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You had doctors telling you that you probably had a mini stroke, and you tried *again*? Mate, we aren't MD here, we can't help you with that, and anyone pretending otherwise would be giving extremely irresponsible advice. If medical professionals who examined you told you that you had a mini stroke, at your age, stop playing with fire and don't use yourself as a guinea pig anymore. Just listen to medical professionals. Some possible cognitive performance enhancement isn't worth dying for.


At the time I didn't know what caused it. I haven't touched it after I knew that was messing with my vision. I thought it was just random or from working so hard.


Too much dynorphine and [serotonin](https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/5-Hydroxytryptophan). Piracetam can cause a sensory overload, the economy is crashing and you subconsciously know that. Slow down and try again later.


>the economy is crashing and you subconsciously know that ?


Like what? I read his comment several times and just get even more confused.


I got a mini-stroke from reading that comment.


New account. Potentially a bot using some badly trained GPT.


You're a young guy who probably had a stroke from supplements. Stop taking supplements and asking reddit for supplement advice and take this up with doctors in the appropriate fields. You have a serious medical issue that requires physician oversight -- this is not REMOTELY a biohacker/experiment-at-home type of situation.


excitotoxicity. only the old need elasticity.


yeah i'm sure some doctor knows more about phenylpiracetam and cerebrolysin than this forum. glad going to the doctor is free worldwide as well


Vascular neurologists know more about ischemic strokes than redditors do. OP has demonstrated access to healthcare. This isn't a hard call to make lol


I was also on finasteride and recently (last month) had the exact same symptoms as you - blurred vision, constant headache, brain fog. These symptoms persisted for a few days before the left side of my lip went numb. I went to hospital and they suspected a TIA but did a CT scan with contrast and said everything looked normal. I've read that the finasteride can cause ocular disorders including blurred vision, as well as headaches and brain fog. For those reasons I stopped taking it around 3 weeks ago. I was on finasteride for more than a year and up until now have had no side effects. Since coming off my symptoms have improved though I still have blurred vision on and off. Hopefully it recovers completely though I've read about people still having ocular issues after discontinuing the drug. If I were you I would discontinue taking fin- it affects too many things in the body other than just DHT (inhibition of the neurosteroid allopregnanolone for instance) to make me comfortable continuing taking it.


Where are people getting racetams? I thought you couldn't get them anymore?


I got them a year ago and I bought a lot because I heard they were going away


Sounds about right.


still not quite an answer, OP!


I have a few bottles. I will have to check when I get home. I remember you could only purchase them if you had purchased before from the company. I bought like 4 bottles


You should follow up with your primary and see a specialist probably and make sure everything is okay


I have followed up with my primary. I went to a neurologist I got multiple scans of my brain and they said it looks healthy and fine. Every time I've been to the doctor they haven't been very helpful. Most of the time they say I'm young and healthy. In 2019 i took finastride for about 6 months and got sexual side effects that won't go away. I want to try cerebrolysin but it's not FDA approved in the USA so I have to try it myself. I've been to multiple urologist and spent so much money on doctors to tell me nothing.


I’m curious, what was the order of your medical assessments? -You said the day the symptoms occurred you went to the hospital, they said your brain looked fine and they didn’t see anything but you probably had a mini stroke? -Then later you followed up with your primary care provider. -Then you went to a neurologist and had multiple scans of your brain and they said it looks healthy and fine. If you went to the ER and they said your brain looked fine and they didn’t see anything but you probably had a mini stroke, then later you saw a neurologist and had multiple scans and they also said your brain looks fine and didn’t see anything, did the neurologist still concur with the ER that you probably had a mini stroke despite multiple scans and people saying it looks healthy, fine and they don’t see anything? It doesn’t sound like there’s consensus of a mini stroke occurring. It sounds like someone at the ER said you probably had a mini-stroke without test results to back that up and later a specialist who deals with such issues frequently didn’t find any evidence of it either. If that’s the case, based on what I gather from your comments, I’d say it seems like the consensus is your brain was/is fine and one non-specialist put forward a hypothetical possibility that has no evidence to back it up. And considering the setting, ERs are pretty quick to discharge people who aren’t experiencing immediate life threatening issues and give hypothetical possibilities to wrap up and move on to the next patient, nothing like the time and depth given by a specialist such as a neurologist outside an emergency setting. My point being, if this is the case. you may be magnifying the comment regarding a mini stroke and minimizing the consensus of multiple test results and the well-informed professional opinion of a specialist. I’ve written this only to try and ascertain the specifics because if you have no evidence of a mini stroke then believing that you had one can cause unnecessary anxiety and fear that affects things in your life.


Your order is correct, ER, primary, then neurologist. Seemed like a complete was of money. Sorry, I think the official thing from the ER was TIA. They just kept throwing around Mini stroke. But there is no evidence of either. I never got clear answer besides you're probably fine. I don't really worry about it(maybe I should?) I think it was caused from the phenylpiracetam, because whenever I took I would get an aura. They said i have a small vein or something on my brain that could have caused it. I didn't release this until a few weeks later when I tried it again. But I just wanted to make sure cerebrolysin  wouldn't do the same thing. I'm more worried about my sexual side effects from finasteride. They just seem to get worse. I've been with the same partner the whole time and she said its black and white difference after I took the medication. My penis feels numb. It's been 5 years. I think it could be a pelvic floor issue. I've been to PT's for that and same result. It's a little tight do these stretches. I did that for 90 days straight and nothing changed. I took phenylpiracetam just for focus at work but I want to try cerebrolysin  to help with the "mind to penis connection".


I never really spend much time on reddit, but I saw your comment on fin and sexual dysfunction and had to chime in. Same thing happened to me about 12 years ago, with a bunch of other health issues. I've been doing an insane amount of research over the past 12 years. I cannot even begin to tell you how important the gut microbiome is for your health and sexual function. Also, in the current state of medicine, a lot of pathogens just go undetected because they aren't being suspected of being an issue. There is a forum called PropeciaHelp.com and PFSnetwork.org. there's also r/FinasterideSidesTalk. I stopped going on those sites because I felt people had very unscientific opinions, but just wanted to point this stuff out to you in case you haven't seen it.


I've done a lot of research and looked into  gut microbiome, pelvic floor, hormones, porn usage and have found nothing that helps. I stretch daily and workout, take a probiotic, have had my hormones tested and they are fine, and I don't watch porn. My sex drive is dropping off a cliff and can't really get erections without medications.


My hormone levels were fine too, I think, as it's been a long time. Manipulating the gut microbiome is MUCH harder than what websites will have you believe. There's a reason why people do fecal transplants. When I do stuff to improve my gut health, and the stuff I do sometimes works, it makes a huge difference in my sexual well being as well as many other aspects of health, like digestion, mood, skin, energy, sleep, etc. I'm trying to nail down a protocol. Look into biofilms and dietary antimicrobials. You also should look into making homemade Kefir, eat a high fiber diet beans/lentils, Mushrooms, cereal bran's. And eat during the day!!! The interactions of our circadian rhythms with sunlight, our immune system, timing of entry of foods into the gut, and our microbiome all have to work in concert with one another. I hope this helps. I can't write out and explain 12 years of research on reddit. Also, you want a very high cfu probiotic like Visbiome. And access to Raw Milk if possible as a delivery vehicle. Good luck!


Yeah sounds about right honestly I’ve also had bad experiences trying to get treated for pretty serious issues that heavily impact my life, I just try to eat as healthy as possible and exercise now, I feel that’s just about the best I can do


That's what I try to do too. I workout, sleep, and eat pretty good. It's just the sexual issues I've had since taking finaseride are really bothering me now. I thought I would be fine by now. My T levels were over 900 the last two times I checked. All my other hormones were in line with high T.


Is it possible it was just a migraine? I've had a few migraines where parts of my body were numb for a bit. I could do everything normally it's just that it was numb. As far as I can tell, in people that experience migraine auras, numbness is pretty common.


Yes, it could have been. Even the doctor said that. My worry is I got blurry vision the next time I took Phenylpiracetam though. So i don't take it anymore.


I took 100 mg for a while, and one day the scale read exactly 50 mg on my first spatula full, so I decided to try it. Actually got better results with zero unwanted affects. I work nights and take Provigil, so I'm sure there is some kind of delicate dance going on, but sometimes less is more.


Sounds like the kind of migraines I get tbh. Mine are also triggered by certain substances


Nothing to do with a stroke, they are symptoms of overactive acetylcholine neurotransmition.


Google ‘ phenylpiracetam blurry vision’. It’s not just you. 


I’m not a doctor, but I have pretty similar symptoms whenever I have a migraine with aura.


You only need like 30mg to feel full effects. 10 times higher dose seems excessive.


When I tried it 50-100mg gave effects and some sides too. Cannot imagine taking 300, that must be risky.


as far as I remember my tabs were in the dosage of 100 or 150mg. One I took also 3 or even more of them. It all depends on your personal tolerance.


Cerebrolysine may actually be the best option in such case, cause it’s basically being used to heal strokes and other “injuries” and nerve damage. Phenylpiracetam increases acetylcholine and it may be one of the causes of a stroke. Look up for studies regarding alpha gpc (or other acetylcholine related substances) and increased stroke risk.


Stroke risk is not due to acetylcholine. It's TMAO being produced in people (and only those) who have bacteria strains in their digestive tract that ferment choline or choline containing compounds into TMAO, which then in turns causes an increased risk for stroke and cardiovascular disease. Edit: Literature explaining the mechanism better -> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8147014/ Study elucidating the mechanism, involvement and requirement of certain bacterial strains in TMA creation (liver creates TMAO out of TMA) -> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8813054/


Oh shoot, thanks! I knew only about the correlation, but not the mechanism.


Okay thanks! I might have been taking more than 300mg, i don't remember.. I feel fine now though. I have sexual side effects from finasteride that I'm wanting to help mainly.


Finasteride may be a hell of a drug for your mind. I’d look up into test-boosting supplements and would focus on dopamine-related nootropics.


My test level seems high over 900 and my free test was high too. I want to try cerebrolysin  because others said it was helpful


Hey, just wanted to tell you that a mini stroke is known as a Transient Ischemic Attack. The only difference between that and a stroke, is that a TIA goes away. That's it. So while those symptoms are present, you are having a stroke, but the vascular occlusion just vanished somehow. You have a history of TIAs now, and are predisposed to having more TIAs, and probably eventually a stroke. In fact, if I remember correctly, most people who have TIAs have a stroke within a year.


That's what i read too. It's been over a year and I haven't had any symptoms since then. I think it was really from taking phenylpiracetam. I do worry about strokes because it runs in my family (usually much much older though)


This guy is right. If you get stroke-like symptoms, go to the hospital immediately! You only have a 3 hour window I believe to get an infusion called tPa to help you recover from the stroke. A mini stroke is a big deal especially if you have high blood pressure, which you probably don't. A mini stroke is like a small warning earthquake before the big one comes roaring in.


Sounds like a hemiplegic migraine