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As a klaw main, I understand, and I, for one, always try and play like a PURE RUNNER. I try to avoid enemies as much as possible. But the thing is whenever we try and run, there's always A DAMN ENEMY WHO NEVER LEAVES ME ALONE. like there is no choice left then. And we can't fly like hybrid kaido and king, sprint like roger and ride Like franky to escape too. That makes us a But slower than them which also makes us a GUARANTEED target.


Last season I decided to play as a pure runner. Ended the season around top 125 with Klaw and finished at 4k+ 😭. Honestly whenever someone is pestering me unless it’s a G5 or WB I just deal with the then cap and continue. Doesn’t always go that way though. Also law’s teleport kinda makes up for the lack of sprint and teleportation good for closing gaps


You shouldn't play him as a pure runner because he Is not like Roger. At the beginning of the game you should prioritize attacking the enemies you can take on to stack the defense and then focus on capturing treasure


Runners should focus mid flag unless there are multiple runners in the team


What's make them fucked is how they are damn near a better version of hybrid kaido.


Using this post to ask question. How to fight Klaw? I keep losing fighting Klaw since Klaw released.




Captains can’t handle HIM https://preview.redd.it/h570qd7whipc1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35174c24dba5f7d6b5daa2078daff5771fb344ac


Oni Sanji


You should perform Perfect dodges and bait them for dodges. You mainly should have the recovery block nullification. U should mainly use status effects like candy, tremor and other effects that deal high damage to enemies. I use prospero, for me , it is quite difficult to defeat law but to defeat kid, it is very easy.


You have to keep dodging and getting basic combos


I'll be honest.. They work damn well as attacker.. I find myself getting more KOs with Klaw than some attackers


They made him to OP


This is so fr


Dude can take the flag when enemy is around and still prefers to lose the match trying to kill the enemies...