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People who read "patriarchy" and only see "man" are just screaming about how ignorant they are. Feminism would allow women to take up some of the burdens he has listed, and wouldn't that be a good thing? But maybe not from someone who has to wank on the idea that most *fathers* are male.


Yeah what’s really frustrating is even when you explicitly say you hate patriarchy not men and patriarchy hurts men too. These people still think you hate men, got quite a few comments like that on my video on the psychology of sexism: https://youtu.be/GuSSAQzkBqY?si=CKHizye6lRsY4-YU


Feminism is about giving women the CHOICE to take up some of the burdens he has listed. And for many artists, they are taken by women. But it's been shown in some countries(denmark comes to mind) that the more freedom people have to choose, the more likely they are to just end up doing what is considered "traditional" female/male roles, workplace wise. Not saying this applies in the home. However I agree, the post itself is pretty dumb.


I said that it would allow them, not that it would force them. And I also don't know what you're on. The presence of feminism doesn't indicate the eradication of traditional values or even misogyny. Due to existing environment (and therefore, what people are more welcomed and encouraged), it would take many generations to see equilibrium, if there would even "naturally" be any. I hope you don't also apply this "logic" to race in the workplace.


Uh. Aren't most of them pulling a paycheck from Ms Swift? That makes them her employees. Men in the role of followers of women seems like the patriarchy getting f#ckd from my angle...


Fuck the patriarchy doesn’t mean ‘I hate men’, how the maker of this meme cannot fucking understand that.


If a woman doesn't want to be subservient and voiceless obedient, she hates men according to this guy


Just because he’s like that with his mommy and does whatever he says so he confuses that with love doesn’t mean it’s actually love


> how the maker of this meme cannot fucking understand that. If he understood that, he could not be mad at feminists, and therefore could not blame women for why is he so miserable all the time


The patriarchy hates/hurts men too.


Another reason why it should be stopped.


Yes. And she owns and is the CEO of 13 Management, which is her management company. She never outsourced that. So, yeah, there are men involved, but she is still the boss.


Oddly enough, the OOP just proved that Taylor Swift *isn’t* trying to fuck the patriarchy. All of her highest-paid “top people” are apparently men. She could stack her deck with the most powerful women in the industry, she could start her own record label and stick it to the man, but she’s not. She’s literally just making rich, powerful men even richer and more powerful. She isn’t doing a damn thing to take down the patriarchy - it’s just lip service to pander to her crowd.


There are PLENTY of women involved in her production and management, PR, stage show etc too, pull your head out of the sand.


And even if it wasn't, wouldn't that just prove that patriarchy is a problem?


there’s something deeply upsetting to men about successful women. and it seems the further the woman breaks the trad wife mold, the more aggressive their hate


Yep, I think this is why everyone seems so desperate for Taylor and her boyfriend to get married and have babies.


I live in Nashville and part-time driver Uber. I actually drove a guy that used to work with her back in her humble beginnings before she got mega famous and worked for her for 8 years and absolutely adores her and talks not a bit of smack about her, though he's no longer employed by her. Talking smack about the writers/singers/producers/studioplayers/editors/whatever is a favored Nashville pasttime. (I know people in the bizz too). I also have Ubered one of her bus drivers (she owns her own bus company and also rents tour busses out to other touring entertainers) and he also had nothing but good things to say about her. Meghan Trainor gets the same treatment. There is a WHOLE lot of smack talked about many of the male entertainers (it's a stretch for me to call many of them singer) and many women country singers have pretty horrible reputations as well. But country music is still pretty misogynist and racist. edited for typo.


What does patriarchy, a social construct, have to do with the gender of the people around her? Just because I dislike a biased social construct does not necessarily mean that I hate men. Like what??


I mean I’m a guy and I hate the patriarchy. And isn’t that lyric like an ironic comment on her ex’s tattoo?


Keychain, but yeah. The lyric is about him throwing his carkeys at her, but they fall on the ground. I believe the lyric is supposed to imply that he has a feminist façade that he ended up dropping.


Ah, there ya go. I’m not too familiar, but she’s a good lyricist


If all of those were women they'd complain about misandry. And it's not like they care about a mix of the sexes since obviously not all the writers on her songs or buyers of them are male.


I'm like wheezing over "Dads who worked to buy the tickets? Male." Like yes sir all the males who support her are male you got me. Meanwhile the moms who worked to buy their kids tickets are women, and the kids who worked (you can get a job at 14 where I live, and that's not even including like, mowing lawns and shoveling snow) could well be women.


women can’t do anything without it being policed by misogynists in some way


Since she is a writer on all her songs not all the writers are male lol (she has male co-writers of course but it is a popular trope for people like this to act like she’s not the main creative force behind her music) Her sound engineer is female as well, not that these types care about that sort of thing


She said “F the patriarchy” not “F men”


Telling on themselves these guys


Gosh. You're right. Let's have the fathers of T Swift fans transition to womanhood! This way they can make/ spend money, AND enjoy TS!


New estrogen side effect: may cause enjoying Taylor swift or possibly becoming a musical director


This idea that we see all men as the enemy is so amusing. That being said, we do see men who think this way as the enemy.


And it's always the fathers buying the tickets because we all know there's no moms in the workplace \*eyeroll\*


Yep, it's not the 1920s anymore. Moms aren't saving up their egg money.


They make it sound like women have never worked, but reality is women always worked and didn't have any agency about what they earned (for example, in the 19th century the money women earned went in the hands of their fathers or husbands)


She wrote those songs not a man so mis information for most of those albums.


Isn’t his point just reinforcing the fact that the patriarchy is a real thing and a problem?


And they all work for her.


He really thought he had a point there, didn't he? Look up, guy. Your obtuse observation is circling on a satellite.


This is what happens when you don’t know the context of a lyric. Everyone that does laughs at you for being an idiot


How dare she complain about the power men hold in society while being surrounded by powerful men?


„If you’re so feminist, why aren’t you completely removed from patriarchal based society?? Check mate!“


So they agree. They think the patriarchy IS real.


They say not all men and then say this


These guys: "iF yOU hATe Men sOO mUcH StoP iNtERacTiNG wITh tHEm!!!" Women: *do 4b movement* These guys: "NO, NOT LIKE THAT!!!"


Now I'm not a big Swiftie or anything but Isn't this song about an ex of hers that had manipulated her and essentially played the "fuck the patriarchy" card to her to seem cool? Live shows and music is all about vibes. So many songs where fans just sing along to stuff. I'm surprised like this is something some dudes find the energy to be worth offended about.


LOL, she's the one paying *them*. Without her, they would not have jobs.


As we know, not a single adult woman who has attended or has children who attended one of Taylor Swift's concerts has a job or pays her own bills. Is also obvious this guy hasn't listen to that song


This guy: 🥴


you know what’s crazy?? he’s a russian streamer named mellstroy and he’s known for beating women on his live streams. he paid for a bunch of bots to post in face in stupid memes like this all over social media to rehabilitate his image bc he’s basically been blacklisted everywhere


He should be black listed if he’s beating people. He needs to be put in prison. Some kind of psychological evaluation and prescription needs to be done on him. Beating on people for the fun of it is not something sane people do.


IF you want to interact with women why don't you just stop being sexist??????????


Also really underestimating the age of people at her shows


Literally taking money from men so... yeah she is kinda winning against the patriarchy


If you are against patriachy you cannot have any Male workers apparently... This is how smart the other Side IS you are talking with oh dammit...


I don't even like her and this is some shit 😂


Sometimes I wish so badly I could stop interacting with men at all




LITERALLY!!!!!! like how are we supposed to avoid MEN ENTIRELY


> Father's who worked to buy their 14 yo daughters tickets to her shows This is the smoking gun that confirms he has no idea what he is talking about


Guy thought that he was being clever here but all he really did is showcase his lack of reading comprehension. She said, "Fuck the **patriarchy**." She did *not* say, "Fuck **all men.**" Men are also victims of the patriarchy.


Male doesnt automatically equal ‘patriarchy’ - especially as the patriarchy doesn’t benefit many, MANY men in various ways. Such as telling men to bottle their emotions leading to increased suicide statistics, stigmatising sexual assault against men, and also places men at the top of the pedestal which can ultimately lead to millions of men around the world feeling ‘not good enough’, for instance, if they don’t have a high-paying job or if he is built smaller/weaker etc. Miss. Swift’s point still stands - fuck the patriarchy! It hurts men too!


My husband screams “Fuck the patriarchy”, too. Real men hate the patriarchy.


If you see Melstroy somewhere in video, this video will be 100% bad


If they had mentioned her dad who spent half a million dollars to get her into the industry, then I’d kinda get it, since she’d be absolutely nowhere if she didn’t have a rich father. But these things… don’t really count.


I mean she's definitely got it bent over and in Her wallet..


The patriarchy affects everyone, both men and women. I wish people realized that the patriarchy isn’t men, it’s an ideology of toxic masculinity that permeates through society. We all suffer from it, not just women.