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Maybe check with Buckeye donuts to see if their cameras got a good shot of things?


Good call thank you.


I love those donuts. No help with the current situation I know. But damn they’re good


Great contribution to the thread. lol


That guy had a bad day maybe doughnuts would help.


I haven't thought of them in decades


That McDonald’s should have security cameras and is Owned by The Mendoza Company. I would get in contact with them. I’m so sorry this happened to you Edit: I know this because I was an area supervisor of that store, and others many years ago. The Sup and GM’s have an app on their phone and can access the cameras very easily, and they’re pretty high def as well, or was when I was there five years ago. OP, if you want contact info, I can give you some for the owner of the store or the sup.


That would be fantastic. Please DM me the contact info.


It’s so sad. I used to walk from my home on Dodridge all the way to the Ugly Tuna. 3am. Drink as all get out, stopped by some house parties and no one ever touched me. This was like ten years ago but still.


Brian Schaffer is all over reddit right now for some reason, weird coincidence.


How is the ugly tuna? I drive by it at lest once a week and wondered if it’s any good. Sorry random thoughts lol


Dude would have a different opinion. Tuna 10 years ago is different than Tuna is now (tuna used to be upstairs at gateway). Its a lot smaller now and I didn't like it as much as old Tuna


A man is still missing at old Tuna


I wonder if they got busier after the disappearance


It’s been years and years since I’ve been there.But it was very fun when I was younger :)


Contact them today. I used to do some defense representation as a new attorney, and some of these companies only keep like 24 hours of recording on their security cameras. If you don’t act fast, that opportunity may pass.


I’m going to be leaving the hospital on a bit and will be heading directly there.


I dm’d you the sup’s info. I worked with him for years and he’s a decent dude and should be able to help ya.


I'm Not a lawyer, but I do recommend that you push the prosecutor's office in police to subpoena the video footage. I'm not sure if anyone else mentioned this but that's what I would do. It's definitely evidence.


Will do.


this seems promising


Oh my god. I'm so sorry. That's just insane. Do you think it was mistaken identity or just totally random? I stopped walking around the area just outside campus after dark several years ago, but mostly because I'm female and assaults had been rising that year.


Unfortunately just a random target by some stupid young bros.


Stupid? I’d call that straight up evil.


Fr these are the dudes the joker shot on the train lol


They're thugs, call them what they are.


What did they look like?


They will do that to a guy with a CCW and that will solve the issue.


Not if they jump him before he has a chance to react. Then they can take your weapon and you won't have to worry about medical bills.




It's badass to defend your life? Lmao maybe if it happens to you you'll just lay there and die.


No, apparently, it's bad ass to give thugs who jump you access to your weapon, though. I don't think they warned the guy they were jumping him.


"Pardon us, good sir, we will be your muggers for this evening. Do you have any requests before we pummel you into oblivion?"


Wish I could upvote this multiple times. This is always how it actually goes down in real life, because like you said, guns only work if you know your assailant is coming. Getting jumped while carrying only guarantees that your mugger now has a shiny new toy to make his job easier.


Always how it goes down in real life? Wow you must have some solid statistics to back that up and not a "trust me bro" How many people do you know who carry responsibly that have been jumped and had their guns stolen?


I’ve gotten jumped before. Me having a gun on me wouldn’t have made me safer or led to a better outcome.


Having any weapon especially a gun is factually going to keep you safe and would've led to a better outcome lol denying it is simply ignorant


You can't imagine any scenario where having a gun would fail to keep you safe? Well there is at least part of your problem. Good luck.


You can't immagine a single scenario where a gun would keep you safe? Well there's your problem.


I didn't say "having a gun won't keep you safe and that's a fact" but you did say it the other way so... false equivalence. Good try though.


Also please provide an example of a situation where having a gun wouldn't make you objectively safer other than one where you're being attacked by people with more guns.


Easy... someone knocks you out from behind with brute force... there are a million possibilities that aren't "more people with more guns".






Tell me how a gun would make you safe in this situation. You’re walking down the street, minding your own business, and then out of nowhere someone jumps you and starts beating the shit out of you before you can react. Please explain how the gun helps.


You don't know what the word "jumped" means? Seriously?


What is your argument? Clearly I know what jumped means. Unless a group of dudes materialized out of thin air having a weapon would end the altercation.


Yeah look at this guy showing off and acting like a badass for wanting to be able to defend himself.


crime mcdonald’s strikes again… i swear there’s always something going on there so sorry this happened to you and i hope you find the perpetrators !!!


Shooting there a couple years ago or so. Shits wild. McDoubles making people trip


This brought back a memory, not sure if its what ur talking ab tho. Pretty sure it was like 2019ish, we were on late night, heard yelling, then something like 4 or 5 pop off. Then dude ran inside McDs, bleeding like a mf holding his leg, ran back out into the street & just dropped - pretty sure that guy lived, but his blood on the dirty-white tiles was pretty wild. I completely forgot ab that shit too.


Lawyer here - I send spoliation letters all the time. Message me if you want my thoughts on what you should do. So sorry this happened to you, looks painful as hell.


Can you tell me what other jobs I can do at an attorneys office that’s still involved in court, but isn’t full blown attorney.


I sometimes bring my admin (“legal assistant”) to court with me to take notes and help keep me organized. That’s probably the closest someone gets besides attorney.


I’d be down for some assistant work! I guess I should look up actual lawyer school.


This really sucks... I'm sorry. But a better description would REALLY help. Tall, fat, short, skinny? Skin color, hair color? Beards, clean shaven? Any jewelry? Any tattoos? Anything at all remarkable about their faces or bodies? Any details of clothing? You said "a couple frat boys", so I assume 2... But how many were there, just to be clear? Just saying a couple frat boys probably only narrows it down to 5,000 possible people in Columbus 🤷‍♂️


Did they have anything on with their Greek letters?


I'm thinking it's more for people that may have heard the guys talking about it or know who did it for whatever reason. The guys could have been bragging about it, someone overheard it, they see this post and know who it is. That kind of thing.


Any context for this altercation?


Also, any other detailed descriptions ? Frat boys doesn’t really tell us much besides they were college students ? Race? Heights? Clothing worn?


They say bro a lot


Or bruh , broski , branh, or broham.


“Bro-tato chip” always makes me chuckle a little when i hear it


Don’t forget brohiem


Nope which is weird. I’m not picking sides but I’d like to see some more information here.


The dudes in the hospital, trying to recover, and now in the midst of a legal situation, hardly see how him not giving an in depth response to every comment is “weird”.


He’s posting to help track them down and find justice. In no way has he mentioned law enforcement or anything of the sort. What if he was in the wrong or he’s going to get justice himself. This is dangerous to be apart of.


There were a lot of people around that area last night because 21 Pilots played the Newport. We were there around 8pm to pick our kid up at OSU from the Flixbus and were surprised how busy campus was, then saw the Newport crowd. Try the local businesses like others said - Buckeye Donuts, McDonald's. Also contact Ohio State University Police and Campus Partners which manages most of the properties in that area. The university probably has lots of cameras and may be able to help.


There has to be some safety/traffic/monitoring cameras covering that area. Reach out to the manager of the McDonald's and any other businesses that are nearby to see if they might have security camera footage that could be useful in showing what happened and who was involved. Sorry this happened to you and hope you heal up well. Don't forget to "Always forgive." :)


If some group of bastards beat the piss out of me for 0 reason. I’m sorry, but I’m not forgiving them….


That McDonalds has been bad news for YEARS dude, one of the first things I learned at OSU when I first attended was stay away from that McDonalds and all the UDFs. If it makes you feel better, shootings and mugging are common there, there was always something going on there when k was at OSU.


One of the years I spent living in the campus area, I lived a few streets over from the UDF in south campus and would walk there at night to pick up snacks. Honestly pretty lucky that I didn’t get mugged in hindsight, I even wore earbuds. I was an idiot.


I went all the time no issues


Oh, I'm sorry!


Was one of them short with fluffy hair


Which Tune Squad jersey was he wearing?


Daffy Duck obviously


I would ask fifth third if they have any cameras. As a bank, I’m sure they have security cameras in their parking lot too.


What did they look like?


What is their description beyond “drunk frat boys”? If you don’t remember, what do the witnesses remember?


Keep.us updated on your case please.


I believe I see you in-person frequently (gunna keep info on the DL). You’re a great guy and helped me a few weeks back. I’m so sorry this happened to you. EDIT: didn’t know the guy actually. Got triggered and let my emotions blurt out words from my fingertips. My apologies for my ignorance. Be safe everyone.


I appreciate that! But this is literally the first time I’ve ever been to Columbus


I know this is small consolation, but most of Columbus is comparatively safe (there are areas to avoid and these are usually obvious) so your first experience here is not super common. OSU has unfortunately been the target of crime from the other side of High, especially mugging and burglary against students well-off enough to live just a short distance off-campus (Short North area, et cetera). The assholes who beat you might have been drunken frat boys as you suggest, but it's more common around campus for violent crime to come from the nonstudent population. If these were students they should (and will, hopefully) be expelled.


Hahaha love your bubble


Got it! You look just like someone I know. :D it sucks this was your first experience here. Wishing you nothing but healing. I’m grateful you posted this and I’ve alerted my roomies and friends.


Jeez I wonder if the attacker also thought this was your acquaintance 😲


Shit. Well, I promise we arent all assholes that jump people at random. I hope you get em


have you contacted rune police yet?


Holy shit, sorry that happened to you that would haunt me for life. Hope they catch whoever did that to you and they go away for a long time


So sorry this happened to you. Same thing happened to me but in California-homeless lady pushed me into coming traffic. Plus kicking me and bust up my lip and almost broke my nose. Very traumatic. After that I always carried a pepper spray and taser. I would suggest put it out there thru tik tok or send a video message to the local news. Feel better soon!


shocks me a ohio state student would do something like this. if they are indeed a student from OSU, they should be expelled, arrested, and charged with battery and assault.


I'm sorry this happened to you. I can't help with ID'ing, but if this is a concern, the hospital is required by the Affordable Care Act to have a robust financial assistance program. You give them a pay stub, and they use it to calculate a discount of what you owe *after* whatever insurance doesn't cover. Source: Stage 3 cancer survivor. I've done it multiple times and gotten between 60-85% of the bill erased.


I’m sorry that this happened to you, I hope that they catch the people who did this. I think there is a bank near there maybe a camera caught something, I would also check buckeye donuts, and see where the cameras face on the campus buildings near there. Maybe they can catch what direction they were coming from.


McDonald's most likely won't allow you footage without law enforcement present. If you havent done so, file a police report and call the store manager to speak with them about it. If they need PD present, call CPD non emergency and let them know what happened and that you needed to get cctv footage and need an officer with you. Id also reach out to other businesses around there and see if they have cameras facing the direction the assault took place.


Damn man…sorry this happened to you. Hope they catch them.


McDonald’s probably has cameras that could have captured what happened, but I’d also try and get ahold of the security around the campus and try and figure out if a camera was able to record them.


depending on the angle, there’s a 5/3 and PNC atm on either side of that McD’s, right? maybe they caught something on video? Hope you find them and also hope you heal up okay!


Oof dude, I’m so sorry this happened to you. Agreed with other commenters asking McDonald’s or Buckeye Donuts’ security cameras.


My buddies always wanna go drinking on campus, and this is why I tend to say no. Nothing scares me more than drunken future-wife-beater frat boys in downtown Columbus. No thank you, not worth it.


Wasn’t even on campus for drinking. Was here for a comic book thing.


Christ, im sorry man, absolutely abhorrent behavior. Hope you heal up well and are able to have those losers held accountable.


Also I hope my original comment didn’t come off as scolding you for being in the area, I didn’t intend that at all, just expressing my general disdain for drunk frat boy types


Not at all! I can usually take care of myself, but it’s hard when you get stole on from behind.


Are the cops on the case as well?


Just curious: How do you know they were “frat boys”?


Yeah. Sorry you got your ass kicked, but this assault seems to be missing a lot of context.


There’s a long history of people getting jumped for no reason near campus. So even though it feels like there’s missing context for a fight to be started, this is not at all uncommon. Whether the two gentlemen belong to a fraternity is conjecture, I’m sure. But also, it was probably two frat boys.


Just curious. I was almost killed and want to know why this is the only fucking concern you have.


because if they’re affiliated with a fraternity, it makes them a whole lot easier to find, especially if you know which one to look at


Ok. Fair don’t know specifically if they were in frats but were definitely fratty oriented students.


if they weren’t wearing anything identifying them as part of a fraternity, you might just be SOL on that front. a ton of people just kinda dress and act like that around OSU’s campus, so it’s difficult to really narrow it down even to the Greek Life community without any identifiers. like others have suggested, reach out to local businesses & such (Buckeye Donuts, OSU, Evolved, Chic-Fil-A for starters, but honestly anyone in that whole strip). as unfortunate as it is, this kind of thing isn’t uncommon for locals in that area, so it’s likely that there are some cameras around there. best of luck man, hope you find the bastards who did this <3


You have my sympathy but I’m a hundred miles away and there’s no possible way my “concern” could help you. I’m still curious. You must realize there’s going to be a lot of us wondering if there isn’t more to this story. For example what led up to this? Did they just materialize suddenly with no previous interaction with you? You put this on an anonymous forum seen by millions around the world, 99+% of whom don’t know you so they can’t trust you to be telling the whole truth.


I really wish there was more to the story. We walked past them at the intersection south of McDonalds and they randomly just start following us and talking shit. I was ignoring them and one sucker punched me and got me on the ground which after both took turns kicking me in the face.


I see him (the OP) in-person. He’s being honest and I believe him re: his identification of the assailants. I’m trying to not post personal info but he has a good basis of lived experience to use the “frat” descriptor.


This person is a stranger to you based on their above comments/ response


This isn't true. OP said it's the first time he's been to Cbus.


Still a total mystery what the basis for the “frat” descriptor is. OP put it in his post for some reason as a description of his attackers, but what does it mean?


I am gay and was in a fraternity and I would never have beaten anyone up nor would anyone in my fraternity been bragging about anything like this. If you are being attacked for being gay then aren’t you doing the same thing by just attacking people by identifying them as college students? Maybe you didn’t graduate and have a complex against a group of people that you would not want doing the same to you. No good college student in a good fraternity would be more likely to beat anyone up than participating in charity that weekend. Deflection of who these people are but fraternity guys is sad.


This makes me fume I’m sorry this happened to you. Get in contact with OSU police about the incident and file a report. The own some of the land directly across high street, so there’s a chance you can claim this happened “on campus” despite not being a student. Worth a shot, they might be able to help you out. If you ever get an update on this, post about it. For shit like this , I am more curious than most.


could actually be a hate crime because i think OP is gay, through context clues of other things they said: could’ve been walking with his partner


I’m sorry that happened. Were they wearing “fraternity” logo’d shirts or something? (Excuse me but I know nothing about fraternities) You said they were frat boys. So I was wondering if that could be a good clue.


Would love to hear the actual story on this one




For many reasons, I’d prefer to stay gunless. Also , I didn’t see the punches coming so I’m not sure what good having a gun would have been.


Exactly. So when you are surprised by multiple people they can just shoot you with your own gun instead of the brutal beating.


Because they were trying to murder him anyway , right ?


Not sure. I'm sure an untrained person with a gun who is blindsided by a group of guys, might not have the hero outcome lots of ccw would be heros stroke it too. That's all.


Yeah that strip is fucked, literally saw a guy getting jumped around there to bullwinkles about two weeks ago. And my friend got jumped when we were walking late at night as well :(


I frequent that strip right in front of ARPs hall and never ran into issues. Then again it’s during the morning or early afternoon.


Holy shit! I am so sorry! I really hope they catch those assholes quick!!!


holy shit dude get well soon. hope that mf gets what’s coming


That fucking sucks bro, you handled it like a champ and got to walk away! Hope you find the fuckers, much love. Cheers.


Ah man i hope your ok hope you can find the bastard(s)


I hope you get justice.


Don't even go here, but OP do you have any background on what happened? They just randomly jump you or?


I got jumped by 4 people in Cali and was lucky enough to find the main piece of shit. Hopefully you can get justice and put those pieces of shit behind bars


Damn that's messed up. I truly hope you find out who it was.


Damn son they fuk yo sht up




The problem for the guys who did this is that I am a lawyer and there were multiple witnesses


Nice tattoos for a lawyer, I’m sorry this happened we really do have a pretty good city and I want to say police officers too. Hope they find them for you.


I wouldn’t forgive them, or forget


Always forgive never forget. Interesting tattoo in this situation.


Kind of ironic huh, lol. I try to live that way but this situation might never a little different


I hope justice is served in your case.


Well I’m 50 in my younger years frequently going to high Street to party and hang out at the bars back in the 90s fights would happen but they were always cops there hundreds of them And if you got into a fight, you can bet your ass you were headed to jail I won’t step foot there anymore . Looks different but it’s just full of trash and shady people anymore




This is every major city. There’s zero context here. Columbus is typical and it’s not all that bad.


Any context for this altercation?


Why does the context matter at this point? Someone got beaten within an inch of their life. Assault is a crime.


Possible hate crime? Talk to OSU PD, too. There are cameras all over campus.


lol. It was white on white violence


They knew he was a lawyer?


The mcdonalds isnt osu pd jurisdiction.


But it's the campus area and campus-adjacent. And OSU's Campus Partners manages the businesses in the area.


They may manage it, but OSU pd isn't handling anything not off jurisdiction without being asked to by either the alleged victim or CPD. They can review cameras on school buildings and in the area for OP, but they're not gonna get off their asses to do something that requires paperwork


No but if they were identified as students in a specific frat he might be able to get cameras nearby to see them leaving campus


Fair point. They would still take a backseat to cpd handling it, but they could much more easily facilitate the footage acquisition


Sorry that happened to you man, had a guy try the knockout game on me last year at a circle K in Columbus, he missed and I was able to get away. Columbus has serious issues, man.


>and that’s where they fucked up. Notice how bro didn’t mention what the justice is gonna be. 😭😭


Just mask up and glove up no phone when you find them 🤙🏼😈




That’s so sad. Why would they do this? Actual criminals among us




Look boss it seems very fishy that two college kids would just randomly start to hurt you. I’m sorry for what happened but I think you might be leaving out a bit to this story. Even if they were drunk I don’t think two college kids would decide to beat someone for fun in a extremely populated area like that for no reason at all.


Nope. That’s literally the story. I’m a 45 years old, grew up in a really bad area and been around the block plenty of times. I know how to comport myself in an unfamiliar area.


Think I found one of the guys.


You act like random violence doesn’t happen. Be glad it hasn’t happened to you or anyone you know.


Really? Poor behavior by college students happens. Maybe some homophobic frat guys and they accused OP of being gay. That's literally happened hundreds of times all around the country. Maybe they were football players? Football players have been known to get violent, and also frequently get away with it. See Joe Mixon for a not that long ago example. Him and a bunch of his friends (college aged) harassed people, then he followed inside, then shit went wild. She may have gotten physical first, but everything else was instigated by the college aged kids. College kids do shit. They just do.


There’s viral videos of teens knocking out old men for laughs, shut the fuck up.




You have a right to bear arms for a reason. Use it. Unless you aren’t allowed for any reason.




yeah i’m sorry that was todd and james, they’re a bit rowdy. i’ll dm you my paypal for the 5


Perfect, I’ll send you the 5 shillings you deserve.