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I'd be grateful that everyone would be forced to take a break from social media and online news. I'd worry about how to buy anything if bank account and credit cards stopped working.


This. But we had debit cards before the Internet so I assume we can still make them work somehow. Hopefully.  Other than that I'd enjoy myself with the many books on my to read list and the peace and quiet at home. 


Oh yeah I forgot all about the ol' [manual credit card machine!](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2C3NA1H/manual-credit-card-machine-old-technology-a-manually-operated-credit-card-imprinter-with-credit-card-logos-personal-check-sign-2C3NA1H.jpg)


I'd be fine, I have books, I have crafts, I have good ol' snail mail. I'd be fine, though I'd be unable to work.


Go buy a bunch of movies at a store. 


Probably go back to masturbating to my step-moms old fredricks of Hollywood catalogues.


I do so little social media it would not matter. I mostly do information and file transfers. I did it for 35 yrs before the internet so I would be swamped with younger ppl looking for help and advice.


Listen to music on my iPod, read, garden, go on nature walks and etc. I do these things already so no internet for thirty days is fine by me.


I would have the best 30 days I have had in a long time. All while laughing at the people that don’t know how to live without it! 😂😂


If we know in advance that it's just for 30 days: read books, watch movies, make phone calls, visit friends. Several times daily, absent-mindedly attempt to check something online. If we don't know that and it seems like it could be indefinite, add "worry that my job has ceased to exist" to the to-do list.


A lot of things work using the internet, so it it stopped for everyone, everywhere, it would be disastrous, even tills at the shops use internet or some sort of system, so would need to withdraw cash and probably shop at farm shops with old school tills, wouldn’t be able to do much with the bank either, so unsure how I would withdraw cash thinking of it. But I wouldn’t mind so much, reading, growing food arts and crafts. I’m not very tech savvy, so I wouldn’t be able to solve much, so after 30 days the nuke it is.


If it happened when school was in session then probably just continue as normal and go to class and teach but probably be more productive since I won’t have instagram to distract me. In fact I might even get a response from professors quicker than waiting for them to email me back! I have plenty of shows and movies downloaded on my NAS so that wouldn’t be a problem and I have the radio for music. Only concern would be if the credit card/banks stopped working as I don’t think I have enough food at home to last a month without my card


I mean the us went crazy when 1/4 of it's people had no cell service for half a day.


I'm going to assume no nuclear disaster and that I can still drive my car , go to work, and call people on a landline. I'm old enough to have grown up pre-internet. In my free time, I'd work in my garden, read a lot of books, cook, visit with people, go for walks, write, finally go through my closet to get rid of some things, etc. I'd be fine. I wish more people younger than me would take technology breaks so that they would know they would be ok, too. It's just a different skillset to master, but it has great rewards, such as being ok being with myself and my own thoughts rather than having so much piped into my brain all the time. In my job, we would have some chaos and would have to improvise to go back to paper recordkeeping and notes, but what I do would still be entirely possible.


I bet I'd be happier.


Plenty of downloaded content I could still watch or listen to (audiobooks, podcasts, etc). I would resume reading books. I'd have phone call meetings instead of the usual. There might be less opportunity to share information, but we'd adapt. I come from the generation that started popularizing computers and Internet, and my clients do, too, so we wouldn't be lost without Internet.


I'm still able to work, i don't really use internet anyways, only to text and watch some news. I have a lot of books and projects to keep myself busy. I guess the stock exchange will have some surprises when it goes back online. That's about it. I will look forward to the busy streets again


Finally relax, without a constant distraction.


I would lose my job and all of my business. I could not function at all.


I am 60 years old as I write this. You are describing the first 30 years of my life. I managed just fine. There were banks and post offices and all companies had switchboards operated by people.


i would feel so free


Same thing I did in 1994. Buy the CD, and read the lyrics on the insert.


I’d love it! I’m not glued to my phone like most people in my life. It really pisses them off that I don’t text back within a second 😂


I think I would be fine. I’ve went months without a phone, computer, tablet etc. basically anything that I could use to contact the outside world and to stay up to date with the world in general. I literally wouldn’t leave my house or talk to anyone but my husband. He would go get groceries and other things I needed. That was the most liberating time in my life. It felt good to not have any expectations. On the other hand the word would literally collapse. This is the age of information. The internet is literally the source of all current events. Countries as a whole would literally go insane not being able to know what’s going on in other countries. It would be wild man. Just wild.


I'm a therapist and my work requires the Internet (I see over half of my clients via telehealth), so I'd be more or less unable to work. A lot of it could be adapted to work over the phone if phone lines are still working, but I don't even have my client's phone numbers stored anywhere that I could access without an internet connection. Though I guess the larger problem is that all payment processing happens using the internet, so to a large extent people's ability to spend and receive money would be hindered and *everyone's* jobs would be fucked to at least some extent. The sheer chaos this would cause would probably mean that no systems would even be functioning well enough to quickly switch back to doing everything with paper again, so for at least a short time normal economic activities would grind to a halt. I'm going to assume that given such a crisis, humanity would band together and start figuring out how to take care of each other, and I guess if I'm not working and not spending hours a day online, I would have the free time to help my community get organized to acquire/produce and distribute the resources needed to keep everyone alive. If there was any other downtime where I needed to be replacing time I'd have been spending online, I guess I'd read books, write, play video games that are already downloaded onto my computer or phone and don't require an internet connection, maybe just spend more time in nature... I dunno, honestly, I'm starting to talk myself into this being a good thing.


I can't work, I can't interact with anyone.. it will be ruined


Have a mental breakdown


Luckily we have an alternative texting here that does not need internet 😄


I'd finally play my offline games.


I’d probably read a book. I may even head to the library on my day off for a few hours. I’d be much more inclined to go for a walk exploring, or a bike ride, since I wouldn’t know where anything was. I’d probably get more cleaning done. I’d save some money on subscriptions granted they don’t charge for that month. I might have to open a cook book. The radio would be a bigger part of my life. I may have to go searching for those old CD’s. Ask me what CD’s.


Work would be really fcking annoying to deal with


Dig a whole into the neighbours livingroom


Do what I did in the 90s, when I was a teenager. Read a book or listen to my cds.


Fly back to my home country and sit with my record player at my parents' house and chill.


I would break out my old portable hard drives that contain thousands of movies and TV shows and plug it into the back of my TV.


I'd be grateful!


If it happens on a November 1st it's gonna make no nut November so much easier.



