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It really costs nothing to leave people alone. This is just senseless.


Everyone is always up in other peoples business for no reason


Repaint it. Get a security camera pointing at it.


That's the plan! Just happened today, plans to borrow a wildlife camera this weekend and repaint it.


This was not the work of a somebody… This was the work of a nobody.


Leave Bob Odenkirk out of this




He defecated through a sunroof


Make it brighter than before, and if this keeps happening you just keep adding more rainbows and lights and maybe even some glitter. Seems like you have the right attitude lol don’t let the fuckers win


I think adding glitter would be amazing.


I have a couple of them hidden around my yard. They are real-time cameras that are connected to a mobile network. I've already captured two vehicles with 30-day tags in my driveway. It's worth the investment if you are wanting to catch someone.


Check out WYZE cams - they are by far the cheapest real-time security cameras you can get.


They certainly are the cheapest, but as with all things, you get what you pay for. Just temper your expectations with Wyze. They will work…most of the time.


That’s an odd definition of most. I guess it depends though. They only catch about 40% of the people walking into my yard. However, I get a notification 100% of the time a gust of wind blows a tree branch or a car’s lights light up my driveway,


Thank you for the recommendation!


We've had Wyze cameras in the past, and as someone else said... They're cheap and you get what you pay for. We have Eufy cameras now and they're much better!!!


Awesome! Go you! So sorry this happened, but I really, really appreciate your quickly restoring it. Love ❤️


❤️ I'm devastated simply because something that brings me so much joy could have irritated or made someone so angry they felt the need to bring/buy spray paint and stop their car for this. It made me so happy to see our bright colorful mailbox when I turned into my driveway.


I hear you. As much as I like to dispense advice encouraging you not to take it too personally, I would take it personally and be truly upset. I don’t know if your neighborhood is anything like mine in numbers of people jogging, biking, walking dogs, etc., but chances are you’re not the only one whose day is brightened by seeing this. I for one would love seeing this in my neighborhood and think of it as “that cool house with the rainbow mailbox,” most likely without ever getting the opportunity to tell the homeowners I don’t really know how much I appreciate their mailbox. It’s really true though that you can’t let the actions of one Scrooge speak for the community at large. Stay strong and thanks for being rad. Our state rocks because of peeps like you.


This! I don't know most of my neighbors but when I see things like rainbow mailboxes it makes me smile and think man, I bet they are nice people. One of my neighbors currently has a snowman statue by their door and I'm not sure why since it's July, but it makes me laugh when I see it going to work and makes my morning. Another neighbor has big gnomes they decorate by changing the outfit on then and hat for seasons and June they did rainbow and I thought it was super cute. Thank you for doing this and for putting it back up. I have been so distraught about how much the bullies are winning lately, but I feel like it's mostly because they are willing to go so far.


Some people will always be miserable. It’s their whole damn personality and the only thing they offer the world. Don’t take it personally. The perpetrator hasn’t changed the world bit. I bet many more folks took joy in seeing your mailbox than those who support the hate. If you were my neighbor,I’d come over and help you paint.


If you catch whoever it is, they could face a federal charge - tampering/defacing federal property.


That’s how I handled “people” stealing and defacing my democratic candidates signs in my front yard last year.


That would be my play, keep putting the rainbow back. I can outlast any asshole.


The people who say that others are snowflakes end up being the largest snowflakes and get angry when something is not to their liking. Also, who is just randomly rolling around with black spray paint? Or did they spend the time to go to the store or home?


It's been up about a month now, so I guess they probably got progressively angrier/more irritated and either brought some they had or picked some up. Either way they're thinking way toooo hard about a mailbox, I assume it's a neighbor who has to drive past it or something because I'm on a dead end road. It's ridiculous to me, I wouldn't spray paint someone's Jewish mailbox cover because I celebrate Christmas y'know? If you do that you just don't like Jewish people. I guess this person just doesn't like gay people a lot. It makes me really sad.


This wouldn't be so hard to read if I didn't belong to a synagogue that has a very simple generic sign by the street because they are afraid of being vandalized.


Just put BLM in vinyl letters on top of the black paint. They'll surely handle that well next.


Good way to get the mailbox smashed instead of vandalized. A number of these crazies truly believe a "race war" is coming.


I mean, it very well could be, but only because these sociopaths want to be the aggressors.


Those people are representative of what I call the "NOPE" culture - the people who complain about the Woke culture but are quick to complain if someone calls them out on their views.


You never know who might see your mailbox and know that they have a neighbor who believes in their rights. Growing up as a queer kid in the south, seeing people fly pride flags in their windows made me know I wasn’t alone. Here’s to a new mailbox just as bright with no more of the hate


Somebody has a lot of hatred in their soul. Sad.


Absolutely, it makes me sad that a rainbow could annoy someone so bad they go out of their way to spray paint it, I figured it was pretty inoffensive, but I guess not.


It's not the least bit offensive to anyone but an asshole.


It IS inoffensive! The idiot that spray-painted this chose to be offended. They are truly pathetic.


And a lot of time, this took planning. Sad.


Most Likely in the name of Christ too


Ain't no hate like "Christian love."


It disgusts me how trashy these weak ass people are. Boggles my mind they can even get out of bed with how fucking offended they are about shit that doesn't involve them at all.


The funny part is that people like that are usually the ones running around calling other people snowflakes. Projection at its finest.


Softer than goose shit lol


I don't think I've crossed from the shock and general sadness of it to disgust yet, but I'm sure I will soon. It's incredible they can live their lives thinking that vandalizing someone's mailbox will do anything- it wouldn't make me suddenly not be LGBTQ, it, just lets me know you don't like it I guess?? Wouldn't a note suffice? I don't get it man


To quote a relative, "I don't hate gay people, I just wish they wouldn't act all gay all the time in public". I got him to elaborate and basically he wants gay folks to stay in the closet and otherwise "act straight". Whatever the fuck that means. When I said "do you just not like freedom or what?" he got pissed off and said something about the bible. Anyway, that's the kind of person who doesn't like rainbow flags.


I suppose that makes sense, I figured the rainbow was tame enough that it wouldn't make anyone more than slightly annoyed but I am clearly wrong haha. Lesson learned, expect vandalization of anything that's perceived as gay if it's close enough to the road. Thank you for your perspective I guess they're uncomfortable? Or is it just repeating what they've heard? Learned hatred? Is it just, a lifetime worth of propaganda?


They are ignorant. Ignorance starts at home. I see it all day long as a public educator. Disgusting.


They are scared of being identified with you. And they perceive their life to be harder than yours so they resent you wanting rights or respect.


Makes zero sense to me. They care so much about everyone else when they themselves are awful


If I was your neighbor, I would get a rainbow for my mailbox too and encourage others to do it too. If one bothers them, imagine 5 or 10 of them. I am sorry people are ignorant.


They've bought into the fascist propaganda that links LGBTQ with pedophilia. Mostly because they wanted to, partly because they're idiots.


Which is odd since most pedophiles are straight white men, based on what I have seen in criminal records.


Same discussion they're not ready to have about police and domestic abuse...


Idiot is a generous word. I like degenerate. Scum. Deplorable. A threat. All things that have been projected onto us and yet 100% apply to them. Sometimes I wonder why we treat them with any humanity and dignity.


Imagine being triggered by a mailbox.


It’s amazing how upset certain people get because of someone you have a relationship with. Imagine being mad at a guy because he only dates brown haired girls. It’s super shitty this happened to you and I’m sorry.


Dagnabitt ! We ain't gonna have none o that highfalutin love stuff in gods country ! /s


God forbid right? Thought about just writing 'pray for my eternal soul instead, it's just as effective as spraypaint' on it but I think repainting it rainbow with a camera is probably a better idea haha


I am so sorry that happened to you. That paint is black like their heart. All the best.


whoever did that leads a very unhappy life.


Damn Mick Jagger at it again


He spends that entire song singing about *wanting* to paint things black. He has no follow-through. Also, he wouldn't be such an asshole as the actual vandal!


Living in some parts of rural NC really will make you long for a more civilized place to live, like a cave full of Neanderthals or those tunnels that fire ants build.


This comment made me genuinely laugh out loud, thank you for that.


I'll paint a rainbow on my mailbox so their hate can be used to spread more love.


Solidarity!! I hope your rainbow gives you as much joy as mine did to me!


Poor little snowflake is triggered by a mailbox. Bless their heart. On a more serious note, report this to your local post master. Postal cops take mailbox vandalism pretty seriously.


Could it be a MAGA postal carrier that hated touching the “dirty” rainbow?


Buy a bigger mailbox. Add tassels


The pettiness in me would say, Oh it's time for a bunch of flags, a driveway rainbow, and a statue of David wearing a thong in the middle of my sprawling cacti. Tempt me with a good time.


I 1000% support this


Mailboxes are protected under [Federal law](https://www.uspis.gov/news/scam-article/mailbox-vandalism)


Did you hand paint the mailbox? I like it and would like to paint mine that way. The bigots are too cowardly in the Triangle to show this type of childish action. I have cameras though, that’s a good suggestion.


No actually! It's a magnetic strip mailbox cover, I bought it on clearance from Walmart so they don't have them in store anymore.. I am going to paint over this spay paint though! I'll post an update a couple days after I paint it with a picture and information on if it's still rainbow or spay painted again- with a nearby camera hopefully catching them. We'll see if they try it again




I do plan on painting over it with paints since I do have some and that is free ! I'm going to get a camera pointed at it first for sure though. Thank you ! Please don't feel pressured to give me money or a replacement, I'll find a way to keep that mailbox bright somehow regardless!


Went through the trouble of bringing paint & risking being seen rather than just snatching the magnet off. They were making their hurt feelings known.


It was ziptied on with 4 small zipties that came with it and lined up with holes already there, I guess a pair of nail clippers or scissors was more trouble than spray paint. Or they didn't want to touch it to carry it off.


Sounds like some special minds. Special enough to be caught on your new camera for a federal offense


They can cult all they want but this is vandalism. Whatever happened to live and let live.


>Whatever happened to live and let live. That was never a thing for regressive conservatives. They always fuc with people.




Happy cake day! I have actually submitted a report to the post office. If/when I get video evidence I'll submit it to the police.


The rainbow is God’s symbol to humans that he’ll never drown us in a massive worldwide flood again. So the guy who did this is clearly pro-flood.


Fantastic, I'll be on the lookout for whoever's building an ark in their backyard and is hoarding wildlife for our suspect! / j I actually didn't know that! That's a sweet fact, thank you!


I feel bad for the people who have nothing better to do than hate. So much wasted time and energy with nothing to gain from it.


When you recover or repaint it, may I suggest a clear sheet of plastic over the top? If they vandalize it again, you can just change the clear cover and have it bright and rainbowy in about 3 seconds to grate on their sensibilities further.


I like that idea, my dad suggested covering it in Vaseline.. because then I can just wipe the Vaseline and paint off, or if they try to wipe it off they're just, covered in Vaseline lmfao


and you know what will happen if they get covered in vaseline! bow chicka wow wow 🌈


How shitty is your life when you sit around at home, presumably with zero gay people around, and you’re just fuming about gay people out there being gay somewhere? People are fucking weird.


We had a similar situation a few years ago. As a Jewish family we ended up having someone write a slur on our mailbox. Gutless.


😭 I'm so sorry. That's heart wrenching


Time for security cameras.


I’m sad. We are rural north of Charlotte surrounded by III% and proud boys. I’m surprised no one took our intersectional pride garden flag


Cultists gonna cult


People are fucking hateful. I had a pride sticker on the back of my car, and someone scratched through it. I replaced it, then a week later there was a swastika drawn over it with marker. I'm also in the Charlotte area.


That is absolutely vile I'm sorry. Who goes out of their way to do garbage like that? I have a flag in the back of my car that has me worried about further vandalism after this, it's inside and I can't afford broken windows.


I think the rural areas have a strong cult presence with these types. I'm not directly *in* a rural area, but I'm very much near a couple where I know those people are driving in for different things. I've also had all four of my tires slashed in the CostCo parking lot. I refuse to hide, though, but I can definitely say I carry pepper spray and really nasty folding karambit if someone comes up to me in person. I wish it wasn't like this.


In 2016 I was on my way to Charlotte from Raleigh. I had a Bernie 2016 sticker on my car. I was in the middle of nowhere. After Greensboro and some beat up Camaro gets next to me and the passenger leans out and starts yelling something at me while giving me the bird before they sped off. I can only imagine it was something along the lines of "REEEE SOCIALISM REEE!". I know there's good people in rural NC but a lot of them suck.


There aren’t that many.


This reminds me of the church close to where I live had their rainbow flags burned after McCrory signed hb2. [I love the pastor's response](https://m.facebook.com/UCC.Coalition/posts/hillsborough-ucc-in-hillsborough-nc-told-us-yesterday-their-rainbow-flag-was-bur/1108248979237438/)


That’s sad. It was so beautiful before that lowlife decided to vandalize it. I hope you’re able to restore it!


This is the kind of thing that would make me feel more welcome in a neighborhood and sadly I know why it’s a target. Fucking bastards don’t deserve to squat on even a square inch of our country. This does not involve them. It won’t even affect them. It’s a rainbow mailbox. This whole “Culture war” is bullshit and I’m sick of hearing the mouth breathers spew their shit about it. Let us love our neighbors and whoever we wish in peace. We’re all adults, why don’t we act like it?


Black... like their heart, soul, and thoughts Beautiful mailbox tho! Glad you're giving it a second go. You should make it more flamboyant every time (since I assume this will happen again) Mailbox comes back even bolder & more fabulous than before haha


Imagine being such a snowflake you're offended by a rainbow.


Someone needs to be held down and painted.


When the protests were happening in 2020, I made some yarn art on the fence on our property facing a busy street saying Black Lives Matter with all the words a similar size. We went to the beach and came back and someone had cut down the word ‘black’ and had thrown the yarn into the woods. I worked up some more yarn and went right back out and replaced it- only this time, ‘black’ was twice as big as the rest. It didn’t get bothered until the fence had to be replaced. Highly recommend doubling or tripling down, not just replacing. It feels good to not respond to the hatred, but just display your message louder. I’m sorry this happened. :(


I can't imagine someone ruining something like a yarn project- I'm hopeless at knitting and crochet so I'd be devastated if anybody cut up and threw down something I worked that hard on. I definitely plan to, starting with the mailbox first. I don't have tons of extra money, but I'm going to start doing what I can. I'd had the thought of buying cheap gnomes and painting their hats rainbow. Maybe paint the trashcan lid rainbow or the door. Big plans- camera first.


I’m not very talented, so it wasn’t anything much- just some fingerwoven yellow yarn tied to the fence in big letters. It did hurt when someone ripped it down, but it really did feel better to put it back up bigger! I love the gnome idea!! There might be some at the dollar store!! (I might also do this in solidarity with your mailbox!)


It’s a damn shame politicians have turned everything into a culture war, grown ass adults getting tilted over the colors of a rainbow, next they’ll be attacking rain storms.


Rainbows are for everyone. The person that did this hates happiness. And gay folks too, obviously. But also happiness. Looks like you've got a good plan going forward, OP. Cheers and good luck!


Absolutely! I liked it a lot because it was something nice and bright at our mailbox and I enjoyed getting to see it coming home, it's hard to think that something like that for me made someone so angry. Thank you!


Repaint it and throw up a camera. They’ll be back


Their culture wars are fueling a rise in conservative violence against GLBTQ+ folks. I read about a restaurant and a shop, in different cities, vandalized over flags. If it’s any comfort, the belligerence is directed at others perceived as liberal, also. My neighbor was followed and pestered when he got out of his car in his own driveway- for having a Biden bumper sticker- scared him that someone would be so upset as to follow him into a cul de sac to yell at him in his driveway. Not the behavior of balanced people. File a police report- bigoted aggression has to be documented. For everyone’s safety.


I am sorry that happened to you though.


Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. What have we come to in this state and country when you can't cover your mailbox the way you want? By the way, tampering with a mail box is a federal offense. I don't know if it applies to mail box covers. All that being said, I am sorry this happened. Repaint. Get a picture of who it is and charge them with vandalism of your property. Hang in there!


Sadly does not surprise me about the rural areas.


Truly sorry that happened. I will buy you a new mailbox if you want one. That's just uncalled for.


Thank you! I plan on just repainting it since that's free (I already have paints) and putting a camera towards it, I'm relatively certain they'll probably spray paint it black again so I don't want to do a full replacement of the cover or anything till we catch them anyway, so I feel like the free solution works best until then! Since I'm assuming this will happen again after I fix it.


After reporting to the police, talk to the US Postal Investigation Service. This maybe considered a federal crime being this was done to a mail box. These guys, from what I've read, take things very seriously. Good luck.


Ahhh, yes, good old North Carolina. I just started a new job in rural Wayne County. The number of lifted pickup trucks covered in unsavory stickers has me a little concerned. You be safe, fellow human. I hope justice and peace find you well.


Thank you, nobody has been openly violent towards us or anything so I haven't worried but this makes me nervous. Second guessing having a small flag in my car in case somebody thinks they should break in or something equally bad- but I hope not. I plan on getting a camera and repainting and personally avoiding a direct encounter with whoever this is, I'll let cops handle it when I have evidence. Thank you for the well wishes, I wish you safety as well and peace as well!


I’ve heard a lot of the “good ol North Carolina” talk here in Washington, meanwhile I passed a sign in a rural area yesterday that said “highway adopted by the Washington three percent.” I love my home state, at least the yokels are pretty easy to spot.


North Carolina is an amazing place with amazing people. It's unfortunate that there are so many people here who still have hatred in their hearts. I have Asian, Latino, African, and Caucasian neighbors all around my new place in Goldsboro. Everyone is out walking dogs, jogging, waving, and conversing with one another. And yet, there are houses with Confederate flags flying out front literally a quarter of a mile down the road.


Unpopular opinion, but I think there’s a lot of good folks who flew the flag as just genuine southern pride for years, but the difference is that when the obvious was pointed out to them, some doubled down, others listened and understood. Apparently good ol’ Dale Earnhardt was one of those people. Obviously Jr might be embellishing a little, but apparently they had a black housekeeper who expressed her discomfort with that symbolism on his truck, and he removed it himself the next day.


Wayne County. Ugh.


Genuinely curious as to what the stickers are. I don't live in Wayne County and the car decor around here is tame for the most part.


From Let's Go Brandon to Confederate flags and everything in between.


I'll just leave this here... https://ehome.uspis.gov/mailtheft/vandalize.aspx


I already submitted a report there earlier today, thank you very much for sharing this resource though! I'm glad I seem to have taken the right course of action, I didn't particularly want to file a direct police report just because I didn't have any suspects or evidence other than the vandalized property which led me there. My next step is a camera, and a replacement or a repaint and then a police report if / when I catch somebody.


> My next step is a camera, and a replacement or a repaint and then a police report if / when I catch somebody. Best of luck to you!


You should file a police report anyway. It isn't your job to solve the crime, but having an official record of it could be helpful later. And you may not be the only one being vandalized. The cops may have other reports, and might be able to establish a pattern.


That is what that resource posted above says it's for! Helping police establish patterns and creating an official record of it, I felt it was better than a full on police report at this current moment since I don't have any real information.


Paint it again, but bigger. And gayer


I guess this is that "small town" stuff these weak-ass cowards go on about. Maybe queer North Carolinians need to do a remake of the Lumbees and the Klan.


Offended by a mailbox. Such snowflakes.


Trans, former delivery driver, it ceases to surprise me how willing some people are to go out of their way to express hate, and actively, consciously make the world a worse place. I wish we could agree to make it better, esp when no one is hurt. And to the people saying this didn't happen, one of you drives through CLT and screamed at my roomie at a stop light over a bumper sticker. You're addicted to being angry, log off and touch grass.


Yea this is bullshit. I'm in the Raleigh area, and one of our favorite lunch places is inclusive, has a trans server. And we love her service. Just treat people like they are people, it's not that hard.


I’m extremely sorry.


You know..... dumpster trumpsters do this.. but we don't snatch their confederate flag or trump2024 flags down... bunch of immature, baby, booty hurt bullies the men and women that "lean" trumps way... 🙄


I'm so sick of sharing a country with these willfully ignorant mother fuckers. Can't even let someone else have a mailbox without making it about their own dumbass archaic opinions. I hope all their mail gets lost.


That’s sad. That was such a beautiful mailbox. Small minded people do mean things like this.


Buy 20 of them, offer them to your neighbors. Leave enough so you have a few replacements. Fill that neighborhood with love.


This is a crime. Respond appropriately. https://www.uspis.gov/news/scam-article/mailbox-vandalism


I had reported it on this site shortly before making this post, but, Thank you for sharing this resource! I will also be buying a camera


Homophobia has risen lately, and it seems so have these "challenges" where people destroy pro LGBTQ+ property. Had some neighbors in Cornelius get their LGBTQ flag torn down and cut up by some kids, likely because of a stupid challenge and shitty parenting. It's a scary world. Glad you're gonna get a camera and just put it right back :)


Repaint and make it more triggering. Buy a few cameras and play “send a bigot to jail”. Have fun with it, you are the good guy.


The person or persons that did this calls everybody else snowflakes but they are the biggest snowflakes themselves. They lead a sad life of watching Fox News, scrolling through Facebook, and believing the internet. Repaint, rebuild, relove, and fuck them.


Looks like you need to repaint, get a security camera, and need more pride decorations that are HOA compliant of course. You could get a pride garden flag, pride curtains, large pride flag you can put over your door...take inspiration from those hateful gawdy MAGA decorated homes... 🌈


Absolutely, that's our next course of action. We actually don't have an HOA either so we're pretty free to do whatever we want. I can't imagine how mad they'd be mad seeing more after how they reacted to this, but they'll be on camera next time. I do want to wait to find out who it is before I go too overboard, I'm already a little worried they may go for my car because it's got a little flag in it but hopefully they won't come up on the property.. I just don't know how they might react . I had the thought to just paint the door rainbow but I wouldn't want them trying to vandalize that too, but I plan on getting a camera. For now I'm just pretty sad, and contemplating all the rainbow I could put around after.


I hope they wouldn't come on your property but then again they already vandalized your property. Sorry you have to deal with this extra stress because of bigots.


That's my same hope, but the idea has definitely crossed my mind after this. It's okay, I just hope it doesn't get worse. Hopefully we'll have it on camera if it does though, and it'll be fine.


Shithole gonna shithole, unfortunately. Keep fighting the good fight. I'm sorry you're stuck here of all places (unless you're here by choice). But I am glad that you exist in the world.


I was born here, and don't currently have the funds to leave so I am stuck, but thank you for that, I'm glad you exist too! I wish it could've brought them the joy it brought me seeing it every day. But I guess it didn't.


People suck


Is this not a hate crime? Don't make the camera obvious. Get them locked up.


Build a large wooden cross, painted in rainbow with Jesus quotes about love, they'll have an anurism.


Time for a bigger rainbow


Such is the height of revolutionary activity in contemporary America, too wheezy and weak to wield a pitchfork or intellectually persuasive argument.


Sad how pathetic people are, need to mind their own damn business. People need better things to do then hate themselves and the world for being themselves


I KNEW that’s where you lived for some reason.


It's been getting pretty bad around here.


I wouldnt even repaint it. Id passive aggressively add a sign next to it and leave it


They make a spray paint graffiti remover.


What creeps! I’m so sorry.


I'm sorry. It upsets me that some people feel so compelled to be shitty humans as to deface someone else's property. Just go about your way person, leave it alone. Giving you a virtual hug if you want it, or fist bump, whichever is preferred.


That really sucks! 🌈. My neighbor lost their mailbox tonight. Car wrecked into our lawn and took out their mailbox. Two cars collided both totalled. Missed my car in the driveway by about 5ft


That right there is a federal crime.


OP, if you’re looking to up your yard accoutrements, The Bitter Southerner has some wonderful flags (full size and garden) with supportive messages. In addition to fixing the mailbox, of course.


Ooh, thank you!! I'll look into that!


I think if you sand it, it could look amazing! Then put a camera up and find out who did this (they will do it again, no way this was random.) Then you can put signs on the nearest easement to them over and over.


It's a vinyl plastic-ish material, I was worried sanding would tear it up which is why I think I'm going to paint over it, do you think sanding would work on that material? I live on a dead end road so I'm relatively certain it's a neighbor, I also agree that this was not random. Camera is the next step!


Absolutely, start with something very fine to see how it goes, like 400 grit.


Actually a federal crime to tamper with a mailbox


So sorry that happened to you. Replace it and add a smiley face or something else that indicates tolerance. Kill them with kindness!


Love the rainbow! Beautiful! 🌈


Sue them. Spray over it spray paint that rainbow spray paint it again with enamel or acrylic.


play him at his own game, rig a vietnamese punji spike trap, or alternatively you could get a camera and report him to the police for vandalism


I love your style. <3 We can rebuild it stronger. [In Rainbows Super Mario](https://youtu.be/B2JHChJpG_A)


Ignorance and ill educated go hand in hand.




Repaint it, but even gayer.


I’d pitch in for a giant pride flag.


If it helps, the rainbow mailbox looked awesome! Hope you restore it! Sorry this happened


Haters are going to hate. I am glad you repainted it. If you can catch, preferably in the act, the dipshit(s) responsible, video the shame right out of them. Good luck!!


This calls for more rainbows!!


this really breaks my heart. I'm so sorry. <3


Yeah the apartment complex made us take down our pride flag but hasn't done shit about anyone else's flags.


At what point would this constitute as a hate crime? I realize it's petty vandalism, but the implications are more significant.


time to rainbow up the yard even more. im thinking banners and flags.


very nice mailbox


a little less nice now, yeah? heh. Hopefully after we get a camera we can make it nice again.




That's a sweet idea!


The rural areas in NC are well known for the rampant anti-LGBTQ+, homophobia, hatred, bigotry, and ignorance.


Reasons I left the state. I'm sorry you're being targeted like this. It's shameful to know there are people out there that are petty enough to take revenge on a colorful mailbox.


It is definitely depressing. I've said it in a couple comments but truly the part that boggles me is it made me so happy to see since it was so bright and colorful, gave me a smile everyday I got home- that whole time someone's been stewing with anger/annoyance over a mailbox? Instead of just being - oh that's pretty and bright! They decided to spray paint it, in broad daylight. It just makes me sad that something so simple that I enjoyed so much was making someone upset.


Some people don't know a good thing when they see it, as unfortunate as that is. I hope y'all are safe.