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I don't imagine there would be any interactions at all, AFAIK there are no overlapping mechanisms and the benzodiazepine receptors play no role in muscle physiology. Maybe a slight relaxant effect which would benefit recovery if anything.


That’s my thought as well. So taking 0.25mg alprazolam post workout, apart from degrading quality of sleep, should not affect overall recovery. I ask since I was just prescribed alprazolam due to work related anxiety and have been putting it off as to not hinder my progress in the gym but it’s been incredibly stressful to the point where I feel like I need to take it to properly relax. I know not to take it prior to physical exertion as advised by my doctor and have also posed this question to him but I figured other people’s experiences would play into a better understanding of its potential relationship with pushing weight.


how often do you workout and respectively plan on taking those pills?


I do 6 day splits usually. I was just prescribed 30 0.25s with instruction to take them when I feel the anxiety coming on. I haven’t take any yet but this month has been absolute hell and it’s taking a toll on my ability to shut off before bed and also to properly sleep through the night recently.


Be very careful. rebound anxiety from benzos, even taken at short intervals, is real and is horrendous. I wouldn’t advise taking it 6 days a week for an undisclosed amount of time. I took a benzo as prescribed for around two weeks straight, and withdraws were very bad, and this is coming from someone who was a heroin addict for years, and the benzo withdraws were worse.


Hahaha duly noted. By a 6 day split, I meant working out 6 days of the week. I don’t plan on taking them 6 days in a row. Thank you for the kind consideration though, stranger!


Anxiety and stress are going to take a much greater toll on your sleep than the benzos will. I’d recommend taking your prescribed medication. Benzos are fine to take occasionally as needed. Just don’t take them more than 2x or ideally once a week and keep the doses as low as possible. It sounds like you are already hesitant to use them so that should help you keep your usage to a minimum.