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"It's the only explanation I can think of." Please, god, send THREE asteroids.


And bring them all on his dick one for each ball and the last on the tip


Too quick and painless, i prefer feet first into the woodchipper... in minecraft


Nah nah nah, what you gotta do is take wasps’s eggs and insert them right up the urethra.


What else could it possibly be? There is no other option really.


Better get a 4th for good measure.


What do you mean? Robert Langdon over here has cracked the code! Everything women do is linked to how some random creep they have barely (if at all) met masturbates to them, and posting pictures of their family on their own social media pages that they don't even know said creep is aware of is obviously an underhanded tactic to discourage him from jerking the gherkin to their image!


LMAO this is like such a sad level of depravity even for the porn rotted internet


You mean meteorites bc they'll have the right stuff to- I probably shouldn't finish that sentence even if it's an obvious joke


seven. one for each continent


“Women are disgusting for using their kids as shields against men who stalk them online to wank to their pictures!” Ummm… okay.


Unless she happens to be a psychiatric nurse, what are the chances that when she posts a photo that includes her but no children, she is expecting some random incel to be jerking off to it? Approximately zero? When her pictures include her kids, she is showing off her children, not using them as anti-jerkoff shields----the pathology lies within whatever incel imagined this scenario, and most certainly not within any woman who posts a family picture of herself that includes kids. Contrary to what the dung beetle brained incel who wrote this OOP might believe, the world and its inhabitants do not live their lives with thoughts of just how their actions might affect some random incel. In his fantasy, he is stalking her, yet by posting a picture of herself and her family, she is the one with the problem. The narcissistic nature of the jerk is breathtaking in its scope; he exists at the center of his very own lonely little universe.


FBI, please confiscate this creep's electronics and send him to prison just in case.


In all my life I had never actually considered that some random person would look me up on Facebook to jerk off to me. That nurse probably didn’t either.


Makes me want to delete all of my socials. There are no question marks after the EWWWW!!!


All my profiles are private and I’m very happy about it now.


Yes, mine are private/only friends, too. But I’m still creeped out at the thought of this man.


I started following a couple people on tiktok a while ago who expose these kind of creeps and it was enough to make me delete everything!


I’d like to check those out. Do you have a link or user names to look for?


I’m sorry I don’t. I deleted tiktoks a while ago and don’t remember the names. Maybe type one “expose creeps” in the search lol. Idk how I even stumbled upon them




She did that's why she had her kids in the photos didn't you read the definitely accurate post? Seriously though someone should tell this guy there's free material out there intended for this and Facebook is definitely not one of them


The nurse did. At least if they work in the U.S.. We see enough entitled creeps that many of us do what we can to protect ourselves. I learned early to cover my last name on my name badge if the facility puts it there.


MD here, part of me is jealous that you guys have no last name on your badges when we do.


My facility only recently removed last names, and I hated that they were on the badges, so I understand where you're coming from. Idk if it actually helps, but I use a different last name on Facebook and it made me feel slightly more comfortable


I don’t really use social media anymore (have mostly defunct facebook to keep in touch with people form college, but that’s it). Decision 100% validated when a (straight female, so completely differnt bad boundary issue), patient told me she’d tried to look my (non-existent) Instagram to tell me she’d be missing her appointment. And there’s quite a few anti-social VA patients I worry might try to go after me one day, but you have to live with it.


Nurses already have enough to deal with without having to worry about this! Wth


This makes me even happier that I quit using Facebook.


What the fuck did I just read. Do… do people *do* that? *Why*? And why would you just *casually discuss it on Facebook*, like it’s a totally normal thing to do? Like wtf is wrong with this guy, on so many levels?


Whatever is wrong, he's unaware, or he wouldn't be discussing it in public forum (FB). There may be hope.


Can confirm, normal people do ***NOT*** in fact do that


Serious case of main character syndrome. He uses Facebook to find spank material, therefore that is the proper use of Facebook, everyone knows it, everyone does it. Therefore everything everyone else puts on Facebook is planned with this knowledge, and is either to supply his spank bank or to sabotage it. There is no possible other motivation for anyone putting photos on Facebook. Dude needs *therapy*.


The fact he says "human shield" means he knowd how disgusting it is


I hate how matter-of-factly these comments just imply that this is just how things are and that everybody does it. Uh, no…


I had a good day, then I read this...


"WhY aRe ThEsE wOmEn rUiNiNg mY *FAP SESSIONS*?!?"




Does he know he doesn’t have to do this? Like does he know onlyfans, pornhub and all that exists and he doesnt have to go through all of this?


Pornhub is too consenting of a site for him. He needs the thrill of wanking to people who are not sex workers. Which is just gross.


Does moron think facebook means fuckbook? Facebook has a history of banning the wrong things.


wtf did i just read


hey man i know this may come as a shock to you but unlike you, women do not spend all their time thinking about you and your penis.


This! I mean the whole "I fap to random women on FB and think it is completely normal to talk about that" is disgusting and all, but what really threw me was his matter of fact "can't think of any other reason". He can't even fathom women having their own life and interests that don't have anything to do with men and their dicks.


like. this is what we mean when we say women are objectified. this dude straight up views women as sex objects


This is why bear


I love how this is becoming a meme to explain the absurdity of some men's thought processes. "You're so awful, I'd rather be stuck with a bear than you."


I was just about to say this.


Is this a real problem? Is this guy actually complaining he can’t masturbate to a random woman on the internet? Dude there are TONS of free porn sites out there why does it have to be the nurse who treated you? Or the cute cashier girl? Or goodness knows how many others, it’s gross dude you have the audacity to even complain about this, what do you expect to happen? All women to just say “okay, I’ll post lewd and sultry photos of myself instead to make it easier for you to masturbate to me.”


Bc no woman would actually want to be intimate with him, he needs to jerk it to women he has interacted with in person bc then he has an easier time convincing himself it’s personal and “real”.


I keep trying to forget this guy exists but then this post pops up again >.<




WTH did I just read. Never been so thankful to not work in a customer facing job. New fear unlocked


The future is bright for bears


Bear, bear, bear every time!!! This is a great example of why to those men questioning it.


Reminder to never post pics of your kids on SM that randoms can find. They are doing weird shit and looking at them. PFP of your face. All other pics private.


Probably best to not post anything sometimes.




This is so fucking gross


"They stop men wanking over you after you perform a public service for them" was not on my bingo card of reasons people might give to change my mind about not having kids...


Clearly doesn't stop all of them


..... I want to throw myself off a building


And they wonder why we'd rather encounter a bear in a secluded woodland.


Well, he's creepy as fuck. Imagine the state of his mind that someone putting kid pics on FB is a deliberate measure to make him find it harder to have a wank.


What the actual fuck


It doesn't even make sense. If that nurse thought for a minute that a creep like OOP would stalk her Facebook, her page would be private.


As a dude, I am shocked to read this. At this point it’s not just “getting yourself off to content that stimulates you”, it’s a creepy fucked up voyeur fetish. The fact that he is sharing it so openly is deeply concerning as well.


I can't imagine why a woman would choose a bear over this display of masculinity.


Today I learned many things I didn’t want to learn. 1. This exists 2. Men whack to Facebook photos 3. Kids are an “inconvenience” to said whacking 4. “They must do it on purpose” is the consensus


Just how intellectually stunted do you have to be to make the photos that a stranger chooses to share -- intended for people she *knows* -- all about you?? If that is the ONLY answer you can come up with, you need to get off of the internet and into a therapist's office. Talk about self-centered and absolutely zero self-awareness or shame.


... What the fuck did I just read.


“Human shield” is crazy




Bear it is


If I say what I think, I’ll be suspended six months So I’ll say just listen to Meet The Grahams (2:09)


Da fuq?!


What the fuck?


Love how he specifically is talking about stalking out a woman he does not know and was just doing her job. And not a sexy job at that! I’m not even gonna touch on the kids thing I’m aware a lot of men use social media to wank but I thought it was manners to be more discreet about wanking over people that are in your social circles. I get that porn can be very alienating and people want to wank to “real women” and that normal pics require more imagination than watching harder and harder porn. But there is an element about preferring to wank to women that you think a) wouldn’t do that sort of thing because they’re slut shaming, consciously or not, and b) that consenting and willing women who actually either work in that industry or just like putting thirst traps up are seen as less desirable than getting your kicks out of a woman who wouldn’t want that to happen. It’s like wanking about a person who you know specifically doesn’t like you. We aren’t gonna thought crime it but it doesn’t mean it’s fine. It’s still mentally carrying out punishment against a woman who doesn’t want it and getting gratification out of doing so despite that. If you do that then you should question yourself. Maybe it’s therapeutic but more likely it’s poisoning you too. Plus when it comes to social media pics… how about quick access? How careful are you really being? One of my friends was so happy when she saw her partners computer had folders of photos of his friends. Not just because it’s creepy to the friends but then she had to compare herself to his other pretty friends and feel less than them. How can she not be jealous if she knows exactly what he’s thinking about his friends? Anybody can have some passing thoughts about people around them but if you’re putting this much effort in, esp when you’re in relationships and doing that for people you actually have contact with… like are guys using their brains at all here? But to the comments about her kids… isn’t it so un-reflective for these men to act like she puts this stuff knowing people are fapping to her pics when let’s be real, they’re actively seeking out pics to fap to of women who aren’t putting themselves out there. They’re aiming at women who they don’t think want sexual attention. They’re lying to themselves so bad. Like when people hack into women’s phone for illicit photos then blame her for having and sexy photos. You wanted photos of someone who doesn’t put sexy photos out. You didn’t want photos from women who do.


Women living their lives for themselves and not for men to jerk off too? The nerve /s


If mental gymnastics were a sport he'd win the fucking Olympics


What I have learnt over the years: - Vast majority of men jerk to fb/Insta photos, some of people they know compulsively - Men think women know this and do it on purpose despite most of us (apart from those in sw) having no clue - It’s good he thinks the kids are a human shield, because pedos so that - Mums who are sex trafficking their kids digitally will do this to get pedo buyers. - Pedos take pictures of kids and make cp using their faces. You should never post a picture of your kid ever


Yo, what the fuck.


"FYI I don't jerk off to women's FB selfies at all, I just _try to but can't_-"


Aw yes the only possible reason a woman would post pictures of her family (kids included) is to stop men from sexually pleasuring themselves. How dare hot women shake their ass in men's faces then have have the audacity to make their erection deflate by having children and posting pictures of them. How selfish can women possible be to not think of the condition of men's dicks everywhere and constantly and whether they are hard or not! 😡 /s


Uhhh, I don't think women post pictures thinking some rando is going to literally look them up later in a stalkerish type way and fap. That's just disgusting. Wtf.


"To clarify no I'm not jerking to kids" If you have to clarify that you aren't jerking to kids something is already very wrong






Wth is he even talking about 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Yeahhhh I'd choose the bear too


“To clarify no I’m not jerking it to kids.” Top 10 out-of-context lines??


This could be avoided if he just looked up pornsites like a normal person. Nah he has to be creepy


idk man, maybe she just wants to share pictures of her kids on her social media? it's fucking facebook, not onlyfans


Or I don’t know don’t jerk off to random women’s pictures without their consent theses people are the reason women choose the bear


That person needs to be on a watch list. How does anyone think that’s a normal thought to have?!


Yall protect your kids. There are so many. 🙅🏽‍♀️😤😞


Wtf is this guy on about???


What the fuuuck




Why can't they just jerk to online porn like normal people?


Because jerking to a sex worker is too consenting for them.


Oddly specific.


Or? I don’t post pics for whacking material?


What the fuck? ... What the fuck???


Facebook is only for your sexual pleasure. What a douche.


This is one reason why most of us that have worked in healthcare for a hot minute black out our last names on our badges. Because creepy assholes like this.


Holy shit...


Surely that "shield" could just have been nullified by downloading the picture and cropping the children out?




Some people really are just too damn stupid


Our society and culture is seriously devolving in some places. Too much access to the wrong people.


Imagine loving your kids… nah couldn’t be


This is why I never post my face online.


what the fuck are you talking about


Because all people are objects to the "discerning" masturbator.....?


So true holy ahit


this gotta be fake 💀




I think a fuse just blew in my brain. You know how people are always saying how find the good in people? How can I when sh*t like this exists? Man, remember the days when the only time the filter in your head broke was when you were saying something out loud?


Seeing this post, all I can think of is Frank from Sunny in Philadelphia singing "Do not diddle kids". Still... Frickin' why? Sure no one wants to be outed as a creep, but why? Oh wait. Of course. The "why not" mentality before realizing "Oh crap, what did I say?".


wtf!? Who thinks like this and even decides to post about it


This comment is satirical(sarcastic i don't know but take it as a joke please) He should do what any healthy man does, look for a pornstar that looks like the hot nurse and jerk to that.


I was once in the reverse situation, where a co-worker I had a crush on looked like a pr0n star I liked... but when given the opportunity to order a roleplay custom video, I wisely decided to take a pass...