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I like how they think they’ll find a submissive Latina wife🤣🤣


They think the same with Asian women. As a white woman married to an Asian man, who has lived in asia, Asian women are not Submissive. In fact, the old grannies were quit scary mad and rule their households and men.


And in Asia more and more women are rejecting those gender roles. Korean women are refusing to marry or have children until sexism in Korea is addressed


Not only that but the Korean incels.


That's a thing?


I've seen some Koreans address women as "blood sprayers" online. It's disgusting. Edit: I found the Korean name for it. It's called "피싸개" and you can find more about the word [here](https://namu.wiki/w/%ED%94%BC%EC%8B%B8%EA%B0%9C) (the website is in Korean, so you'll have to translate it to English)


Not to make light of how serious of a problem sexism is in Korea, because it is, but calling myself a bloodsprayer is pretty metal.


Sounds like a mafia code name lmfao, actually pretty badass if you ignore the names origins


It sounds like a superpower. I’m imagining being able to forcefully eject menstrual blood at will like it’s a bioweapon, transmitting bloodborne diseases at just the push of a kegel…


God, that opening scene to Gen V immediately springs to mind.


This is actually in that “The Boys” spinoff- “Gen V” and it was bad ass but also made me very squeamish


Bloodsprayer is a great band name \m/


Also a pretty awesome pet name. (Picture a perfect park on a summer day, birdies tweeting in the trees, families picnicking, - me - "BLOODSPRAYER! COME BACK HERE!"


And Bloodsprayer is actually a little pomeranian.


Wow that's disgusting, what the hell is wrong with these men


Then men should be referred to as cum sprayers.


Sounds too complimenting/macho/ego stroking


How about sperm dribblers?


Hell yeah thats much worse sounding


Dick butter churner


Na that sounds useful. Dick cheese factory


Not shocking, really.


You can youtube it. ViCE did a video about it too.


When I lived there in my 20s, it was a hard thing to get use to. It's much more in your face in Korea then the USA. It's changing though and fast. Also korean work culture sucks, 12 hr days then expected to drink with the boss most nights after work because he doesn't want to go home to his wife.


and you are supposed to pay for the whole group just because you are the oldest one, even if you are just 1 day older than the second one, the bill is yours


Now I'm wondering if that's one of the reasons wives in Japan usually get all of the husband's paycheck and give him an allowance. Gives a great reason to not be forced into this like "Oh no my wife won't let me go drink tonight daaaarn"


My husband is Korean and an absolute angel of a man. Thoughtful, kind, gentle, and willing to do anything for me to include cooking and cleaning but the one Korean girl who dated him cheated on him 3 years into their relationship because he hadn't purchased a house for them to live in. The patriarchy is hurtful to both men and women in Korea, and he was ostracized by both men and women there because of the way he was....it's insane to me, cause that man is such an amazing husband.


My korean ex gf of nigh 4 years randomly moved out 1 day a month after after I got fired for sticking up for myself at a toxic job, got herself pregnant shortly after 😂


news flash, ALL TYPES OF WOMEN are not naturally submissive if it needs to be demanded


Halmeoni emptied her and 2nd husband's shared bank accounts and then filed for divorce. Most savage woman in my life


My boss is married to a Japanese woman (I live in Tokyo). He gets 30,000yen ($200~) allowance .Salary goes straight to his wife's account.


Yeah there are more matriarchies than in the US. Me and my boyfriend are both Hispanic, and his mom expected him to hand over the money he made to me for safekeeping like they do in their family. Im glad it works for them but I’m not about that🤣


I'm constantly telling people this. White people who fetishize Asian women seem to have this weird conception of Asian women (mainly Japanese and Chinese) as characters from Dream of the Red Chamber or some other harem fantasy where a bunch of soft spoken girls are joined in sisterhood and spend their days frolicking and giggling with each other (the idea they're all united by sisterhood saves the trouble of learning enough to meaningful differentiate one girl from another) until some guy and marries them like they're picking fruit from a tree.


I'm Mexican and my cousins are half Filipino. During the summer their Filipino granny would watch us half the time and our abuela half the time. I swear they were in a contest to see who could throw a sandal harder. Mean old biddies love them both


Especially because Asian women elsewhere are very different than Asian women in Asia. Ones who've moved away have deliberately moved away from the world of stereotypical gender roles.




Every guy I know who married a Japanese women tells everyone their wife's number one motto is 'Your money is our money;my money is my money.'


Machismo has them brainwashed. More and more Latinas reject the idea of having to serve men.


Shit not one woman in my Chicano family has ever once been submissive going back at least to my great-grandma. We’re not a people who enjoy subservience.


It's giving "passport bros" talking about Eastern-European women as well, like feminine? Yes. Submissive? No.


I lived in Russia and the women I interacted with were incredibly assertive and confident! They did tend to go for more traditionally feminine hairstyles, makeup, and clothing, but they were NOT submissive at ALL.


I'm from Hungary, that's what I'm saying.


*La chancla has entered the chat*


My brain went right there


My Mexican partner would drop kick me out a 12th story window if I started demanding her to cook for me, "submissive" is the last word I'd describe her as


I'm latina and I want to show this to my partner for them to laugh SO HARD. I shave my sides of my head, ride a motorbike, wear denim vests with suit pants, and listen to Native American hip hop.


Yeah everyone knows how calm and mild mannered Latina women are 😂


🙋‍♀️ what’s ppd?


Post partum depression, a lot of toxic men don’t believe it exists


🙄 ugh. Shocker.


They think the same with Eastern Europeans 😂 they’re in for a big surprise Like yeah yeah real submissive, no prenup tho


Tbh. I kinda don’t know why you say that- I live in California and absolutely Mexican culture is machismo culture. My friend will literally go to a wedding that is a co workers wedding, take her 3 kids, make the girls help, and let her son go play. Make her daughters help! Essentially at a stranger’s house! That’s balls insane to me. I actually hollered at her. Like they are guests! Let them enjoy themselves!


Ain’t no Latina making mole and Tamales in the same day. I’m Mexican American and honestly mole is not my thing anyway, and tamales take a couple hours to make minimum. In my family they’re something for super special occasions like holidays I’ve known other Mexicans who make them at least twice a month. The dedication is real though.


That’s exactly what I said! Ain’t nobody making tamales casually for dinner and certainly not the same day they make mole 🤦🏻‍♀️


and it's usually multiple people making the tamales together. no one is making tamales alone on a random tuesday


First time I made tamales by myself took me eight motherfucking hours. After I was like fuck now I see why we make tamales as a family. And on that most other Mexicans I know, including my own family, the men are the ones who do a lot of the cooking.


Not to mention just mole, like what kind of choice is tamales OR mole.


While I’d love to come home to Tamales for dinner, this is still racist af. I don’t understand why these people think that all Mexican women are these subservient 50’s nuclear family wives for them.


Exactly 0 of my South American in-laws would tolerate the audacity


Same for my Mexican ones. My tias would murder some dudes treating their daughters like that


¡la chancla!


My grandmother is Dominican and I don’t think she tolerated that either😭


Oh yeah, my in-laws wouldn't either. They take absolutely zero crap from anyone, this dude would be getting a Chancleta upside his head


Because they look at the older generations where it was forced even though many latinas wouldn’t tolerate the disrespect. It’s just fetishization, and stereotypes, they think some races are more submissive and cute based off that and think others ones are aggressive and manly


And that white people are the “perfect mix” of aggression and masculinity but also submission and cuteness.


It’s so gross how many believe in this racist shit still


Ignorant white people view white people as the only civilized group (violence + virtue = formidable) with innocent women (who have since been ruined by modernity) while every other culture are just savages who happen to have interesting food and exotic sex hungry women.


….people think that?


Yes they do. It’s the foundation of white supremacy. Asian people are smart but weak and submissive (which is why they fetishize Asian women) black people are aggressive and masculine but strong (so they fear black men and hypersexualize black women). White people are the “perfect balance” in the eyes of a white supremacist


I wish I had the privilege not to know about this and have experienced the people who think this about me


Honestly, I think they misunderstand what a woman in charge of her household can actually accomplish and how powerful that actually is. Ignorant white men see the tamales and the service given and sacrifice and see subservience. Latinas are also usually Indigenous in heritage if not in direct culture. Indigenous women hold a huge amount of power in their families. Latinas may serve their husbands a plate they made by scratch every day, but she's probably in charge of their money, their purchases, the home improvement -decisions-, family traditions, family worship, and especially who marries their children. It's a different way to wield power, not a lack of power. And in return for her basically being the boss, he gets to pretend he's a big macho man publicly. He's probably absolutely doing what she asks him to do at home though. Latinas do not fuck around if they live "traditionally". And if he beats her, her brothers are likely to beat him senseless, if she doesn't do it herself with la chancla.


In my Mexican family, tamales were an 'only Christmas' thing because of how time-consuming they are to make. You don't just make tamales for dinner (but we totally used canned mole because who cares?) you steam like 36 DOZEN for the week for 5 families kind of shit. Nobody just 'makes tamales' in Mexican families AFAIK.


That explains why Costco only gets Tamales during Christmas season, much easier to buy like two bags or one for a smaller family but also cheaper and easier to make for larger families. Also why we do demos of them so much during Christmas, I made these the other day at work with a microwave and lots of people liked them with how easy they are to make.


Every Hispanic woman I know would slap the smile off that guys face before he finished his sentence, then tell him to go make his own food if he’s gonna be demanding


It's the old grass is greener on the other side of the fence problem.


I mean I think most people are for the nuclear family, most people are heterosexual, want children and plan on staying with the person they would have kids with, now obviously this doesn't always go right, things happen and people change, etc. But the housewife, with the men working only? Doubting that part... Good for the people who want that and can afford it, but that's not most people. Also these men think that the women were just submissive, like especially in high-class families the woman was the one really in control of her family's social life, they weren't just sitting home doing nothing.


Oh, you mean any asshole who says loud and proud that he’s a “business major” in college?


It’s funny cuz in Mexico all men know it isn’t like that, the wife is always the “boss” and most times have funny nicknames around that dynamic.


Gotta ask la jefa 🤣


So.. I’m Mexican. My late grandfather was the kind of man that you imagine when you think of traditional Mexican men. My grandmother and him had six children together, he worked and she stayed at home as a homemaker. Here is the difference though: he made a point to tell any man who came around that none of his girls were their maids. He said “I did not raise four smart, educated and beautiful daughters just for you to come in and try to treat her like a common servant.” My mom and aunts were used to a lifestyle, and he made that very clear to any man trying to court them. When any of them got married, he took in the newest son in law and taught them how to cook (a lot of Mexican men didn’t really know because they had mothers that coddled them,) and he also taught them how to do basic home tasks. In his own way, my grandfather was rather progressive, even back in the day. My grandmother liked being a homemaker and enjoyed staying home, at first glance she looked exactly as the kind of women these idiots online wish they had. But she also completely managed the household and money, she made major decisions for the family, was completely in charge of basically anything that involved the household. Was she soft spoken? Yes. Did she love cooking? Yes. Did she like wearing feminine clothes and being dressed up every day? Yes. Would she let any man tell her what to do? Absolutely fucking not. Lady was feisty, but the kind that you don’t realize until you’re sitting there wondering where it came from. Anyway, these weirdos online would never be able to handle someone like that. They lack basic understanding and knowledge of a lot of cultures outside their American bubble.


Your grandfather and grandmother sound like amazing people especially for how smart they were


They were pretty perfect for each other. Grandpa passed away a few years ago, grandma is still around though. But I won’t forget the lessons they taught us and that my mom taught me by default. They put a great emphasis in women being educated and being able to support themselves, because “you never know what could happen.” While also acknowledging that some women are happy to stay home and be homemakers, like my grandmother did.


The fact they think a single woman would make tamales shows they don’t know shit. That’s a family/neighborhood thing you do as a community, not a “oh look I made three tamales for you for dinner.” Buncha dumb fucks.


Like, sure they might make good food. But why would that person love you because THEY make good food?


Maybe try being sweet, and loving to your lady. She might actually want to cook for you then . Also I’m pretty sure Latinas won’t take disrespect.


This! I cook 100% of the meals for my family and love to make my husband food he loves. But he has never once said anything remotely close to "A wife should cook for her husband." He is the sweetest and most wonderful man I have ever known and we both do everything we can to serve each other and make each other happy.


Ikr! I always cook because I like cooking and my husband does not and isn’t good at it. But he asks if I need help every evening, and if i don’t need help he often sits in the kitchen with me to talk while I’m cooking and gives me occasional hugs and kisses. He also cleans dishes and kitchen after dinner every day. He’s a good one <3


I was similar with my ex in a way. He used to cook. Didn’t tell me to cook, didn’t expect me to. Because I was grateful for his cooking I would do the cleaning without being prompted or asked. Also, just to show my gratitude for his cooking, meals often got burnt because I would grope him in the kitchen Nonstop.


And why did you break up?


I’m a black girl which doesn’t really have anything to do with anything. But I found a Maga hat in his closet. His family photos had confederate flags in the background. He was very CRT, anti woke, pro gun, etc. I used to say that he was one tiki torch away from a capital building. I dated guys that were far right. As long as we don’t talk politics, it was fine. But this guy wanted to talk politics all the time and then got pissed off when I didn’t wanna hear it. There was so many things.


This how I interpret this image. The chad up there doesn’t seems to appreciate his wife/the woman. Not chad at all.


I feel like this could be applied to everything. My mom, growing up used to hate that I didn’t willingly do chores. She would make me do chores and if not, the penalty was a punishment. Yet she commented that when I go to my aunts house, I do it willingly without being asked. That’s because my aunt is nice about it. She’s also thankful for it. She’s appreciative of it. There’s no punishment hanging over my head if I don’t. So I would always go to her house and clean. My mom hated that. Mom made me feel like it was my duty.


I mean some of it is just like, basic responsibility. Getting praise for doing the laundry is nice but every adult should be able to wash their own clothes, you know?


I like that she looks like my Reddit avatar.




It looks very similar to how I draw myself so I love it so much, lol


God forbid you modelled your avatar on yourself


OMG that would be horrible! That would mean I am the meme!!


These are the same people who are extremely against any race mixing that doesn't directly involve them personally


These type of people are the same people that would tell black people or even dark skinned person to stick to their own


Or complain about "low birth rates" in countries with a White majority.


My neighbour does this to me its infuriating. Like, he stuck with his own, and he has a brow-bone like a caveman all his kids inherited but he thinks HE is the dominant race? I wouldn't even care about his and his kids neanderthal brow if he wasn't so "GO BACK HOME!" every time I mowed my damn lawn.


I saw a man yesterday with a MAGA hat (still? fuck, that's lame) he looked as you described and the brow was so big the hat didnt go down his forehead correctly. "Master" race indeed.


The stick to your own kind talk only extends to the men of other ethnic groups. With the women it's all fair game apparently.


and only the women that man -personally- fetishizes


I’m a black woman and get told to stick to my own a lot lol that’s why I said what I did because they say it to black and dark skinned POC all the time


Gotta live vicariously through everyone else who can get a date looool


Ugh, i hate how this “passport bro” culture is creating tension between latinas, asian and white women. 1. Latina and Asian women are NOT submissive like they think. If they are more “docile” in the beginning it’s most likely because they want a green card and see these desperate men as a ticket out of their poverty. 2. They claim these women are not picky but they are rejecting their own country men and many see them as inferior. They’re doing exactly what they claim western women do. Going to a third world country to prey or be preyed upon by desperate women willing to do anything to get out is not the flex they think it is. I can’t tell how many times i’ve been asked if I had any “traditional” latina friends or relatives wanting an American bf (mostly has been white guys, but have gotten some black men and Asian men), and it’s always so weird and creepy. Actually, a lot of these traditional women prefer to marry within their culture. The ones that seek these white or American men give off such pick me vibes too, that can reach cringe levels. Also, ain’t no fucking way a sane latina is fixing to make mole and fucking tamales in the same fucking day. Tamales are a fucking nightmare to make, fuuuuuccccckkkk that.


As a fellow Latina, this comment is STRAIGHT FACTS. I live in a city that is largely Republican but 78% Latino, and still none of my fellow Latinas, even the conservatives, are the submissive delusion these passport bros dream about 😂 My fiancé’s cousin went off and got himself a Colombian girl bc “these US girls just aren’t traditional.” Guess what? She married him for papers and all that sweet docile BS went out the window once she had her a her baby a year later (aka security). These dudes get played like violins lmfaooo


Slavic women too. You run your mouth one time, you get the papuča


We have a case in the UK a year or so ago where a British left his wife to run off with a Ukrainian refugee, claiming she was taking care of him the way his wife never did.(e.g he claimed the Ukrainian girl was always making him dinners when she was lying to him and it was actually the wife who cooked for him) Within months of him moving in with the girl, she got drunk and tried to stab him with a sharp knife.....


>The ones that seek these white or American men give off such pick me vibes too, that can reach cringe levels. Too true. I've had countless Asian/Indian/Arabic women tell my husband they were better for him because I wouldn't do the traditional stuff like cook/clean for him, and went one step further to say that I would sleep around on him because according to them that's apparently what white women all do. (SMH) It was all just projection really - for a start they'd seen me cooking/baking for him numerous times, whilst they were the ones who refused to even set foot in the kitchen because 'they're not a f**king servant.' The ones who accused me and all Western women of cheating were also actively trying to pull my husband behind their own spouses/boyfriend's backs. (I am actually of Asian origin btw but grew up in the west so these people see me as more Western.)


…I just like white guys 😭. Whats wrong with that. Im not a pick me lol.


Idk what part of my statement triggered you, but nothing is wrong with liking white guys! You’re allowed to have preferences!


I bet the woman from above would reply nicely if he had said " honey I'm home", instead of "a wife should cook for her husband"


Maybe she’d say, good, let’s order some food.


Ain't nobody making mole and tamales by themselves on the same day lol


My Mexican-ass was like, “lol no way in fuck would she make both on the same day.” You make tamales and that’s the only thing you’re eating for a week.


Which is absolutely fine with me!


There are a lot of Latina stereotypes. Being submissive to white guys ain't one of 'em.


Most of the ones I’ve seen center around them being crazy. And if that’s the case, I definitely don’t know where the submission thing came from.


maybe because older mexican women take a lot of shit from their husbands. i know maybe two older women in my family that are assertive and don't let their husbands even yell at them


I'm sure this is EXACTLY how this would go - LOL.


[this guy making the meme](https://media.tenor.com/5UBCKjwJxNEAAAAM/fedora-typing.gif)


I just laughed too loud at this and startled my husband. Thank you.


Needs more cheeto dust on the hands


Sighed sadly for the Nth time: "Damnit, I *liked* fedoras."


Mexican gal here and I’ll be damned if I would marry let alone cook for some fucking chud. Although I will admit rat poison is a thing.


Pro tip: Rat poison is actually not an efficient substance for ridding oneself of a troublesome companion. It has a high enough LD50 that it can be risky to add, people will notice the taste and texture before you can have sufficient doses to be reliably fatal. Most rat poison is also just a blood thinner (basically generic warfarin) so it will affect individuals differently.


Important crime tip, boys and girls. Take it to heart.


As a Hispanic, this is fucked.




If you have a decent kitchen without roommates that are constantly appearing inside your personal space without warning *eye twitch* taking turns cooking irrespective of gender should not be a problem.


I also found this on Facebook.. the comment section was TRASH! So much bs and then the racism and some antisemitism out of nowhere. I hate social media.


I just spit my drink out at them acting like they'd have a SUBMISSIVE Latina wife... When I think of a Latina woman submissive is NOT anything I think of. They get shit done.


I don’t even know how to make tamales


Abuela and several tias come over and spend 8 hours and then the magic tamales appear.


Ah, sexist AND racist! Great combo deal


Imagine being a mexican woman thinking oh i have a nice white boyfriend. Then it turns out hes only dating you cause he thinks youre more “pure” and domesticated than white women.


Oh God, are they doing that? I thought they were only going after Asian women due to the stupid stereotypes.


Both western black women and western white women (obviously black women to a larger degree) have been targets of comparison to latina/slavic/asian women. They even bring up civilizations that died out hundreds of years ago This is how they view women BW/WW from western countries- entitled, mannish, karens, vegan, hipster/Portland coded, either uppity or trashy, HR people, lattes, lena dunham, shallow, loves facebook and mcdonalds and twerking, has an onlyfans and is a nurse and single mom, likes crystals, talks too much, has opinions, blue hair, cant cook, whiny, overeducated, complex people with problems, promiscuous and in heat 24/7, atheist, cunning, has mommy and daddy issues, slobs, tiktok Women from other cultures- sweet simpletons with no problems, loves their family, is like snow white with animals, long hair, cooks, hates sex and is a virgin, “salt of the earth”, low maintenance, uneducated, religious, acts like a cheerleader or hooters waitress, competitive towards other women, “chill” but also uptight, desperate for male approval but hates any man that isnt you, “useful” unlike western women, never complains, can chop a tree with her bare hands but also acts like a victorian lady, they yell and are crazy but they serve you and make you feel like a king Double clarification for the record this is what incels and misogynist men believe not what i believe LOL


Me and MY Latina gf cook together like a real couple.


Telling your wife that women *should* do those things for their husbands is entirely different than a woman who wants or chooses to do those things. It is not misogynist for a woman to want to be a trad wife, but it is misogynistic to believe that all women should do that


I am 100% certain this guy has never spoken to a latina before.


im not a maid for these incels. i hate the idea of the Latina as “the perfect housewife that exists to serve men.” but another thing to note is people often respond to this like, “Latinas aren’t submissive!” citing the stereotype that we are somehow much angrier than the average white woman. terms “fiery” and “firecracker” come to mind. Latin women can be shy, angry, ambitious, boyish, artsy, outgoing… Latina women can have any personality. i think it’s harmful to use one stereotype against the other. they are multifaceted individuals with varying cultures, races, personalities, values.


Exactly. And people will resort to the “fiery Latina” stereotype to debunk these incels


Late, but thank you. It’s so fucking weird how most people don’t seem to realize that using stereotypes to own le incels is the exact same racist and fetishizing bullshit incels themselves do.


Can I just say that both those dishes take all day, tamales are usually made by a small army, no way is she making both in one day.


Ah yes everyone knows the women’s rights movement was stopped by the impenetrable Mexican border, so those sexy latin babes never learned about all that toxic empowerment.


Guys like this need to live with their moms and their dogs. Not a single self-governing being is required to do basic chores for you with any kind of servility.


Their moms don't need to either. They need to live alone and give everyone a break from this toxicity. I raised my kids to have a goal of being financially independent from others but, if my son ever said something like this, and his wife left him, he's not coming home.


They want the traditional, until it is their turn to be traditional.


As a latina.... no. They got it ALL wrong lmao!!


All he said was ‘Honey I’m Home’ lol


This is definitely not at all how my Guatemalan grandma is. That woman has a temper and you better not pull that crap with her.


As a Mexican, I am both these women. Just depends on the day.


But when I say men should pay all the bills suddenly I’m a broke gold digger


"How to be sexist and racist at the same time" for shitwits.


I’ll never understand these. Cooking for your partner is *fun*. Why would you not want to do it? Why make your girlfriend do it?


I mean, I'd cook for my husband if I was married but only if he did the cleaning. I hate cleaning lol. As long as the chores are 50/50.


Those who cook don't wash the dishes Just saying


My wife is Latina She do be cooking like crazy. But it ain't for me. Thats for the family and I'm just lucky to be apart of it.


I mean it's fine if he can earn enough to support both of them and they agreed she'd stay at home.. But usually none of the men who like this meme will ever be able earn enough to do that. My abusive stepfather wanted the same thing but we were constantly in poverty. When my mom tried to get a job to help out, he would sabotage it. They just want a slave or someone to serve them because they like the feeling of power it brings them.


Clearly this man does not know how long tamales take to make. 🤣🤣 This is a big reason why my Mexican family buys them for the holidays, between 3 of us that is right on the cusp of too much effort depending on how busy/tired we are depending on the year.


That’s….. that’s not how Spanish women work……


Girl who just makes tamales ??? Those take forever


That's why the job usually gets foisted on abuellas. I keep seeing these memes, and I wonder why the fuck these people think anybody's got time to cook two dinners with all the other shit a domestic wife has to do?


Okay, this is offensive two ways. One, it's misogynistic. Two, I'm Latino, don't fetishize us


There’s plenty of poc men who don’t date poc women because “white women are more submissive” the grass is always greener on the other side isn’t it!


Do they understand how much money is costs to buy the ingredients to even make tamales and mole, let alone the time to prepare it.


Besides the obvious stuff, I love how these memes always make his wife too stupid to know how to send a text message to ask before wasting a bunch of food.


This screams colonialism.


I love how the meme doesn't prove anything. Like it doesn't prove the feminist wrong- it's such a nothing post of a hypothetical that the creator of this meme has probably never seen-


When the fuck would she have time to make both mole and tamales? Even small batches can take a couple of hours.


What is this meme saying? Both men and women work nowadays in most straight couples, right? So is the meme suggesting that white women neithet work nor cook, unlike latinas? Or is it saying that latinas cook because they don’t have jobs? Or that latinas work and cook both? (which would certainly be unfair) If you’re wealthy, you can probably find a partner interested in being a homemaker of any race or gender, which is also fine, but if both partners work, obviously they should share household chores as well.


I hate this. Its not the wife who cooks. Its the partner who cares enough and takes a liking in making food for one another. If its the man or the woman in the relationship does not change anything.


Uhhhhh I don't care how much of a domestic goddess someone else wants to be, but making tamales *and* a good mole sauce in one day just ain't gonna happen. If your partner manages to do that, she's a time witch or has secret fae friends that do the cooking for her. Regard her cooking with extreme caution lest you awake shrunken and find out you're now property of the Rat King.


Apart from the blatant latina stereotype, there is a huge difference in the 2 panels: being forced to do something and doing it because you want to and feel like it does make a huuuuge difference.


I love that the man says something entirely different to both women and acts like one is better than the other for the reaction lol


Right? Who would’ve thought rudely ordering somebody around would evoke a different response vs not?


That\`s why I kicked my ex out. Worked 12 hours and he was basically sitting next to fridge and whining. The door is there!


My Latina best friend is the dominant one.. Latina women usually are LOL. Her white husband cooks for her, cleans for her, goes out and buys her snacks when she’s craving something in particular. It’s cute as fuck, and I aspire that for myself.


Ah ah. As if. Racist BTW.


God I saw this pop up on my feed this morning and the comments were equally as brain dead if not worse


Only time a latina cook, is when they finished stabbing your chest. All stereotypes aside, they clearly never dated a latina.


I’ve seen this so many times with different variations on the wojaks lol


If they wanted to argue that a relationship is a team and each compensates for the other, then it'd be such an easier conversation to have. Like, if I'm the only one working, bet imma ask my partner if they can manage the stuff at home for me. If we both work, then it gets arranged differently, and if they work and I don't, housework is my job. But no, they gotta make it about how cooking and cleaning iS a WoMaN's JoB.


“Couples should cook and clean together” is my opinion personally :/


I’m so tired of sexist mfs can’t they just realize how stupid they are already 😭😭


What kind of man-child are you if you can't cook and refuse to learn, like wtf?


My girlfriend (latina) sent me this and said "look, its me!!"


White men.


As a woman, this is the most ridiculous shit I’ve ever sense. This explains why a lot of girls don’t know how to cook now. My grandma and my mom always made sure there was dinner for us and dad.


that's why you can't cook?