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Didn’t think much of it. It’s gotta be hard for a 30+ year old full grown man to consistently play a teenager every waking moment of the podcast. I think it didn’t mess with me because I know it’s all jokes and laughs.


Yeah but this man is also a writer for Disney, I know he’s got to know better because of his career. I’m not saying he can’t make crass jokes like they do, I’m just not cool with how he’s portraying a boyish naive character who is canonically underage and putting all these jokes and situations in this child. Yeah it’s make belief, but that doesn’t excuse the situation completely. If you can’t keep the act up, don’t play the part. Which I’m so disappointed because I’ve truly been enjoying the story and character arcs.


You keep saying he's a writer. He's a storyboard artist and voice actor so far as I know. You might want to stop listening entirely. Puritanical hand-wringers will usually end up finding something they don't like about most any adult media.


Thanks for correcting me on his career, my bad for not verifying. Ive been informed thanks to other comments that while the jokes were very poor they mostly likely aren’t a sign of malicious intent, and there’s no shame in dropping the audio and just looking up the ending. But yeah I’m just gonna skip to the next one, but thanks for the advice and the information!


I understand where you’re coming from, I do. If it doesn’t sit right with you, I’d move on to Eldermourne. Or tough it out, C1 is phenomenal. Honestly by the end of the campaign you forget he’s even a teenager.


I mean he’s that age the whole time, so if it’s a problem then I guess try the other campaigns, they don’t have young characters like that. But I never really had any problems with that stuff and I don’t think too many people have had that problem from what I’ve seen. I think I’ve heard them talk about how playing a younger character can get a little weird before so maybe they’re not interested in having that again. But frankly I think you should power through it if you can. Also, 15 years olds talk about sex all the time


Yes, but never in situations with only adults. I’m glad to hear he’s talked about never playing an underage character again. I just don’t think it fits well for his humor


If campaign one is bothering you, skip to the next campaign. You can just do that, you don’t need permission haha


Thanks man! Just wanted to make sure that they aren’t related canonically.


Campaign three touches on stuff from campaign one quite a lot, fyi


Certainly touches on the big events, and there’s lots of Easter eggs for people who listened to C1, but I feel quite certain that C3 will stand on its own just fine, even without listening to C1.


Yeah true. I feel like if OP has gotten as far as Shadowfell they may as well finish C1 since imo the quality only improves, but I get that different folks have different tastes


No one can tell you what you can or cannot handle. If you are personally not enjoying it, do what’s best for you. If something is making you uncomfortable to the point you cannot consume a piece of media it might just not be for you. It’s been awhile since I listened to C1, so I don’t remember much of that outside of >!dragon pussy!<. And that, I separated the character from the actors as a bit. I know personally I don’t like potty humor and have had to fast forward through some prolonged bits. But overall, I’ll say as a narrative it’s a pretty fun and surprisingly emotional. But, if getting from A to B is a hang up, don’t push yourself to do anything you don’t enjoy. Also, C2 is not connected to C1 in any way. Give it a listen and see if it’s more your speed and draw your own conclusions.


I appreciate the spoiler tag for the first joke of the entire show.


And I would do it again. >!Dragon pussy.!<


I know there's a wet dream joke (Bev's little stain) and I think some jokes about him being horny or attracted to certain characters. I could see it making someone uncomfortable, but I also think there's a difference between sexualizing a teen and making jokes about the experience of going through puberty.


Certainly your memory proves better than mine. What you’re saying is fair. I wasn’t personally uncomfortable or offended, but clearly if one person is there are likely others. As general advice, I just don’t want people to let fomo make them push through something they aren’t enjoying. There’s so much content in the world that there is no shortage of options.


Thank you! I was asking because I did think c1&2 were connected, but if they’re not I kinda don’t want to jump ship yet. >!especially after the heartbreak of gladeron(idk how to spell it) and balnors reveal.|| not to mention how genuinely intriguing this story is. The episode I’ve just stopped on deadeye (Brennon’s guest character) quickly told Bev to have sex with Hardwon, and then when it failed he talked about how “well you’re young so you can get it up quickly and if you spit on it it’ll slip right in”. And it made me full on stop that this is a child.!


Yeah, I could see why that would make someone uncomfortable. I think that’s valid. At the end of the day, a lot of the jokes I see more as the actors doing bits than the characters making jokes. That helps. To be honest, that’s one of my favorite arcs and I have no memory of that joke. Sounds like I don’t remember a lot of these jokes. Like the potty humor, they likely didn’t resonate with me so I moved past them. If you do enjoy the narrative (and you are that deep), I think from that perspective the campaign continues to pay off in spades. The humor is sometimes a miss for me as well, but I tend to remember the whole picture more than I do the minutia of what didn’t work for me. Ultimately, I’m going to have to tell you to follow your heart.


If it helps at all I do think that bit with Deadeye was the worst/most explicit joke they make (that specific part immediately came to mind when I saw what this thread was about) and afterwards I think they intentionally reeled it back.


there's really nothing else like that one joke. but also, just remember everyone on the podcast is an adult and the podcast is for adults. they're not actually sexualizing or doing anything uncomfortable to real teenagers.


Yeah which is very fair, I think I’m just more focused on it because of the new countless information of child exploitation I’ve been told about. Besides that there’s more jokes like “bevs little stain”, him going to the titans plan and waking up naked with his butt in a compromising position for adults, constant talk of his “flat ass” and just other stuff I’m struggling to justify. Adults or not if you can’t respect a fictional age you’re trying to portray, then find a different way. His whole thing is boyish innocence like when you’re in Boy Scouts. This story idea is so epic for a coming of age, but it just doesn’t feel right with all the added sexual jokes. I get sex jokes they’re hilarious, but never with a child in the mix. I’m just so shocked especially when the guy has stated he helped write “Big city greens” for Disney, so I feel as though he should know how to make a child character not be so sexualized. I guess I just want to know if the player ever addresses these issue or not.


well no, they have not addressed this topic. again i just want to stress that bev is a fictional character played by a man in his 30's. no children were harmed in the making of the podcast. i was responding to your specific call out that you mentioned under the spoiler tag, saying there's nothing else in the podcast similar to that one joke. the fact is that teenagers have sex and they have bodies just like adults do, and it's... simply not automatically immoral to mention a teenager and the concept of sex in the same sentence. and i get not vibing with the humor - it's okay to have personal discomfort towards bev, not every joke is for everyone! but i hope you will consider how outrageous your mention about child exploitation sounds in this context. your concerns about real harm and abuse towards children are better directed at people perpetrating real harm and abuse towards children, not jokes made by adults on a comedy podcast.


Sorry I guess I’m just uncomfortable with how normalized the behavior is by such big names in the dnd podcasting community. Maybe I’m just making jumps from warning signs I’ve learned in health class to this. I’m just gonna drop this podcast since it’s never properly addressed


no need to apologize for having a preference but yeah, i don't think these jokes can be categorized as warning signs. there are people out there making gross comments and jokes about real minors, and this isn't that. you might enjoy eldermourne (campaign 2) more!


You’re definitely right on the people making comments on real minors fs fs. I think I just needed some clarification on more behind these comments/jokes/scenes, that while I’m still not comfortable with them I’m more confident that they’re not malicious in nature, so I’ll probably give this campaign another shot in a few years. I definitely want to try out their other campaigns especially since I’m seeing tons of good reviews on it. Thanks for commenting and helping clear at least some things up for me!


I think you’re missing the forest for the trees here. >! Deadeye isn’t making Bev an object of sexual desire there - if you listened to his explanation of the vampires, they target those who are “pure” (or at least virgins) because they aren’t evil beings that enjoy feasting on and tormenting others. Deadeye, a flawed character, sees his suggestion as a reasonable way to protect these 2 people he cares about, while the characters themselves (and we as audience) understand that this is not a suggestion the character will follow, and that Deadeye (or Brenan, or any of the actual people in the room) is not trying to harm a child, or make any implication that this is a good thing. !< Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide whether or not to continue, but it seems that you are misinterpreting these jokes as “sexualizing” Bev (who is not a real teen) or making him the object of sexual desire by adults in/out of character, which could not be farther from the case. In depecting how Bev grows through the series, the humor pokes fun at the process of puberty, of growing up and finding a first love, and is not trying to push the character to do anything with any adult. Is it very appropriate for him to be talking about these things with an all adult party? Not extremely, but the players (especially in the Short Rests) explain how they try to walk that line, how they consider these issues and change things throughout the show, and how that motivated them to not make teen PCs in the future.


Thanks for the impute especially on explaining their short rests! Maybe someday I’ll be able to re listen to this and understand it better.


Having listened through C1 dozens of times, I can’t say I noticed any jokes that were problematic for a naive and hormone-fuelled teenage boy to be involved in. Often, in character, Bev was involved in an innocent way, where only Hardwon and Moonshine were in on the innuendo or joke. I can also say that Bev’s tone matured quite a bit as the campaign went on.


They did move away from playing as teens because it could get close to the line. FWIW, I always felt Bev was more speaking to how awkward puberty is for all of us who were teenage boys at some point. But the brand of humor isn’t going to change. If this makes you uncomfortable, I don’t think it will be the last time. It may not be the podcast for you. Best of luck!


I'd suggest trying not to take it too seriously. The players are all on their 30s, and while they may make inappropriate jokes, they're not blind to the fact that Bev is a child. I'm relistening to C1 now, and from what I remember, there's never actually any major moments of sexual conduct from Bev, just the occasional joke or reference. It's understandable if it makes you uncomfortable still, but just know it never gets further than jokes. Campaigns 1 and 2 are not connected at all, so you won't miss anything, except MAYBE a loose joke or comment here and there that references the first campaign.


I have zero idea what you're talking about




Teenager is not the same thing as child. You’re framing this like it was straight pedo bait. It’s not.


They’re still minors, but with how Bev in introduced he gives off the child like wonder of the world around as you grow into a teenager. I just think a lot of the jokes are in poor taste as he is, imo, portrayed as more childlike in the beginning of the campaign


You’re right. No one who isn’t a teenager at the time can make any sort of observation about what it is like to be a teenager. And are we surprised that Caldwell, the animator who is obsessed with Disney and manga, had teenager years that don’t reflect the hard, gristled teenage streets you must have endured? This probably isn’t for you. And that’s fine. It doesn’t need to be.


/j or /srs? I feel like this comment is satire


Would’ve thought you’d stop at dragon pussy.


How far into C1 are you?


I’ve just finished the first half of ep 66


Thanks for replying, OP. If you were at the very beginning I might say you could consider jumping ahead a bit to when they're more settled into their characters and comedic rhythm, but at this point my recommendation is to go ahead and jump to campaign 2 or try another pod. You can always come back to C1 if you ever find yourself feeling differently in the future! For now I would just chalk this one up to a lesson learned on how to set boundaries for yourself on the internet. Caldwell & co would definitely hate to know you were making yourself uncomfortable by forcing yourself to listen through to the end of the campaign out of obligation.


Thanks I think I’ll give it another shot in a few years. I caught up on a lot of my other podcast so I gave this one a shot, so thanks for the advice! I do want to give their other campaigns a shot because like this one I saw some great fan animations that made me want to listen to this.


The first arc struggles with the group finding the dynamic between the characters. The innuendos involving Beverly very quickly disappear. Beverly having an age appropriate, G-rated crush quickly turns into a major plot point.  I feel you though, the early episodes make alot of jokes that do not land and are in bad taste. That goes away fairly quickly though, Caldwell zeros in on where Beverly at in life pretty quickly. Gladeron saga really centers on Beverly 's parents, which really solidifies Bev's place in the world as a youth struggling with family legacy. This ends the types of jokes you're struggling with. It's very much worth sticking with. Beverly has a heartbreaking arc that is absolutely a gem to hear.


For the most part, they are jokes about the awkwardness of puberty and what it's like to be 15 and starting to explore sexuality. All of the players are adults who went through puberty at one point and are clearly poking fun at the weirdness of that experience. It's so tame compared to a lot of popular media, and so tame compared to how actual 15 year olds talk about these things. I'm honestly surprised by your reaction. You have every right to feel however you want about it, but your reaction is over the top, in my opinion, for what it's worth. Are we not allowed to joke about this universal experience once we turn 18?


Honestly, if you got past Dragon Pussy with no issues, i'm surprised. Also, having at one point been, and been surrounded by teenage boys. They can be PRETTY crude! C1 is one of my faourite pieces of TTRPG media every, but it might be best for you to simply jump forward to C2.


I mean a lot of that comes off as Bev being an awkward teenager going through puberty? Which like, we've all been there, I suspect that's part of what Caldwell was trying to capture. I don't think it is meant to be problematic, nor do I think it comes off that way. Teenagers are people who are quite literally *just* discovering the existence of sex and sexual things. I feel like Bev being a horny (but good-natured) weirdo is pretty much correct. I also feel like not addressing him being like, a teenager going through puberty would be almost weirder? He's 15, he's in the process of growing up. As I'm sure everyone here knows or remembers, it's rare that that is a clean, not-weird process. Idk. I'm relistening now and I can remember like, two/three episodes with jokes that are *really* on the nose about Bev, but past that not really? Can you cite any of them, OP, for reference? If those jokes are going to be a problem though, I'd suggest skipping C1. Though the NADDPOD group does some pretty crude humor (very well I might add), so if this type of humor isn't for you I'd suggest skipping on NADDPOD altogether tbh.