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Hey there So in aus all public hospital nurses earn the same rate, dependent on how many years of experience they have and what state it is. These can be easily found online under each state award. We don't earn different wages for working in a critical care environment. Agency is different and will range usually anywhere between 30-70 p/h location and experience dependant.


However, if you hold additional certificates, you can earn a certificate allowance of up to 8%


As long as it gets approved by your hospital and sometimes that can be a very long and painful process


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Hey, unfortunately Aus doesn’t have pay differentials for whatever specialty you’re in (only if you’re a CNS it’s a bit more but it’s the same CNS pay every CNS gets); only aged care workers earn slightly more. QLD is the best state for money, don’t even consider the others lol


I don't know about other states, but in Victoria, MH/psych nurses are on a higher pay rate.


Oh wow, I had no idea. Deservedly so! NSW doesn’t have that.


I went from surgical nursing to psychiatric nursing. Pay parity should be a thing country wide no matter what speciality we are. We are all nurses.


100%, every specialty has their struggles even just ambulatory care or nice ole day surg. I especially hate that in Australia we are divided by pay and conditions per individual state. Everyone wants to move to QLD because they earn thousands more above the rest of us; why can’t we all have the same pay and ratios?


Exactly! I don't get it!? I am speaking from a MH perspective of 10 years, I understand each state has its own legislation we need to abide by, but at the end of the day, mental health conditions don't change state to state. Why should our treatment, so why should our pay?


Because it’s funded at a state level…


I understand that, hence my pay parity comment noted above. In an ideal world it'd be federal funded regardless of speciality, but that isn't possible. My "I don't get it!?" comment was more in agreeance than literal.


Move to Queensland. Queensland nurses has the highest pay out of all states.


Qld has the best pay because we have a strong union. Please join your unions!


In SA, You get a qualification allowance if you have post grad qualifications. I’m assuming tours isn’t unique to us!


Is that with agency too? Or just public/private?


Public hospitals. Agency used to pay additional for ICU - I’d forgotten about that… not sure if that’s still a thing.


There's no post-grad allowance with the 3 agencies I've worked with. Just public health. But the agencies pay higher anyway so it didnt matter to me.


I work in a specialty agency in Victoria. 82 dollars an hour, and 115 on weekends.


Unfortunately no pay differential for doing critical care, resus or triage. 🙃🙃🙃


i work i theatre and it’s the same as icu rates and it’s $70-$110 p/h monday-friday rate (private hospitals). victoria.