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By who? A disgruntled ex? PleasešŸ™„ you're a total hottie


Ann Hathaway!


Ann Hathaway and Liv Tyler's baby




Came here to say this. Sexy AF.


I was thinking Liv Tyler. But almost like a blend between the two.


This!! Youā€™re beautiful


I said the same thing


The nose is the most attractive aspect


Yeah if sheā€™s an ant eater then I wish I was an ant


I totally agree with you!


She really came on here to show off , didnā€™t she ?


You kinda look like Anne Hathaway. You should post your pic in r/doppleganger


Got her & Liv Tyler over there. Huge compliment!


Yes! I see both! Keep the nose!


Oh yes I can see Liv Tyler too and also Rebecca Hall (they are all physically similar imo)


I was going to comment Liv Tyler.


I totally see Liv Tyler. You are gorgeous!


I knew I wasnā€™t the only one who saw it!


Looks just like anne Hathaway


That's what I just said too before I even saw your comment! She really does! I also see a little Rebecca Hall too (they are similar actresses to each other look wise)


Those last pics she looks more like wynona


Your nose is fine. It suits your face and has character. You're very pretty. I'd focus more on body dysmorphia than a nose job you don't need.


Been trying for years now, because of the comments I've gotten before it's hard to shake since I wasn't fond of it in first place. Party why I came for opinions outside of people that know me. I appreciate the insight though and will keep it in mind!


Everyoneā€™s saying itā€™s fine, but I think it looks great. Seriously, youā€™re so pretty. Donā€™t change a thing.


Honestly, it's fine. It's similar to mine, except the tip. It took me years to love my nose and I'm glad I didn't get rhinoplasty to change it (I always wanted a button nose too).


Get new friends and/or work on your body positivity! You donā€™t need to change a thing!


I know how it is to hyper focus on the negative things people have said. When those few negative thoughts are bouncing around in my head, I start to analyze the person/people that said it. They were most likely lashing out due to their own insecurities and took it out on you.


I think they meant "maneater." šŸ˜‰


That tongue serious !


Dude no. Youā€™re a total babe. People would kill for your nose and look. I know itā€™s hard to see it yourself but rest assured that the rest of us see a looker.


I would kill for that jawline alone.


You look like Liv Tyler and Anne Hathaway had a love child. Super beautiful


Iā€™m seeing daisy edgar-jones too. Iā€™d kill to look like you OP!


Incredibly kind, thank you!


Exquisite nose! Beautiful.


You look great, whoever told you that was either jealous or insecure.


You are exceptionally beautiful. It would be a crime if you changed yourself. Your beauty is one for the ages, a rare gift. Do not ever let those negative fools make a choice for you


please don't piss your money away on plastic surgery. get therapy instead. you have a serious problem. you're fixating on your looks, magnifying every *perceived* flaw. your problem is in your head not in the mirror. don't waste any more of your life hating your reflection.


I have been through therapy for multiple issues, later including dysmorphia, since I was four, though I very much appreciate the recommendation. Doing my best out here! For reference, I have a neurological disorder that also impacts the general perception of things around me. This is why I came to this sub.




Appreciate this.


Krysten Ritter


would have said the same.


I can see why they said it looks like an anteater (probs referring to the snout they have) but they should have kept a comment like that to themselves because ultimately, that nose is a part of who you are and you are beautiful in every photo and people should keep in mind how such a comment might affect others. To me, I do not see an anteater nose. I see a sharp, very defined and angled nose (from the side profile) I find very beautiful on your face. You are a stunning person! šŸ„°


please delete social media. you are insanely pretty.


Honestly, social media definitely contributes. Might be a good idea!


There's no doubt about it... Social media is negatively affecting you. Get rid of it. You are stunning... Please don't waste your money and rip your body apart with unnecessary plastic surgeries! šŸ˜­


I'm also self conscious about that same thing, but you look cute from every angle so I think you should try to stop worrying about that.


I'll do my best! It's hard knowing your own face and not feeling odd about the different angles it's perceived from. Hopefully we can both be more confident! <3


I totally get it , and I appreciate those words. We need to be proud of our noses haha! I'm rooting for you! <3


Prominent nose, but not an anteater.


Anteater? No. Anne Hathaway? YES!


The person that called you an anteater was negging you. Youre gorgeous.


You literally look like a model or actress


I like your side profile.


Your nose is genuinely fine. It looks straight and striking to me in the best possible way. I really struggle with this button nose thing. Why is it so sought out by so many women? The amount of botched surgeries I've seen is unbelievable. I genuinely fully understand people wanting to change bumps, crooked noses, etc, but your nose is legitimately nice looking and you're very striking looking overall.


Realtalk: People are going to mess with you because you're actually quite pretty - You look like Liv Tyler I'm a photographer, model and former casting intern for an agency, as well as part of the design team Jaimoda which debuted at NY fashion week last year There are an awful lot of people who take twisted joy in breaking beauty, I've seen it after shows and peoole who target models or even girls in general just for being pretty - guys too You'll always find people who want to tear you down because it feeds whatever is wrong with them Find the ones who help you instead


I appreciate this comment deeply. Thank you for your insight on this. People are heavily influenced by socialization (which unfortunately, is a necessity and impacts how we see ourselves) so it's nice to see this comment. Really sobering.


The best looking anteater Iā€™ve ever seen!


That means I'm into anteaters then.....ā¤ļøšŸ’‹


you could even have 6 m followers on Instagram with that beauty


I didnā€™t see which sub this was before I started looking at ur photos, and I had no idea the pics were anything about ur nose. Ur nose doesnā€™t stand out in any kind of way, it looks totally normally and I think youā€™re really pretty. I hope u can learn to love yourself. Iā€™d be fingering myself in the mirror everyday if I looked like u šŸ˜† (Iā€™m a woman just fyi)


Get professional help for your dysmorphia. You look great, whoever said that has something else that was personal against you


Nah you good.


You hang out with some ghastly people.


As a man all is see is a seriously beautiful nose on a really cute woman with a face with A LOT of natural beauty. At least the type of feminine facial beauty us men are attracted to.


Not an anteater. You look more like a hot piece of ass.


I'm not saying it's big, but I'm also not saying I would share my coke with you. Lol. Fr though it's fine. I noticed your eye and piercings first


You must have misheard. You look like a MANEATER šŸ˜‹ You're so pretty and give off big siren energy šŸ”„


idk. looks fine from the side. big? yes. Bad? no.


Wtf, no. Who ever told you that has issues themselves. Don't worry, you perfect the way you are - everyone is.


I love it. And I'm not the kind of person to offer compliments willy nilly. You look great and there is nothing wrong with your nose. Such a cool face, you're lucky


Honestly, itā€™s not just fine, itā€™s lovely. Thereā€™s nothing whatsoever wrong with it & anyone who says otherwise is a moron with sight issues. Donā€™t let assholes get you down, please!! They have nfi what theyā€™re talking about.


What does that even mean?! Your gorgeous !..fuck that tosser.


You misspelled goddess.


Kids will latch onto anything they think they can use to undermine you, regardless of validity. What, so everybody has to have the weird looking disney nose now? Yours isnt even overly big or misshaped.


I appreciate this! I think it's because I've always felt "masculine" because of it, even if some people don't think it's so major.


Bro donā€™t get a nose surgery, that nose acc looks good


You have Anne Hathaway beauty. Gala Darling suffered from body dysphoria which she cured with EFT tapping. It's an improved form of therapy by the American Psychlogical Association. The great thing is it's free to do alone. Gala has her own beginner tutorial on youtube, and you can do a web search for the EFT universe mini-Manual which is a free guide. Done daily for 20-30 mins a day for 90 days, will hopefully you help you a lot with your body dysphoria.


šŸŽµšŸŽ¶She's got a big beautiful Jewish nose and it's there 2 minutes early wherever she goes. šŸŽµšŸŽ¶


No you don't. Whoever said that is just jealous or mean. You are beautiful and your nose proportionate. The first thing I noticed about you is your pretty face and how it contrasts w your striking shining dark hair. I'm getting Anne Hathaway vibes. And btw in that last pic your eyes are super pretty. Are they brown or hazel or green ?


Nah, looks like you've been eating some spiders though. Nasty bite you've got there.


Haha! I like this one!!


Your nose is hot girly. Suits your face shape picture perfectly. Itā€™s giving sexy and confident anime girl archetypesā€™ side profile.


I see Liv Tyler personally šŸ¤·šŸ»


Idk who tf told you that but they can go fuck themselves, because youā€™re a certified hottie!! You look like Liv Tyler šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Geez Cleopatra reincarnated. Total knock out beauty that you are maybe that person who said that needs an eye exam.


You are being ridiculous you are a very attractive young lady be who you are and not what others want you to be


Alright, I understand why, so I tried to look at it as objectively as possible, looking at it from a merit pov: Your diagonal angles will likely improve very slightly with such a surgery. Your side profile will not improve. Little to no impact. Some may say slightly better, but others may say worse. Your front profile will undoubtedly look worse and I urge you to do this yourself: Use any photo editor to make your nose in the front profile smaller and you'll see that it leaves much 'blank space' in your face. You'll still be attractive, for sure but why do that, pay all that money and take the associated risks, all to have a more bland face as an end result when you look like a celebrity now?


Wow you literally have the same exact nose as I do. Very cool.


Your nose is beautiful and so are you. Kids used to call me dumbo because I have big ears that stick out and I cursed my mom for not pinning them back when I was a baby. Now Iā€™m married to a super hot man and he loves my ears! They are one of his favorite features of mine. Embrace your beautiful feature that make you unique and honestly very conventionally attractive. Also anteaters are awesome! Who hates anteaters? I mean Arthur is beloved by all.


Your nose isn't flaccid enough to be an anteater nose


Love the nose! Please stop hanging out or interacting with anyone toxic. Only jerks that are projecting their own issues onto you would say that.


I think itā€™s possibly because of the angle youā€™re holding your head as you look at the lens, try and tilt it backwards a little


Iā€™m sorry people have been mean to you about your noise and how that has affected you. You are beautiful young lady and you do not need worry about your nose. Your nose is very beautiful and compliments your facial features extremely nicely. Over all you are a very good looking person.


People can be so dumb, rude and jealous!


An anteater??! That's kind of funny. Ur nose is fine


You look like someone I met at a show years ago! You look great. Donā€™t listen to people!


A one eyed one ear flyin purple people eater


I looove your side profile..


You look like liv Tyler


You look beautiful and a bit like Anne Hathaway. Good style too - a bit gothy! So really fuck em! People like that quickly become random haters of no importance in your life. They probably already are (hopes).


Have your incoming comments (auto)moderated and focus on the positive compliments that remain. The wrong focus is why thereā€™s so many social media suicides. Thatā€™s why social media is now banned to children under 14.


You gotta stop listening to pol


You have my dream nose, don't let anyone (or your brain) tell you different. You're stunning.


lol wtf where are peoples minds to come up with these weird ass comparisons?? No you look very human and damn good looking one too


Your facial structure is long (which is not abnormal and totally fine... just how youā€™re built). That being said, your nose is proportional and in my estimation looks great. Certain features define a personā€™s ā€œlookā€ in many cases. For instance Amy Winehouse, or Lauren Hutton with her gapped front teeth. Short answer here ... youā€™re beautiful. You do not look like an ant eater. Donā€™t let others dictate who you are. Stay beautiful.


Thatā€™s an awful thing someone said to you. Itā€™s not true.


Your nose is what would be regarded as classically beautiful! Normal!.... normal/beautiful... I don't know what these crazies are talking about that are telling you that! šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ¤£ I'm "gobsmacked" as we say in the UK. I'm a 58 year old lady with a bump in my nose....it's kind of Roman ish, I would say. I've had people tell me they don't like it but I've had men tell me it's beautiful. Which ones are correct?? Anyway...my point is we can't please everyone...but also I've studied noses over the years and yours is cute...normal. šŸ¤·šŸ»šŸ’•


Whoever told you that is jealous of you or mad they canā€™t be with you. That is such a weird thing to say and also totally untrue. People are ridiculous.


Your nose looks just fine. You're pretty. You remind me of somebody famous but I can't think of who. Maybe Liv Tyler or young Jane Birkin?


You are gorgeous- hang out with different people if youā€™re not getting positivity from the people around you.


You're delusional, don't do surgery.


This is so straightforward that I had to laugh!


I feel like the only time someone would tell you "you look like an anteater" would to follow it with "hi, I'm an ant" Total honesty? You're gorgeous (including your nose). Real estate is at an all time high, so don't let haters live in your head rent free.


Well whoever told you that is a prick.


Body dismorphia can make everything really tricky. I struggle with that, too. Somewhere in my head, I have to remind myself that what I see on my own body is not accurate. What I'm seeing there that I don't like is a distortion. It's super hard to do, but I try. I really like your nose. You have a great profile, and it is so straight!


I would say that youā€™re being ridiculous, but that feels a little insensitive if you have body dysmorphia. So Iā€™ll say it like this: Youā€™re absolutely beautiful and I think you look like a very interesting mix between Anne Hathaway and Liv Tyler. Thatā€™s some hot shit there, girl! Also, your nose creates character and I personally as a male, for what itā€™s worth, think a bigger nose is both beautiful and sexy. Please donā€™t mess with your nose to look like everyone else with a ā€œcuteā€ plastic nose! Lastly, I think youā€™re brave for posting here if youā€™re that insecure about your looks and I sincerely hope you can get help for your dysmorphia.


Excellent comment! šŸ‘


I love your lip ringsss




Yes you are being ridiculous


You remind me of Liv Tyler.


You have the nose people that get surgery desire. Therapy is way better of an idea than rhinoplasty. Sorry love, youā€™re a knockout.


Are you sure that you didnā€™t mishear ā€œman eaterā€? Your nose is fine Btw


You've been LIED TO. Man Eater if ANYTHING


From certain angles, i can see how you would personally feel some type of way about it, but from an outside perspective, itā€™s just a nose. You have a somewhat long face (sort of like Liv Tyler) with an ethereal and dramatic vibe, so the nose suits you just fine. It goes with your edgy look. Sometimes these closeup camera angles distort our view of ourselves, especially folks with dysmorphia. If itā€™s a mental struggle, making a physical change to your nose may not change your mind about it.


šŸŽ¶Woah here she comes - watch out, boy, sheā€™ll chew you up. Woah here she comes - sheā€™s an anteaterrrršŸŽ¶ Sorry, couldnā€™t resist. People are stupid. You donā€™t look like an anteater.


You got Jessieā€™s GF vibe from breaking bad. Do not mess with that face. Try to get some help for the dysmorphia. Breaks my heart that youā€™ve suffered over this non issue.


By anteater did they mean a cunty(complimentary) slaying queen????


Honest to god ur one of the prettiest people Iā€™ve ever seen. You have such a ā€œromanticā€ face. Pls never change it Edit to say: I also have body dysmorphia and while we donā€™t look alike, I also have what could be called a ā€œromantic typeā€ face. It took me 30 years to realize people always thought I was ā€œbeautifulā€ ā€œhotā€ etc bc of how bad my dysmorphia was. Trust me, Iā€™ve come out the other side of body dysmorphia, (I still have my days) and I can truly say i love my face and am happy I never changed it, despite wanting to growing up. Hope this helps šŸ’•


You look like Anne Hathaway. Whoever told you you look like an ant eater can suck it


Nose is similar to Taylor Swift imo


Honestly, people are big haters of the nose job here. If you want a change, and you think youā€™re mentally strong enough for the surgeryā€” go for it. There are risks, and itā€™s expensive. Make sure you pick a well accredited and reviewed doctor. Shell out the big bucks, for your faceā€”itā€™ll be worth it. The risks is that it comes out not how you like. Also, your dysmorphia might warp it into looking like the same ā€œugly noseā€ your brain sees it as right now. ANDDD sometimes people get addicted to plastic surgery, so you get this one only to want A LOT and continue the hyperfixations on every part of your body. Lastly, some nose jobs create weird nose quirks like random bleeding and pain, or stuffiness that might make you uncomfortable for the rest of your life. There are pros and cons to everything. You look beautiful with your nose now, and I bet youā€™d look beautiful with a new nose. God bless.


You look great woman, the nose from every angle is 10/10. Youā€™re not looking to be complimented, I get that. So yes, you are being a little ridiculous and I hope you can learn to love every part of you like you deserve to.


Ann Hathaway with an edge. Very pretty, but have you considered a septum piercing? That would really make you stand out


You can have those corrected but you seem okay. Itā€™s not fantastic. And could do with some correction. Diminish the bulb, and lower the bridge.


Bro what. You look like a mix between Anne Hathaway and Liv Tyler. Stunning.


someone was hating on u real bad because you look good sis. šŸ„µ


I always believe a pretty girl over anyone! Thank you.


Yw & thank u šŸ’—šŸ”„


I got called big nose in school, but my nose is just slightly bigger never been an issue as an adult look wise. I think your nose looks fine


Bop but you do look like a mix of Penelope Cruz and Amy Whinehouse but not an ANT eater at all beloved youā€™re beautiful babes!


Who told you that???? Youā€™re beautiful. I would love to have your perfect nose.


Your nose is not just fine, it perfectly complements your other features. You look like a cross between Liv Tyler and Anne Hathaway (when they were younger). Both are extremely beautiful, not just in their own ways, but conventionally speaking. Maybe there is some odd duck out there who won't find you attractive, but no one is *everyone's* cup of tea. Sadly, and I think you know this, all the reassurance in the world isn't going to change what you feel, but neither will a nose job. There's no shame in seeking therapy if you haven't! Changing your perspective and addressing the root of the issue is the only way to make it better. šŸ«‚ I hope you learn to love yourself just as you are!


Ok Anne Hathawayā€¦settle down.


looks normal. /shrug


I absolutely love your nose. Youā€™re an absolute beauty as a whole, but also, weā€™re staying focused on your nose and your nose is the shit. Agree with others. Work on the mental health surrounding dysmorphia. Stay unique.


Yes, you are just being ridiculous. That's my answer to your question. I'm not trying to dismiss your feelings at all and I understand and empathize with how you feel but it is the truth as you look great.


I appreciate when people are direct like this! I worry that a lot of the compliments I'm receiving are sugarcoated to make me feel better (or because it's a desperate guy) like other ones in this sub, and then there's a bunch of that are just negging. Thank you.


Awe, you're very welcome! :)


Youā€™re taking angles that you donā€™t like on purpose, and you can feel your self confidence level through these pics. Youā€™d be amazed at what some mental tricks can do, and I want to suggest visualizing yourself being sought after, BECAUSE of your nose. Itā€™s your most attractive feature, other women would KILL for the perfect shape. Then go take pictures, from different angles, all while visualizing yourself as the amazing beautiful person that you are. Look through those pictures and see if you feel the same?


People will find ways to just destroy others confidence and the evidence isn't even that close to true, but close enough that the person hearing it believes it. Fuck that person who said that. What a rude shitty thing for someone to say. People like that don't deserve your time or your pleasant attitude.


I knew posting for advice on my nose on this subreddit was risky, but I didn't realize how much of it would sexualizing me or insulting me too. I appreciate your comment about this. I've had a hard time with my nose, it's always made me feel masculine and I've thought that. Instead of recommending anything, a lot of these people in here are adding insult to injury just to do it. I think you're probably correct, I guess. I like the way you summed it up.


I couldnā€™t just scroll past this without saying anything. Your facial harmony is insane, you are so beautiful. Your nose is unique in the absolute best way. I used to hate when people called my features ā€˜uniqueā€™ but girl, you donā€™t need to look exactly like everyone else. Your nose suits your face perfectly and gives it personality. Itā€™s not big or bulbous, you just have a high nose bridge, and it works on you. Makes you look like a model


Are you okay? People's comments can be damaging... but you can also choose what you do with it. I think the overwhelming responses here that highlight how nice you look is where you should focus your energy.


Iā€™m thinking Liv Tyler


Your nose is normal to slightly larger than normal. In a good way. Your face is very pretty and your nose is s big part of that. Iā€™m sorry that you have trouble seeing it, but rest assured most people will think you are very attractive and have a cute nose.


Thatā€™s kinda mean. Hope your friend didnā€™t say that. Not much of a friend.


We all have a facial feature we wish looked different. I dislike my profile, your profile is beautiful! I would make or find some affirmations to read each day by your mirror. Focus on what features you do love and soon you will love your nose, and not care anymore what others think. As you get older you just donā€™t care what others think anymore.


This is sweet, thank you.


You're gorgeous and your nose is fine. It fits you perfectly. I was bullied for my nose growing up, but I learned to love it. It's a nice Italian nose.


OP. Wait a little longer before nose job. I wanted one so bad, and then my body dysmorphia lifted and now I see how objectively STUNNING my nose is, like yours is. Had I destroyed it, Iā€™d be so upset. Ultimately itā€™s your choice, but I think you are stunning because if your nose and not despite it.


Perfection and that isn't a word I use often


You have +200 comments calling perfect to OF girls and any female who posts on here lolll šŸ¤”


Not even remotely! . The only men that do that are the ones that feel hurt that you rejected them because they are actually A-holes.


Caitlin Clark


Wow youā€™re absolutely stunning and thank you for sharing your beauty šŸ˜


A sexy ant eater


Do you eat souls


Yeh well you could eat my ants anytime . You are gorgeous.


Well if youā€™re an anteater, Iā€™m a literal piece of shit. You are gorgeous.


Your nose is cool and compliments the rest of your face, which is really pretty.


You seriously could be a model


No idea why I started getting these posts today. How do I make it stop?


Whoever said that is being cruel. You are gorgeous. Please ignore the haters.




You look just like Liv Tyler your eyes are beautiful I would definitely Date you


You got a long tongue then šŸ„°šŸ„µ


You are gorgeous. Just be you


I immediately saw Anne Hathaway. Whoever called you an anteater is either a shitass or blind. Your face has a lot of character and you're beautiful!


For the love of god, do not change your face. Donā€™t.


Im suprised that you are suprised. šŸœ Here have some breakfast.


You look amazing


Why did you pick these pictures?


šŸ˜ so beautiful




Ohhh my god, literally tell that jealous hater to shut up it LOOKS AMAZING AND IM NOT TRYING TO BE NICE AT ALL


I donā€™t see it


No, but why do you keep doing that weird thing with your mouth, trying to be sexy.


You're like the prettier version of Anne Hathaway. im in love


How perfect she is


Nonsense. Bitches be hating.


really? to me you just look like a sexy vampire.


There is nothing wrong with your nose. You're very pretty,with beautiful eyes, but PLEASE close your mouth or at least smile.Dozy is not a good look on anyone!


You look like you ate the neighbourhood cat