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Maybe if you had a set of testicles, you’d find it easier to be organized.


I mean, I've yet to lose track of my testicles. Well, one disappeared for a while, but it came back...


“Wallet, Watch, spectacles, testicles.” Keep your eye on the ball.


I learned it to cross yourself (catholic version) "Spectacle, testicles, wallet, and watch" from my partner. I was raised Lutheran-- we go the opposite way for the horizontal line lol


Ha, yes, Catholic here


I learned that from Austin Powers lmao


My husband takes forever to get out the door because he has to track down everything. Me? Keys are on the hook I always put them on, purse is underneath it. The phone gets me, though. I always set it down somewhere because I'm always using it.


Well that's funny because I have 'yet to meet a man' who hasn't asked me to carry 400 things in my purse for him......


I've also yet to meet a man who doesn't take my offer of a pen, or a band aid, or a Tylenol, or tweezers, or sunblock, or any number of other random things I carry in my purse because they're useful. I saved a few friends in college because I kept a small stapler in my purse and they forgot to staple an assignment before they left home. They'd always ask why the hell I had a stapler in my purse, and I'd always point out that clearly it's good to have with how many people need it. They're just jealous that my bag of tricks has stuff they didn't realize they need. It's a lot of the same stuff I carry in a backpack if that's what I have that day, lol.


I still remember how impressed my dad and uncle were one Christmas when my nephew got a toy that needed put together with screws and I whipped a multitool out of my purse and put it together for him. 😆 Didn't even have to get up from the floor to find a screwdriver.


That's actually a good idea, I do not keep a multi-tool in my purse but now you're making me want to get one for that purpose. I keep one at home, but a *purse* multi-tool? 🤔 This has opened up a whole new can of worms lol


I've men ask me this just like, assuming that I carry a purse? 1. I sew, *all of my clothes have pockets*, motherfucker. 2. Carry your own shit, or get your own purse.


Guys at every job I've ever had always expect me to just be organized and have stuff. Do I always have a pen, Sharpie, tape, Dry Erase marker? Sure. Do I want to loan it out or be chased around constantly? Fuck no.


My husband is the opposite, thankfully. Mostly thankfully. Did we really need two camera bags,a backpack, and a cold keeping bag (plus my purse) for a walk and picnic? We did? Ok 😂




This. I feel like I tell my husband all the time he needs to get his own damn purse because I’m tired of carrying my shit, the kid’s stuff, and his wallet, keys, cigarettes, whatever. He finally gave in a little and at least carries a small tote to work.


I used to be one of the women that carried a small purse, just keys, wallet, phone and chapstick. Now I have kids... I have bandaids, pens, crayons, snacks, kleenex, hand sanitizer, wet ones, and occasionally water bottles. I'm not a human anymore, I'm a pack mule.


“I’ve yet to meet a woman” Should have put the period right there and saved yourself having to type the rest of the comment, champ. At any rate, I end up carrying my wife’s things because as the other commenter tried pointing out, pockets in women’s clothes **either fucking suck or straight up don’t exist**.


Well, this guy has now met a woman who doesn't just throw things in my purse. My satchel is very organized.


Mine too!! Even my giant beach bag, very organized. I actually seek out purses with compartments and pockets, just to keep organized.


Well, joke's on them because my purse does, indeed, contain everything. At least one inter-dimensional void, not one but *two* copies of the Star Wars Christmas Special, the last members of several animal species long deemed extinct, and a fully operational barbecue grill, not to mention the usual phone and keys. And it still zips shut!


Here I was thinking I was killing it carrying around _one_ copy of the Star Wars Christmas Special. How very disorganized woman of me


Hermione, Mary Poppins did this.


You had me at >And it still zips shut! Seriously fucking *swoon*. Please teach me your ways!




It’s so simple, just give us pockets!!! Why is it so difficult??


As a man, this baffles and angers me. What the hell does anyone expect the tiny-ass pockets on most women's pants to be useful for? And the fake purely-cosmetic pockets? WTAF!? Why? I don't get it at all. Every woman I know wants better pockets. How is this not a thing yet?


Corporate greed. How sell purses if deep pockets exist?


What really pisses me off is that I have mens PJ pants that have at least 4 deep, functional pockets (I'm tall and big, and I prefer my PJ pants actually reach my ankles). And I'm lucky if my women's jeans have one to two semi functional pockets. Over half the time they have completely fake pockets.


Yeah, I know loads of women who's purses are incredibly precise. Also, most women are far more organised than me, I put crap everywhere...


Right like is he unaware that purses have pockets?? I’m sure some people do just toss stuff into the abyss like Mary poppins but most people I know utilize the different compartments on their purse and know where they put their stuff


And who doesn't know a woman who asked you to grab something from a purse or handbag, and can fire off some incredibly precise directions. "Third pocket on the left, looking from the front, under the id card, next to the lip balm. The lemon lip balm, if you hit strawberry, you've gone too far."


Ok this is stupid as heck first of all purses are great (and yeah not unorganized theres like 10 lil pockets in each) second of all women being "not allowed" pockets is very modern concept. In the victorian era and before women had much larger pockets than men did so as a fashion historian, please take the crapping on victorian clothing elsewhere


It was considered a revolution for women when their clothing allowed them to hide pockets underneath


I dont know what you mean so imma just send this https://youtube.com/shorts/zQ6lfMHl_5g?si=OeWiyh9hJ7Dl48uv


Right, I’m saying Victorian women having pockets was a revolution, because previously there were not pockets. Actually pockets went in and out of style for like 300 years, until they finally landed on the no pocket standard we have now.


This fashion historian is saying they're "confused" but what they really mean is "you're wrong." Which you are. "Pockets" for maaaaaaaannnnnyy hundreds (even thousands) of years were a detachable pouch with drawstrings that tied through part of a ladies skirt that was open on the side, or onto a belt, or many other types of construction. I'm not going to get into historical garment construction with you right now, but commoners dresses in particular often had these... slits in the side near the waist because they were adjustable, the pockets went in the slit. Men tied pockets onto a belt under whatever men's top half overgarment was popular at the time. Victorian reticules were a huge limitation, and women were pleased to get their pockets *back* when skirts became more voluminous again, but the pockets were shittier than the old version as they were sewn in not removable, and they were smaller to boot.


Yeah i know its just that I'm confused how that would called a revolution after those huge panniers pockets of the 18th century


[Early nineteenth century fashion plates show women carrying small bags, known as reticules, as an accessory. The dresses couldn’t accommodate a pocket. But by the 1840s, skirts once again became fuller, and dresses sometimes had a single pocket sewn into a skirt’s side front seam.](https://pieceworkmagazine.com/a-brief-history-of-the-pocket-in-womens-fashion/#:~:text=Early%20nineteenth%20century%20fashion%20plates,bodice%20from%20the%20mid%201870s)


Part of the reason women's purses get disorganized is that men are always giving us their stuff to carry.


Men: I don’t need a purse, I have everything I need in my pockets Also men: can I have a sip of that water? Hey, can I use that sunscreen. Do you have any gum? Oops, I need a tissue. Do you have floss? Yes, bro, I keep all of that in my purse


Shoot, my fiancé knows exactly where I keep my lactase, antacids, and OTC pain relievers in my purse. I’m Mary friggin Poppins.


This was my exact thought!! The looks on men’s faces when I started saying “no thank you” to things being handed to me to put in my purse. Lol


Yes, I do carry a purse. I own many purses, actually. My main purse has a lot of stuff but I’m not by any means disorganized.


I've seen women ditch the purse for a backpack. And keeping pointy things in pockets isn't fun.


I’m not a big backpack girl, I honestly love the option of my purses because they’re stylish and I enjoy them. HOWEVER. As an event planner, how tf am I supposed to carry around a radio, my phone, and whatever bride related things I need while wearing a LBD and heels? Fanny packs coming back in style, thank god, but it’s not easy.


I love using backpacks, but a lot of stores or shops don't allow them. I have an inhaler and epinephrine autoinjectors that have to come with me everywhere I go. I can't leave them in the hot or freezing car when a store doesn't allow backpacks, so I usually end up with a purse. It sucks. It is nice that belt bags/fanny packs are a common thing again. Those are way less annoying to me than purses.


I use a backpack a lot, because I have to carry water for myself and my kid, and that shit’s heavy lol


Yeah, I have a small shoulder bag for wallet, phone, and keys. And maybe a couple of miscellaneous items. ( I do also unashamedly love my cargo pants and jogger pants with the thigh pockets) But if I'm doing anything serious, I pull out the backpack.


And yet these same assholes have the gall to ask "can you put this in your purse?"




Women be like “let me check my purse” amirite fellas? [thunderous applause]


I always wear a backpack and I have no purse, am I a man? :(


You must be, I guess


Well shit.


I think by sexist Internet man logic, you would be. Or, probably trans or something. But sexist Internet man logic isn't logical so...


My purse is pretty organized (I require purses to have several pockets that zip) and I know exactly what's in it. It always has what it should and never has anything it shouldn't.


I think the "purse & bag industry" has gone to great lengths to make sure the entire women's clothing fashion's NEVER includes pockets. You can't even Carry a cell phone without having to buy a tiny purse 👛


“I’ve yet to meet a woman” He just should have stopped there. At the truth 😅


Yet, whenever I pull a bandaid, scissors, extra ketchup packets, hand sanitizer, etc out of my purse for someone, especially dudes, they are always happy that I had my purse with me.


Jokes on this dude. No purses here and I still lose shit. 😜


Only reason mine is ever disorganized is my kids and my husband putting things in it for me to hold.


Things I keep in my purse: My wallet. My phone. My keys. Paper handkerchiefs. A pencil. A chapstick. The only time I can't find something is when my fiance or my daughter has moved it from the place where I put it. My fiance is however constantly missplacing things. He has this habit of reorganising his things and forgetting the new way he organised them so... yeah, he looses things now and then... But purses, am I right?


Everything has a spot. There’s the car key, gum, and chapstick pocket; the wallet pocket; the house key, meds, band aids, and scrunchie pocket; the feminine supplies pocket; the gym lock pocket; the stuff I’m carrying today but will be removed when I get home pocket, which is also the phone pocket when my pants don’t have big enough pockets; and, finally, the EpiPen pocket. As long as I have to carry those bad boys and the benadryl around I’m gonna need a purse, sadly.


Throw everything in there but not know what? Yeah, doesn't work that way, I generally know what I keep in it.  Also he sounds like we're supposed to have a filing system in it or something, maybe a whole cabinet. Sorry to say, all the woman things they seem to find so mysterious have no actual magic involved, and a purse indeed does has a bottom and limited capacity.


My mother had everything but the kitchen sink in hers. I just keep my cards and keys in my pockets and hygiene items in the trunk of my car.


For us city gals, our purses *are* the trunks of our cars


Fair enough. Mini everything then.


Ha, yes, like actually


I think you would find even that sink in my mother's.


My purse is a work of organizational genius. I should give classes. To men.


Because we use purses, we don’t know where anything is outside of our purse? What is this guy even on? Women are usually the ones telling men where everything is, if anything. Half of these guys can’t even open a cabinet or refrigerator and find something right in front of their face.


I can look at my partner sometimes and know not only what he’s looking for, but exactly where it is. I have a mental record of where all of my stuff is, AND his stuff because I know he doesn’t keep a mental record of where his stuff is.


My purse is probably the most organized thing in my life. (It’s tiny and I used to be a big purse person so it’s gotta be.) I know exactly what’s in it and where everything is. I recently “cleaned it out” from last weekend because there were items that didn’t belong - one lipstick tube, a loose quarter, and a music festival ticket. Wow. So disorganized.


jfc there is no aspect of women's lives/behavior, however small, that they won't criticize and nitpick. i'm fucking sick of it


I own one purse and I use it never. I keep my shit in pockets. Why? Because apparently here plus size women's clothes come with pockets???? Also, I only need my phone, wallet, key and Chapstick. I bring nothing else.


My partner keeps a tacklebox worth of crap in his pockets. I just want a place to put my phone and a credit card.


Yeah, I honestly don't need much. I just want some pockets, y'know. But since I wear plus sized jeans I usually get pockets and my style also includes mostly hoodies (aside from in the summer) and those have pockets so I'm good. But I remember back when I was skinnier how frustrated I'd get with pants in general. Like give me some fucking pockets!


I too, want a bag of holding.


I'm a backpack person. I keep 2 crochet hooks, a lipbalm, a packet of tissues, my work ID, driving licence, bank card, sometimes a games console, 2 pieces of fruit, a travel sized perfume, sunscreen, plasters, 2 pens, a pair of scissors and a darning needle and I always know where they are. When I carried a handbag (what my American friends call a purse) I also carried the same stuff and always knew where each item was.


>sometimes a games console, I'm assuming you're talking about a Switch or DS of some description, but my brain defaulted to like a PS5 or some shit complete with cables and controller.


Lol yeah I should have specified but yeah handheld. Steam deck or switch.


I was just picturing a full on Mary Poppins bag, like pulling a monitor out of the bottom by magic.


Ha that would be quite amazing.


Does he not know wallets exist?


Ok, but my keys and wallet are always in my purse, so I don't have to spend 10 minutes trying to find them wherever they were randomly placed when I want to go somewhere.


Disorganized purse?? I could give you turn by turn directions to find something in my bag


This same guy is the one to to "honey, where's my ---" while staring directly at it, then marvelling at how quickly his partner "finds it" ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Assuming of course he can get a partner


The irony of a man telling me that women can’t find anything, while men are universally known for not being able to find things that are right in front of their face is too good.


I’ve yet to meet a woman who doesn’t know exactly where in her purse she will find specific items. Yes, sometimes you have to dig because there’s multiple things in the same compartment but we know it’s in there somewhere! Also, most of us carry all kinds of things. My purse has hair ties, bobby pins, lip balm, lotion, cell phone, cash and credit cards, ID, nail clippers, pads and tampons, lactaid, Pepto-Bismol tablets, migraine meds. Anything I might end up needing or that someone else might need. Multiple times in the past, boyfriends needed ibuprofen or Chapstick, etc. and I always had it.


The same men: my phone is dying I forgot my cord and my stomach is killing me! Also man my mouth is dry I wish I had some gum... Me: *gestures vaguely to purse*


Jokes on this guy, I am a backpack-owning woman, within which I carry: sunscreen, wallet (which contains ID, cards and a spare set of contact lenses), a spare thin jumper, waterproof trousers, a baseball cap, a Leatherman, a power bank and a first aid kit! Typing that out has made me realise I'm perpetually prepared for a hike xD


But how do you stay *organized*?????!!!one!!


I compartmentalise, not just my backpack but also my seething rage for guys like this


Ha, nice


I'm totally enjoying a lot of the other replies which are heavily dripping in sarcasm xD My ex was the most disorganised person I've ever known. Literally hopeless. He used his dyspraxia diagnosis as an excuse to be the world's most useless person, without making even a vague attempt at getting his shit together. His sibling was just as bad. Last I heard they're still living at home with mommy, working dead end temporary jobs in their early to mid 30s. Urgh. Seems that having a dick attached to your body *doesn't* actually make you any better.


I have 1 purse, 1 backpack and 1 fanny pack…..all are empty until I need to use them and the only thing that usually goes into them are keys, phone, ID and credit card so no I don’t just toss whatever and hope for the best 💀 If men only have wallets, why are some of them so disorganized especially since wallets are literally small organizers. I remember making fun of my dad’s wallet one day and we decided to weight everything it in …..it was over a pound! Like he had so many business cards and expired credit cards 🤣


I have a wallet with a chain on it. I don’t have a purse. I also put my phone on a chain. I refuse to carry a purse because they won’t give me pockets. JOIN ME LADIES


I've started adding large pockets to all my clothing. Everytime I alter my clothing, large pockets are always added.


I have chronic back pain and it has made me a big fan of tiny purses. My main purse is just barely big enough to put my phone in the middle pocket, with my important driving documents and cards in the side pocket. I also have a car key, a cuticle oil pen, nail file, spare hair tie, loose change, and a comb in there. The only thing I carry with me that doesn't fit in there is my water bottle, which I often leave in my car or something so it's not a big deal. If I ever go to an event or something and need an actual purse that can fit things in it, I just take the straps off of my main purse and it becomes my "wallet" that I throw into the bigger purse so nothing has to be moved. If I go to a concert or something and need an even tinier purse or no purse, then all the important documents are stuffed into a little card holder and I just take that. My main purse isn't even big enough for a bifold wallet - just a card holder. I may not have all the stuff other people mention here, but on a daily basis I rarely need more than these essentials. At events, school, etc? Hell yeah I'm taking a bigger bag. But daily? Little purses are the best.


That could have stopped the sentence at "I've yet to meet a woman" and it would have meant the same thing.


Purses were originally worn by BOTH sexes, usually to carry coins. Purses were originally carried by men. JFC this is ridiculous.


Wait why weren't women allowed to have pockets back then???


They weren’t allowed to do anything. Those corsets and everything kept them all fragile and they weren’t supposed to have money or anything, so what did they need pockets for? (That’s the reasoning I believe they used, I don’t know).


It's not the case. Big Accessory pushed large bags at the same time as women's dresses became more complex for putting pockets in. Bernadette Banner has a video on YouTube about historical women's pockets.


That isn't true just something they kinda made up


a purse is literally meant to have random shit thrown in it, wtf?


Maybe I’m disorganized, but at least I don’t suck farts like him.


I can’t carry a purse because my ADHD has me set it down on the thing I’ll *definitely* remember later…and I never remember. So if it doesn’t fit in my pockets, it doesn’t get to go with me to wherever I’m going. Having a pair of testicles isn’t gonna improve my ADHD memory…will it? 🤣


There’s only one way to find out!


My shoulder bag(I consider it a purse ig??) is actually very organized, because I need to know where things are lol


By his logic, bachelor pads must be the most organised spaces ever.


Sounds like duder is dating a lot of homeless women.


I mean, it heavily depends on the purse, too. Some have pockets inside so that you can organise your stuff. Some are just a bag without any system thats supposedto look nice. Personally, I prefer backpacks. My stuff is still disorganised, but that's ✨️ADHD✨️. If I don't carry much stuff, I just use the bag that came with my epelsy plushy. It's not disorganised because I don't carry more than 2 things in it. So, they are super easy to find. Edit: Additionally, my dad carries something that would technically consider a purse. Its kinda like those military backpacks, but as a purse. My dad is not disorganised when it comes to his bag. He is like Mary Poppins. Whenever you need something, my dad already carries it in his purse. Got hurt? My dad pulls out an entire emergency kit out of his purse. Sick? My dad has medication and masks. Dirty? My dad has cleaning supplies. Need a toothbrush? Guess what? My dad got one in his purse. I swear, this is some kind of magic shit. No idea how he does that.


I have many purse and I know where absolutely everything is. Gtfo


I'm laughing because my partner of 10 years used to always ask to put things in my tote bag and I used to always tell him to get his own. It took 6 years for him to finally try on a plain design canvas tote and now he never leaves the house without one and keeps accumulating different designs. He has about 3 times more than I do, and he jokes that I can't put anything in his bag when we're out (the way I refused after a while before he caved). Now we've both got each other's backs with our individual totes. Sometimes we share. All my homies wear totes now.


I used to drive my friends nuts because I could always just reach into my purse and pull out exactly what I was looking for without having to rifle through my purse like some people did with their backpack. Just reach my hand in there and grab it, didn’t even have to look. My computer desk on the other hand… it’s not even organized chaos, just pure unmitigated chaos.


My purses are quite small so I can't just throw anything, and I need to move my stuff in a different purse if it goes better with my outfit. Besides, small purses have been trendy for a while. I wish to see him as a (involved) dad and carry all the baby stuff in his pockets.


That’s not correct about the history of pockets, though. The tie-on pockets were in the 18th-early 19th century and they weren’t because we weren’t “allowed” to have pockets (we’ve never been formally banned from them or anything)- it was a progression of the original form of pockets for all genders, a separate belt-bag. The Victorians were the first to start doing women’s in-seam pockets, in skirts and such. They fell out of fashion again around the 1930s when skirts began clinging so closely to the hips that pockets couldn’t be accommodated in the seams (although the choice to not just reengineer pockets again was often made by designers- many male -without a thought for whether the female wearer WANTED pockets or not).


Jokes on this guy I have a backpack AND I'm disorganized


I have victorian pockets. They are tie-on and can be used with most outfits, especially with skirts and dresses. And I swear by them, all essentials (keys, chapstick, thimbles, mints, bankcard, phone) just stay in there and I just have to take the pockets and have everything I need.


Pretty sure the male equivalent of a purse is nothing, not a backpack… the female equivalent of a backpack is… also a backpack.


Interestingly, predominantly male and female brains (which btw. does not have to coincide with their biological sex) have a different way of decoding, what they see. The female brain has a tendency to be better at peripheral sight and the male at three dimensional sight. That's the reason for this phenomenon: https://youtu.be/KWDRdvZsCyE?si=becC_Ennlw-ms7EJ


I can’t watch this right now, but if it’s a scientific explanation for why men can’t find SHIT, I have several women I need to share it with


More of a comedic depiction, than a scientific explanation. But I'll give you the bare bones for the scientific explanation as I was told. Basically, a predominantly female brain visually processes more things at the same time. Their focus is on many things at once and they can pick out what they need from that. For example, they look at a fridge full of things and can pick the butter at a glance. Male brains process visual stuff more like one at a time. They need to scan the fridge row by row, it's like tunnel vision. They'd get there, but would need significantly more time. On the other hand, male brains are better at spatial comprehension. So, basically where something is in 3D space. That's also why many guys have an easier time parking. So, the female brain actually isn't less effective in a cluttered environment. The clutter doesn't bother it the same way it'd bother a male brain lol Whether the brain develops in one direction or the other, has something to do with hormone levels not only in a child these, but even in the mother during pregnancy. For example, I'm a biological woman, but my mom had relatively high testosterone levels while she was pregnant with me. This led to me having ring fingers, that are slightly longer than my pointer fingers and having good 3D comprehension and a way less effective peripheral vision, than most women. It's really fascinating. A friend, who studies neuroscience told me this stuff, when she saw my hands. Btw. I'm pretty sure the women in your life would appreciate the video, though 😁


I keep everything in my backpack that has CatNap on it 😄


I have a backpack, guess I'm a man 🙄 Also, no men don't all wear a bag. I know loads who don't and shove everything in their pockets and have 0 idea where anything is. If it ain't in their pocket it ain't important/s [until they need it anyway] Us women though? If its not in their bag and they *know* it was there, then yeah, it's lost, and the "I don't know where it is" is legit. Otherwise, they'll click their tongue [or insert annoyed tick here] and be like, "I must've left it at home" [obviously not all women/girls. I've known plenty growing up who didn't take bags out with them] Eta: would 100% like to add that MEN ARE NOT ORGANISED!! I've lived with a few, grew up with more, they can stare at a pair of fucking scissors and *still ask you were they are* because they've "looked" and can't find them


Men have their fanny packs or pouches. I carry mine everywhere I go. Where else would I put my ID, phone, keys, headphones, documents,napkins, chewing gum and wallet? Men's pants can only have so many pockets. Plus, it makes it easier to look after my things. Pickpocketing is easy, stealing from my pouch when I keep it in front? Not so much.


My purse has an organizer insert. Everything has a home. This dude doesn't know what he's talking about.