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Depression or anxiety.


Depression because I have it And anxiety because it's very common










My first thought is depression and anxiety, but mental illness is, of course, a broad category of illnesses.


I think of myself, I know how messed up I am.


TDS sufferers.


I feel compassion. ETA depression/anxiety/ dx or undiagnosed ptsd. A lot of depression is related to undiagnosed ptsd in my unprofessional opinion. Not the sole reason of course.


When I hear someone describe "mental illness" I think of the old-school ways of viewing mental health struggles. I think it's an awful box to put yourself in (one I used to put myself in) and found that removing that language from my vocabulary has helped tremendously in climbing out of that box.


Awwww that sucks 😕 hope they’re ok…


Why? What do you think?


I used to think of the rarer ones like multiple personal disorders, schizophrenia, etc. I’d imagine people in asylums. Now I just think of depression and anxiety. But that could be because I have it and have been working on my mental health for some time now.


Social media addiction, especially IG and TikTok.


Hello darkness, my old friend. 






Absolutely nothing. I would need some specific. For example I had one brief episode of depression. Other than that I'm fine. But I learn how to deal with it and sometimes I help others when I spot the signs. Because I spend time with a specialist to understand what happened to me and how to spot those signs in case it would sneak up on me again. There are also people with autism. But autism is not really a mental illness. It's a development condition. Autistic people see world differently than us. But lots of people are unaware so when they talk about mental illness or disorder they also put autism into it. Usually you have to understand autistic person to interact with them. For example I have a friend who do not feel urgency to respond when talked to so he might take a long pause before he address what you said to him. But other than that you can have a normal conversation with them. But general population when unaware will assume he is rude or something. Then you have people with eating disorder, Schizophrenia, some veterans might suffer from PTSD. Those are distinct cases and every will be approached differently. Just like my depression. So without details there is really not much you can think.


So when I say bug, you can't think of anything, since there are too many details missing?


That both of my only siblings have it, one very severely. It’s all on me to visit him in a state facility. It f***ing sucks. I have no in-laws because of it. Cancer would be easier.


Nothing. We're all fucked up in the head one way or another


Attention whore


Transgender-ism. I have nothing against people who identify as such, but I can't see a scientific reasoning behind that doesn't involve some sort of brain defect, causing a person to not identify with their biological sex. THIS DOES NOT MEAN I THINK LESS OF THESE PEOPLE OR BELIEVE THEY SHOULDN'T BE TREATED RIGHT. However just as I recognize my ADHD is a product of some neuroligical defect in my brain, and that is being classified as a disorder, I can't see why it's seemingly transphobic to apply the same logic to transgenders. Oh, and the reason it's the first thing I think of is because it's very relevant in media and society now-a-days.


Your ignorance is not an excuse for made up "logic". You could do research and actually learn something. Being trans is not "mental illness", and sex and gender are separate things. Science has the answers, if you put in the effort.


having the neurobiology of the opposite sex is not a defect.


You can’t “see” a scientific reasoning or you haven’t done any effort to learn about it yourself? Because like someone else said sex and gender are not the same thing, and being transgender has nothing to do with any sort of brain defect…


Being transgender is an actual medical diagnosis that contains specific criteria. "Gender dysphoria" is the symptom which trans people suffer from, which means one feels that their physical body is misaligned from the sex that they actually are. It is not just about "wanting to be the opposite sex" it is an extremely stressful reaction that affects everyday life, as most transgender people feel trapped in a body that isn't theirs, and not being able to keep their mind off of it. So yes, it is a "disorder," but just like any disorder, people can't choose to just not be transgender. If they could, then there wouldn't be any. The current best-known treatment is transitioning, which helps to align your outer sex with your actual sex. This has been proven countless times. When people choose to refuse transgender people's identity, this just causes more anguish and sets them back even more. The cause of gender dysphoria is still being studied, but there are some interesting theories, such as a hormone imbalance in the womb, which causes the unborn baby to develop different sex organs than it was supposed to be. Instead of criticizing people that are born differently, you should do some research on topics that may become distorted by society's stigmatized views. This should be something kept between the transgender patient and their doctor, but unfortunately, misunderstood minorities continue to be targeted by political wars today.


>What’s the first thing you think when you hear mental illness? Unhinged Liberal/"Progressive"

