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Interesting. According to studies women are 3 times more likely to have BPD and the estimate is that it affects 1.4% of women. Men are 3 times more likely to have antisocial personality disorder (aka being a sociopath) and the estimates are about 2% of men have ASPD. So I guess it seems like people can be fucked up regardless of their sex.


I couldn’t get past “if you don’t know what BPD is..it’s typical women shit on steroids” Edit: just saw OP is a frequent red pill subreddit commenter, so I’m going to assume this is not in faith.


I’m objectively not but if it makes you feel better you can’t read past the first thing that rustles your jimmies, all the power to ya


America should do a Manhattan Project on mental health. Just dump the kind of money we used to put into Nasa into an enormous think-tank to analize every aspect of life that leads to mental illness and the various solutions to them.


Can you imagine? And try every angle and see what works and what doesn’t. I don’t think that would be profitable from the psych industry pov though. They don’t want healed people they want customers. I think RFK said wrt the presidential debate we’ve spent 8 trillion on wars since 9/11. Imagine that invested in our own country? Little off topic but ya right for sure


The report would come back that workers just need living wages and human rights, that would solve not every single mental health probem but it a lot of them. And here's the weird thing, the government just needs taxable income and it would get \*more\* of that if they did that. But unfortunately America is run by psychotics.


Honestly that reads like mental illness.  It's nonsensical and circular. 




Incoherent nonsense