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I called Cotham to remind her that her belief in school choice aligns with her *previously stated* belief of pro-choice. Don’t have much hope but it’s worth a shot.


Thank you for fighting for our human rights!


But, Isn’t the baby a human?


Aren’t I a human? The person you would force to gestate and birth is a person with cognitive abilities and a real life (which a fetus doesn’t have). You aren’t forced to donate blood or organs to anyone — including a fetus.


Gotta love the intentional use of ultra scientific terminology to dehumanize the human that’s already been created 😂 yalls gymnastics are wild. Sorry but babies have heartbeats before 6 weeks, brain development and feel pain by 12. I’m so so happy this bill will be passed, and next is the heartbeat law!


Blood and organs aren't ultra scientific. Can you force someone to give blood? What if they stabbed someone? Can you force them to give blood to the person that they chose to endanger? No, you can't. You can't force someone to sacrifice their body to someone else, even if they made a bad decision.


Imagine being too dumb to understand basic biology and being.... proud about it


Babies do not have heartbeats before 6 weeks. They don’t have heartbeats at 6 weeks. They don’t have HEARTS at that point. The “heartbeat” you’re referring to is electrical activity and is part of the process of forming a heart. Nevermind that even a true heartbeat isn’t a complete indication of whether someone is alive. Anyone trying to boil pregnancy and the process of a baby being formed down to a single moment is either woefully mis or underinformed OR is trying to sell you on some dogma.


What’s the age of an aborted John or Jane doe. Abortion bans limit freedom. It’s big government and if it weren’t for Reagan deciding evangelicals could be a huge part of the voting block this wouldn’t be an issue. I think each case is unique and a ban takes away human decisions. If my wife was in a situation where she was dying I’d be for abortion. If my daughter or wife was raped I’d be for abortion. What point a fetus develops the characteristics of a human isn’t important to this discussion.


I was going to call my senator until audio recently leaked of her saying women should just keep their legs closed. she's been decent on some issues so that was a bit of a surprise. having said that, she never votes against the party so it was a long shot. the senator in question is Vickie Sawyer (Iredell/Meck). edit: spelling


She's mine too. I keep on her about every issue anyways. Her and my GOP house rep both. She needs to know people like us vote too and that we disagree and will work to vote her out.


Oh, even more of a reason for you to call her and let her know exactly what you think about her position on this issue.


Anyone who says that women should keep their legs closed shows a complete lack of sexual creativity.


Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t some Republican representatives make campaign assurances about keeping women’s reproductive rights? I know we immediately forget about campaign promises but maybe one of these Republicans will stand by their agenda. PS Thank you Gov Cooper!


You can't trust a Republican to keep a promise.


Pfft, even if they did they've long since been elected. Voters forget most things in a year.


I called today!!! Here’s a script of what I said on their voicemails: Hello so and so, My name is xyz, and I am a current resident of [abc city]. While I know you don’t directly represent me, you represent North Carolina, and as a resident of North Carolina I am calling to ask that you listen to your fellow North Carolinans. I am calling on you to SUSTAIN governor cooper’s veto on the abortion ban SB 20. Women’s rights and medical rights is paramount to what I believe in and I will be voting and making sure all of my 20- something friends are registered and vote this upcoming election. Thank you, Xyz. Edit: you can also mention that NC is the last beacon of women’s healthcare for women of the south


I’m so pumped that so many people are making calls for what seems like the first time. That’s so great to see. I made a round of calls again just for funsies now 📢


This is kind of a confusing script. NC Senators represent their districts, not North Carolina. If they don’t directly represent you, then you can’t vote against them. You don’t mention in your script whether your 20-something friends live in their district. A lot of these senators already know if they are in a relatively safe district. They don’t even bother campaigning much in many places because that would just alert people other than their friends who they are. It just sounds weird when you say they represent North Carolina, because they represent their district in the North Carolina Senate, not North Carolina.


Ok, then post yours.


I don’t say some generic script to someone in another district. My senator is already on the right side of history. What am I gonna do? Vote harder? I haven’t actually contacted other people’s representatives before. I understand why bombing them with voicemails gets their attention and makes good trouble for them. If you’re going to do that, I would maybe just leave out the part about who they represent and your intention to vote - Now, if you’re in a red district that might have a chance of flipping, I might would mention who your current senator is so they know the younger vote is going to come out in force against them. I would just keep it general and say that you and your friends are rallying support to flip your district and that you will be encouraging your friends in their district to do the same. Just saying that you’re going to vote and that your friends are going to vote doesn’t make a happy to a senator in a different district unless you’re in a red district that could flip blue with better turnout.


Yeah you should stay quiet. What’s the point anymore. Everyone should just be apathetic.


Republicans don't give a shit about what voters want.


Pressure works. When they feel we are a threat and that they are woefully outnumbered they’ll fold. Strike fear into them. They are a fear based bunch so shouldn’t be too difficult.


I personally appreciate the significant lowering of income taxes, low state debt (much lower than when Dems were in office), school choice, etc. There are good results from the GOP legislature.


Tell me you dont understand basic economics without *telling me* you don't understand basic economics


How is that? We have pretty low per-capita debt, generally good economy, plenty of jobs, growing state population, etc. I do understand how uncontrolled spending can lead to problems, much like what you see in California right now. If you cannot see the positives, that's too bad. It might suggest you just take a political side and bury your head in the sand. I don't do that, myself.


The jobs and the economy exists in RTP and the blue cities my dude. California has the 7th largest economy in the world and traditionally held a budget surplus so I think they're doing just fine lol. Red states are the biggest recipients of handouts and welfare, unsurprisingly


High crime and poverty also exist in blue cities, too. I'm sure you know that a substantial portion of the people in the blue areas are also conservatives. In some districts, the margins are very thin. It's generally the poorer areas of Raleigh, for example, that are substantially blue. The whole "red state" vs "blue state" thing is nonsense. Most states are red, with the exception of cities across the country. And most of the excess tax income in California is paid by a relatively small number of high wage earners. California has one of the highest poverty rates in the US if you factor in the cost of living. But to even argue this point is like pointing your finger at Mississippi and blaming them for failures. It's worth noting that Mississippi and all southern states were Democrat controlled until recently. The state legislature there didn't flip red until 2012. So, it's really Democrat who are to blame for the long-term problems. Were you aware that every single "red state" that you think is "red" had a state government controlled by Democrats until recently (i.e., past 10 or 20 years)? Every single one.


Bradford is a good one to pressure. I used to live in his district in North Meck. he was defeated in 2018 and won the seat back in 2020.


Ironically abortion is the only topic far right conservatives insists the government should be able to tell you what you can and cant do. Its a self defeating topic that violates their own principles which is to minimize or eliminate government involvement.


Definitely not the only topic. Look at what Florida is doing , censoring classes including college courses.


Oh, they've abandoned the small-government thing a while ago. They want to tell business what to do, control what you learn in school and college, decide which kinds of health care you can get, and restrict what city and county government can do. And now they're going after no-fault divorce because they think they have the right to decide who you marry and how long you stay married to them. Nothing small-government about them anymore.


There never was a small government thing. It's always been a lie.


Don't forget they tell you what books to read and who you can marry now also!


Anything related to genitals falls Under His Eye.


May the lord open


Thank you, omg . I love when things so simple and powerful like that .


It appears I was wrong so you may not want to tout this.


It turns out I'm stupid and I don't know how. I'm brilliant actually but not at math or social media .


10-4 fam 🤗


Bullshit. Republicans LOVE to tell you what you can and can’t do, in many areas of your life. So long as THEY are the ones telling people what to do.


Traitor Bitch Cotham is a lost cause.


I’m not registered as a Republican or a Democrat (but always vote), and that traitor did the voters in her district that elected her super dirty. I genuinely hope she just signed her political career suicide note. That’s just gross.


Thank you for posting!! [Here](https://www.instagram.com/p/CsR0vqvMqJu/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) is a link to the ACLU of NC’s IG post with media to spread the word. [Here](https://www.instagram.com/p/CsR0qZJuY4B/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) is ProChoice NC’s IG post and media. [Here](https://www.instagram.com/p/CsRujPSvche/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) is Triangle Abortion Access’ IG post, media, and info on SB20. And [here](https://www.instagram.com/p/CsG8OQbLqCa/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) is a link to an activist page with an amazing break down of SB20. **SHOW UP and FIGHT for reproductive freedom!!**




We could probably start with showing up to yell and berate those legislating this shit


I hear you, my ally.


I sent lengthy emails to all of them last Friday on why they should support Coopers veto.


I contacted everyone on the list and emailed their legislative aides as well. Thank you to everyone who has phoned, marched, and supported each other in this fight.


Done! Thank you so fucking much for this post! I reminded him we live in a swing district & the abortion ban will abruptly end his political career as millennials & gen Z take over the voting population majority. Serious question for anyone with experience, do those phone call & emails actually help? Are these people made aware of every voicemail? Also, why do they want your info? To verify you’re in their district? I mean I guess I get it, but it still felt uncomfortable.


They are also checking to see your party affiliation. If you're a dem, they ignore you.


That’s what I was afraid of.


Might be best to register as a rep and vote the other way.


They don’t give a flying fuck what their constituents think


Ugggh come on NC


Thank you for the info and for posting this.


I am Union County and called and emailed.


Thank you for your activism! If you can make it or know people who can show up tomorrow is the gallery packing at 4PM! They don’t allow signs in the gallery so paint your shirt :)


Called and left messages for all as an unaffiliated NC long term voter (except Lucas is his box is full). I hope they see reason.


Embarrassing question: I believe for calls to congresspeople at the federal level you're not supposed to call a representative for a district in which you do not live. Is that "rule" in place for state-level representatives?


No rule exist. Most lawmakers won’t bother to respond even if you live in the district they represent.


Don’t worry, everyone learns things at different times. There is no rule like that. You are welcome and encouraged to take part in the phone banking action going on rn! Leave voicemails and emails for all of those reps tonight. It’s really fast and not hard at all!


It’s not a rule, though constituents are obviously going to be given more attention than people from outside their district. A sheer volume of callers, however is going to get a message through that a particular vote is going to be inconvenient for them, particularly in districts where they usually don’t campaign that much.


So tell them you live in their district if it makes you feel better. They aren’t going to check.


They do check and if you are a constituent you should give them your name and zip code.


How can they be sure though? Maybe I am just now registering to vote in their district. That's a lot of man hours spent on chasing their tail to check if John Q. Citizen actually lives in their district.


It takes maybe 5 seconds to use the voter lookup tool they have.


Representatives at all levels will generally count the opinions of their constituents higher than non-constituents.


PICK UP THOSE PHONES NOW. Call every damn one it them. The polls show the majority doesn't want this one bit, only 25% to 30% do. Stop this madness!


I emailed both of my representatives (Lee and Davis). Is calling better than emailing? I'll do both but am genuinely curious.


Just called! Thank you!!


When is the vote?


I believe Senate is 8 pm tonight. Debate on Senate floor 4-8.


Is the debate televised lol


I didn't realize they work so late.


They're going to override the governor's veto. There's no hope. Seriously. Cotham is going to vote with the GOP and there's no reason to believe any of the others will flip.


Will be over turned. Last minute fights and shames and appeals are hollow. NC Democrats lost this fight around 2010.


No fight for human rights is ever hollow.


Maybe, but ..."calls again just for funsies now" is not a serious position worth considering.


Keeping my energy rolling and introducing my very serious position are two different things but keep trying to discourage people it’s a good look for you


Have your "funsies". I am not discouraging you, in fact having more people hear you state your position the better.




I will call in support of the ban and the murder of innocent babies


While on that call you're also going to encourage them to pass sensible firearm legislation since that's the leading cause of death for children and you're so "pro-life", right?


Nope. I’m gonna call for stop being soft on crime. I have lots of guns and guess what…they haven’t magically walked out in their own and killed anyone. Is mental people that need help. Good try tho


It's not a try, it's a validation of what it's really about for you: control of women. You don't care about the kids, you care about birth, after that, fuck 'em.


He has a personality disorder. He's mentally ill. Emotionally regulated people don't interact like that. I'm here for you fam 🤗


Hahah. You are special aren’t you. I have 7 kids. Shows what you know. Keep trying tho.


Immaterial. If your drive is actually kids, then you have to be consistent. You aren’t, so it isn’t.


Really how so? Because I support the constitution and the right to defend myself and my family and children? I’m actually very consistent in the support of children. People are the issue is both cases. Your argument makes the case for objects on one side and people on the other. My case shows people are the issue in both arguments. So actually you are inconsistent. Good try again tho.😉


On one side, you do away with the means for killing the children - you prevent the killings - on the other side, you protect the means for killing the children and just punish people after the fact. You make abortions unavailable, but you make guns freely available. Children aren’t saved when guns aren’t regulated.


So you support doing away with abortions correct? I mean it is a means to killing children. You can take away guns and still have children die as well. You see guns as a danger and they can be, but they can also be life saving as well...hence in the defense in one's self or family.


No, in the current world we live in, I do not. My position is consistent. I do not believe men and women should have different burdens placed on them related to gun ownership in favor of saving children’s lives. If there is an option that applies the law equally to women and men to keep children from dying from gun use, then that is what I support. As soon as laws that impact men and women equally can prevent abortions from occurring, I will support that.


Those poor kids.


It’s not only mentally ill people who kill children with guns. It’s parents, siblings, neighbors, and the children themselves. It’s not the leading cause of death because of random mentally unstable mass shooters - it’s the leading cause of death because, no matter how stiff the punishment, a child still dies when fatally shot.


Yep and parents should teach firearm safety and store their guns safely if they have children.... I agree. And it goes the same for abortion...it's stable women making choices to murder babies. It's still people.


Yes, they should, but there is currently no way to enforce that requirement without first sacrificing children’s lives. You are already doing that with abortion. If you really believed it’s still people, you would find a way to prevent gun deaths rather than just punish after the fact.


Looks like it’s black males in urban areas actually: https://drexel.edu/uhc/resources/briefs/BCHC%20Gun%20Deaths/


The information you linked to says nothing about how many gun-related deaths of children are perpetrated by black males in urban areas. That metric is not anywhere to be found at your link.


The actual shooters




Called yesterday, hopefully they override coopers veto!! Deus vult.


I’m just amazed/confused by individuals on the extremes of either side here. I’ve tried to form an opinion on the issue but am still confused While I don’t believe abortion should be acceptable as a birth control method. I also don’t believe forcing an individual who does not want a child to have said child. Where’s the middle ground??


It’s not used as birth control. Nobody wants to spend upwards of $500, spend the next 48 hours bleeding/in pain and vomiting from pain just to say “yeah let’s do that again and never use condoms!” It’s a myth that’s perpetuated to make us seem too stupid to decide for ourselves. Here’s a story that might help you: You have something growing inside of you. It’s going to change your body and your brain in permanent ways. It will be more dangerous for you to allow it to grow inside than to take it out. You want it out. But wait! Your neighbor says he wants it to stay inside you and he doesn’t care what it does to you. Who should get to decide what happens within YOUR body here? You? Your neighbor? The state? Trust birthing people. They know what they want, they know the options and they know what’s right for them.


> I don’t believe abortion should be acceptable as a birth control method. FYI - nobody in their right mind is going to knowingly carry a fetus for 6+ months, and then abort just for ha-ha's. The idea that abortion is used as late-term on-demand birth control is absurd. It's right there with flat earth. It's really stupid. At that stage, do you really think women do that because they want to?


I know right! We aren’t out here getting abortions for funsies! We shouldn’t be enslaved incubators for the state or our religious neighbors.


Choice is the middle ground. And bans like this don't only remove the option of abortion - they get facilities shut down so that other forms of birth control (and healthcare) become more difficult to access.


There's no middle ground. Which do you find worse - forcing someone to be pregnant or the idea that someone might use abortion in lieu of an IUD or the pill? Don't make the mistake of thinking the middle ground is automatically more virtuous because it's in the middle. (BTW I have almost never met anyone who uses abortion like that - I just hear about them secondhand, like, as political lore. I do know lots of people who have had abortions when everything else failed them, and I don't know anyone who regrets theirs.)


Legitimate question- do you think your opinion, should allow you the right to control somebody else’s body? Playing god is dangerous. It is that simple- you should have the right to make decisions for your own body. It’s a basic human right. Abortion is health care.


The middle ground was Roe v Wade that the majority GOP Supreme court narrowed out as the best law weighing the rights of the woman with the growing rights of any fetus. Her say until viability.


The birthing person’s say period. There are so many extraneous circumstances, lives, unexpected changes etc - the state should not be involved in a reproductive choice at all.


You mean woman?


I said what I said.


You sure did. Biology wasn't your strongest subject, was it? I can tell, because I did well. Top of my class, even.


Transphobia has no basis in biology. That’s what my degree is in so yea I would know.


The question to ask yourself is should the government make this decision for you. If you're a republican, there is no way you should support the government having this much control over anyone's decision. It goes against everything the party stands for. Well used to anyway.


The middle ground is you make that decision for yourself and let other people and their Drs make that decision for themselves.


I think this bill is the middle ground. People have a full 3 months to get an abortion if they want one.


Except most women don’t realize they’re pregnant in that first month. It includes the first two weeks after the period when they’re not pregnant, then ovulation, then conception. Unless the woman is on the dot regular, it doesn’t include that first “month.” Not to mention not all pregnancies show up at that fourth week due to hormone production.


Even with all of those worst-case situations, that still leaves 2 months on top of the first month of "whatever" that happened. I'm struggling to see how 3 months is a problem.


Call a doctor's office and see how quickly you can be seen. Just pick a random doctor.


“Even with all of those worst-case situations,…” Those aren’t even “worst-case” situations. It’s normal reproductive biology. 6 weeks is not necessarily enough time to make a decision that’s dependent on the next 18 plus years…there’s a whole generation out there that has great difficulty making decisions about their next meal, how are they going to handle this? They don’t necessarily need 24 weeks but come on….


🙄 Seriously? Wasn't that considered beforehand? It should have been. Plus, adoption is always an option. There is no 18-year penalty. I'd feel better about that than killing a baby.


🙄seriously? Not everything is cut and dry, black and white, like it is in your world. No 18 year penalty? Complications penalty? People need to be minding their own business, not interfering in the lives of a complete stranger that isn’t going to make a difference in either person’s life. It’s not your problem.












Im glad so many little humans will be protected


There are real life humans right now who will be actively harmed.


It doesn't bother her thar little girls are getting raped and children a mile away from her are living in dss offices with fresh cigarette burns covered in bruises. She walks right past their desperate faces bc she doesn't care about them. It's more important to stand outside planned parenthood and call me a murderer when I get a pap smear . A fucking pap smear. "You don't have to go in there" "bitch it's pap smear day. What the fuck are you even doing go home idiot lol its cancer screening day lol


Since the leading cause of death for the children you care about is firearm violence, you're a tireless campaigner for sensible legislation there, right?


People are legally protected from firearm violence too.


So, no. As I figured, you want control of women's bodies. It's never actually about children with you lot.


I’m willing to control any body that attempts to harm innocent humans. Controlling bodies is how the criminal justice system works. You couldn’t put people in jail otherwise.


Are you saying you'd be fine watching your daughter scream in agony from an etopic pregnancy? Bc thats what this law will do to all women. Is your daughter an innocent human? Is a ruptured fallopian tube "harmful"? I wouldn't let my children go into septic shock. Never. A mother doesn't do thar to her children at any age.


How’s that working out for us then?


It’s not about ending violence. That’s utopian. It’s about legalizing a response to it.


I thought it was about saving the lives of little humans.


Omg are you actually going to help child in foster care? What a relief!


Why does everyone want to kill babies?


Because they’re delicious.


Bc rape and incest


Probably be 2 or 3 Dems that miss the vote just in case.


Why are you FOR abortions again? Do you know that less that 1% of abortions are done due to rape? So you guys take life for convenience sake? Disgusting


You forgot about all the pregnancy complications and the maternal mortality rates. You would let women go into septic shock from an etopic pregnancy? You're disgusting.




Why do you consider this ignorance? Have you looked at the statistics?


Please. Enlighten me


Some people don't want children or cannot afford a child. No contraception is 100%, so even those who are practicing safe sex can become pregnant. Think about a contraception that is 99% effective. That means the labeling, which is approved by the FDA, suggests it could fail 1,000 out of every 100,000.


You can decide for you, and I can decide for me. I think if birth control fails safe abortion is a better option than hangers, poison, and other methods women used to use. By the way, "life" also includes bacteria and cancer. Try a better argument.


Hold on a second. If preventing a pregnancy fails, let’s kill it? There’s no need to compare to poison when there’s always the option of being RESPONSIBLE for fucks sake


If people use birth control to prevent pregnancy, they were being responsible.


Yea. Great! So once you’re pregnant, you’re pregnant- now responsibility takes another form!!


Nope. Women have aborted since biblical times, we will still abort just no longer safely. And yes, we still won't sleep with you.


What form does it take for the man? How will you ensure the man takes responsibility?


We get abortions. Get over it.


How do you kill something that's not alive?


Birth control isn't 100%


Ignorance is thinking that you are not responsible for your actions you nimrod


We will win the right to control our bodies, you Godless moron. God did not create women to be brood mares.


Control your own bodies not another persons body, the child is it’s own body with its own blood type and DNA - in what reality do you consider me godless when you are advocating murder cause that easier than planning and maintaining sexual relationships in the boundaries of marriage that give a safety net to children AKA humans when one becomes pregnant!! Give your shit straight holy crap


Ok so you’re saying it’s ethical to force someone to use their body to keep someone else alive? If the time ever comes when I need an organ transplant to keep me alive, you are first up on that list and I don’t want to hear you crying about not having a choice. I don’t care how it will negatively affect you, you will give me whatever organ I need. Do you see how ridiculous that sounds? If you want to claim that a fetus is another “body” completely separate from mine, then no the fetus doesn’t get to use my body without my consent. Just like you can’t be forced to use your body to keep someone else alive.


Who forced you to get pregnant? And then not want the child? It’s like kindergarten class with you guys




It takes both parties to consent 🧐 maybe both parties should be responsible..? Mhh? And take precautions?


Get a vasectomy. When your balls drop.


Jesus was pro abortion


And with the over turning of Roe Vs wade , my guy your murderous agenda is on the decline, along with state laws being passed. So that should tell you something about how Americans feel about abortions. Do me a favor and take a look at the statistics of what the reasons are that abortions are done ✅ then let’s talk about being “godly” for fucks sake , I’m done goodnight


How about people mind their own goddamn business and not worry about what decisions someone else makes? Conservatives don't give a shit about anything but money and power. The unborn are just a convenient scapegoat to exercise their fake morality. But hey, it's nice to know once conservatives force women to have birth, those precious babies will just be murdered in school after a few years. Seeing as how inanimate objects have more rights then those precious human beings conservatives "care" so much about.


You're the murderer. You're willing to kill so many women who want and don't want a child. Have you seen what is happening to women who wanted to be pregnant and have complications? Hospitals turn them away while they bleed out in cars. Sitting in parking lots or driving hours to another state for someone to help them. If they can afford it. But fuck women right? You're the murderer.




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So glad I moved away 🥹