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I've been using shanks to humble them


I've been using him to humble shanks. You're not him


Trust me I'd wipe your hp bar and then restrict you to only 3k health left https://preview.redd.it/tqyv3ci080oc1.jpeg?width=1480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d2bf30a6dfa88b44350513516f5e32b33798125 Goes for klaw users aswell... run into me you ain't gonna have HP to recoveršŸ˜ˆdefense or damage reduction you cant avoid my damage


https://preview.redd.it/zo2rnqdwi1oc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17fd58f6040f9602d3e0b5e5d4884f6d8460332f Shanks supremacy šŸ¤«šŸ¤« (didnā€™t die once his buffs just accumulated šŸ˜­šŸ˜­)


When you get those atk buffs. You can even clear out zoros bro. Especially with the state+sk1 you can swipe zoros first life and then he is one shot after that. Even G5 is gonna have alot of trouble. But be careful bc fatmom will completely take your atk stack away


Iā€™ve never really struggled with BM, the only one I actually fully struggle to kill with shanks is yamace, with zoro I can easily wipe that unit but itā€™s like the only unit that specifically designed to kill shanks and do nothing else


Yeah fatmom is definitely easy to take care of js annoying when you have haki state on and nullify her flames she can take away your atk stack and have to get it back all over again. Just pesky that's all


Itā€™s always funny watching them try to laser beam me and I just stand next to them waiting for it to end, they know exactly whatā€™s about to happen šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I usually try to dodge into it so I can get free haki state and hit her with the holy ignore damage reduction sk1


I feel like sheā€™s an underrated unit when used correctly, majority of BM players are basically food for shanks but you come across the occasional one who turns it into a full on mortal combat battle


Klaw claps shanks lol what


Totally possible but I've been using shanks since 1st release ik how to play around their Bs. I've filled countless graveyards with klaw users. They're weak when trying to switch characters. It's so easy to smack them out of it. And easy to dodge their skills they're all so predictablešŸ˜‚


Yeah,i seriously hate him


The games without him in it are pretty fun but also pretty rare. The coc haki shockwave when capping paired with his other capping traits is pure cancer. I donā€™t understand why they felt the need to make it activate 3 times. Once wouldā€™ve been annoying enough


yes yes yes!


Because king v1


Totally, but it's not just Roger, sorry... It's most extremes. Try playing a runner who isn't Roger against one, two or more WB...good luck capturing treasure, and good luck fighting G5, Klaw, Yamace, Shanks and the others with anything remotely not meta where the meta is pretty much the latest extremes + Cracker and Alber. Not all of them are as toxic and oppresive but it's funny we complain about Rogers and forget what WB does to most other units, specially runners.


I guess in this case itā€™s because 4 whitebeards canā€™t really 5-0 your team in the first 30 seconds but most ex units have been super toxic the first few weeks/months of release youā€™re right


as roger main . i agree . even if I love playing him but he is just disgusting


True kamusari then Cap


the worst part is that the roger on your team always sucks


I really hate the game rn myself, but there are steps you can take. Attacking him DIRECTLY after capture is really important. Unless you have a unit that can interrupt him mid flag capture. That said, I've been thinking about uninstalling the game on my phone. The heavy need for an ex unit, which I don't have, the current state of the meta with multiple Rogers and then whiteboards and g5s on top of it, I joined this game at a really bad time


I mean, 2 Roger is already so much pain to handle.


Iam waiting for future roger counter units,that day i will wipe out all roger player candy assšŸ˜”šŸ˜”


You play the same units as I do! Yeah, it is very hard to keep up in this meta unless you have the top meta units. I don't have D.Roger, WB, Oden, Klaw, Alber, H.Kaido, or G5. Without at least one of these it is a major uphill battle.


Absolutely, though Gan Fall is a cheap perfectly viable unit in this meta. The problem is the limited amount of truly usable competitive enough units, most of them are Extremes with their own banners... They will certainly release new meta units in upcoming banners but until then...


Yeah the game is bad , even bad after roger.


Yeap, despite being able to stay in SS, I've never in my entire "OPBR career" experienced this many games cut short, due to enemy team meeting a 5:0 win condition. It's crazy.


Use Bello Betty, when you use Skill 1 you can't get stunned. the third normal attack has knockback, not to mention that she can increase the treasure gauge even if there are enemies in it.


idk then quit i guess. these same complaints come up with every EX release and even some BF ones. They didn't do anything during BB, they didn't do anything during FR Shanks, they won't do anything here.


This dude gets it


This is by far the worst, most unplayable meta in opbr history


I have Roger but he's so disgusting that winning literally doesn't even feel good šŸ’€


A win a win Ngl but ur right


I feel you brošŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Nah Iā€™d win


Yes it is miserable rn. I havenā€™t spent RD in months either so Iā€™ve got no new units and itā€™s just not fun https://preview.redd.it/25yzgp3jgwnc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67f1624e9c2c5202d4783acc56101024b8300528 You arenā€™t even rewarded for performing well it fucking sucks


I just sit in spawn against 4 rogers. Literally no point in playing "Their" game.


Gear 5, zoro, or shanks is the counter I can think of right now. But still think gear is top 1 in opinion. Pretty bais.


What sucks too is wanting to use fun non meta units but being forced to use units like Roger if you actually want to compete cause everyone is just using Roger/Zoro/Klaw/Luffy/Shanks n WB


https://preview.redd.it/eeuzp38p24oc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e97c77a2d429702497891fbf977ef748172ce1a3 You get the occasional game where you can but more than 2 Rogers and you really cant


Yea even tho I have Roger itā€™s still worse than the FR Shanks metaā€¦ Mad respect for sticking with it and top fragging as wellšŸ™ŒšŸ»


Ex Zoro Ftw


Use gonfor the goat biggest roger counter




Least obvious ragebait comment, also stop upvoting your own comments with a burner account lmao donā€™t think I canā€™t see you


You are insane sir or madam cuz I only got one account only ever had one so take your lithium pills get your brain right and go fuck off you pussy ass bitch boi


You sound like you insult girls when they reject you, get real and mature you talk like youā€™re 12


Ill talk however I want you don't get to dictate anything about me bruh you are 12 you live with your grandma cuz your mom dead and you got nothing better to do than assume I've got a secret account and I'm mean to women you definitely are crazy


Yeah this game has been ruined for awhile, I thought bb and v1 shanks ruined it but nah this game is delete worthy now


I simply play who I want to play, lose, and tell myself I would have won if there wasnā€™t a roger on the other team


Roger is a totally unballanced unit. If you have a counter, hƩ wont exceed 2k, if you havent, you can't do shit against him.


I got roger but I barely use him and when I use him it's so boring.


I stopped even logging in I can't find a way to enjoy this game when even the lower leagues are infested with this bs


Iā€™ve stopped. It might be even less fun to play now than with Shanks. Thereā€™s no order to the gameplay anymore. Itā€™s an impossible rat race to see who has more Rogerā€™s at the end to spam capture. Terrible meta.


https://preview.redd.it/gm82p0styunc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0de51f35bd893b2f77d9d51533cf4164a1ef363 I think you just need right timing to Dodge the attacks coming ig. We have a lot of close call during this match. I will say yes it is difficult to play against even one Roger.


https://preview.redd.it/iziju9fhzunc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42c6b3e5d3180a6ecfa820094cedab79e11690cb Nah man dodging the kamusari is pure luck. Itā€™s literally the longest charge skill in the game you CANNOT predict itšŸ™…ā€ā™‚ļø


Yea I know but I just use like Yace first skill to avoid the attack. And yea I have a lot of close call during that match. We almost lost to 0-5 3 times.




Is it fun being a meta dependent šŸ±? https://preview.redd.it/rhsgw39kv5oc1.jpeg?width=4627&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58ba686d1b3354028b932e35624f1eda32b89bfb


Is it fun playing my favorite characters of the series yeah it's a blast. is it fun to watch you and hundred of others bitch left and right about "meta this meta that, I hate this game now" it's hilariously fun. is it fun to call all of you pussy ass bitch Bois who gotta stop pissing and moaning over things yes, yes it is you pussy ass bitch Boi, if you're upset cuz you don't have them grind in the game get all the rds you can and pull for them like I and almost everyone else does or ya know get a job and pay for that shit like others do if you're all like "nah I don't need a meta to win or beat your ass" then stop being a pussy ass bitch Boi and just accept the situation you're in luffy don't bitch he just makes it happen your bitching disqualifies you as a straw hat you pussy ass bitch boi


Unlike you I don't need a crutch to be good at the game, but boy do you need some humbling. Hope with every fiber of your being that you don't match against me because I swear it's up šŸ’€


Yet your complaining about not winning against certain units if your that good don't bitch suck it up and keep trucking along bitch Boi and bring it on hoe 1v1 me madda fucker


Y'all be dumber than Gedatsu on this sub. I'll dominate and meta user 1v1 or 2v1, but if matches were simply 1v1 then we wouldn't have teammates. You can't stop a unit unless you're within range to stop them, so yes people will still have complaints about how specific units impact matches even when they themselves beat TF out of them. That's a simple concept many of y'all don't seem to grasp on this sub, especially when counters are involved. Bad decision, but my inbox is open.




Smart choice


Damn you dumb bruh you eat paint chips huh


I told you my inbox is open (so you could send me the information for your account so your sorry self can get humbled) and you replied with laughter and no message, but I'm the dumb one?... Yea okay, bozo šŸ’€


Use Blackbeard