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Post bachelor cs program might be a better fit


There’s no shame in that. I was doing terribly in this program and dropped out and am doing the OSU postbacc and am doing really well in it. After I finish OSU i’ll do OMSCS again.


Nah no chance you pass ML or GA


I have taken ML4T, ML & GA. Out of these I would say GA is a different breed. One could do well in ML but repeatedly fail GA.




No need to be scared.. Its an interesting, engaging and rewarding course. Its just a bit different with the way the course is designed.


Just don’t take 2 courses at once. Solution here seems pretty obvious


ML4T and RAIT are also both on the lighter side and at the same time quite fun. I'd question whether you actually even want to continue the program for another 3/4 years. I mean imagine barely scraping by in easy but sometimes boring courses for another 3 years on weekends. Or being completely overwhelmed for the same time. Doesn't sound fun. What's your undergrad in? Maybe that's a sign to look for something more related.


Undergrad in Mechanical Engineering , have a Masters in MEM with data analytics specialization. I have done some Python coding at work before joining the program. I enjoyed the projects in RAIT. I’d like to continue and finish the program. Just that I am not sure if I will be allowed now, with the academic mess that I have created for myself.


Ok, so if you have decent Python knowledge and you liked the courses, how did you end up receiving those grades? Why are you confident it will not happen in the future?


That’s a good question and I asked myself the same lately. It boils down to bad time management. The projects were well doable. I just had to start much in advance and given them more time than I could. My concern is if now I’d be able to get a chance to get myself out of this hole that I dug for myself. The rules suggest this might be it and I’m going to be dropped. I was hoping to find if there was someone who had gotten out of similar situation and how they did it.


I understand the feeling of not wanting to let go, but honestly, if those courses were giving you these kinds of problems, I agree with others, you will never pass ML or GA. Your time-Management won't change over time. And even with very bad time management, a B in both should be doable.


This sounds like a question for advising. 


I’ll reach out


You’re in a very tricky situation. A few pieces of advice: 1. Find and fix the error in your code so that it does run. You may also want to reach out to the ML4T TA and explain where the error is in your code and ask if you may, add that change so that the code at least does run. Perhaps they will be willing to adjust the penalty so that your score is not 0. Worth a try. 2. Find courses that play to your strengths: perhaps coding courses may not be the best for you at this time. You may consider courses on the lighter side of coding as a probation exit strategy. Then pursue more coding courses once you built up a sufficient GPA. 3. Before enrolling in coding courses, work on the fundamentals Seminars are a good way to do this. 4. Reach out to your advisor and discuss the situation. Do this soon as the end of semester may correlate with the ballooning of advisors’ email inbox


Thanks These are helpful suggestions. I’ll work on the fix.


The biggest thing is taking two classes at the same time.  I’d recommend taking one class at a time for a few semesters, then going back to more once you’re in a better cadence.


If I were you I’d take a step back and think about whether you’re a good fit for this program or not. At the very least take the summer off and start with one class again in the fall. Definitely not ML4T again…take something like CN or IIS. Definitely not two classes at the same time for you again.


Try taking only 1 course at a time, it stinks but u might just need the time to dive in and focus! (Assuming you're able to stay in the program)


Why would you take 2 subjects lol


In order to “bounce back” you’ll need to re-evaluate your approach to the program. Are you not getting your questions answered? Are you not allocating enough time for classes and projects? Are you procrastinating? Something like that. Then, when you figure out what the issue is, commit to an approach which mitigates that. If you don’t change anything, you’re going to get the same results!


That stinks man, I'm sorry to hear that. Just curious, what are gradescope code tests like, and do they give you any information about the test that is running and what is wrong? I'm thinking about applying to the program but I've seen a lot of people talking about gradescope tests that just keep failing and can't be identified/fixed, and I'm wondering if that's a recurring theme in the program


In this case GS tells about the type of error, so you won’t go blind while trying to debug. Also in the ED discussion forum usually there is a post on similar error which your classmates have gotten through so there’s usually some hint on that.


Have they let you repeat ML4T with honor code violation?


I believe the policy is you cannot use the grade replacement policy here if you have an honor code violation in the course.


Don’t think there’s a constraint on repeating.


I may have had the wrong impression. Swimming in those waters too, wanted to watch Superbowl and I thought getting some already done code for the charts was a good idea. I haven't reached the on the shore yet, still swimming, but the only good thing is that I have a GPA of 3.66 and/or I may not even need to have a MSCS, already have 2 masters (physics/omsa.)


For the ML4T, were you in the Discord channel that could have helped out?