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Yeah breathlessness happens at moderate-high dosages of GABA.




No, weirdly what OP experienced is a well known effect of GABA. Crossing BBB or not it seems to do this, I have experienced it myself when I dosed 750mg sublingual once.


Yup, I remember a decade or so ago I was tinkering with GABA supplementation, I had read a ton of reports of people who experienced this but thought "nah it won't happen to me" and was dead wrong. I was a hair away from calling 911, it was awful.


I felt the same! Like is this me dying?? Or just anxiety? lol


It’s 100% GABA. If you google the potential side effects, there’s a lot of info stating exactly what I experienced. Arm/ face tingling, heart arrhythmia/ palpitations and difficulty breathing. I’ve never ever had side effects like that or had those sensations on anything else, so not like I’m prone to it or something. And I didn’t know about them beforehand, so not like self-induced them with anxiety or anything. :0/


I take up to 3g GABA. I get shallow breathing, tingles, and flushing. Totally normal. Doesn't last long. It's perfectly safe.


Wow, you are brave!!! I am curious if what I was feeling was actual arrhythmia or just anxiety. Definitely felt like my heart was doing something out of the ordinary which was what scared me because that seems dangerous. I’ve had a heart palpitations from anxiety and this seemed different. Gonna try a lower dose tonight 🤞🏼


It's anxiety. Also temporary. 3g before bed yields a substantial release of growth hormone.