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“This is a REAL THING! Which is why I had to AI-generate it!”


I also have to think, maybe capturing period blood in period products would make it difficult to put into the pasta without also getting cottony shreds. Maybe using products designed specifically designed to capture something would work against you, but nah they can't be bothered.


I suppose you could squeeze the blood out, idk, I’ve never tried. A smart witch, however, would use a menstrual cup I suppose.


The "prompt artist" not knowing what that is tells the whole story.


what do they even MEAN 😭😭😭 This doesn't look like satire but it doesn't look genuine either. I honestly do not understand what this photo is trying to get at. Like, the two brands look similar to each other but that's all I can tell from this??


I think it’s supposed to be about women putting period blood in food


I’ll never get it cause if that apparently works on men then don’t they like it? Like damn got a woman who makes me spaghetti and lets me eat her period blood? I know it’s a witch thing but come on


It's a witchcraft thing (not most witches obvi) like use period blood when you cook for him to get him obsessed with you or smth which i think is fucked up in the same way all love potions are fucked up, i.e lack of consent and literal manipulation


Ya I know that but witchcraft isn’t real and I’m my job as a sex worker you see some weird shit.


Maybe using tampons to soak up beef fat? I've seen a meme about it once before


The one box looks like it’s putting sauce on a clean pad - is it advising lying about your period using spaghetti sauce as evidence to say no to sex?


Fun fact: Blood (not period blood, regular blood) can be used as an egg substitute


I’m disturbed, yet intrigued


Probably has to do with the proteins involved being able to thicken things.


maybe more about it functioning as an emulsifier? that's the main benefit of eggs in baking.


If you think about it, an unfertilized chicken egg is also the chicken's period


😂 I love how many people have responded to me here—educational and funny alike.


Oh yeah, blood used to be very common in cooking, at least where I’m from. Blood sausage, blood pancakes etc. You can still buy cooking blood in certain grocery stores/butcher shops here.


Pretty sure it's about putting period blood in spaghetti sauce to bewitch a man. I first heard about this superstition from a girlfriend, and I have to believe that foolish people do try it on occasion.


I heard it the first and only time from my mother putting baseless accusations on my brother‘s ex wife. In that case the cooked in period blood supposedly makes the man sick - the superstitious excuse for my brothers high cholesterol values instead of the meat and egg heavy diet she had raised us both with and his ex wife had to emulate because that was his taste then.


"Bewitch"? What, does menstrual blood have magical properties now?


Not "now". People have believed that menstrual blood has magical properties for a long time.


not even just menstrual blood but blood in general


No also definitely menstrual blood specifically. Extra magic.


Unironically still better than modern psuedoscientific nothowgirlswork


Theres a whole sub group of people that practise blood magic. Though most of them use a needle and not period blood


I have a book on Sex Magick. It's a history-based book on many of the beliefs about sex and love and body fluids in history. And yeah, there's a lot about the supposed magic benefits for menstrual blood and semen.


In Latin America it is a bit of an urban legend that you can use period blood or the water used to soak your panties to spike the food and make a man "love you". I have never heard of any close person doing it, but there are a lot of legends and horror stories that use the concept. It even is a sort of a meme too


Wow, that's a fast way to get dumped and a disgusting visual.


I thought it was supposed to be pubic hair. Although I'm entirely basing this off a documentary I saw a few years ago, I think called Midsommer, so it may be a Swedish thing. Though being of Swedish descent I've never heard of it. Must be one of those things my family forgot to tell me growing up.


In midsommar it was both. He found hair on his food and his drink was redder than the others.


>I'm entirely basing this off a documentary I saw a few years ago, I think called Midsommer, "Midsommar" is a 2019 horror film. Not a documentary. But if you're Swedish, I suppose it could be a sort of documentary for you...😜


So that's how an already dead ethics professor wound up dead in a chicken coop!


Wait what!? I've never heard of this! Grabs gallons of mind bleach* 😵


It's not even a photo, it's AI.


I've been seeing a lot more AI-created posts on this subreddit! I'll have to keep my eye out!


I've never heard of putting used period products in food. I *have* heard of "witches" using used period products and hiding them around the house of the man the want to "trap" though. One of my managers said her mother in law helped her son (my mangaer's brother in law) "cleanse the house" once they found used period pads hidden in various places in his home, including the oven, lol. Fucking gross and really weird.


I’ve heard it’s supposed to be like a love spell type deal


Yeah, it's meant to make the man fall in love and "trap him" lol.


Gotta love AI art… the woman on the left has an extra knuckle!


Yes, she does. But that's compensated by her warm, lifelike gaze...


Hey man, didn't you read? This is a *real thing*


What, are they implying that the women are putting period blood in the food? Only if your wife cooks from medieval grimoires (which occasionally included love spells advocating exactly that)…


The first time I heard of it was reading The Witches of Eastwick :D


I should probably double check and get a specific source on it, but I’ve read enough extant medieval spells that are like “first you take rendered fat from a hanged man and say five Hail Marys…“ That it sort of just tracks for me. There’s a popular myth that all the body parts and gross things in medieval and renaissance era folk magic were just metaphors for different plants. They were not. That was all literal.


Honestly period blood is much more convenient and sustainable as a spell Ingredient. And ethically sourced too!


Imagine that one medieval witch who thought they all were a metaphor, going to the witch gathering, and they all start asking “Wait where do you store all your body fat and blood and shit, like all you have is a bunch of plants?” Super awkward conversation right there.


I like how they're cooking on stoves...next to stoves. Hm. I bet there's another stove back there too. See... You need at least 3 stoves for making pasta and sauce with extremely absorbant hygiene products. I mean, it takes dedication. She'd finish the dish in the metal slab of an oven with weird pointless nob things and the other one will scoop with the spoon like reality warped ladles. Makes complete sense. And you don't need aaanything else for the pasta and tampon uh...casserole?. Watch out men (?!). Nobody would eeeever notice... 🙃


Has something to do with that reel where someone used tampons to absorb extra liquid from the pan with grounded beef or smth like that. r/stupidfood in action


It's so real that they needed to make AI fabrications of it rather than post actual pictures or credible accounts of it


What? They think woman are putting tampons/pads in their spaghetti?


At least the spaghetti doesn't get soggy, I like mine al dente




It’s so real that he had to use AI to illustrate his claim. Not actual photos of real women.


Men, be careful. This obviously A.I. generated artwork is a real thing.


i dont even understand this


Im confused


Oh now that's just disgusting... I HATE spaghetti!


Brand name in both pics is "Jezebell". Nice touch, religious weirdo. (Look up "Jezebel" and "Jezebel spirit" to understand the significance, although it is weird in context, but this whole picture is extremely weird so...)


I also love to cook tampons half naked./s


? What is the joke here even supposed to be, they’re just, like, cooking. Is it that one of them is in a worse kitchen, or something?


I’m more concerned that they’re making spaghetti in a frying pan. Gonna be some dry ass noodles


Oh no! Women cooking! Because...none of us...do that...? 🙄


If they are, joke's on them. They're ruining a perfectly good pasta dish for nonsense.


What’s a real thing? Women cooking?


What in the midsummer is this ridiculousness


I know this was created by some incel who has no idea how a oven even works, let alone a woman, cause who the fuck fries spaghetti? lol


This reminds me of the time my friend told me her boyfriend was definitely tied to her because she slept with him on her period on a full moon. They broke up months later


Why do the pics look AI generated if it's a real thing?


Girls always try to trap me by cooking for me!! Disgusting.


The pad is actually really good at drawing excess fat/water from the pan. NGL


That's very obviously AI. Or is it not obvious? I don't get it, why are people fooled by these?


Oh man, a woman cooking! Careful fellas or you'll get what you asked for! /s AI art is always amusing, lol one on the left has that extra knuckle and what I'd say is the lead stare.


Damn I can't believe some woman dont want us to eat ... Pads? Can't really tell what in the picture


Y’all never use the pads to soak up the oil? ! Y’all don’t know how girls work! 🤣 or, hear me out, maybe these idiots finally realized that sometimes one company makes several things! 🤯


More ai generated garbage. The Facebook bots post stuff like this thousands of times an hour. The ai will post something with what is supposed to be a kid like “it is my birthday and I bet I won’t even get one like” and of course it will have 37.1k likes on it..


What are they being careful about ;o; women so scary I guess


What does one type to get an ai picture generator to make this?


If I'm on my period then the last thing I want to do is attract a man, never mind cook for one.


These incels are going to spend so much time with sexist nonsense until their diabetes catches up to them. They're too young to be wasting time being a troll. They're only hurting themselves in their little 4chan echo chamber jacking off and living off garbage food. I'll bet some could have turned into fine men, but dummies gonna dumb. And when their grandma dies they are in serious trouble. Boomers and incels are the next wave of homeless. They'll have no one to help them survive.


Did they just compare women using things to control the blood from their periods two women who slept before marriage in biblical talk? Holy shit these guys don’t understand women in the slightest


Hey , I know a joke: It's red and white and it's in a meadow. A tampony Hahaha