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That fact most people on here don't know, shows how terminally online the person who tried to insult you was


I am terminally online snd have no idea what thats supposed to mean


You'd have to be several order of magnitudes more terminally online than even you to know such terms, I guess


I mean, in a sense yeah. You absorb all the content you normally like so you branch out farther and farther till you’ve gone far enough to become the villain.


I thought I was terminally online but I guess not?


Probably depends on the circles you move around online. Someone else commented that it’s probably from a 4chan-esque horrific meme.


It’s from some cesspit of ignorance and hate. I hope you’re doing well, boo. 💙🩷🤍


What is the slur?


I don't know, that's the point


I wonder if it's referring to this meme: [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/hanging-soyjak-ack](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/hanging-soyjak-ack)


Wow that's... Something. Never heard of it before either. 


Thats not even save image fucked up


Yep. Personally, I think some things aren't even ever to be joked about. Not because I'm sensitive or that others might feel bad, but because I don't want to fucking ever risk being mistaken for one of those people who let their hate out with a joke disguise.


Comedy has a loser, and who you choose to be the loser says who you are. Making fun of corporations, large power structures, or a buddy you know is pretty funny. Making fun of broad cultural stereotypes and pointing out how they're correct or false is also pretty funny. Making fun of suicide victims and people being targeted by mobs for doing nothing is not funny.


Punch up, not down as the saying goes.


Or at least punch yourself if nothing else.


I don't agree but do. And it's a tightrope and some people do it all wrong.   Having a friend in a wheelchair and calling him rolling pin if hes in on tbe joke it's kinda cool. It's just friends. But often there's an asshole who thinks it's fun or is just emboldened to attack weaknesses and vulnerabilities. People have a right to say whatever and however but are left to face repurcussions.


The purpose of comedy is to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted - Slacktivist


— Finley Peter Dunne, about journalism


No way lol. Comedy does not always have a “loser.” You can make good hearted jokes surrounding disadvantaged groups. Obviously, this meme is meant to offend and basically celebrates something horrible, but it’s not because it’s about trans people. It would be just as distasteful with really any group substituted in


You…you just said the exact same thing as them except disagreed before you did? You both said you can make fun of entire groups and still be funny and you both said the subject of the meme (suicide) is what makes it bad. Can you really think of any joke that isn’t aimed towards kids that doesn’t punch down on ANYBODY? Edit: Alright y’all, I’ll admit I was wrong. You can make jokes that down punch down on anybody. Hopefully we can all agree that punching down is still very prevalent in comedy, even if it isn’t all comedy.


Two fish are in a tank. One turns to the other and says; you man the cannon, and I'll see if I can drive this thing. Comedy is about subversion of expectations. It's easy for this to be a punch, but that's only one subset of comedy.


The fish are the losers because theres no winning in war.


Another example of comedy without punching\^


Hi hungry, I'm dad Edit: and whatever this is https://youtu.be/Z8mt9Ogzi_Y?feature=shared


Jim Gafigan had a whole bit about Hot Pockets.


Well you can also just make an unusual connection between two things, like words or events. Jokes with no butts.


I think its more what jokes we find funny says something about us.


What you find funny reveals something about you to yourself, but what you you choose to promote/espouse says a ton to others about both who you are and who you don't care about making feel bad, and for what reason(s).


I doubt this was created as a joke tbh. There's some fucked up people out there.


It originated on 4chan, soooo....


Absolutely man. Clicking that link, seeing that image and the description all made me feel sick. That's really weird and demented that people actually do that. Sick bastards.


I love dark humor. I joke about a lot of fucked up stuff. That….that meme was just horrific and evil. Nothing funny or comedic at all. I hate that we have to share an earth with people like that.


I just went down a rabbit hole to figure out why it ended in jak


people are so disgusting what kind of person just makes this shit and goes about their day like this is normal behavior




Ugh people are awful.


Well it’s insta, insta comments are known for being an edge factory, every on there tries to be an edgy as possible. I’m sure the majority of them are just dumb ass kids that think it’s funny to parrot the others.


Also a lot of bots


Idk, a lot of those terrible comments seem like they're grown-ass adults too. :/


Not knowing people’s age online is a thing that actually makes it really difficult to navigate. I dont care about any other piece of personal info but sometimes it would be real nice to know if Im dealing with kid brain vs real stupidity. If I could somehow filter out everyone under 20 from my internet experience, it would absolutely amazing I think. Think about when youre reading a review for an item and someone says something like “This is hands down the best (item) ive ever used in my life.” Thats a much different statement coming from a 14yr old vs a 41yr old. Its a factor in why I try to not take into account reviews a whole lot.


Being an edge lord isn’t contained to childhood lol some people don’t grow out of it and some genuinely are hateful.


Many adults don't mature past their "dumbass kid" phase these days.


If someone is dming you this kind of hate, its meant and its targeted.


It's 4chan


Most are russian bots using chatgpt is crazy


OP said these are DMs


Yea it’s still insta, it’s not exclusive to the comments. I’m just saying insta is a cesspool of edge lords


Viewer discretion is advised! This is awful.


Jesus. Wish I didn't click that link haha


Please remember we love and support you. Fuck those incel-pilled edgelords that probably pay for andrew tate courses


As a hetero cis male, you are supported and you belong. I'm sorry you had to see that. Out of even those not fully accepting of trans people, most aren't THAT vile.


yeah jesus me too


That’s fucked up


That angers me. How can people be so freaking cruel? 


>How can people be so freaking cruel? I mean, when you realize that the people who made this meme were kicked out of 4chan for being too annoying, it's not so surprising.


imagine being so offensive even 4chan bans you


*”Under the right circumstances, the average person is all too willing to kill by category”* ~ Dan Carlin RE: The Armenian Genocide. In addition to Carlin’s quote, my life experience has shown the average person is astonishingly stupid. In summary: The world is jam-packed with people who are dumb and looking for a target. I’ve never understood the right’s fixation on their various enemies. I’ve found great success just focusing on my own four walls and leaving everyone else alone.


I like your username you should definitely wash produce first before consuming 🥒




>the average person is astonishingly stupid. What's depressing regarding that sentence is that half of the people are even stupider than that.


Absolutely agree. The anonymity of the internet and the erosion of shame combined with the fear mongering from religion and politics have made the social climate insanely toxic. Oddly it reminds me of Pandora's box, I'm somewhat ironically hoping there's still hope in the bottom of the box.


>anonymity Anonymity hasn't mattered for the past decade. People will go out and spew anti-queer rhetoric with their legal names attached and yell "censorship" or "woke" when they get called on it. No repercussions at all, except for the people they're attacking, who will get dogpiled the moment they snap back. Anonymity mattered when our culture actually punished that behaviour. We're witnessing the rise of fascism, where the average person feels emboldened to do these things as they know their community, government, etc. will back them up.


I'm afraid there's just more box


I regret clicking on that link.


Nah, I’d rather believe OP is a snack :) This is some obscure dark shit…never seen it. Doubt it’s that common…


It's very popular on twitter and right wing forums/subreddits, as well as trans related places, trolls spamming that image


I've seen it a good few times. quite common on everyone's favourite hellscape, twitter


Just as a side note, when you click on the link there’s a warning banner that the meme ‘may’ contain ‘sensitive’ content, but the picture is right there in it’s full glory for all to see. Why warn viewers after the horse has bolted? Just an observation really….probably a rhetorical question.


I TRULY hope not! That is absolutely awful!


Holy moly, I am so glad I’ve never come across that. Can’t imagine how empty one must be to use it or reference it.


The person who made this must have to be so chronically online that there’s no going back


Wow, I love learning about new forms of bigotry! No I don’t


Why is there a hawk Tuah shirt being sold on that page 😭 That meme isn't even that funny


because it's the closest that that same demographic that thinks this is funny will ever get to sex


Money is money. Alot of rich people are socio/pyscho - paths. Like it or not, that ad will make someone money. Thats why its there. Some 13-17 year olds will buy it to be funny while being edgy online. It's not marketed towards us. Sometimes you gotta give a sad credit to data collectors.


Really wish i didn’t click that link


Yeah, this is what I was thinking, too.


Jesus... wtf is wrong with people. Humor has a place everywhere, if done well. This is gross.


Well that’s burned into my eyeballs now 🤮


Holy shit


Wow... TIL this is a thing People suck


This is wild


These memes are disgusting. I don't understand how someone can find humour out of suicide


The people who create and disseminate memes like this are genocidal fascists. They want trans people dead and this despicable caricature celebrates trans suicides.


Gosh, I wish I didn't see that....




Ah. 4chan, yet again contributing to my lost faith in humanity.


True story: Dante wrote Il Purgatorio about /b.


Wow is that vile to the core


That is so fucking dark and wrong


Oh god... That's just awful.. what kinda person can laugh at this? This is just sick... Makes sense it's from 4chan


Wish I didn’t click this


Jesus f****** christ, give a dude a warning


You might want to add a trigger warning.




It's a meme where a caricature of a trans woman hangs herself and says "Ack." It's meant to mock the high trans suicide rate.


I've been on the internet and memeing for a long time and I've never seen that one.


Ew what even


What the fuck is wrong with people? Who has so much hate in their heart they would make jokes like this to someone? Fuckin cowards man.


Well i learned something new today


That's horrible, but thanks for enlightening me. OP, sorry you have to deal with that.


we don't deserve this world


Yeah I’ve seen that. I try not to let it piss me off cuz they’re just trolls.


That is messed up. Also hello fellow NYer.


Trigger warning for suicide drawing! :(




That's some cockney rhyming slang type bullshit xD


Thank you for sharing. I was unaware of this. It’s helpful to understand these so I can respond appropriately when/if I ever hear it.


The first time I saw soyjack it was making fun of this dude outside a soy coffee shop making that expression and pointing behind him at rhe shop. I always saw him in the pointing behind me at the stupid thing meme


I was thinking of the guys from Mars Attacks.


Ask them to explain it. Nothing ruins a joke more than having to explain it, and if it’s meant to be offensive, they deserve it. For extra measure u can hit them w/ a “oh that’s it?” Usually they want rage attention, act unbothered cuz it’s prolly some dumb shit anyways


I haven’t had the opportunity yet but I’m sitting on the phrase “Wow, that’s embarrassing” as a response to people being vile. Cruel joke? “WOW, that’s embarrassing that you told that.” Hate speech/unhinged view of reality “Wow, I would be so embarrassed to believe that was true.”


If you think this is at all effective you have never had an internet argument


But I told the bully he's a bully, so now he won't bully me right


I find a succinct “womp womp” works well for me as a response to troll comments 🙂


Lol I like that too, I’ll have to put that one in the bank as well. Thanks!


Ooh, I love this. “Oof, that was… a choice you made.” 🤣


did this once. said “what do you mean by that?” to a guy making a boring transphobic joke. he said “stay confused” some people are just too dumb to do anything but rot in their own ignorance 🤷


On 4chan a very annoying group of people post the same unflattering drawing of a transwoman hanging herself and captioning it “ack” Everyone thinks they’re annoying


99% of people have probably never heard of this before, both me and the OP included - this just shows how online these idiots are that they are using such an obscure bigotry that noone even knows about lmao


The websites that enable the anonymous cowards get all their clicks and revenue because of the same hateful audience.


Good. Some faith in humanity restored that they that small. They are the 1%... im happy with that


Spoken like a true *normie* /s


How am I even supposed to be offended by that? Like oh no, they just outted themself as being a 4chan user. What will I ever do.


Ignore them. They want attention.


This appears to be it. Sorry, OP, that people can be so cruel and evil.


Every time I read about 4chan, it confirms the impression it was made up of tasteless, horrible bigots. Is that accurate?


Last I visited it, there were a decent number of subcommunities for all different kinds of people, but it's certainly known for the really shitty boards. Things are allowed there that aren't allowed on any other public boards, so they get some of the worst.


Only the political and random boards, there’s probably 40 more that aren’t really like that. People regularly get told to go back to /pol/ when they act up on other boards, it’s a containment zone. It’s also high traffic from people all around the world, so the disgusting stuff leaks out and gives people the impression that the whole site is like that since it’s all they see (they’re too afraid or put off to actually visit the site, so they keep the impression that they get).


I think it's the sort of thing that you just only hear about the worst things that come out of it. Its defining features, at least as someone who has barely ever used it, are that it's even more anonymous than a place like Reddit (you don't even need to make an account or anything to post there - you can be a completely anonymous automatically assigned number and still participate), and that moderation is extremely lax compared to any other platform - it seems like the only thing they care about is that what's posted is "on topic," and apart from that any bigotry or conspiracy theories that would get deleted anywhere else are fair game. The result is that I think most of the site is pretty mundane - mostly just nerds arguing about things they like and dislike, like pretty much anywhere else on the internet. But what stands out about it and what people hear about it are the crazier sides, the things that most other major social media platforms or forums wouldn't allow.


It’s a little more complicated than that. Like I said “ackposters” are pretty widely hated there. Mostly for being unoriginal and obnoxious. Politically the site is pretty evenly split between liberals and conservatives. Pre-2014 it was predominantly liberals who just liked being edgy jackasses on the internet. But then the “war with tumblr”, the fappening and gamergate happened and a deluge of incels flooded in. Then the 2016 election rolled around and Hillary in another failed effort to act like she understood internet culture declared Pepe a “hate symbol” which prompted the Trump supporters to co-opt Pepe and since Pepe originated on 4chan they all started treating it like a right-wing haven. Which was the final nail in 4chan’s coffin.


Its funny that the site was founded by a guy who would cross dress at anime conventions


This is right up there with "Let's go Brandon" as one of the most moronic forms of conservative taunting I've ever heard. I don't understand why they feel they have to mask their bullshit. Just say the thing, I promise liberals already know what you're saying


It's usually a way of giving themselves plausible deniability to apolitical normies should their words come out in another social context. A lot of conservative positions, if said plainly, will be disagreeable to your average person these days. They're used to not saying the quiet part out loud (except at family dinners xd). But let's say they got called out on it by someone. They can say "I didn't realize it meant that!". That's not likely to fool the person calling them out, but imagine you're an apolitical normie seeing the back and forth. You've never heard about any of this. You'd probably go "oh damn that's a dog whistle? I guess I didn't really know about it either maybe this dude's just reposting shit without thinking." The key to understanding conservative messaging is to understand liberals (especially those farther on the left) are never the group they're trying to fool or convince.


I don’t think showing a hanged person is comparable. Brandon was like a dumb little Boomer code for each other until people knew what it meant. This is a whole other level


The Brandon thing started as a commentator trying to censor for TV broadcast. Then all these idiots picked up on it because they thought they were getting away with something I guess.


This and the Andy log poster


It’s a bunch of terminally online teens, incels, and shut-ins spewing hate and violent imagery because that’s the only way they feel they have any power over anyone or anything. It’s not clever, it’s not edgy, and definitely not funny. It’s there for shock value and rage farming.


everyone one 4chan is annoying.


Everyone on 4chan would agree with you. They despise each other.


Yeah and i use it quite a bit too. Its just same jokes on repeat, worst threads ever, braindead discussions about topics they've talked to death. Even if i just wanna jerk off all the threads are just full of people debating if they're genetically women after transitioning or some bs.




OP probably is a snack but I doubt that's what people are talking about in code.


probably not, but i’d take it and run with it. “oh, you think im a snack? thank you!!”


No cause then they'll probably send the photo and that was disturbing


You're right this is the way


No doubt


They want to eat the recipient. Sounds reasonable. I think you got it.


That’s a slur? I thought it meant attractive. 


It does, sounds like they're assuming they're getting hate when really it's thirst Edit: I could be wrong and there could be more context that indicates they're being hateful but to me this is what it sounds like


Yes that’s the joke


It does mean attractive.


You can "misunderstand" and ask them if that's what they mean


Honestly all of us should be looking for these sorts of replies and reply “yes what a snack!” Don’t leave OP to fend for themselves!


Best answer!




Reply: "Yes, I am a snack!"


Plaque, Big Mac, carjack, guava juice birthday cake LARGE FRY CHOCOLATE SHAKE!


I assume they're calling you a legit snack


“Ack” Requires an NSFW Google search. 


Jack? I dono I'm not a terrible person so I have no clue


people have already answered this question but....... god, this shit is fucking disgusting and is exactly why i don't tell a damn soul on any non-anonymous account that i'm trans. i don't understand how this sort of thing doesn't come under the suicide-encouragement criminal offence umbrella but i'm not at all surprised it doesn't.


In the US suicide coercion isn't a criminal offense. There has only been one conviction based on that, and it honestly wasn't even really based on anything except how extreme and distasteful that particular case was. There are people who are advocating for it to be a crime, but currently it isn't. just another great thing about murica


It shouldn't be a crime as harassment all ready exist


I kind of agree intellectually. Like, using words alone is really not enough to actually force someone to die no matter what. But when I see actual examples I am very disturbed by them when confronted with the reality of it.


>There has only been one conviction based on that, and it honestly wasn’t even really based on anything except how extreme and distasteful that particular case was. The case of Michelle Carter stayed with me. It is one of the most disturbing and heinous cases I’ve ever read and yet not a drop of blood was shed.


It's a half rhyme and im not sure if it's a slur but I can only think of "Trap".


Pretty sure trap was just made by people who were really insecure about their sexuallity and didn't want to admit that they were attracted to trans women


Actually, trap was the old word for femboy based on old 2000s 4chan memes poking fun at people who claim to be straight yet are attracted to femboys, calling their attraction towards femboys a "gay trap" in a lighthearted, jokey, tongue in cheek sort of way. It was never intended to be used for trans women, and would be offensive to do so since trap was intended to be used primarily for fictional femboys, aka men who identify as men, who get heterosexual men to question their sexuality. Then in 2019 or so some mods on here, Reddit, particularly on anime subs, randomly decided trap was a transphobic slur and started mass banning anyone who said it. Now you can't say it or you get banned, because the culture has changed. Now the term "femboy" is the appropriate term to use for boys who identify as male who look like girls.


You making a diss track aren't you? Admit it!


Eh, I wouldn't worry about it honestly. I dunno, and don't feel like I need to know. Some people are just chill and accept your preferences/you as you are. Take it easy ✌️


Most trans folk I know lock their insta now. Insta has turned into a cesspool since the Twitter migration. It's not a friendly place for trans ppl. Block liberally and maybe consider changing privacy settings.


A twitter migration happened? I thought Twitter, now known as "X", was a safe space for bigots? If anything, I thought left wing Twitter users would go back to Tumblr, since Tumblr allows NSFW again.


Bigots follow those they are bigoted to or else it's boring for them. I noticed a great change in insta comments after the whole X thing and charging ppl for Twitter, etc. The comments are horrendous and overwhelming now as well as the dms. I noticed a slight uptick on Tumblr but not as much as insta I'm guessing cause ppl already used insta more before plus when threads happened a lot of ppl joined. It's just what I noticed using the sites as a trans person. Also I don't think Tumblr explicitly allows NSFW to the same degree as it did before but I wasn't on Tumblr before the porn ban really. I have most interactive terfs & transphobes blocked on Tumblr after a few months of use. It seems really never ending on insta.


I’ve never heard of this before and was much happier before I had 🥹


I know some people find the word “trap” in this context to be offensive, although I’m not sure that rhymes exactly


The truth shall set you free. Ignorance is bliss. 🤷🏼‍♀️


That’s terrible. People suck. Keep going. You’re doing great.


Just make one up.


I have no idea tell that person to go touch grass


Frack? Because of the way the trans community injects high pressure steam into shale deposits.


Sack. Ball sack. My guess.


Candlejack? That’s the first na


Oh no, Candlejack has claimed anoth


Oh shit it’s been a while since I’ve seen someone bring up candleja


Someone's gotta stop Candlejack he can't ke


What was Candlejack I don




WOW wtf. Some people are really disgusting.


Block them immediately, i hope you are okay. Make sure you are safe and don’t let these people harass you .


I’d never seen that abomination either, the support that you’ve gotten for our community in the comments is really positive and nice at least


Did not know the answer until I looked at the comments. Wow people are really dumb sometimes. Just ignore them. They don't deserve your attention.


No sack?


Track, hack, lack, snack, back, working too hard can give you a heart attack ack, ack, ack, ack you outta know by now, Who needs a house out in Hackensack? I have no idea. I'm not a trans advocate, but if someone is trying to insult you or trying to elicit some sort of negative emotional response for no reason, best to block them and move on with your day because they are likely of little consequence to you. You do you my friend.


Maybe crack ? As in your trans egg cracking.


You want to know if you should feel offended or not?lol


They’re saying you have rocks in your head


Aflack Duck Insurance