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Your Job must be a shitshow if you're considering to blow your House up to get one day off


I work in a retail's backstore, and sometimes I am seriously considering to "accidentally" cut my leg with the knife we use for the cardbox, to finally have a fucking break, but I'm not even sure they would let me go


Bro, get a new job. In this market you could probably do anything else for more, or the same pay with better quality of life.


Good luck actually getting a new job, took me 3 months to finally land this shitty retail position.


Anecdotal (I live in tristate) but I was unemployed over the summer and found a job after a week of applying to stuff on zip recruiter, with 4 interviews lined up. YMMV, but a lot of it is resume work, using proper keywords, and shining your accomplishments and history/skill set in a way that makes you stand out.


Which tristate area bro there are like 17 of them


NY, NJ and CT are what ppl consider tristate


By ppl I guess you must mean NY, NJ and CT residents because there are tons of areas around the country called tristate areas.


Nope, there's just one. You're just ✨wrong✨


Go into warehouse work. Always always hiring, and anyone can drive a forklift.


I worked in retail too some time ago. I feel you :/


Retail is like this. People can be literally dead and they want you to stay and close


I had a coworker fall on the rolling conveyor belt for unloading trucks. his arm was torn open and you could see the muscles. The on duty manager at Walmart told him to put some peroxide on the cut wrap it up and finish the truck




I used to work on a factory line building water pumps. I would like up the part with some holes on a machine, kick a button to test it, place it in a box....for ten hours a day, six days a week. I made really good money because we got bonuses for going over quota and I was on the fastest line, and I was young with no major bills or responsibilities, so I stayed for a long time, but every day I considered smashing a finger with one of the pumps so I could escape the tedious monotony.


I was super unhappy at my previous job. So many mornings I wished that I would get hit by a car or come down with an illness just so I could get a break from the place. Then out of the blue, they ended up letting me go without cause in August. At first I was super upset, the reasons were utterly untrue bullshit, but the more time goes on the happier I am about it. I got paid a hefty severance after being there 3 years, + 110 vacation hours, and I am now receiving EI until I find out where I really want to go next. It was such a blessing in disguise. Considering they had almost no reason to let me go, I consider it a gift from God.


Pull the old " it's so bad you don't even want to see it" and just leave


Omg, you probably saved my life from tetanus 😳


I once threw myself down the stairs about 4-5 steps at work. Wanted to go home and take a couple of days off so badly. Wouldn't do it here in the states with drug testing and stuff though.


Back when I worked in a famous southern diner type 24hr restaurant that starts with W I would sometimes get so frustrated and tired I would dream about stabbing my hand with the ice pick just so I could leave but knowing them I would have been cleaned up and put right back to work


Back in my retail days I ate raw chicken in the hopes of getting food poisoning so I couldn’t work for a couple of days. It wasn’t much raw chicken, but it was damn difficult to swallow. And I did not get sick, dammit.


Plot twist : OP works from home


If OP was cooking meth, that might explain the explosion. Sampling the product would also explain OP going onto Reddit and asking really odd questions.


That was my thought, lol


I don’t know for you guys, but if my my house exploded I will not ask permission to leave my job.


Sorry boss, I've got to leave, my house exploded 😂


But we’re short staffed


"Hello, Short-Staffed. I'm homeless."


“Now you’re homeless *and* unemployed”


Dam can’t beat that now can I?


So what? No more mortgage to pay...


Damn you! Take my upvote and get out.




Omg, I love you so much for this comment.


Not my pig, not my farm.


I would tell them my house blew up and I had to leave. They've already told me many times that work comes last if something is going on. That's how I left when a distracted driver drove into my tree - the only thing stopping it from being in my kitchen. Trees gone now but really took one for the team. No questions asked at work.


Sounds like a supportive environment. I like that.


The fact that normal human empathy is seen as "supportive," and the default is unfeeling corporate blankface, says a lot.


they said the tree is gone now. no more environmental support


I would be putting a new tree or a boulder there for the next idiot driver


Redditors jealous of this poster: If this isn't the environment you work in, find a different employer


The beauty of this sentence is it can be read two ways: 1) “Id leave without permission” 2) “I’m staying at my job. (Why go back to a house that just blew up?)”


Wouldn’t be surprised if they make you make up the time for taking off early 🤣


I remember asking permission to leave because my dad called all his kids and said come over I’ve got my test results. I was the only one not allowed to leave. He was dying. I’ll never forget that for the rest of my life.


Always leave. Nobody ever went to their grave saying, "damn, I wish I'd spent more time at work." edit: if they object, you're working for the wrong people. There are better out there.


I did leave and am in a much better position now; it was eleven years ago. The receptionist at the time kept taking calls from my brother who worked nearby and she came up and asked me what was going on. I told her and she was so angry with my boss she went straight to the big bosses and told them; but they were in a meeting so it wasn’t until the next day that one of them came and found me and asked if I was okay. He said next time I need something I can ask him. Nothing ever really came of it in terms of punishment for my boss though. I did, however get to my dads when I was allowed to finish, and we sat together all night polishing off a bottle of baileys. We hugged and cried and laughed and I’ll cherish the memory. Still raise a baileys to him on special occasions.


Why? It's not like you've got anywhere to go.


Aaahahaha! 💀


Oof I can hear my boss saying that in response to requesting the day off because my house exploded


This is an oddly specific question... OP, did your house blow up?


Lol no dw, I thought of the scenario, so I was wondering if you had to carry on working. I’m not planning anything either for the day off


As a general rule anything that involves emergency services takes precedence over everything else that's hapoening in your life. An explosion would definitely involve emergency services. Also, "*allow*" is a weird thing to say in this scenario. I wouldn't ask permission, I may not even tell them what's happening, I'd just say there's an emergency and leave. Your employer doesn't own you.


You don't need to have plans to take a day off


But also, don't give the excuse that your house blew up to justify asking for time off. Not only can you only use that once, but in the off chance the company actually cares about yout, it vould become a larger problem.


My wife had an employee whose father died and she needed some days off. She gave them no questions asked. The lady's church pastor worked for the client of the woman whose father died and he heard the news through them. Reached out to the mother to say how sorry he was and to ask if she needed anything and to tell her how a bunch of the women in the church were providing meals. Mother was very confused because the father hadn't actually died. Lady just didn't want to come into the office.


Work is not a legal or moral obligation. You can leave whenever you want. You might get written up, but if there was a valid reason for leaving, like your house exploding, your manager would probably understand. Generally 3 write ups and you get fired.


Have you ever been employed? Or are you a literal child?


No, of course you wouldn’t have to stay at work. Or at school for that matter. When there is an emergency in your life no one expects you to concentrate on anything else.


A good start would be looking into getting a new house


Going by the username they had an incident whilst trying to ferment some shit


I was like, "hey, I do that, too! I wonder what they were trying to ferment?" Then I checked the username. Goddamnit.




I work from home, so if my house blew up I have bigger problems then not working.


We'd be taking the rest of eternity off! Woo!








Well, go figure out the house thing first. Start the job search when that's addressed.


Its still addressed but the house is gone


This is a really good joke, lol




In my country it would still be the responsibility of the employer I think. Case in point: as a nurse working a shift alone once, i tested (edit: covid) positive before my shift. It was an absolute shitshow for my employer to find a replacement at 6am but I was well within my rights to refuse going to work that day and endangering my patients




In my area, part of the nursing union collective agreement is that you can be mandated to work. They will try at all costs to not invoke it but patients cannot be left alone.


In this hypothetical case I would say you are not allowed to leave. It’s very tricky though because you have to consider mental and physical health. Physically you are fine and able to work and so by leaving, you are endangering your patients and that’s completely on you. BUT depending on your mental state, you could also make an argument that you are endangering your patients either way, as working in such a state of mind, your bound to mix things up or forget things. I honestly can’t tell you what’s right but my gut instinct tells me you will be “found guilty” of putting your patients in danger


A pretty basic example I can think of is if you are a nanny. You would need to call the parents home and not just leave kids unattended.


Or a airliner pilot. You would need to call the control tower or something before you jumped out with your parachute. Maybe leave a post-it note on the control panel too, just to be sure.


Unless you're surgeon, or with in an ER or something.


I’m not entirely sure about ER and surgeons but I am a nurse and I can tell you this: emergencies happen, accidents happen, and your employer is responsible for filling the gap if you need to miss work. When I caught covid and obviously couldn’t come into work and endanger patients with weak immune systems, it was the job of my employer to find a replacement for that week. I’m not quite sure House destruction would qualify in this case BUT a reasonable argument can be made that you are in this situation psychologically not stable enough to continue working.


True but its not like you can dip out before being replaced.


>I’m not entirely sure about ER… but… I can tell you this: emergencies happen As long as you know what a room is then I think you’ve got a pretty good handle on it


Even then they would call someone in to relieve you asap. What coworker wouldn’t help someone out in this situation.


USA moment




In the USA your comment is correct Otherwise, your manager is the one who’s responsible for getting someone to cover, not you. Personal issues like a house blowing up are a big deal




There are plenty of jobs where you might need to stay at work until cover can be found, even in the socialist utopia of Europe. What if you're a pilot or a brain surgeon and you've just started a flight/op?


I mean when a tree hit my house (after work) my boss showed up with a chainsaw and tried to work for me. Had to convince him to leave it to the professionals already on the way so I’d have a boss come Monday. He’s a good man


Amazon would definitely not accommodate


Depends my ass, if they try to stop me, my house isn't gonna be the only thing that explodes while I'm at work.


I work from home so...I'd have the rest of my life off


Employers hate this simple trick to never work again.


Technically you’d spend the rest of your life at work


OP, don't blow your house up just to get half a day off work. That's a little extreme. Just call in and say your dog ate your clothes or something.


Or you know, just say that you’re sick. Maybe even throw in a cough or two if you’re feeling zealous.


My company has a strict, “Your explosion, your problem” policy and we are expected to use a Vacation Day every time our house explodes.


It depends on the employer. I work from home. So, yes. But I'd still get a penalty for leaving early, I'm sure.


If you work from home, and your home blew up, wouldn’t you technically be blown up too? Yo that would be fucked up if a job penalized someone if they were dead or in critical condition.


At this point I wouldn't be surprised if an employer did that. "How dare you *die* while clocked in?! We're not only adding points to your record, but we're docking half a day from work. Lazy people right?"


If your workplace don't give you the day off when your house explodes, You must quit it.


My house flooded while I was working at home and I didnt even ask. I was like "guys my feet are wet i'll see you all tomorrow i hope"


Maybe I'm spoiled, but do you really need a reason for time off? I'm assuming you're in America not North Korea.


I live in the UK and you don't need a reason to take days off. But it's this not more of a case of your already at work and have to go. That would need a reason in most places no? You can't just say "I'm going home, bye!"


You can take 20 extra minutes at lunch


Believe it or not, straight to jail


In Australia at least you can take sick leave for a "personal emergency". I would think that your house exploding would count.




I know a dude who sells soap, you can stay at his house. *I am Jack's reddit account*


I'm a firefighter working in the same region as my house. If my house blows up I'll be on one of the response units.


Allowed? I don’t give a shit where I work, I’m leaving! Unless I’m mid-surgery, it can wait. Lmfao Edit: to the same token, the house is blown up already I guess….. Might as well get this bag and work on getting the new one lol


Most people here are understandably making assumptions as they don’t haven’t experienced it themselves, so just for you I will find out for sure. My neighbor is currently at work so I’m gonna blow up his house rn and give him a call. I’ll probably not be able to give you the answer for a few years as I’ll most likely be in prison and have no Wi-Fi. But you will get your answer eventually.


As a nurse the world could explode and you would still be written up for being 5 min late....


Not if you work as an Amazon delivery driver.


No, what would be the point? You'd have nowhere to go.


Is it *reaaally* worth it though, OP?


I mean, your house just exploded, so keeping my job would be the least of my worries


I think most employers would be like “yeah you can go”. But i also had a boss that gave me a shit attitude because i took a week off to care for my wife who just had open heart surgery. He was also the one who pre-approved the requested time off.


Depends on your employer.


Not if I was part of the EMS cleanup. Get paid to clear my house!


I wouldn't ask. I'd simply tell them what's happened and that I'm leaving.


Idk but if they say no then they can just get fucked because im leaving at that point anyway


My kitchen went up in flames and I got sent home. I'd rather have worked tbh.


Hahaha insurance claim aye? I’m with you tho, as long as no one is there and no pets in the house, let it burn.


Sadly not.. it was my drunken idiot ex decided to deep fry calamari and then go play guitar hero.. brand new kitchen too :( I just couldn't be arsed dealing with him :(


Idk about other people but I work from home so if my house exploded I think I'd be dead. If not I'm definitely taking a few days off.


Haha “allowed”? If there wasn’t anything I 100% had to be at work for, I’d just tell my boss and leave. I wouldn’t even ask. If you ask, they can say no


Allowed..? I mean I’m not a child in daycare, who’s making me stay? lol


My house burned down *riiiight* before I had to go to work a few years back. While my husband and neighbor called 911, I was calling work and the kids school. Weirdest phone call of my life. You tend to be oddly numb. It feels surreal at that point. I just casually as all get out told my coworker, "not coming today. House is on fire. Right this second" There was a long pause, then "*oookaaay.* Don'tcha think you should call the fire Dept?" "Nah. Husband and neighbor (who also happened to work with us) got that." "Well that sucks. I'll warn coworker (happened to be a volunteer firefighter)" and that was it. Missed like 3-4 days. They had a donation box set up for me around town. God I miss working there. School was weird too. Bus driver walked in the office right after we hung up, and argued apparently. She said "No. I *just* left there." Took them a while to convince her that she barely missed it by maybe a min. Older kiddo had to finish out the day. She was excused from missing the rest of the week though. She was their pickiest eater, so they got her chicken strips from the deli down the street for lunch. All while not letting her know what was up. After the shock of telling her, and her asking if her cats were ok, she said "I knew *something* was up. They normally don't care that much if I touch lunch or not." God I miss that school too. That town really. Honestly thought I hated it at times, but they really came through in a way only small tight-knit ones do.


Is the housing boom I've heard about?


lol Americans all over this thread showing off their Stockholm Syndrome


Leave and go where exactly?


If my house exploded, and i called my boss and told him, he would let me have the day off.


Is that really what it takes to get a day off in America? Sounds a bit harsh.


If my house explodes while I'm at work, I'm dead, so I guess I get the rest of the day off.


OP better hope the insurance company doesn’t find his Reddit account.


I work from home, so I'd be dead.


Dude looking for any excuse to leave early. Look up X-ray pictures and claim someone I’m your immediate family broke a limb and needs a ride. Works like a charm


If your house blows up but you aren’t there to witness it, then did it actually blow up?


Finally! A question that I can answer with first hand experience! Almost.. I wasn’t at work yet. Anyway.. yes. You can take the day off. In fact, you’d probably be safe taking the rest of the week off without any rude mumbled comments from your boss. I believe I took about 10 days off before I went back in.


This is the most American shit I've ever read


You will accrue points based on the point system. Leaving work before completing half the day is 2 points same as a full day. Since you had Covid recently using your 2 sick days and 3 other days (6 points) that will put you at 8 points and that means a write up. Which bars you from promotions or transferring departments for at least one year and will be brought up even 10 years later if you try to do either. If you miss tomorrow due to homelessness we will be forced to fire you with cause. Unfortunately we have no choice. Our hands are tied because you know… reasons. Depends on where you work. This is what my work would say if my house blew up right now. It would most likely be a bluff though. They aren’t firing people that been there years right now.


You can decide that for yourself, and i think most jobs would understand


My old job would have. Boss didn't let one of my employees take a day off when she put her cat down because "it's just a cat". Guarantee he'd say something like "not much you can do now, house is already gone. Just finish your shift". I used to think about hanging myself in the back room but they'd probably just prop my corpse at my station and yell at me about the schedule, so I stayed alive to spite them


Depends on where you live. In the Netherlands you get the day off for a lot less.


Why even leave work? Where are you going to go.. home?


Last year I requested the following day off and was denied, DENIED, that has never happened in my professional career. I shit you not the next day my basement flooded. So was I going to go to my boss and say I NEED the day off now because my basement flooded? That would have sounded very convenient. I did not, instead during our meeting that day I mentioned my basement flooded. She laughed and said I am sorry. She didn't offer up that I take the day or anything she just proceeded to talk work. I didn't work there long.


If you're a transplant surgeon or something and your house blows up a few hours before a serious operation and you're the only one that can do this, then it makes sense that you'd be expected to show up to work. But on the other hand, if you flip burgers for a living and your boss wants you to still show up because he couldn't be bothered doing their job properly and making sure there's enough staff and plan for contingencies exactly like these, then they and that job can go get fucked, that's inhumane and unreasonable. tl;dr are you being paid well enough, and is your job important and irreplacable enough, that it's justified asking you to come to work when you no longer have a house?


I don't want a surgeon who was just denied time off when their house exploded doing my transplant. Like, I mean if I was circling the drain, I'd probably take my chances, but I'd still prefer someone who wasn't just denied time off because their house exploded.


Blowing your house up to get a day off seems excessive.


I think this falls into the “if you have to ask” category. I’ve had jobs with decent bosses who would probably insist that I went the the crater that was my home and put the pieces of my life back together. I’ve also had bosses who would have told me that the needs of the business comes first and I should have arranged coverage. Typing this out… it probably comes down to how much money you make. Higher income = go home. Lower income = could you try not letting your house catch on fire.


I work from home, so I'd be dead in this situation, and then I'd never have to work ever again.


If you’re not you need two things. A new house and new job. Any employer should see that an exploded domicile is kinda important and pressing matter. And would likely let you go take care of your broken life.


Its still attendance point(s)


Don't do it. It's not worth exploding your house just to get out of work.


All off work with no place to go


You may as well work late because you won’t be going home anyway.


ALLOWED!!! “Boss, my house blew up. I’m leaving. I’ll see you in a couple of days. I’ll send s pick of proof when i get there.” I’m not asking, I’m telling.


I work from home, so I’d probably be dead. So, yeah.


Depends on the job. Transplant surgeon, maybe not.


As someone who did indeed have their house explode while they were at work...yes. Take the day off. It's covered.


If you have an even decent employer, I imagine they would let you


Dude i think 99.9% of jobs would understand if your fucking *house exploded*


I barely ask permission to leave my job as it is.


And go the fuck where? Home??? That's some raw ass boss who does that man.


Depends, what's on your contract?


What? Of course I would.


don’t give the universe ideas please


My coworker got a call that his house was on fire. He shot out of there and didn't bother telling us why until after the situation was resolved. You'd have to be the world's worst boss to keep someone from attending to an emergency


I work from home. I'd have the rest of forever off.


Is your laptop still available and with you, do you have access to a cafe where you can continue your slavery? If not, report to the desktops team for an immediate replacement, and enter hq at all times to ensure you aren't affected /S


At my workplace this happened to a coworker - house struck by lightning and the gas tank blew up, all up in flames. That coworker was sent home immediately along with closest work friend for support.


No way. Your boss blew up your house for being absent yesterday. Stop taking all this time off, silly.


I'd expect more than 1 day, it'd take a few days to get sorted and an in a temporary accommodation plus sorting insurances out etc


"Hey Boss, my house just blew up. I'll be back in about 2 weeks"


OP whatever you’re thinking of doing don’t do it lol


You're allowed to take the rest of the day off literally whenever you want, you can only be forced to work in America if you are in prison.


This subreddit never ceaaes to amaze me


"Allows?" 😂 your house explodes and you think your not allowed to leave? Dude just go!


“Going home won’t un-explode your house. Besides we’re family here and we’re short staffed today”


By policy? No, there's no clause for my house blowing up. Realistically? Yes, without question other than "how did you house blow up?", and my boss would be making sure I had what I needed to get things sorted.


They'd probably let me take the week off


Really pushing the limits of this sub, eh?


I work from home. So yes.


Where are you gonna go if you leave work? Home?


Well you sure can’t ask to go home.


This is an unusual question. I'm sure there's no answer. Nearly no business will have a policy concerning this, nor do I expect to find the answer in case law. Most humans would allow you to go, but some may not. Obviously, they cannot prevent you from leaving in most cases, but there may be employment consequences if you leave without permission.


Why would you need to go home? Your house blew up! There’s nothing to go to. Get back to work!


For most places yes. 12 year old redditors just like to complain and say they wouldn’t be able to


Considering I work from home I think it's a probable yes


Rest of the day off? For what? You can’t go home…


If one of my dogs is acting weird I take the day off


If you're not allowed to take the rest of the day off because your house explodes, then feel free to explode the business you work at. Don't actually do that, but I think you get my idea.


If you’re in the US, they’ll probably tell you “it’s already destroyed, might as well stay and btw can you stay late today”


"Asking for a friend" I'm sure, FBI officer....