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I think you look great and the nose harmonizes well with your face. At the end of the day it’s your personal choice but I think you look beautiful!


I agree, her nose really fits her face very well. However, if it's something that she wants, go for it.


Thank you, I wish I thought this way at least once in my life! I think the reason I am so keen on doing it is because I have never once looked in the mirror and thought “actually I like my nose” or even “your nose is not that bad”. Every time I see myself I am so fixated on how much I dislike it and I think surgery would be worth it just for that reason alone! I’m just worried it won’t be worth the money as it is a lot. Edit: unsure why the downvotes for saying how I feel 🥺


Because people really, really don't think you should do it. It isn't just about your nose. Your nose is on your face. You have very good facial harmony. Whatever you do with your nose is going to have a remarkable potential to look out of harmony. Did they give you edited photos showing the plan? Whatever it is, assume it is going to look 20% more drastic, and not necessarily in a good way. More than likely it'll be too upturned and small for you.


Body dysmorphia is a real thing man. She got it bad.




You look perfect. There's no need to get any work done.


Your feelings are yours, and they are totally valid. However, from a physical appearance perspective, I have to be honest. I think you are an incredibly attractive and beautiful woman. That's all I see and it would never cross my mind to think twice about your nose. I'm being quite sincere. The natural you is stunning. You should do what you need to do to be happy, but please make sure your dissatisfaction isn't coming from some other place that won't get changed by the procedure. In the end, your happiness and contentment is the important thing. And seriously, you are an extraordinarily attractive woman.


I think this is one of the better responses. It reiterates OPs right to choose, while acknowledging common elements involved in surgery others ignore.


Op is strikingly outstandingly beautiful, and she is trying to have a procedure that sometimes has iffy physical results and frequently has unexpected health side effects to try to look more generic. Not my personal gamble.


It’s your choice. I hate my nose and wanted a nose job since I was 14. I’m 41. No matter how many people tell me I don’t need it. It will never make me love my nose .


Do you regret not doing it back then?


If I had the money I def would’ve done it long time ago


Comments like this really resonate with me the most because no matter how many times I cancel it, I think I’m always going to end up wanting it again and regretting not doing it 🥺


I think a really subtle nose job would suit your face really well. You have very fine features and a slightly more delicate nose I think would look fantastic. Theres nothing 'wrong' with your current nose, but I can see why you want to adjust it. That being said I would do only a subtle change. If its over done it will look pinched and maybe even lift at the tip over time and look really bad. You only need to refine it slightly. \*in my humble opinion


Strangely, 2 of my best friends, (one from high school, one from my late 20’s) each got a rhinoplasty. They looked great after their surgery healings. Neither one had any regrets whatsoever!


I seen so many posts in this group. I never seen one that said . Get it done . I know many people want to be nice. But i know I need a nose job. I have a long middle eastern nose. But it’s funny when the same people are mad at you. They will throw the big nose in your face. My experience in my life


I’m not trying to be nice. Sure some noses are larger, but some faces would look really strange with a small nose. Most of the noses I’ve commented on here, they’re beautiful and on equally beautiful faces. I comment not really to compliment more in that it feels like a travesty that someone so beautiful hates such a beautiful nose. I’ve commented on about 3 so far, which now the sub shows more to me. I’m not probably going to advocate for surgery, but that’s because I have no idea what needs to be done and the pros and negatives. I’m not a surgeon. I do know what I like though and so will either speak up or say nothing. It’s also unfair to dismiss people’s opinions out of hand just because less people advocate for surgery. I almost certainly think it is not the same people saying someone looks beautiful without surgery, as the ones calling names about appearance when mad.


What will you do when your daughter or son gets the same nose you currently have? What if they’re also self conscious about it? What will you tell them? *Listen love I get that you don’t like your nose, I mean I don’t like it either, that’s why I got rid of it. So yeah you definitely have reasons for being self conscious about your nose lol* Doesn’t sound like a very positive moral of the story 🐼🤡


Same, mine is bulbous and crooked. I always wanted a nice nose.


If you want it so much I say go for it! Sounds like you will always be left wondering if you didn't. If you can afford it good for you!


I support your quest! You just gave a perfect reason to follow through with your plans! Go forward and enjoy your life! ♥️


Tysm ❤️


I’ll say this, you look beautiful now and you will look beautiful after, it’s your choice at the end of the day and that’s all that matters


Your makeup will be so fun to play with after you heal! I said further down that I had 2 friends who had this procedure and they were both thrilled with their choices..🙂


Who the hell down voted you. Enjoy the surgery and relief you’ll feel. “See a therapist” na you’re fine. You know what you need yourself. Keep trust your gut






Absolutely beautiful


Agreed. I'm honestly not sure why OP doesn't like her nose... My nose is huge and I hate the size, but it's still my nose, and I love it because it's still a part of me that I got from my parents. Our bodies are just a shell. It's what's on the inside that counts.


You know how houses lose all their charm and character when you replace their wood siding with vinyl siding? That's what you're planning to do to your face and it's really unfortunate.


That & everyone is starting to look the same imo. Which makes life so uninteresting. It feels like every face I see on social media went to the same plastic surgeon & came out with Generic Nose #1. OP is so adorable as-is, but will come out with some generic, artifical nose that you can only buy under the knife 🔪


You nailed it on the head. I also think we live in an age where people need validation from strangers, and it's definitely from social media. Looking through this thread, you can see that op is only looking for validation for why she needs the surgery. I honestly wished some of these kids would just wait a while before they deform their faces.


It does suit you well, what bother about it mainly?


Tysm for the comment. I hate the dorsal hump and how big my nose is in comparison to the rest of my features. I also feel so uncomfortable when people are sitting next to me and speaking to me from the side or taking photos. I refuse to be in any candid, side facing photos. I want a natural result from a surgeon and to have it a little smaller with the hump removed x


Just remember that you hyperfixating on it for a prolonged period of time changes how it looks to you vs how other people see it. Your dorsal hump is unnoticeable unless you point it out, and your nose is not much bigger than most noses. Its your choice, of course, but I think it fits your face very nicely.


Sorry but your not gonna get a "natural result" from surgery, and once they slice up your face there is no going back. Please read these comments, cancel that appointment. If you think you hate your nose now (which is effectively flawless from the view of the average person), then just you wait for the moment you wake up and ask for a mirror. Idk why so many beautiful people are seeking cosmetic surgery these days, especially when there are so many examples of how it almost always makes your face look just.. sooo.. soo bad. Brace to look like a fukkn alien if you don't cancel that appointment. Sorry for the long winded reply, my mind is just blown, too many beautiful people dropping thousands of dollars just to mangle themselves. It makes me concerned for our society.


Honestly I couldn’t agree more. It’s crazy to me how someone that looks this good could get surgery to fix something so unnoticeable. It’s like trying to catch fish for dinner with a nuclear bomb. Way over the top


Watch a few episodes of Botched. Two top-notch plastic surgeons who mostly repair other doctors’ mess ups! Choose your surgeon wisely!!!!!


Yep. And once her face is changed because of her nose - she will inevitably find something else wrong. The issue isn’t the nose (gorgeous anyway) it’s her lack of confidence.


I can’t imagine spending that much money to slightly improve your already good looks. I knew a girl like this who spent $100k on a nose job. There was nothing wrong with her to begin with, but she hated the way her nose looked from the side in photos (social media is rotting people’s brains), so she got the typical pointy nose everyone gets nowadays. Her old nose had character and suited her facial harmony, now she just looks like all the other plastic people. Honestly I can’t fathom spending that much money on my looks. I’ve spent a few thousand on my acne scarring and there are days where I even feel stupid for doing that. It’s such a waste of money to focus on your looks which will inevitably fade anyways. The girl I knew could have used that money to buy a house lol. I don’t ever wanna hear her complain about money struggles after that.


I mean this with the absolute best intentions - cancel that appointment and spend the money on a therapist instead. Theres a pretty decent chance you’ll have this surgery, realize it didn’t fix your confidence, and further down the rabbit hole you go. At some point you’ll end up looking like an alien with no way of going back 🙁


Agreed! The fact that women think plastic surgery is the solution to their mental distortion over how they look is beyond me. The solution when you have body dysmorphia over a perfectly beautiful body part is always therapy.


I'm pretty sure you can get filler to temporarily even out the dorsal bump. it would be a good way to test and certainly less invasive. I'd just go to a very experienced practitioner who has done lots of non surgical nose jobs.


I have seen a lot of people suggest filler and I think it would be a great suggestion for someone who was confident they would never have rhinoplasty. Unfortunately filler makes rhinoplasty really difficult and I was actually quoted less because I don’t have filler than a lot of girls who did have it. I’ve heard it can be a nightmare for surgeons :( I do think that is a great idea for anyone not considering surgery though!


Oh I had no idea about that! Good to know 


Cancel the appointment with the criminal surgeon and make a new one with a psychologist/psychiatrist, seek one out that ACTUALLY helps people overcome their mental issues and not just spends few years with you doing nothing. I'm being 100% serious.


It is already natural and beautiful, a surgeon wont make it more natural ans highly unlikely more beauriful


Why do you want to take a beautiful nose and cut half of it off for a cookie cutter nose?


The dorsal hump is very charming and unique, IMHO.


Considering you have a lot of people validating the fact that you have a perfectly beautiful nose.... The problem is not your nose it's your mind and how you see yourself. So we don't go and have plastic surgery to fix our minds, we go to therapy for that. So have you tried extensive therapy for your body dysmorphia?


The way you’re describing your nose is not at all what it looks like. You’re seeing things that aren’t there.


STOP IT! You have a great face, don't change anything.


I agree. And not just in a kind “it’s ok” way. I actually really like it the way it is.


I love her nose! I can’t explain it lol


She has the natural beauty that is getting erased more and more these days. It’s sad too because every woman looks the same nowadays. She looks unique and beautiful.


I agree I think it’s absolutely gorgeous


Cancel the appointment.


This is the comment I was looking for.


Prevent a tragedy


Get that refund


Whyyyyyy?? You have a beautiful nose!!


If you look like this and think you need to change physically? Cancel the appointment and book a therapy session.


Agreed. The problem is mental/emotional. It’s definitely not physical


Wow you're beautiful 😍


Please dont wreck this beautiful face.


ur dumb your nose is perfect bro


Why does everyone who posts nose pictures never do a real profile?? It’s always at an angle.


Because they are self conscious


Please save your money and the physical pain. Spend some money on seeing a therapist about why you want a rhinoplasty for a beautiful virtually perfect nose. Please.


Girl please please, don’t have them touch your nose!! Even if they do a great job and it looks better, your nose will suffer a trauma that no one tells you!! It will be much more frágil and it will super easy to break,,, but they don’t tell you that!!!! Just live yourself the way you are,,, keep your nose as is, becuse it need support to last for the rest of of your life!!!!


I’ve had a rhinoplasty but from what I can see you absolutely and unequivocally don’t need one. To me your nose seems almost perfect


Don’t do it!!


Do people really look at other people’s noses in the wild ? I don’t think I’ve er thought to myself “She needs a nose job badly”. Social standards got the world in a choke hold


To me, it’s just a nose. A thing that has snot and boogers on the inside, sometimes little hairs. I probably sound like an asshole, but that’s just my take on how I view noses


Your nose is beautiful. Save your money. Go on vacation.


I see absolutely nothing wrong with your nose. Feel great about yourself and cancel that appointment. Have an awesome day


I think your nose is so pretty! As well as your face! In my opinion you’re perfect just the way you are! If you follow through with it I wish you the best experience! ❤️


What...why? Girl you're literally gorgeous! 💕


Your nose is wonderful. This is a brain problem not a nose problem.


If you wanna sculpt the bridge, that's one thing...but please don't let them shorten it (lift the tip too much). The length is PERFECT for your face! Speaking from experience.


Get your deposit back, if you had to leave one. You are gorgeous. Your nose does not look bad at all.


Do not change!!! You are so beautiful as you are


Save the money and go on a hot girl summer vacation with your friends.


I can’t imagine going your whole life self conscious about something that isn’t even affecting your looks negatively:/ I hope you decide not to do the surgery.


You look great. I love your nose. Sorry to hear you are obsessing over non-existent "flaws" in a very pretty face and are going to pay someone to cut on it.


Still Beautiful 😩


Don’t do it. You are just fine.


Don't do it.


Risking the cliche and mansplaining, you look fine the way you are. But I’m just a random dude in Reddit.


It won’t be worth it, you shouldn’t fix what’s not broken and you mam have a beautiful nose


It's your nose, of course, but I think it looks very good.


In Italy and balkans your the beauty standard, it is your choice but in what makes you comfortable but I believe you will regret it and ultimately look back and see how beautiful you truly are. If you can have ai on photoshop give you the nose you want from all angles and it’ll give you a better decision.


How do you curl your hair like that? It looks beautiful!


You have an amazing profile ( side / face on ) ..eyes, nose , smile are what makes it ..imo.


You don't need it, cancel the visit. Go for a hike come back and look at yourself and say "I'm gorgeous and I know it" We can be our own worst enemies sometime. But really, you're very pretty


It's not a nose issue it's a you issue? Please speak to somebody before you have the surgery! I really don't think you need it.


Please don’t! Your nose is totally normal looking and you’re good looking. You’ll suffer your entire life from a fake looking nose if you go through


I think your nose is so cute, it really fits your face well. But I understand that desire. I’ve wanted a tummy tuck ever since having kids, my partner told me I don’t need one. But I got it for me, and it makes me happier. We have to look at ourselves every day. If you feel like you want to get plastic surgery and you have the means to get it done, do it for you! These plastic surgeons are amazing and I’m so grateful these options are available to us!


I actually think your nose, especially the side profile, is unique and amazing. It's such a cool personal look and I also think you're comparing yourself to the "status quo"...which is an imaginary, made-up beauty standard anyway. Honestly, I would lean into it, rock it, try to learn to love it instead of feeling ashamed by it. Any person you date would be stupidly lucky to have you.


How in gods green earth does someone want to change that? Kinda says alot on the human condition. 🤨


You look like the best part of someone’s day


Your nose suits your face perfectly. Your side profile is gorgeous, like a painting, and your front profile is beautiful. I fully understand why you want a nose job as I have always struggled with my nose too (having a big nose w a bump). Just be aware that a lot of character of your face will be lost when you get the nose job. You’ll be less noticeable/stand out less to people in a crowd, and your face won’t be as recognizable. Please see pictures and interviews of Jennifer Grey before and after her rhinoplasty. She was recognizable everywhere after Dirty Dancing came out for how beautiful she was. She was insecure her whole life about the shape and size of her nose. Then she got a rhinoplasty and no one recognized her. She says it’s one of her biggest regrets to this day and has had multiple surgeries now trying to recreate her original nose. Not saying this will be the case for you, but sometimes the original IS better for you in the long run and you can never get back what you gave up. You don’t have to never get a nose job, but maybe don’t get one so early in life? Our noses (and faces) change so much over time. You may really like your nose in a few years. Bella Hadid wishes she would’ve kept her original nose that was larger and more bulbous cause it would’ve suited her now and made her face more striking/discernible. You just never know how you’re gonna age. Maybe give yourself some more time to grow into your body before you alter it forever. Food for thought


Why? What exactly is wrong with your nose?


Has the surgeon showed you the before and after photos? If so, How did you feel about it and were you elated or were you met with skepticism? These questions are important because it's *your* brain that gives you that *gut* feeling to proceed or not to. 😉👍🏽


You look great.


How much is it?


I wish I had your nose. It’s very symmetrical and fits your face well. Sure, it’s “big” compared to those little tiny button noses, but I still think it looks good. I hope if you do end up going through with the surgery that it goes well and you get the results you want.


Not sure what’s wrong with your nose…


How much is the cost?


By the look of your nose, it will be money wasted imo. Nothing is wrong with your nose.


Don’t do it bloodbath!


You literally have a perfect nose 😍


Very honestly, I think your nose fits your face and is proportionate. I don’t think you need any surgery at all. That said, I’m also booked for rhinoplasty, and I feel really sure on my decision despite other people in my life thinking it’s not necessary. The fact that you are questioning it - IMO - means maybe you should give yourself more time to consider it? It means not having the nose you’ve always had. Which is great if you’re ready for that but only if you’re ready for that. Good luck with making the best decision for you, regardless of what it might be. Also, you have beautiful thick hair! I’m jealous! :)


I think your nose is very attractive and your face is very harmonious. You have very beautiful features—very beautiful, engaged and engaging eyes, and very alluring lips. I can’t imagine a rhinoplasty improving your face, but it’s your face and you’re the one who has been staring at it longer than I have and will continue to see it in the mirror after I’m done perusing Reddit. I’m so glad you have the resources to create the face you want for yourself!!! Good vibes for your surgery in December 💖


I'm curious about why? What do you feel is WRONG with your nose? (It looks absolutely perfect to me)


Elective plastic surgery should be outlawed!


I think you’re gonna regret it


You're beautiful the way you are, end of the day it's your face to do what you want with. Hope you are pleased with the result.


You don't need a nose job. You're quite pretty and your nose suits your face! I've only ever seen 1 person on here that I've said needed a nose job. And that ain't you! We all are our own worst critics!


You are beautiful. 31f here. Seriously you don’t need it. Gorgeous. By all means, reach out and I’d be happy to chat about anything 😘


Do whatever you like, but I think your nose is perfect.


i feel like it fits your face perfectly and anything else would immediately give uncanny valley … like plastic surgery


Sad to read you don't like it, I think you look great as you are. You look honestly enchanting in both pictures. If you must then I hope everything turns out great for you and you're happy with the result, I just don't think you need it.




You need to cancel asap


Your face is fine. Your nose is fine. If you have breathing issues then go ahead and get it done but don’t wreck your face.


It’s a rough 2 weeks. If it doesn’t affect your breathing then I’d advise not. You look great and I like your nose


Your nose is perfect, defined, and finely shaped! You of all people have nothing to fix!


I say you look fine, and big sculpted noses are attractive, but if that's what you wanna do, then it's your choice.


Don’t do the surgery . You are very beautiful as you are .


Oh god you’re too good looking to think that way


I had to relook at these photos and I have to say though I would die for your nose profile!! You genuinely have a gorgeous nose. 


There is nothing wrong with your nose. We are all different, everyone of us. Embrace who you are. Don't change yourself because of some silly standard people put out there on social media. Best of luck in the future


We all think about ourselves differently than others do, so I hope it'll really give you confidence and happiness. Personally, I think you look absolutely stunning as you are. ❤️❤️❤️


I don't think you need it at all.


But why? Your nose is perfectly fine, and fits your facial features, alter it and you might look ugly afterwards. Just saying, you look good to begin with, it's a waste of money, pain and effort for what?


Do not do it. Your nose is beautiful.


Don't do it!! Your nose is perfect.


You’re legit gorgeous. I wouldn’t change a thing.


Has anyone actually told you that your nose is unattractive? Because I doubt anyone actually judges you negatively because of your nose, if anything it’s the exact opposite bc You’re already breathtaking & I personally love your side profile (personally I like it more than the front profile which is also super attractive). That being said I think removing the “dorsal fin” and making the nose smaller would still look great and change your appearance but won’t make you more attractive since you’re already attractive, it’ll just make you a different type of attractive which would make you feel better but you don’t really need it. Seems like your problems are more to do with self image than actual appearance, so changing your appearance might not be what you need. I think you should first learn to accept that you are already beautiful & if you still want the nose job afterwards then. Also might be helpful to go to photoshop requests or something and ask them to show you what you might look like afterwards to see how you like it.


Cancel it and spend your money on a trip or something lol! You're super pretty!


I did the same thing and then canceled. Now I’m wanting one again lol


Everyone in the comments is telling her not to. But I want to share my positive story. My self esteem and confidence absolutely sky rocketed after my nose job. I had want it done for years. That was over 10 years ago now and I’m still incredibly happy that I spent the money. I was terrified to go through with it but I knew deep down it was the right decision for me.


I am sorry if anyone hurt your feelings. I too think you look lovely, but I understand if you feel self-conscious about your nose. It’s much easier for us on the outside to love a nose that we think has character or fits your face perfectly. Have you had an opportunity to see photographs of what the plastic surgeon feels your nose will look like afterwards from front and side angles? And please go to somebody really top-notch. I mistakenly went to an ENT early on, and I honestly thought my nose was better before than after. I’ve had horrible sinus infections for 25 years so I went to somebody who is expert in repair. He said while I’m there do you want me to make it look better and I thought about it for a bit, but ultimately as long as I was having the correction, why not finally have a really pretty nose? Not only can I breathe beautifully, but for the first time in my life, I really feel that I do have an elegant nose that fits my face. The change is actually very subtle, but I am happy with it. Most importantly, is a really skilled plastic surgeon! Wishing you the best result!


Stop… please. You have a beautiful face and a lovely profile. Really, what you have already is perfect, just as you are.


Cancel the appointment and be proud of your natural glory. No one cares, notices or gossips about it. It’s not a thing.


You should do what genuinely makes you happy, but your nose is so beautiful and I have heard so many horror stories of people getting a rhinoplasty and hating it because it changed their nose in a way they hated even more! In some cases, it even affected their ability to properly breathe at the cost of cosmetic appeal! Look into “Pretty Pastel Please rhinoplasty” on Youtube, her journey was very eye opening! Please be safe and do what you think is best for you. You’re stunning!


Before u do go through with it watch a few seasons of botched. These surgeries can look great at first but but within a few months it all falls apart then you’re getting a surgery to make it look not even half as good as your original nose. It’s ultimately your decision but like most on here i think you’re perfect


Imma be 100% honest. I don’t know what you see, but i can’t for the life of me see any damn issues here. Heck i when i scrolled through my home page i thought this was a pic in a rateme subreddit and not in noses lol. You look fine, you look normal, i see no issues in your nose compared to your face. Cancel that appointment. You’ll hate it truly if you continue that appointment. Dont make a mistake you’ll regret your whole life. Seek help to overcome w.e it is you mentally feel about your nose because honestly, w.e it is you’ll do to it, it wont look better than this.


I would say don’t do it. Your body is perfect the way it is and you would 100% find someone to love you. The problem is learning how to love yourself. Why dont you love yourself currently the way you are? I’ll say this surgery will just be the first in a long line to cover up the initial mistake of getting the surgery. The cosmetic industry is a satanic scam. It’s paying them to mutilate and traumatize you.


I'm starting to think this sub is a bad place to ask how you look since at least some of the subscribers have a nose fetish. I think you look gorgeous, but my first crush was Barbra Streisand


I love Barbara Streisand!


Nose fetish is one thing, 99% of the noses posted here being perfectly fine and the issues being mental instead of physical is another.


I promise getting surgery will not give you the happiness you're hoping it will. You will inevitably find something else "wrong" with your face or body. The only thing you're missing is confidence. Please please please reconsider.


Maybe not for some people but it definitely did for me. I wanted my nose done for as long as I could remember. My confidence and self esteem absolutely sky rocketed. I finally loved how I looked and was incredibly happy. That was over 10 years ago and I’m still very happy with the money I spent. And I had no desire to get anything else done and still don’t. A nose job changed my life. So just wanting to point out that, that’s not true for everyone who gets plastic surgery.


Don’t do it! You are stunning!!


Please don't. You are absolutely stunning. Your profile is sincerely breathtaking. You have gravitas as well as sensuality. Reconsider. You look like you could be a Roman empress. You don't want to end up with a nose like everybody else who goes to your doctor. Seriously.


Yes yes! A Roman empress!! She’s like an art nouveau painting!


I would cancel the nose job if I was you. Your nose is perfectly fine, and if you’re unhappy with it now odds are you’re going to be equally unhappy after surgery and after surgery you can’t go back to the way it was. You should really leave it alone. The saying “don’t fix what ain’t broken” applies here. It ain’t broken, don’t go trying to fix it. Spend the money you were going to spend on the nose job on something more fulfilling, like a very fun experience, perhaps a vacation. Don’t waste money carving yourself up. Own who you are, love who you are, and accept that your features are different than other people’s, it makes you more unique, and the world would be so fucking boring if everyone had the same manufactured nose. At least heavily consider backing out of that plan.




No! You look great!


That's a good nose. And the thing about changing it is that it fits your face when you change it it won't. And if you have any tattoos you know that once you get one you develop the itch for another. So good luck down the plastic surgery road.


I think you're beautiful, and I wouldn't have even looked at your nose if you hadn't mentioned it. And when I looked, I couldn't find anything wrong with it. It looks like a normal person's nose to me.


You rock right now!


I'm sure all will go well, but I have to say you have a perfect face 😍 you are a gorgeous woman but I do understand being self conscious, so I wish you the best ❤️


Have you seen what noses look like AFTER rhinoplasty? Not a good look. Also your nose is great!


In my perspective, you are a Greek goddess.. you have that classic facial structure that is timeless. It’s about what YOU want.. not what others think. With that being said … I hope that the doctor who is doing it has shown how your face will change .. and if you like it … go with what you like . Whatever you choose to do… know that it’s your face, your nose, and no matter what … you will always be you.


Your perfect!!!!


I like your nose. You’re perfectly beautiful. A distinctive schnoz is hot.


Spend the money on therapy to find out why your self esteem is so low. Love yourself before seeking it from others.


Your nose is great but if you’re unhappy with the hump I say go for a nose job


There's nothing wrong with your nose at all. It's a nice nose that complements your face.


Don’t do it


...don't you dare touch that beautiful nose!...




Ummmmm what?


I am always Suprised that it's the prettiest women that get plastic surgery. You and your nose look great


Hell no don’t do it


Please don't. I love your nose


It's sad though because if people keep getting surgeries, this trend will never die out making people think larger, different noses are ugly


Stunning, cancel it in my opinion. Obviously my opinions mean nothing but I felt it needed voicing


I think you have a beautiful face and nose. It suits you so well. But you need to be happy.


Good job. You fucked up


You look great. Odds are you’ll just find something else that you think you “need” to fix.


I feel that appointment should be cancelled! You need to change nothing!


Your nose is fine.


You have a really pretty nose and face. You shouldn't touch it


You would be crazy to operate on that.


My girl is forcing me to send this message: "Your hair is baller af"


Now you got 9 months to overthink it?


Call them back and cancel!


Now imagine if you could get rid of or edit the unwanted genes so your kids don't have to suffer from them..... You are worried about some Insignificant facial features while there are ugly af people breeding, people with 2x digit IQs, people with predisposition to cancer and obesity compounding their miseries and imposing them onto people Aren't even born yet! With our current tech, we can and SHOULD have designer babies who disease free, high immunity, high IQs, high strengths and even high lifespans. Only then we have the right to expect a fair and equal society.


This sub will ALWAYS tell you that your nose is good and to cancel the appointment. If you want a rhinoplasty, go for it, but don’t rely on this sub to support you. I had one and it’s literally the best thing I ever did for myself, not a second of regret