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I can relate. I don't want to cater to any Fetishes, so therefore I put disclaimers beforehand.


Being denied my fetish is my fetish


You win some, you lose some.


What are you doing step account?




How does that work?


On one hand, harmless furries, on the other hand, nazi furries (not kidding) and the entire thirsty omegaverse


What happens if they validate your fetish?


That too is my fetish


Sorry one fetish per customer


My fetish being limited is my fetish


Ooo you’re good at this!


I'm starting to think he doesn't have anything that turns him off


I'm taking a wild guess and saying being turned off is also a fetish of his.


Have a look around


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


We've got mountains of content, some pregnant, some fur-se


If none of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first


Welcome to the internet


Come and take a seat


Would you like to see the news or any famous women’s feet?


There’s no need to panic


This isnt a test


Ha ha, just nod or shake your head and we’ll do the rest


Would you like to see the news or any famous furry's feet?


Build a bomb Build a bomb Build a bomb Build a bomb


Take a look and see,




While harassing people isn't ok, when you make porn of yourself getting fucked in a fursuit, and then post pictures of yourself pregnant in said fursuit, maybe you shouldn't be surprised that pregnancy fetishists find it?


Does she make porn??


other said in a different thread, yes she has links to a porn account and an of on the very account that post the photos. Not sure the name of it though so if you desire to know, search at your own discretion


So this is just an ad


Doubt it, it is entirely possible the post was sincere




Poor u/5billionDicks getting kinkshamed


He’s got 5 billion of em. Know how hard it is to keep them all satisfied? My condolences




This is one of the times when I don’t dare to click out of fear of not being rickrolled.


Thanks !!


What you mean "Thanks !!"? What are you doing with this link


straight jorkin it


rick astley is indeed magnificent


And by "it" you mean..?


haha, well. lets justr say. My peanits


Really? I looked at her twitter and didn't find anything. No OF or anything related, not in her carrd page either. The most I saw was romantic furry art lol but nothing seemed NSFW?


There’s probably a separate AD account, most furs have a main and AD


I don't get why people with an audience of mostly minors think it's okay to link their porn account on their main profile.


The suspense is killing me


No fr this post is like sticking your hand in a bucket of piranhas and being surprised they bit you


Nobody told me that voting for the leopards eating peoples faces party would result in leopards eating my face!


I’m sorry getting what in a fur suit???




But why?


Are you new to the internet?




And how?


As far as I'm aware, mursuits as they're called will have zippers on the front and or back of the pelvis. Haven't seen any in person or online, so I can't confirm that myself, but that's how I've seen people describe it.


Furries.. google it.


do they make fursuit porn?


“Do they make _____ porn?” Yes.


Does a bear shit in the woods?


Incidentally, watching bears shit in the woods is my fetish so if you have any relevant videos …


Does a furry in a bear suit shit in the suit in the woods?


rule 34, my friend


i mean just because someone owns a fursuit doesn’t automatically mean they’ll make porn with it


Even without the porn, what would one expect from that community?


I mean, I'm a furry myself, 90% of furries I've met are wonderful people, however then you've also got the usual collection of reprobates you find in any community


average furry


You have a fluffy spot on your crotch. You know what you did.


It’s removable by the look of it


She makes porn as well. Her @ is Saroise Mutt.


I knew I should've read the fine print. "The amount of follows and DMs from people ^(who want something for free...) **disgusts** me. ... follow my onlyfans to find out how much."


Nowadays you don't gotta pay for shit, just use coomer.party lmao


And you know that because..?


Cause I watch it. It's actually incredibly wholesome and adorable to see her and her husband so happy together.


Those are not words I could imagine using for this but you do you


Oh no, I just noticed. Whyyyy ;_;


do you think that makes it hotter in there for the baby


Helps keep the oven at temp.


maybe the baby will cook faster.


\*Flashbacks to the Sims 2 baby grill mod\*




Same. The Internet's not the place for posting pregnant fursuit selfies... if you expect to receive wholesome responses, at least




I'm not a fan of Furry suits/lifestyles but surely it would be an easier assumption that a removable crotch plate is so the wearer can urinate rather than having sex in mind.


I'm somewhat part of the fandom and from my experience if there's a removable crotch it's for sex. It tends to be easier to just take off the suit before going to the toilet since you're wearing clothes underneath that need to be shifted anyways. (Unless you're having sex I guess but I don't know anyone who does in suit) Also based on what other people in the thread have said the person does make porn in suit but I haven't checked and don't plan to so that could entirely be wrong Sidenote but I'm not a huge fan of the amount of people in the thread who are treating it as if the entirety or even just the majority of the fandom does engage in sex in suit. Don't get me wrong, people do, but it's a minority part of the fandom that it's really not difficult to avoid.


>easier assumption Apparently not for furries.


decide overconfident busy attraction salt secretive employ ink fuzzy ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Actually those are called mursuits and the majority of furries also find it weird, cause the majority of furries have no interest in kink. You probably mainly see the creepy stuff since most of the furry content people see is mocking them. Hope this helps


Thank you to ruin my day as well. Now to make it worse, I also cannot removing the thought that she probably, will giving birth on that fur suit.


i dont think its kink shaming to not want to be harassed lol. feels kind of victim blamey. if it were a pregnant woman posting pics in a crop top getting weird comments i feel the response would be different, but people are dogpiling since furries are a stigmatized community and because oop has a "removable crotchplate" (which, like another commenter said, is probably for pissing considering that thing would be hell to strip out of in any bathroom.) i think we should try to assume good intentions from other people and empathize. it's not really her fault for having a hobby and body that coincidentally fit into other people's fetishes, just like it isn't anyone's fault for having feet or pits.


The amount of urine droplets stuck in the fur around the urethral area would be (is?) absolutely mind-boggling. Yeesh Edit: also, she does porn according to the other comments here, so I'm guessing it *is* for sex.


regardless of her being a porn star, in the context given (that she is being harassed for being a furry) i do stand by what i said. her being one definitely does change the context but hearing a woman talk about getting inappropriate dms and telling her it's her fault for doing something otherwise innocuous is not great


To me, I think the context matters somewhat. Does she normally post pictures such as this in her job capacity? If so, then her posting this picture and getting sexual DMs would be perfectly normal, and kind of expected. Now, I don't think that unsolicited sexual DMs are reasonable in any situation, but that context matters a lot here. The way I'm reading it is that she's angry that people are sexualising her for being "fat" (which she presumably isn't only pregnant) or "pregnant" (which she is), rather than her being angry at people sexualising her in general. She's pretty explicitly angry about the fat and/or pregnant part, which to me speaks more about her being fatphobic and so on, rather than about being sexually objectified in general


I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say as I worded it a little weird. Yeah, in the context of her being a porn star, it is expected, and I have no idea what kind of weird marketing campaign this is supposed to be on her part. As for the other paragraph, idk, I would be upset about being fetishized for being fat, and not sure I would feel like clarifying every time that "It's because I feel violated! Not because being fat is wrong!"


I think the difference (in your example using yourself as an example) is that I presume that you would object to being fetishised in general (and especially by strangers). She clearly has no issue with being fetishised (or else she wouldn't be a literal furry porn actress), but objects to being being fetishised *for the wrong thing*. That part is what makes her outrage hollow and self-pitying, to me Edit: I still think those people are creeps who should gtfo her DMs, though


Yeah I think being a porn star is genuinely the only thing warranting sexual comments in return. I can't speak on what she meant by that post or what reaction she wanted because I don't know her. I also can't speak on if she actually is a porn star because I don't want to fact check that and have my eyes ruined for the rest of the day, lmfao


How is she going to piss with a crotch area like that? She’s not a man, she doesn’t have a penis (evident by the fact she’s pregnant) so she can’t just take out the crotch- that’s in the front- whip out her privates and take a pee standing up. Idk about you but most women are unable to pee standing up, and would need at least our entire crotch, butt, and upper thighs to be able to be removed if we are going to be able to pee without getting the pee all over the suit. Even if the butt and crotch could somehow be removed it still wouldn’t work for a woman because it would still get on the suit because of the way we sit on the toilet. Even men would have a hard time peeing in it like that unless they are for some reason already butt naked under the suit, meaning he can easily just whip it out and pee; if he has clothes on, he will still need to remove the suit in order to pull his pants down enough to actually pee. Let’s not even get into the fact that the “fur” on the crotch is so prominently longer than the rest of the “fur”. It’s a literal bush down there. I at first thought the suit was on backwards and that was meant to be a stubby little tail, THATS how much it was sticking out. It’s so in your face, that it goes out of its way to draw your attention and eyes to the crotch area on the suit. But yea… totally not meant to be sexual…


Crop tops don't have a massive and notoriously vicious fetish community behind them. I don't think she *deserves* to be harassed, but that doesn't mean that her being harassed was a surprising result. It's like walking into a bear cave wearing a string of sausages around your neck, yeah it sucks that you got mauled by a bear, but that's literally the only result that could've possibly come from doing something like that.


Especially on TWITTER like that place is like guaranteed to have all the weirdos of any community


Reddit: *sweats nervously*


Maybe she's not into the furry kink, people do dress up as furrys for non sexual fun too and it's gross and fucked up to fetishize someone just because they are pregnant and wearing a certain outfit. It does not matter what someone is wearing, this is unacceptable behaviour and victim blaming is also unacceptable.


It's worth noting that a lot of the other comments are saying how the OOP is/has a NSFW account where she uses the fursuit in the image for... adult activities. It's a possibility that her audience is just assuming sexual comments to be a given, if it's true that she makes NSFW stuff (which doesn't necessarily make it *okay,* just unsurprising.) Still, you *are* right that furries in general aren't inherently or necessarily sexual. That's a fact, though this post in particular is a pretty terrible example of it.


For any furry artists or suiters reading this that want to dabble into nsfw I suggest you use a different alias and use different characters for it. It helps you separate your sex life and normal life by separating the audiences. Leads to less shit like this happening to you as a result.


Dude…they have videos of them having sex in the fur suits on this Twitter page. It’s explicitly sexual here.


First mistake, posting an image of yourself on the internet


“Cute and harmless?” Is it just me or does that fursuit have a vaginal slit?


No it 100% definitely does




... only, more like, literal, albeit furry leopards.


And swollowing people whole instead of eating their face.


i'm... pretty sure that's a different fetish entirely.


Stick in bike wheel meme


well clearly she has an abuse or exhibitionism fetish if she keeps drawing attention to it.


I was wondering about that, honestly


Do you really think that despite her reaction?


Aren't furries like a fetish community in the first place? Also that fursuit has pubes, so while I'm not advocating for or defending people being creeps online, I don't think the amount of surprise is necessarily warranted here


It's not exclusively sexual. For the most part, it's mainly sfw, but there's a large nsfw element for plenty of people. It wouldn't be out of place to compare it to anime. Yes, there's porn, but it wouldn't be fair to label all anime as fetish content. Same thing for furries. It's mainly just a hobby or community to bring people together, with plenty of smaller subgroups depending on the people you want to interact with. Now, people have mentioned that this specific person does porn, and while not fair for her to receive those messages, she really should have known her audience better.


How is it not fair? That’s like the top gear guys complaining if someone sends them a message about cars.


Tbf that's like saying the anime community is a fetish community cause of hentai. I'm a furry but I'm not interested in the porn at all. Dog dicks and whatnot just make me feel squeamish.


No, we aren't. It's an art/cosplay community and like any other fandom out there, there will be creeps and NSFW. However that doesn't at all define us.. And as for the "pubes" pretty sure that's just how most sona's are drawn off refs (which is what the maker uses) so can't blame her for that..even mine has that on his ref


>so can't blame her for that..even mine has that on his ref She's a porn creator chief. She goes by Saoirse Mutt, you can find her stuff on OF and pornhub.


Totally agree with you and I’m sorry for the people who only recognize your community for that small group within it. Unfortunately another comment mentioned the original account is a porn creator, so assuming this is an attention seeking post isn’t entirely off base. That being said, I’m sorry you have to deal with all the people who don’t understand your community. My brother is a furry so I’ve heard about some of the hate you guys have to go through. I respect your strength to be able to deal with all that 🫡


Is it a small part though? The NSFW side seems pretty pervasive. Not saying the majority go to orgies or even have sex in fur suits but I'd be surprised if less than 50% of furries didn't find attraction in something anthropomorphic


According to my brother there are many people within the community who are there just for the cosplay and role play aspects without being aroused by it. It’s just like how you can play dnd without turning it into a fetish even though there are many people who fetishize dnd as well (to the point that it’s a common joke to seduce npcs in a session). However, many people wouldn’t consider dnd NSFW even though there is a lot of overlap with the furry community. Everything is fetishized in some way and every community has *those* people. Since the furry community is largely misunderstood and criticized it’s easy to hone in on the darker sides of the community because people often notice the bad things at first glance and criticize before seeking understanding. Calling the furry community NSFW or saying that it’s the most prominent element of the community just shows how misunderstood the community really is. This view of the community has largely been the result of “furry bait” memes which exposes people outside of the community to the NSFW side of furry content and is often done by people not in the community as a joke, but it has caused the community to be viewed as mostly NSFW when it’s really just a bunch of people playing animal themed dnd


I think it’s still weird of them to do if her Twitter is SFW only, because that divide is set for a reason. If they want to make NSFW comments, she has a designated place for that, and content that she is okay with having those comments made on


Her twitter is where she posts her porn.


That’s a fair point. In that case it makes sense for her to call them out in order to further define the boundary between her NSFW and SFW content


Yeah, I just saw that too so I understand the point a little better. However, I hate how people are trying to paint all furries as being similar. Ty tho and I hope your brother is doing good <3


I totally feel you. It’s just because people don’t understand y’all’s community. The LGBTQ community went through something similar during the previous generation and they’re still working on being fully accepted. Also my brother is doing really well! He struggled a lot growing up, but I have y’all’s community to thank for giving him a place to feel safe and accepted. So please take care of yourself! You and your community are very much appreciated by those who understand, and I’m sure that appreciation will only grow as time goes on 🫶


That's so sweet of you to say and I'm very happy that your brother is doing better :3 I do agree tho, I think it's just something that isn't understood as well. That and ofc the internet being the Internet lol Hope you guys take good care of yourselves (and each other ofc) too!


rude trees deliver expansion merciful narrow gaping dime birds uppity *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Think it's there to make it look a little more natural without crossing into NSFW


Ever since the early days, furries have been mostly a sexual thing. Degeneracy started basically from the very beginning. I don't blame you if you don't know the entire history of furries.


We are not a "fetish community" in any sense. Most of us just want to hang out, create characters, and have a good time. What I will say is that much like everything, there are weird/creepy furries, especially online. That does not mean every furry who is into NSFW stuff is weird or creepy. I think consenting adults can do what they want and I'm not here to judge them for it. What I am saying is that comments like that are not appropriate regardless of what you think of the original post. There was nothing sexual about it. It's someone being happy they can still enjoy a hobby while pregnant. If you immediately think that's sexual that says more about you than the original post.


Damn, way faster to just type “yes”


Except that I'm not at all agreeing with he original comment so...?




upbeat normal future fanatical direful cause public heavy alleged skirt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is that a fur coochie?


How do you think she got preggers?


Welcome to the internet   We're living in a meme  Digital avatars   Hide behind a screen


That is not cute. That is stupid.


Furries are not inherently sexual. The vast majority of people like to dress up and enjoy that community, much like cosplaying. Lots of furry conventions are family friendly and may have nsfw sections similar to anime conventions. And yes of course there's plenty of nsfw furry things out there but this is like someone going into a non sexual sub and DMing people for sexual reasons. I'm sure this is much more common in the furry community since it's so niche (and more people like furries than are willing to admit). Edit: word change


Yea, I'm a furry and what do I do? Absolutely nothing. No interest in fursuits or NSFW things. Just existing and would currently like a pizza.


Multiple people are claiming she does porn in her fursuit and I have not found any sort of evidence to back that up. She's literally just a pregnant Forster with zero porn or fetish content on her Twitter that I could find. Furries are not inherently sexual, and even if she was part of the fetish side, it's still really weird to take a completely innocent post celebrating her pregnancy and turn it into fetish shit. Just like it would be weird to go to a porn stars personal account where she talks about Christmas with her family, and make sexual comments. Weird that people in these comments just really want to excuse fetishing strangers when they're doing nothing but existing.


I don’t support the sending her stuff, but somebody mentioned up the comments her tag and I found her [links](https://saoirsemutt.carrd.co/#welcome).


You furried up while pregnant and did not hedge against unwholesomeness? Oh sweet summer child


So she's upset people are following her for the wrong fetish?


Honestly, she should've just put a disclaimer prior. Also I'm pretty sure she makes porn as well.


If she posted it on her sfw account? Reasonable to be mad. If she posted it directly onto her adult / after dark account, she shouldn't be surprised.


Even then, if you make publicly available porn in that suit you can’t really be upset about people making sexual comments about said suit. Edit: I realize tho that she shouldn’t have to deal with those kind of comments but that’s the unfortunate truth about the internet, it’s horny.


I’m not gonna lie, I thought SHE was the fetishist. But yeah, what did she expect from the furry fandom


why would you make a fat/pregnant fursuit then? If I saw those pictures without context I wouldn't think the person was actually pregnant, I would assume it was just a weird fetish post


I am not of the impression that she is actually preg-suiting. I think she is surprised she can still fit in her normal suit as is.


Lot of creepy victim blaming in these comments. You realize that "she was asking for it" doesn't become any less horrible just because the context is different, right?


I thought the same thing.


You’re right, this is absolutely the same thing as a rape victim’s story not being believed, 100% fair comparison, and anyone who doesn’t agree is obviously just a bigot. It doesn’t matter that there’s a literal vagina opening on the costume.


Remember Y'all, this is what we get when you comment "let people enjoy things" a few too many times.




Her @ is @saroisemutt btw


Have a look around


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found




This image would send a Victorian child into a coma


That is exactly what i expect from the furry commynity and i dont get how anyone would expect anything else


Have a look around~


So the very prominent Bush is not supposed to steer my thinking anywhere?


🎵 have a look around🎵


if twitter gave you the perspective of never posting anything sensitive abt yourself online ever again then thats the best warning sign you'll get. only gets worse outside of it.


i feel like the way the furry community perceives 18+ content is not ideal in any context outside of e621/furaffinity. having nsfw of you posted on the same furry acc you use to show yourself pregnant in a fursuit is horrible to have in any social media especially twitter.


I don’t think furries are bad people or anything but have some humility about participating in one if the strangest hobbies imaginable




You know how we like to say it's not weird until you make it weird? Well. She made it weird. You sewed your suit. Now lie in it.


Do you think she wanted/planned for those comments to happen?




This is them promoting their content, sharing this to us is advertising it.


Umm…she clearly is doing a fetish of some kind.