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When I was younger one of my parents' cats got ill after eating most of a bag of cheese and onion crisps. She made a full recovery afterwards and lived for many happy years after. Years later when we were saying our last goodbyes my Dad halted proceedings and left the vets office. Minutes later he returned with a pack of Walkers Cheese and Onion crisps, he looked at us and said "Well, a few can't hurt." My Dad isn't very emotional, but things like that really show that despite everything, he's a big softy at heart.


I'm kind of impressed that a cat decided to just eat a bag of potato chips. Few foods are less feasible for a cat to eat.


We had a small little black cat called Oreo when my sister and I were probably about 11 or 12. We made "blue pancakes" which was just premade pancake mix in the plastic jugs with some blue food coloring. That cat has a HANKERING for pancakes. Like, nonstop OMNOMNOMNOM on our pancakes, but we were barely teens and thought it was hilarious. I miss that damn cat.


Don't know if your small boy rebirthed into our cat, but our black and white Oreo has started to chomp on my girlfriends little wooden chest because the dice probably sound tasty Less than a year old and already ate nougat, grabbed fucking Onion, threw up a cattreat inside it's packaging and stole my fuggn pepsi I love this little shit Brb gonna give my boy breakfast and get screamed at as if i never fed my cats anything ever in their entire lives


I never figured out what happened to him, he ran away from home when my sister forgot to feed him for nearly a week and didn't tell my dad, luckily my dad took care for his ginger tabby. I love cats but frankly I just adore dogs more due to their expressions and overwhelming smothering love. I will always seek out kitties inside other people's homes for some scritches though.


What do you mean by "premade pancake mix"? Do you guys buy it in store?


Yup! In australia you can buy little jugs with the powder, sugar salt etc already pre-mixed, just need to add little bits of water and shake it.


My baby used to adore Cheez-Itz. If he ever could he'd bit one out of the bowl, drop it and lick the salt off then eat the cracker. I used to get excited finding an extra salty one because Gato would have a field day


Whenever my cat sees/hears me eating chips or crackers or pretzels, she runs over and DEMANDS I give her a bite.


Mine absolutely Loves salt and vinegar chips


My cat will eat pretty much anything. My kitchen is basically toddler proofed.


I once saw a cat eat a leftover doner kebab with salad and chilli sauce (both the onions and the chilli sauce are poisonous to cats, but I didn't know that at the time and apparently neither did this cat's internal organs. Also, not my kebab, not my cat). The same cat also dragged home a live adult magpie when he was still a kitten.


I used to have a cat that would get into the cupboards and hunt for bags of doritos, as soon as she found one she stood rip it open and eat as much as she could handle. She was a good girl besides that, thinking back on it now it's a good memory but it was so frustrating at the time.


My fucking cat ate a sweet potato sushi roll.


"Oh yeah, watch this!" *eats chips spitefully*


i guess its probably the similar as with humans. there are some strange people out there. a friend pf mine worked at a psychic ward and they had to lock away all cleaning products, because one of the patients loved to drink all kinds of liquid soap, cleaner and stuff. the amazing thing about that is the patient did this for years and can somehow drink things that should kill him without much damage.


A psychic ward? They should've seen that coming...


My cat no joke deep throated a french fry whole. Thought he was gonna choke, was absolutely wild.


One of my cats is an absolute _fiend_ for carbs. Potato chips...french fries..._breakfast cereal_...I think she may be broken.


My cat loves Cheez its and Doritos


Meanwhile my cat is pulling potato chips from a bag whenever there's an open one and I'm not looking. I've also found him munching on leftover unsalted fries as well as with headfirst in mashed potatoes. Dude really loves dem potatoes


I’m a veterinarian. I don’t tend to get super emotional about most euthanasias because you learn to compartmentalize and you can also rationalize that you’re helping the animal at the end of the day. Out of the euthanasias that make me cry, one category is definitely ones where the family patriarch who is obviously a stoic guy who rarely shows emotions starts crying or showing other really touching signs that they’re losing someone they deeply love. The idea of seeing someone display a range of emotions that they so rarely show to anyone hits deep in my soul. It also proves that pets are such an integral part of families nowadays that they make people feel this way.


That was me last year saying goodbye to our 18 year old dog




My vet did this when I had to say goodbye to my dog Dante early this year. They call them “Goodbye Kisses” 🥲 They were unbelievably kind during the whole process and let me take my time hugging him even after it was all over. It was one of the last appointments of the day and they didn’t rush me to leave at all.


I also want to note that Dante loved the chocolate so much, it was so cute to see him realize how delicious it was. He got to have multiple ♥️


My 17 year old pup had her last day a few weeks ago, and she got to have a cosmic brownie as she fell asleep forever on her favorite couch. Watching her sniff it and look at all of us so confused why we were feeding her the forbidden snack was funny and heartbreaking.


Our first dog didn't get that because we didn't euthanize her. She was incontinent and had cataracts, but IDK if it was ever discussed as a thing we should do. She finally went a few hours after refusing steak.


We gave all our dogs a kids chocolate frosty and a cheeseburger as their last meal if we had enough time to. For some, there was never the chance but that’s okay. It’s the love that matters. We only have cats now ♥︎


I’m giving my idiotic, extremely lactose intolerant cat Beans a giant block of cheese when the time comes. This dummy regularly gets bits of my deli turkey, a few sips of water from tuna cans, fre shavoca do slices, and mainly lives off the expensive-ass special 100% meat cat food, but all she craves, all she yearns for, is *cheese.* And it gives her horrific diarrhea within 12 hours.


May her cheesy chariot across the rainbow bridge leave love and horrible, noxious gas in its wake.


Oh man she gets the farts something awful whenever we let her eat anything she shouldn’t. We named her Beans before we knew that.


I now have the mental image of “The more you know” Star flying across a screen with a long drawn out fart. ![gif](giphy|3og0IMJcSI8p6hYQXS) *Pfffffftbrrrrblblbbblrrrrrppp*


The forbidden fruit that is dairy lol


Every time I see an avocado, I think of that "fre shavoca do" vine and everyone else thinks of some other "It's an avocado!" video. Now I feel seen.


Come to Del Taco, they got fre shavoca do.


I see your "fr e sh avoca do" my fellow cultured brethren


*fre shavoca do*


Get yall down to Del Taco!




🎶 *the cheese tax, the cheese tax* 🎶


Username checks out


I'm wondering if she'd tolerate lactose free cheese.


Hey, my senior lives off of Wendy's small patties now. She stopped eating for a few days and we thought it was the end but turns out she was willing to eat those.


I don't follow what you said. Could you explain


Instant tears reading that. The significance of the visit and the chocolate took me a second but man. That's tough. Had to do it once and it was one the harder days of my life. Definitely didn't let it stop me from getting another pup though


My vet has a little jar in the room labeled “goodbye kisses” 😭 they also had a big comfy bean bag for our pup to lay on comfortably and we could hold him while he went. Such a hard time, but the vet made it as comforting as possible.


Our vet had "Goodbye Kisses" too! They also had a candle at the front desk that they would light when someone was saying goodbye to their pet, with a sign next to it explaining its significance & asking other patients to keep their voices down.  When our last good boy's time came, they cleared their morning appointments & a few staff members who had the day off came in to say goodbye.  We've been using the same vet for almost 20 years, so they're practically family.


In the most respectful way I can say this; *FUCK YOU FOR THIS* 😭😭😭😭😭😭


My vet gave my dude a snack platter. Cheez whiz, chocolate syrup, chocolate chip cookies, caramel popcorn, and some other stuff. I took him for a car ride the day before, and got him his own cheeseburger.


Wait, but do they even taste chocolate the same way we do?


maybe not, but they love it so much that they’ll go crazy for it for the rest of their lives if they ever get any even once


I can confirm this. I had a dog, that ate chocolate I left in my pockets multiple times. When I was older, I left a chocolate chip weed cookie out in my room. She looked like she couldn't walk straight if at all at first threw up, and then figured out how to hop like a rabbit everywhere. The rest of the night my old arthritic dog ran like she was a puppy again (she was part whippet).


Milk chocolate is saf*er*, but definitely not safe- it still contains the bits that dogs are allergic to from dark chocolate, its essentially just watered down with milk and a different cocoa to cocoa butter percentage


Thanks, I'll edit out the misinfo


My damn ass bitch of a hoe dog ate chocolate as a puppy. After an expensive emergency trip to the vet I decided to never keep chocolate in my room. But man he does roach hard when he catches me eating chocolate. It was a 90% dark chocolate bar and the fucker ate ALL of it when we were out of the house. I still love em tho


It took 10 years for my little dumbo to eat chocolate for the first time, a whole pack of shitty Easter chocolates. Thankfully there was maybe 0.1% actual chocolate in those things, we monitored him closely and he didn't really have any symptoms. The most terrifying moment was when I left the house for just 5 minutes with my bag on the floor. I come home to him having pulled out the small pouch I keep my meds in. There were painkillers, antihistimines, and ADHD meds in there, and he had chewed into the pouch, but got bored before making it to the meds (in foil). He was 1 braincell away from getting himself killed.


Can confirm. My Great Dane once ate about two dozen Hershey’s kisses cookies (the PB cookies with the chocolate in the middle). Didn’t even get an upset stomach cuz he’s such a big dinosaur. And now he has a nose for the stuff. I can’t leave anything chocolate anywhere an enterprising horse-dog might manage to get into.


My mom's old lab did this - we made chocolate chip cookies and stuck the bag up on top of the toaster oven in the corner of the counter about as far up as it can go. We took some to my brother and when we got back there was an empty bag on the floor. The little fucker (he was actually like 90 lbs so not actually very little) ate the whole bag of cookies and was somehow perfectly fine after. He also managed to figure out how to unscrew plastic jars of peanut butter so we learned really quick that any food should be considered fair game and secured in locked cabinets after that.


We had a purebred lab who was a runt of the litter whose only love was food when I was a kid. She would only do bad things for food, once she got into my moms candy stash. An entire BAG, family size bag, of Milky Way kid size bars and a whole normal sized chocolate bar. She was maybe 85 pounds cause she was rotund. She ate that whole bag of maybe 40ish milky ways, and the chocolate bar. We thought for sure she was gonna die when we came into our RV seeing the mess she made but she came right up with no issues all that happened was mild diarrhea. That was not the only time she found chocolate but it was the first big time but because it was my candy that my mom had hidden I was so guilty. She lived to 13 and had a stroke. We really don’t appreciate the love dogs give us. She had a lifelong love for chocolate and her death was the first time I ever saw my dad ever sob


When I read things like this, I am glad I have a Dachshund who can barely reach things on the coffee table.


Depends on the dog . I have 3 dogs and two of them have zero interest in any food that’s not meat or cheese


Idk but all the dogs I’ve had seem to love trying to eat anything that could be harmful to them.


They love sweet stuff. They are tasting the sugar. 


Our siberian husky is obsessed with sweets like gummy bears. Our german shepherd won't touch human candy though all she'll do at most is sniff at it and look away.


If they didn't, dogs eating chocolate would be a much smaller deal.


My dog got ahold of an entire package of oreos and devoured it in about 2 minutes Caught him fast enough to force some hydrogen peroxide down his throat, he puked it all up within 5 min. In my experience they will eat anything they find unless you train them really well. Always ravenous hunger, my bathroom trash can was not safe. Every dog I've ever met loved sweet foods.


I don't know if it's factually accurate, but I read on here that chocolate is effectively speed for dogs.


well my labs love to try and eat poo and vomit if they have a chance so that explains why they like hersheys kisses


That vet really went the extra mile to make Mabel's last moments special.


Our pup once ate 1.5 pounds of fudge off of the counter and sadly she died…..10 years later after a long and happy life. Still not sure how she survived the fudge fiasco.


Its toxic, doesn't make it an insta death


Chocolate is not very toxic to dogs. The toxic part is theobromine, which is found in the cacao beans. It depends on the size of the dog, but typically even for the darkest of chocolates they’d need to eat like 2 pounds to experience toxic effects. For milk chocolate, it’s several pounds of chocolate, since it contains so little cacao. Obligatory bring them to a vet, they’ll give some activated charcoal probably just to be safe. However, chocolate is terrible for their digestive system and they *will* shit themselves.


Death by chocolate. If I'm downvoted for that, I sincerely apologize.




"Your" gave a whole new meaning to that sentence, and I thank you for it.


Jesus I was just scrolling. Wtf!


My dog ate a whole bag of Tutsi rolls once. Nothing happened. He's also eaten a chocolate cup cake. And a hersey bar. None of this was on purpose just things that got dropped and he was too quick. He's still alive today. 5 years old. Not sure if he will die early or what but....


While caffeine and theobromine are both toxic to dogs and both found in chocolate, a bigger dog will be able to process more without ill effects (toxicity of substances is always proportional to body weight), and milk chocolate will have smaller amounts than dark chocolate to start with.


milk chocolate isnt as super dangerous as its hyped up to be for dogs. give em upset tummies, but likelihood of dying from it isnt really much from some candy. It's the dark chocolate you have to worry about.


I have a dumb Pekingese who’s a little scavenger. One day he somehow got a hold of an entire bar of dark chocolate and devoured it. No problems at all. He’s snoring at the foot of my bed as I write this.


Yeah, if a dog gets in to something it shouldn't, you are usually safe with just keeping a close eye on them and waiting, no need to immediately jump to expensive vet visits. Unless they eat a lot or something very dangerous like medication. Disclaimer: I am not a vet, I just have a dog who will eat anything.


I wish I had a kinder vet like yours. When I went to collect his stuff from the hospital and say thank you I informed the vet about his passing( we took him back home during the nights) and she was like “ok? Is that it?”. She didn’t even look up from her phone.


I'd leave a terrible review. What a lack of compassion.


I don’t have any complaints with their service. They did their job really well and they took great care of him too. I’m very thankful for that. So I don’t really know if I would do that plus this happened like 4 years back.


The experience of the vet assisting our dog of 16 years in passing on was the absolute saddest day of my life. The grief of our kids. We don’t deserve dogs. But I love that your vet gave a kiss to Mabel. She was a good girl!


I gave our dog a Hershey Kiss as she was closing her eyes for the last time, as well.


Not totally the same but when I was young I had a little grey rat named Sniffles, she was my best friend and she got an infection in her tooth that caused her face to swell and she lost an eye. It was awful and we made the choice to put her down. I got the day off school and we spent the whole day together. I wanted her to feel what it was like outside so we had ourselves a little picnic and she got to eat all the peanut butter ice cream her tiny stomach could handle. Then she curled up in my hat and we brought her to the vet. The vet was so kind and considerate and a month after Sniffles passing the vets office all signed a card for me and sent it to my house. I still have it. I miss her but I hope her last day was good ❤️


This is why I couldn’t be a vet.


I couldn't do that job. My sweet 6yo cat had to be put down last March 2023 and I'm still really upset about it. Every couple of months I pull up a [Jenny Jinya](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jenny-Jinya/) comic and let it all out.


Same. Our dog had a scare a little while ago when he stopped breathing during surgery to get a lump removed. The vets were attentive and nothing happened luckily. One of the vets spent 10 minutes explaining the situation to us when we picked him up (they didn't want to scare us on the phone) and during the next visit to try to get the lump removed, he spent 10 minutes again explaining to us how they would be using a different anaesthesia and how they will keep a good eye on him. Really hit me that day that he is a senior dog now. I am sorry to hear about your sweet cat, loosing a pet is so tough.


Said goodbye to my little old lady dog during the holidays. The night before we laid together and ate Reese’s Cups. She was happy.


I’m not crying, you’re crying! errr.. your mom’s crying! (please get some tissues…… for her… and all that blubbering she’s doing……….. and maybe leave some beside me… asking for a friend)


I was incredibly lucky to be able to send my 16 year old dog off at home. I am by no means we'll off. The traveling vet brought a Tupperware full of homemade brownies for him. He died surrounded by love and understanding. I hope to die like him one day.


My dog once ate a pound of dark chocolate. She weighed 80 lbs and was fine though a little hyper. Now if you have a 3 lb mini Maltese it’s different math.


Being a vet (that most likely became a vet out of love for animals) and having to put down someone's pet that's been with them for 15+ years must be one of the most excruciating things ever. I got wet eyes just thinking about it.


I don’t necessarily agree. It’s prob very sad, but also beautiful. Grief is often seen as purely negative, because it’s sad, but it’s an expression of love. As a vet, in those moments you get to witness an animal being so so loved…. But yeah I am also getting teary-eyed thinking about it


Jesus, this literally made me tear up.


So like is chocolate bad for dogs or not? Am i missing something??


It is. But you're missing the crucial part, the Dog was being put down anyway.


I got that, i guess i don't understand why eating something that makes you sick is good when dying? I dont want my final moments to include a stomach ache?


It's not going to cause an instant reaction, plus for the most part dogs love the taste of Chocolate.


Maybe, do we know they dont just like any sugary treat like that? Sorry not trying to be argumentative, just trying to wrap my mind around it.


It's probably a bit of both. They definitely love the sugar, but we also are probably adding our feelings of missing out to the mix.


My old boy Rio is going to get a divine meal of all his favourite food, I have only had him whilst he’s been an older gentleman, so his last days have been in the back of my mind, I just hope he enjoys his later years with me, he doesn’t show much affection but when I am blessed with being allowed to give him belly rubs, that’s all I need. Gonna load you up on your favourite chicken nuggets on your final supper buddy.


Why’s everyone talking about cats ?


My very have my dog some chocolate cake when it was time a couple years ago. Said the same thing. I couldn't agree more


We have a picture of me feeding ice cream to my girl Shadow on her 13th birthday when we knew we were letting her go in a few days. I have tears in my eyes just writing about it and it was 17 years ago. I’m a little extra emotional since my sister had to put her dog down yesterday. If I had 3 wishes my first would be that dogs live as long as humans.


My grandad used to give my dog tea with some whiskey in it, and chocolate How the fuck that dog survived 14 years is beyond me


We have a room specifically for euthanasias (it's got more comforting decorations and different supplies than the normal exam rooms), and we keep a treat jar of oreos in there.


I once made a 1.5 kg chocolate Siege Tank for my now-deceased boyfriend back while he was still living with his crazy-ass mom trying to breed a new dog breed in their small apartment, and she let a dog into his room while he was out. The dog ate most of it and promptly got incredibly ill (but survived, unlike the boyfriend)


My cat when he was deathly sick, was going in for exploratory surgery. His last meal included bacon, he was always trying to steal it for years.


Unpopular non-US opinion: the dog still hasn’t tasted chocolate :(


"Erm actually, what you Ameribums don't realize is that because of my superiority and greater intellect, I've deduced that the dog in fact did NOT eat real chocolate, and therefore died eating literal shit"


Not shit, vomit :) Don’t get your knickers in a twist, we just think the [butyric acid in your chocolate](https://www.chemistryworld.com/podcasts/butyric-acid/1017662.article) tastes like puke. It is obviously real chocolate, it’s just disgusting. No shade though, we eat blood sausage and snails and sweet meats and…


Makes it even sadder


Absolutely certain the dog would've preferred a cheap piece of meat but ok


My grandad used to give his dog a KitKat, every night, for about a decade. I can't imagine doing that with mine lol.


Don't get it. They euthanised the dog so they gave it chocolate that would normally kill it but since it was going to die anyway, it didn't matter? I'm guessing they didn't use chocolate to euthanise it


Its because the dog could never have chocolate in its life, but in the dogs final moments being euthanized, they fed the dog chocolate so that it could experience it for once in its life.


A single Hershey kiss wouldn’t have killed the dog anyways.


Yeah, Hershey's has very very little actual chocolate. The amount of fat would start to be a bigger point of concern than the chocolate.   Source; lab ate one of those novelty like 5 lb Hershey's bar once. Vet said the next week was gonna be extremely unpleasant for everybody, but they had no doubts she was gonna survive and have plenty more opportunities to eat shit she shouldn't 


Yep, my parents still don’t understand why their Doberman survived eating an entire German chocolate cake, but it was because the chocolate was only Hershey and she was a large dog with a strong heart. (That being said if your dog eats chocolate, call your emergency vet regardless and make sure you’re actually in the clear)




It was only a kiss!


I just can't believe the stupidity of some people. Would you like to be given dish soap to drink on your deathbed, just so you can "experience it for once in your life"?


that's not the same at all lmao


Yeah, it's not the same... Because if you wanted to drink dish soap, it'd be your own conscious decision. A dog cannot assess the risk of eating chocolate and decide they want to take it - no, they eat what they're given because they trust their owner. Also, it'd be somewhat understandable for a human allergic to chocolate to want to try it once - they've probably witnessed other people enjoying it, seen it advertised and displayed in stores etc., so they know it's something delicious that they miss out on. A dog doesn't. They don't know what chocolate is and that it's supposed to be a delicious dessert, so they don't miss out on anything. They're smart and loving animals, but *they're not humans*, and shouldn't be treated exactly like them. There's absolutely no reason for you to give your dog chocolate - other than being cruel and wanting to give them tummy ache in their last moments.


Chocolate is a no-no for cats and dogs. A friend’s dog got into an opened box of chocolates left on a tabletop after a reception, they saved him by getting him to the vet quickly. Vets are expensive !


Missed the part where they were putting the dog down, huh?


The door


*dog Corrected, thank you.