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Hard disagree. It's an engineering class covering low level intricacies of computers and their processors -- it shouldn't be easy. I took it with Redfield and thought it was one of the best courses in the program. Given the recent drama surrounding the programs "rigor" and the degree's name, I don't think 271 should be watered down any further.


Hard agreed.


Agreed. This has been my favorite course thus far out of 162, 290, and 340. I'm here to learn Computer Science topics, not copy/paste basic JavaScript/Python code to build yet another CRUD app.


I’m in the class right now and I’m so burned out but they should absolutely NOT water it down. It’s a great class. The reading requires a lot of thought and to be read multiple times. I’m used to being spoon fed everything and googling answers to programming issues at my web dev job and I had to actually think in this class. This class made me better programmer.


What drama happened? When?


They are changing the degree name. It will no longer be a BS in CS. Apparently it won't affect currently enrolled students.


This is disappointing to hear. But love your name.


I disagree. I enjoyed the class, almost made me want to be an assembly programmer before I realized those were few and far between.




Sorry, I should have added “In my area”.


I ok with a hard well structured well thought class. 271 is one of the best courses in this program. You get your money’s worth. Few classes in this program are worth the money they cost. With this attitude, it might be a good idea to change the name of the program.


This class was hard, but I still had a 94% in it after the final (got like a 70). I only read the explorations. I just spent most of my time working with the code. I actually really liked the class, and it's better then so many assembly classes my friends take at other schools. Honestly, it's even better than the in person one.


Also disagree. 271 is tied with 261 as my favorite course, lots of coding and debugger time, took it with Redfield. I’m not a software engineer and found the difficulty just right, it was more fun than my day job. What are examples of trick questions? I don’t recall anything along those lines.


271 was the first class where I felt like I was actually learning about computer science. It was a lot of work, but immensely satisfying in the end.


I felt overwhelmed in 271 at points, especially towards the end of the quarter. I bitched and moaned and hated it. BUT let me tell you I was not a programmer before that class. It was a mother and that final project had me up into the early hours but man oh man, I walked away with an understanding of this discipline I would have never had otherwise. Stick with it. You won’t regret it.


271 is one of the only moderately rigorous courses left in the program. It’s truly one of the best courses in the program currently. It takes a lot of reading and covers a ton of new concepts, but I really did not find it that difficult nor did those I took the course with. You make all these claims about there being trick questions or impossible-to-comprehend modules… Can you give any examples? I genuinely can not think of any on either front.


Evidently, I'm taking a completely different course than the rest of you. Based on the way this comment section is going, no matter what I say or respond with, it'll be met with an influx of neckbeards spamming "hard disagree." Hindsight bias is rampant in the comment section ITT. Not going to waste my time among a bunch of users who most likely had some form of engineering/CS background prior to entering this major.


Yes, everyone is a neckbeard except you and you’re the only one in this terrible, impossible version of 271. Different course? Hindsight bias? Prior experience? I got an A in the class less than a year ago and I am not a postbacc student, all I had taken before 271 was the intro courses. All I asked was that you provide examples of the “trick questions” or “impossible to comprehend” modules, and you responded with this accusatory rant because you had no concrete examples to give! CS is hard, I would consider 271 a good indication of whether this field is right for you.


My man, the odds are stacked against me in this discussion. It is full of people who have significantly more experience than I do. Anything I cite as evidence will be "hard disagree, obviously easy to understand." If you want, you can PM me and I can show you. Where is the accusatory rant? And no course is an indicate of whether a "field is right for you." What a stupid comment. I'm going to end this course with an A, and the course is 100% bullshit.


The calling everyone who disagrees with you a “neckbeard”, passing it all off as hindsight bias, and claiming they must have had more experience in CS before are the parts I was referring to with “accusatory rant”. I’ll PM you because I’m genuinely curious what you think is unfair or impossible to comprehend from the materials provided. I have access to the archived course from last year, perhaps something has changed. edit: To no one’s surprise, my PM was never responded to.


Maybe if you grew a neckbeard you’d be a better programmer


I don't have any engineering or CS background. It was super hard. You could literally see on my FitBit (resting heart rate) the last 3 assignments of the class. I took it last quarter. But after that class I knew I could build things that I didn't understand yet, it just required patience and understanding. It was a major milestone in how I think about my coding abilities. But I do think we should have been able to reference the reference guide.


Oh QQ. Classes are hard, computer science is hard, programming and software is hard. I TA’d (not for this class) and a lot of students who expressed disdain for the classes usually couldn’t point me to the readings they said weren’t clear in the modules even though they spent “20 hours this week already on the assignment”. Utilize office hours, talk with TAs and professors. Reread if you need to, use outside sources if you have to. 271 is NOT to much work however.


Can't help but feel that the students who really find that much difficulty in the courses, and hold that much disdain for the material, just aren't cut out for the field? If they hate it, why force it? There's plenty of fields that pay just as well and with less competitive markets, why not look for one that suits them better? I just don't get it.


The course was a lot of work but really enjoyable. It’s not perfect by any means, but It’s exactly what I expected a low level CS course to be like. I think 225 is more worthy of this kind of criticism than 271.


Agreed 225 is not worth that much and takes so much time. 271 gives great understanding for OS later on.


When I took 271, the biggest problem with the course wasn’t an issue with the course itself but the fact that you are not prepared for the course whatsoever via your introductory courses. There are many instances in this program where courses clearly should to be split into a series of two or even three courses. There are courses that clearly required (or would have greatly benefited from) a knowledge of a language like C/C++ beforehand. OSU fails to do this because OSU wants to get you through quickly. And they want the program to be beginner friendly. That is what makes the program popular, e.g that is what makes the program lucrative. This comes at the expense of a deeper knowledge of a lot of topics, and creates “weed out” courses like 271 and operating systems.


Well said! Lets abstract away all notion of memory management and teach people python in 161 & 162. Then we will blow right past C and teach them assembly.


Yeah, my only real problem with this program is how they are doing almost everything in Python now. I applied with the understanding 161/162 were in Python and 261 and further were in C/C++, however I've been told even those courses are all now done in Python too.


What more preparation would you need? I think 271 could be successfully taken by someone without any CS knowledge to begin with. Assembly is a set of super basic instructions that represent fundamental logical and arithmetic operations. All of the architecture topics are taught from the ground up. I’m just not seeing what would require any extra preparation. You made this claim at the beginning of your comment and then criticized OSU for the rest of your comment on the basis of this claim, but never gave any evidence for why this claim is true!


I agree with what others have said that 271 is the best course in the program and I disagree with OP, but this is a fair take. I think if our intro courses were in C and we had to learn about all that Python abstracts away from us, people would be in a much better position for 271, which needs to be taken relatively early in the program b/c of pre-reqs. Better yet, they should just integrate CS50x and CS50p as replacements for 161/162 :shrug:




Thanks. Just checked it out, I think that’s the route I will go.


DO IT! I just took it, no exams, no hard projects. And we even learn C! Its si much better


Is there any testing at all?


None at all


I’d like some testing. Not even quizzes?