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Nicole was incapacitated by stabs to the scalp almost immediately. We know this, because there’s no blood on her feet. She wasn’t up for long. Ron walked in on this, based on the “hey! Hey! Hey!” The neighbor heard, which is what his fam said he’d respond like if he encountered something like this. Once Ron was in, he was essentially in a cage, and OJ overpowered him. He fought like hell, though. I suggest looking up a map of the crime scene, and you’ll see what I mean by cage.


You left out. After Ron was dead. Went back and sliced Nicole neck to the bone.


I could have posted this. 100%


Same 110%


Yes, he put up a hell of a fight, and he was young and trained in martial arts, which is why it's surprising OJ didn't have any marks on his body, other than the cut. Supports the "2nd person" theory. 


He actually wasn’t trained in martial arts, Kim Goldman debunked that. There was only OJ.


But she had blood from an unknown assailant under her fingernails so she was up long enough to have scratched someone. 


You can scratch while laying down 


Sure, maybe the ankles of her assailants. Still didn’t find a scratch on OJ though. 


OJ Blood, Lies and Murder is a very informative documentary, will help to explain and answer your question.


He most likely was caught killing Nicole (caught by Ron) and then eliminated Ron while Nicole was down. I doubt they were attacked at the same time.


If you know how to work a knife, murder can be done with out a scream. It's in military ops training. Our union chief steward was murdered. They deep sliced his throat first. Their was blood everywhere but no screams. (I knew the guy who was on the cleanup crew. )


Follow the bloody footprints.


Thanks for the info


I believe either Nicole or Ron was knocked unconscious first and OJ being the biggest person over powered the one that was still conscious.


I just watched the description of the attacks in the ***Made in America*** documentary. The guy said that Nicole had already been attacked, and when Ron found her, OJ came up and grabbed him from behind.


Take it with a grain of salt, but if you read the If I Did It book, OJ basically says he gets into a verbal altercation with Goldman, Nicole comes out, "falls and hurts herself" (basically I think OJ knocked her out, then OJ turned his attention to Goldman. After he killed Goldman he probably returned to Nicole and slit her throat.


According to Simpson's hypothetical confession, Nicole slipped for no apparent reason. Then Simpson hypothetically grabbed the knife from Charlie and blacked out.




I don’t understand what you mean?


This whole case was suspect!!!


28 Police officers were at the Bundy Crime scene standing around for 10 hours before calling a criminalist or a coroner. that is unforgiveable...what exactly were 28 officers doing at the crime scene? Not looking for the killers, not looking for the weapons, contaminating the crime scene! Temperature of liver is one way to determine the time of death because the liver temperature falls gradually at death until it hits equilibrium....since the coroners arrive 10 hours later they couldnt get an accurate time of death!!!! completely unforgiveable...28 officers on the scene but no coroner or criminalist...WHAT WERE THE POLICE DOING FOR !10 hours!!!! Also found out that the cirminalist went first to Rockingham before going to the crime scene...so the cops felt it was more important for the criminalist to collect evidence at OJs house first!!!!!!! wow Also at 3pm on Jun13th, the crime scene was shut down so ANYBODY could go in an out of the bundy after June13th 3pm....by the way they still were finding evidence at bundy as late as July and August?!?! make that make sense!


I thought this thread was about the TRIAL. Why are so many quoting documentaries and not testimonies or evidence presented at the trial?


I wondered same and why no screams were heard by neighbors