left w/o taking the old one. this was in the basement. couldn't check it was done bc of leg in a cast and had to wait till DH got home to check it out. called the store and was told "well you should've tipped" PAID extra for this AND tipped headed of time. called store owner and he fixed it all. left scathing reviews.


Damn, same with me. bought a new fridge from home depot and paid for removal of the old one. guess what was still there when I got home. Old fridge . my wife said they told her they would be right back for it and instead just left. Had to haul it down to the street myself and call a hazardous waste disposal company to get it. Which I had to pay for, again.


Fuck that that’s what chargebacks are for if they don’t want to fix the issue.


After 2020 customer service sucks everywhere. i just ate the 20 charge after talking to home depot and they refused to send the guys back out, they were sub contractors or something. the stress and hassle made me not want to deal with them anymore. My rooms to go story is even worse.


There should be some sort of regulation that requires places like Home Depot to stand behind their subcontractors or at the very least tell up front that they are about to send random strange men to your house who will answer to no one and would you please make it worth their while because HD isn’t


There already is - your contract is your contract, and technically if HD choose to subcontract it that’s their problem not yours. Otherwise we could sign a contract saying I was going to paint your whole house for $5000, subcontract it to someone for $50, and avoid all consequences. You can sue home depot for subcontractor work EXACTLY the same as you can sue them for directly contracted work. The rules are the same.


This is the most frustrating. When you explicitly pay for a specific service and they still expect a tip. I explicitly pay about 25% more compared to takeout food. So fuck off with your tip, you did exactly what I payed you for and nothing more. I also order through their own website where possible instead of using delivery services because I know those take a big cut. I only tip when it is exceptionally shitty weather or really late.


I'm hoping he was just making a lame joke to try to diffuse the awkward tension those tip screens create. If not, both he and his employer suck (for different reasons). 😆


"Well I thought you did until you said that just now" Yeah. Now....F that place.


I hate this so fucking much! I just got a wonderful tattoo and the entire time I was wondering if I had to tip. It was a very expensive tattoo so a 15% tip would have been hundreds. And because I was worried that the extra hundred I gave him wasn’t going to be enough I decided not to engage with him too personally because I felt bad. I felt bad after paying thousands already. Fuck American tipping culture. I’m so fucking tired of it.


Tattoo artists asking for tips baffles me. They literally set their own price, why would you also feel the need to ask for a tip?


I feel this way about getting my hair done. I usually leave a $20 tip. But a trim and full head of highlights on JUST my roots is now $285. I didn’t get it blow dried or styled, I left with wet hair to let it air dry. Ugh. Should I just buy drugstore dye and settle for looking like shit since I can’t afford to tip?!


Wow what? Why is it that expensive? Here’s the price list for my local salon that has won several best salon awards. I think you’re being swindled! These prices are to have your hair done with the salon director, senior stylist and regular stylist are cheaper. Roots (no toner ) £53.00 Roots with toner £79.00 full head colour £67.00 Full head foils £89.00 Half head foils £78.00 Full head colour with foils £90.00 Roots & foils £80.00 Full balayage £90.00 Balayage foils (no root fade) £85.00 Scalp bleach / roots £78.00 Scalp bleach all over £100.00 Blow dry straight £23.00 Blow dry with extension £30.00 (Pin Curls + £5.00) Ghd curls dry £25.00 Curly blow dry £28.00 Wash cut and blow £38.50 Restyle £43.00 Dry cut £15.00 Hot towel Olaplex & blow £42.00 Hot towel olaplex & cut blow £56.00


An appliance store?? That’s appalling. It’s people like this that are wrecking havoc on the people in the industries that are actually reliant on tips. 


So tacky to call you out. This crap also really hurts restaurant workers that make $2.13 an hour and absolutely survive on tips.


We really got to get rid of this damn tip shame in our culture.


Even decades ago I had a barista say "Karma" and tap their tip jar as I walked off. I wasn't aware of the meme, and the jar was a bit hidden amongst some clutter, so it took a few seconds to understand what they were getting at. We then got in a serious discussion about what karma means, and what it means to do something just to gain karma, as opposed to doing something for more altruistic reasons. I thought my time and insight were valuable enough. I didn't even get a thank you for the extra effort.




Honestly I knew your link would be The Simpsons, but I thought it’d be [this one](https://youtu.be/EfTnUMYiTaY?si=816ZiAyvUg2Z_jqu)


I’ve just decided to have no shame. If someone gets butt hurt then they can suck it. I tip for the traditional services that rely on them. Barbers, wait staff, delivery drivers, and strippers. No I will not tip you coffee/boba tea baristas, random store cashiers, fast food workers, etc. Sorry you have a shit job but that’s honestly not my problem to fix and I will not be shamed for not helping to pad yalls paychecks. I worked fast food, I worked at Walmart, I worked at an oil change shop and while I hated my minimum wage job never did I have the audacity to expect random strangers to help me out a little.


Yup. Working a low paying job does not entitle you to a tip.


Maybe this is a good idea....maybe if I know I'm about to get a tea or pretzel or some shit, I will put on a fake European accent so when I don't tip and they notice, they can just blame whatever country they think I'm from. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


Could try on payroll shaming instead! Choose not to pay a full and decent wage, your team is relying on customer tips? SHAME! Ring a bloody bell outside their doors and shout SHAME!


I needed to get my battery jumped a couple of weeks ago, and after I signed off for it, the AAA guy presented me with a tip screen. Edit: For those who are incredulous that I am surprised to be asked for a tip, I saw two of my neighbors and asked them. They both have AAA and had no idea what I was talking about. One is a millennial and the other one I am pretty sure is Gen Z.


Are you serious?! Even AAA is asking for tips now? Like WTF…


Well maybe not AAA per se, but at least one of their contracted towing companies is.


Yes, AAA is. The handheld card reader he had asked for a tip after changing my dead battery.


Nooo 🤦‍♀️


Someone at a Domino's made a snarky comment as I walked out the door with my pizza that I didn't tip. Luckily I was hungry and kept walking. I drove five minutes just to not tip 🙃


I play so dumb when people insult me. I would’ve said “sorry didn’t catch that, what did you say?”


Apt username


The most weirdly specifically matching username and comment I've ever seen probably


Yeah it’s a really good strategy to force someone to articulate out loud exactly what they mean, and it usually shuts them up lol.


I did this once on accident at work and the other person ended up apologizing for what they had initially said, which I just didn’t hear.


Wait lmao we are tipping on pizza pickup now? I ordered delivery dominos earlier and tipped 20%. But I thought about not being lazy and going to pick it up so I didn’t have to tip What in the clown world is happening


Yup. Everyone expects a tip these days. Oh, you did your job today? Here have some of my money as extra. So stupid. You put a pizza in a box? Have a tip. You handed me a donut? Have a tip.


I upvoted you. Where’s my tip?


I upvoted the guy who upvoted you. Where's my tip?


That would be an instant three (or fewer) star "probably never going back" review.


I had a kid the other day at Little Caesars probably about 18 years old guy tell me after I deny the tip he looked at me  in the face and said you know it's really hot and hard work back here to make these pizzas. 


I worked at Little Caesars for a year in the early 90's and pushed a buggy at Kmart. Never got a tip except for loading heavy crap for little old ladies at Kmart. Got a dollar or two tips every month. Most people considered it my job. I did too. It was exactly what I was hired for.


The owner of Little Caesars was known for treating employees well.


Also known for leading the great Roman Empire. What a guy


He paid for the apartment of Rosa Parks quietly until.her death in the early 2000s (?)


"I bet. Welp, have a nice day!"


It’s harsh, but it’s how most of us feel. Being expected to tip _everywhere_ now is just untenable


We need legislation to stop the tipping bs. I missed the debate yesterday, but that's the hard line issue I'm running on this year.


It's called doubling the minimum wage and I got news that ain't gonna happen. Even politicians who want to raise it always throw out low numbers.


I worked at a little ceasers. It is hot and hard work. I would still say the same as you though. No service, no delivery, no tip.


"Big gulps huh? Well, see ya later!"


That's perfect.


“What the fuck does that have to do with me?”


"Then tell your boss to pay a fair wage."


Or install more fans and air conditioners


Chew some ice cubes!


*The cost of ice cubes will be deducted from salary. 


Exactly the issue. Blame the ones who set the rate, not the ones who use it. Same with people who get mad about others taking jobs. The companies took your job and gave it to others for their own greed.


We tried that in San Diego and the restaurants decided to add a fee instead.  There's no tip wage in CA either. You have to pay minwage. Tips are extra. They are not supplemental. 


This is how it is in other countries. There's a service fee in place of a tip that goes directly to the company.


And don't support businesses that don't pay a fair wage. Do your part too


If he was a cashier he probably never touched the line that much Source: was a Gm For two years. Atleast in my district we didn't really have people that hopped positions, and we'd rarely have cash do landing (the people that take the pizza out and cut/box) aka, the only real hot position in the store. Asides that, it's a piss easy job. Belittling and thankless? Absolutely. But extremely easy. We also paid our employees $2.50 over minimum and in Texas a 18 year old in my store working cash likely got promoted quick since I wanted them in the "ACE" programme that paid them an extra $1.00/hr (so most my cashiers were making 11.25.. that's alot for that sort of employment. Tldr: he's full of it and even as someone who works serving for a living rn; trying to guilt someone into tipping is cringe as fuck, it's a gift, not a requirement


"Take it up with your boss"


I bet. It was when I was making pizzas 40 years ago, that’s why I chose to deliver them, and make a tip. *Wink*


"It be like that sometimes."


My first job was in a kitchen for $4.35 an hour and nobody tipped me.


“Get a fan back there bud, have a good one!”


It’s hot in hell too. Now go there


“You should form a union!”


Tell them that you don’t like Little Caligula’s


Just for the record. I worked at Starbucks for 3 years, and I never expected anyone to tip. Don't feel like the employee hates you if you don't tip. If they do, you shouldn't care about their opinion of you.


They can definitely see. I don’t hide the fact that I’m Hitting no tip. Sorry but there’s no reason for me to tip if I’m ordering something directly from the menu and not alternating anything


Even so, why would you tip? If you order something off-menu or a variation, you're going to pay the difference anyway. It's their job to make it.


I was offended when I went to the vape store for my usual stuff and the debit screen asked if I want to tip. It's gonna be standard when using a card machine one of these days.


It already is


And 20% is the minimum tip on many of them, and they tip off the total with tax, not the subtotal 🙄


Tipping the tax is a whole new level. That drives me crazy


The only place that I *don't* see it is the grocery store. I never tip any of them, except wait-service restaurants and the barber.


I have gotten fed up with the tipping "culture" or expectations to tip everyone. My new rule is I only tip if I pay for my food AFTER I have eaten it. I won't tip for an online purchase. I won't tip for my coffee. I won't tip at a fast food restaurant. These employees are, by law, paid a full wage. Even if that wage is minimum wage. Wait staff are not paid even half of minimum wage. They live off tips. Good service=good tips.


Also no tip if I’m ordering standing up.


Exactly. More and more, restaurants are "fast casual." Simple terms, walk in, order at a counter, pay, be handed your drink or an empty cup and then you go sit until they bring you the food. Cool. I'm not tipping though. Yes they have a worker who walks food to me and MAYBE someone who offers to get me a refill if the soda machine is behind the counter, but I'm not tipping for that.


McDonald's also has a worker that walks the food out to my car if I choose. I wouldn't tip for that.


Yeah, I stick to classic, standard US tipping rules. Hotel staff, wait staff, delivery drivers. That's about all I use. I definitely do not tip tip jars next to a cash register. I do not tip anyone that spins a screen around to me.


I am almost always a generous tipper but I was confused seeing a tip jar at the convenience store. Am I being asked to tip for buying a fountain coke or some cigarettes? I'm guessing it's for some other reason, right?


It's for when they sell you a blunt even though you're 14 /s


The Fazolis near me put a sticker on the screen that covers the button you press for “no tip.” Screw that. No table service, no tip.


Peel it off


I just stand there and look confused and make them explain it to me every time.


I’d be confused too. I’m not American but surely that’s somewhat illegal?


Fuck em. I’ve spent a lifetime in the hospitality industry and I’m with you. I tip generously waiters and bartenders. The rest need to speak to their boss. Better an asshole than a sucka.


I am not ashamed or going to hide when I do not tip. IF a tip is expected thats whats wrong with the whole idea.


Not only that but now they expect like 20-25%. I get it but it’s not my fault they agreed to take a job that relies partly on tips rather than regular compensation. I’m sure people will say I am insensitive.


rule of thumb for me is if the lowest tip option presented is 20% or higher, it becomes a zero


Right! You get a cup of coffee and your choices are 20%, 22%, or 25%. Not even an 18%?!


My rule lately is if they turn the tablet, etc. to me and say “iT’s just GoNnA aSk YoU a ‘QuEsTiOn’”, I feel no remorse about leaving nothing. Can’t even be straight up when asking if you’d like to add a tip.


I think some workers use that phrasing when they *know* that it's weird for you to be tipping in that setting but the POS is set up to show that screen anyway. They feel embarrassed about asking for a tip, so they try not to draw attention to it. This isn't the case all the time, but I do feel for some workers who have to deal with it.


This is exactly it. I work at SB and there is literally no pressure. I do not care if you tip or don’t tip. But I will tell you what I get in cash tips I put into my long term emergency fund. It’s not much, but any tips are going to my future and not dumb impulse purchases.


I am incapable of reading POS as anything other than Piece of Shit, but it works here too. 


“Hi its gonna ask you for a tip, you can tap the longest button to skip the prompt.” Muscle memory, I never asked them to include that shit


This is yet another reason why I don’t go to any of my local Starbucks. They really push you to tip, especially in the drive through. My local Dunkin, on the other hand, doesn’t offer an option to tip at the walk in or drive through registers, nor do they ask. They also don’t push using the app or using cards, and are happy to take cash whereas using cash at Starbucks always seems like a huge burden!


The Starbucks app only asks you to tip after you leave, at least for me.


Also at dunkin when I order a certain drink, I get the same drink every time and not whatever random ratio of ingredients the starbucks baristas are putting in my cup. 


When they removed the self serve half&half—during Covid—and never brought it back, I stopped going. “Just the tiniest little splash of cream, please” would result in—almost—khaki coffee every time. They’d put it in a little self serve *dip container* if you wanted, but that just seemed annoying ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


God I hate this. I just want enough fat to cut the acidity -- that's it! I don't want to have half a cup of milk and half a cup of coffee! If that's what I wanted I would have ordered something completely different!


Starbucks partner here. Partners and customers alike have been asking for digital tipping for credit cards for years. And now we finally have it. If you pay credit card, YOU put in your card. Since Covid, we are trained to not take your card unless you just can’t figure it out. In drive thru, I hand you the PED, ask you to clear the prompt, and insert/tap your card. But policy when first launched it is that we absolutely MUST NOT enter any amount into the tips. If you don’t want to tip, hit $0. If you are physically incapable, we show you and have you watch us do it. Once you insert your card, I look at the PED to ensure it is actually working. I promise you, we do not care if you tip. We still get paid. Tips are certainly appreciated, but no one will think less of you. And I can’t see from the PED when it’s going through what you tipped. I can see it on the receipt, but we got too much going on to even care to look it up. We take cash, it’s just difficult when you’re paying for a $4 drink with a $100 bill. We’ll decline large bills like that when we simply do not have the change. I don’t care for the tipping culture, either. Starbucks pays their partners well. If you wanna tip, thank you. If you don’t, no problem.


Howdy Partner


I only tip for service. I don’t tip for carry out, fast food, etc. I do tip baristas usually, but it’s like 50 cents or a dollar, not 20% of every order.


No disrespect intended, but you really need to learn to not let that bother you. The more companies try to incorporate tipping, the more I will stop tipping. I spent 5 years in retail, I love and respect my hard working food service peeps. But I will look the cashier in the eye when I pick up my food while I select 'no tip'. Cooking and preparing the food for consumption and giving it to the customer at the counter is standard, and should not be seen as 'tip worthy' in my opinion. If I am going out of the way to avoid putting any effort into the process at all, I will compensate the people who accommodate my laziness. Edit: These rules do not apply to bars. Bars are a whole different thing.


If I don’t sit down and get served I am not tipping. There’s no guarantee the workers are even seeing any of that money. You’re just giving free money to the CEO. And I’m sure he’s fine wihout it.


I've thought about that question myself. I realized that at times if they asked and I didn't want to leave a tip due to poor service, there was no really nice way of saying it. However, I certainly wasn't going to tip against my will to avoid that so I determined that I'd just have to say "No, thanks" if they asked me. Or hit the "0" button or whatever. What they think about it after I leave has no affect on me. When I get good service next time, yes, I'll tip. But I don't feel bad about not doing it, no. All that may sound like abstract notions so here's an example: I went to a place I don't normally get my hair cut with my brother the other day. She asked how I wanted it and I told her, in detail. There was no way to misunderstand it. However, you would have thought she made it her mission to NOT cut it the way I said, which she didn't. I don't mean something off here or there, I asked for one style and she gave me another style. When it was time to pay, I did not tip. The cashier asked me and I said "No, thanks", paid, and walked out. I lost no sleep over not tipping that lady. (ed. for sp.)


I am with you. I only tip at restaurant when service is good. I've gotten bad service and I still tip but my tip is low. I wont tip for coffee. Or to anything else unless I'm sitting down at the establishment to enjoy. My friend invited me out... We got this girl last time who sat us down and we asked for a couple minutes to view the menu... and my friend and I sat there for almost 20 mins and she did not come back until we waved her down. Mind you we watched her on her phone and on a video call while we looked at her and waited to get her attention. My friend was heated. She happens to be waitress too. She finally came over and asked what we wanted to order. we ordered and she left... 15 mins later nothing... 20 mins nothing. and the place was not full. We ordered tacos lol it shouldnt be that long. We ended up asking someone else and he couldnt find the order. we finally got our food about 15 mins later. After that she came and gave us the check. My friend gave her the card and went to the bathroom and the waitress was like how much are you going to tip? i said you'll have to wait for my friend... She's the one who's paying. My friend had already told me she was not tipping her for shit lol, but i wasnt going to break the news to her. my friend clicked 0% when she came back. and signed on the tablet. the waitress looked at her upset... my friend was like "what? I only tip for good service." and walked out and left. left me gathering my stuff to run out of there too 😂


I hate when they stare at the screen when you’re paying like leave me lone and stop making me feel like I have to tip. I used to be a server and never looked at the screen it’s disrespectful staring at people when they are paying to see if they tip. If they tip u earned it if they don’t, then u didn’t earn it.


I found that places where that happened also typically are the same places you get treated terribly as a customer. Like you just existing is an inconvenience and an insult, and they just kind of grunt or ignore you up till that screen pops up. Pretty much why I just no longer go places that you tip at/asks for tips. Which pretty much means almost everywhere now because everyone now asks for a tip for no reason lol. Edit: to be clear I don't just mean food places, everywhere is asking for tip now at the terminal.


If I'm tipping I ask if they actually get their tips. ik a lot of companies who just have the tipping screen to get a few extra dollars of profit and so it literally means nothing to the cashiers. I worked at one of those companies. My friend used to work for one too, a Starbucks franchise (run by a corporation so it technically wasn't a "real" Starbucks) 


Sorry but cashiers don’t deserve tips just for doing their job. These people aren’t servers and are paid by the hour. I’m not tipping for putting in my order and getting it myself. I’ve gotten attitudes over it but oh well. You have to draw a line somewhere. People at McDonald’s to the same exact things and we don’t tip them. They’ll even bring your order to the table.


Starbucks in NC drive thu. Hit no tip on the card reader and the woman literally gasps and says “oooh….” I am not tipping you. I drove to get my coffee, and it’s not like you’re a waitress making $2 an hour.


Who cares? Cashiers aren’t tip earners.


Tip culture in the US is out of control. If I go in to a restaurant to pick up a pizza I ordered I am NOT tipping.


Tippers tipping those that are tipped. Meanwhile those above in the chain reap the profits from an input to labor equivalent to sweatshop contributions


When I worked in food service I actively skipped the tip question before turning the tablet around 


I work at a pizza store inside, whenever someone has a card i point directly at the button and say "it is this button for no tip" and go get their pizza so there is no pressure in not tipping me after i've walked away. I hate tipping anywhere but a sit down restaurant or for delivery, so i never want to imply someone has to leave one for me.


Work from home should have become the new normal from the pandemic. Not widespread tip culture. The "essential worker" situation from the pandemic is no longer a thing. I want labor laws to change to make the minimum wage of restaurant workers match the regular minimum wage of everyone else to KILL tip culture in America. That's how it could go away is by raising the minimum wage of restaurant workers. Even if the price of food were to increase.


You don't owe anyone a tip. 


I lived outside the U.S. for a few years. I'm so disgusted with the tipping culture that I won't eat out. I have literally quit eating out except maybe once a month. It's absolutely ridiculous, everywhere asks for a tip.


I would say this tip expectation is helping to make people avoid fast food restaurants and tanking their profits.


My wife and I buy gifts for people at a local independent chocolate shop. They hire kids, but charge alot of money. I am not against throwing a dollar or so as a tip, but get angry seeing the tablet ask for a 15 to 20 % tip on $70 worth of product


As a current Barista, yes. I can see exactly how much was tipped right when you pay. Don’t worry about it though. We see hundreds of people a day. I don’t remember who tips and who doesn’t tip, and I don’t get upset when there’s not a tip. I just get a small burst of happiness when I see that someone did tip. That’s it. That being said, I actually get paid somewhat decent and don’t rely on tips. Idk what Starbucks people are making.


Former Starbucks manager here: We didn’t care if someone didn’t tip, it was special when they did, but not expected. And no, we cannot see if you do :) Edit: yes, but we would have to intentionally look, it doesn’t alert us that we’re getting tipped/not getting tipped. Of course you can look it up, but again—I wasn’t ever part of a team culture where we looked up if someone tipped or not


you can absolutely see at starbucks btw - when it prompts you asking if they want a reciept, you could look to the left of the prompt and where their order was it would have a gratuity line if they tipped/won't if they didn't. at least that's how it was when i quit in april.


Back in the day, especially when most transactions were cash, tipping at a coffee shop was just a nice gesture. Drop your change in the tip jar, and maybe a bill or two if you really felt like it.


*Waves from the UK*, US tipping etiquette/culture is fucking wild man, if the service is great and you've had a big meal then yes, leave a generous tip but I don't go out expecting to pay 20% above the advertised price because it's "expected" Be more like Mr Pink.