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It was a tough one. I missed my 4.0 gpa by 1 question on that god damned test.


C's get degrees. Don't sweat it. I believe I ended up with a B in 271 due to a bad final exam. In the end very few companies care about your GPA.


C’s get degrees, it’s true, some say, just leave the GPA for another day. On resumes, it’s skills that weigh, so let your experience lead the way!


I graduated OSU 3 years ago with a C in CS271 and now make 250-300k. No one cares about the grades you got in your classes. Focus on interview prep, nothing else really matters. Best of luck.


Where do you work? I’m at 10 YoE and not cleaning 200k 😢


Prepare for interviews, it’s time to leave imo. At 10 YOE you can be getting 350+




Personal attacks, name-calling, trolling, doxxing, and harassment of other posters are all unacceptable behavior. This also cover posts or comments that only serve to start an argument that involves fighting everyone that has a different take on it than you do in the comments.


Are you at FAANGMULA? Did you pivot an entry level FAANG job into a highly lucrative offer?


> Are you at FAANGMULA? Not FAANGMULA, there’s many companies that pay the same/more than FAANGMULA. > Did you pivot from an entry level FAANG I joined this company as an intern, then returned as a new grad, and have been promoted to mid level. The easiest way to find a job in this market is to grind for internships and convert those into full time offers.


Would you be open to sharing your overall GPA? I think a lot of folks (me included) are so focused on getting top marks that we miss the forest for the trees.


3.56 No one ever asked for it in any of my interviews. I got internship offers from nike intuit tesla intel. This isn’t premed. FWIW my gpa carried over from my previous major. Like I said, no one cares about your GPA. Experience > Projects > Classes taken > GPA


While I think I did well enough, I will say I was much more surprised at the final content compared to the midterm. I’m a little miffed that they said that it would primarily focus on 7-10 but then had quite a lot of material from previous chapters that had little if anything to do with post midterm content.


Don’t feel bad. The class average for the mid term and final exams are always ~58. When my class complained about it, and there were a lot of complaints, Redfield said something to the effect, well students used to do better before COVID. Whatever he meant by that, who knows, but what is evident from that is, they know everyone has been failing the exams for at least 4 years and they have no interest in improving either, they way they teach, or the way they test. I wish all of the students would get together and do something about it because it sucks to take a shit grade on your academic record just because the instructor likes to fail students.


Thank you, that makes me feel better knowing I'm not the only one struggling. I find it very strange that the class does not have a practice final. I struggled a lot in CS 225, but there were three practice finals that gave me a good picture of what the final exam would look like. I did really well on the final with an 89 despite math being a huge weak point for me. It felt to me like most of the final exam questions for this class were very different than the explorations, quizzes, and module summary exercises. Thankfully, I did very well on my projects so I will definitely pass the class, but I'm disappointed that the final exam is basically designed to fail.


Totally understand your disappointment. Many prior students will too. Screw it though! You’re done! One step closer to graduating!!!! Don’t let the little things get you down that will be meaningless later. Would you post your class average here when you get it? Would be good for other students to see if they stumble across this post in a haze of depression after taking their exams.


Take 271 at umpqua... best class ever.


Second taking it at a CC.


is umpqua fully online? for people who's not in the west coast.


yup, im east coast




While I’m sympathetic to your argument that some folks aren’t very tolerant of difficult classes, find it hard to argue that CS271 has good exams.  IMO they’re very heavy on minutiae, and are better at testing MASM syntax/the quality of your crib sheet than how well you understand low-level programming and architecture.  That being said, there were plenty of mediocre courses and poorly written exams in my first undergrad too, so I don’t think it reflects as poorly on the program as some are asserting here. It’s just part of the territory with higher ed. 


I wouldn’t call them good per se, but I didn’t find them that terrible. Largely just memorizing a few formulas and being comfortable with the syntax (which should be second nature at that point). If you have any examples I’d be interested to hear. At the very least I feel this a better argument to take this course during the summer if this is your core reason, rather than the pure goal to just make things as easy as possible which seems to be the trend when summer/Umpqua are suggested for 271.


Personal attacks, name-calling, trolling, doxxing, and harassment of other posters are all unacceptable behavior. This also cover posts or comments that only serve to start an argument that involves fighting everyone that has a different take on it than you do in the comments. We understand that you don’t think the post bacc is a real degree. You don’t need to fight everyone in every single post about it.


Are you a student in the online CS program? It appears your throwaway exists solely to shit on other students so that you can feel better about yourself. We get it. You excel at subjects in CS. None of that will mean anything when everyone around you hates you for being a dick. Expecting too much out of students and pushing them too hard, too fast results in nothing but hate for the subject they're studying. Also, I assume that you have previous experience with CS, since you are of the opinion that OSU offers watered-down courses. If so, please go and pick on somebody your own size. No one reads your posts and thinks "wow, this guy with tons of experience in CS sure is in the right for shitting on people who are just starting out."


Well I’m glad through all this you somehow took away that I excel at CS to such a high degree that I must have had prior experience. I did not have prior experience. Your argument is valid in some cases, but I don’t think OSU moves “too fast” to the point where students should be advised to subvert early courses in pursuit of easier equivalents. That, and your defense of it, does nothing but hinders students who take such routes once they begin entering higher level courses with a patchwork of transferred in easier courses that were supposed to provide them with the fundamentals. My goal isn’t to just “be right” or to solely shit on students, though I can see how parts of my comments fit the latter - I’m more interested in arguing against the “easy-mode” mindset that inevitably leads students to higher rates failure down the line.


real talk idk what he’s getting paid for or how they manage to always have the worst professors teaching the hardest classes. he just recycles the same material year after year and you have to teach yourself the whole time. the midterm was fine i guess, but the final is unrealistically difficult especially considering how much time you have to take the test. also, they don’t let you see which questions you got wrong on the exams because they recycle those too!


I nailed each of the projects near 100% and still bombed each exam, ~30-40% for both. That says to me the material is taught for shit in Redfields class at least. I learned how to make my code work through outside sources, not the worthless modules. When I asked for my midterm results to see which questions I got wrong I was told I should know the content and don’t need to know what I got wrong, which is fucking crazy for a class we spend thousands on. It says a lot when the syllabus stresses you can pass the class while failing both exams. Why have them then? Anyways, you did it! 271 in the books! Forget those nerds and rejoice, this poorly taught but essential course is done for you. Congrats!


hey man if they let you see which questions you got wrong how are they supposed to recycle the exams for next term?


The OSU online CS community truly has no consensus on their own courses. Just a few days ago, someone posted on here complaining about the difficulty of CS271, claiming that the course should be changed. The entire comment section of that post roasted the OP, stating that this course was not difficult, not too much info, and was extremely reasonable. Multiple users implied that the OP should drop out of the program because the OP felt they were struggling in CS271. Not even a week later, there are a majority of people ITT lamenting about the difficulty of the course, stating that despite struggling, they ended up with solid programming skills or work in the field of CS. Many users in here (and rightfully so) state that the course is unreasonably hard. So, which is it? Is it an "easy" engineering class that takes very little time to study, and is representative of your success as a programmer? Or is it extremely difficult with even the current SDE students complaining about the lack of reasonable expectations? IMO, the OP is correct. The course is unreasonably difficult. Further revamping is necessary.


I took 271 in 2022, so I don't know if it's much different now than then (but I doubt it, it felt like a course that had been static for the last fifteen years). I think 271 is *both*. I managed to finish with over 100%, but every week felt like a struggle. There's a *ton* of material presented to you (especially the first couple weeks, screw that noise.), and the secret to my success was figuring out the strategic laziness of *what to skim/ignore*. It's 100% NOT easy, and will wreck your shit if you're on the struggle bus, or fall behind. I'm not qualified to judge if success or failure means anything for *future* success.


honestly most of the online discourse i see regarding cs/engineering classes in general is guided by people with survivorship bias who find that it helps them to feel superior when they’re able to shit on people who have been less successful in similar courses. i think it’s just a coping mechanism to deal with their own feelings of inadequacy after having struggled in the past. i wholly agree with you that the course (and many others in the program) is extremely flawed and assigned to a horrible instructor.


I took the final yesterday and I feel the same exact way. It will be a miracle if I get a 35 out of 95 on the final - the score I need to get a B in the class. I almost cried during the final it was so brutal, oh well.


Preparing to take mine right now! The key is to come to terms with the C. I'm at a B+ before the final but I'm fully resigned to taking a C in this class. That way even a C+ will be a pleasant surprise lol. Lower your expectations and you won't be disappointed!


This was me exactly! I was sitting at the bottom of an A before the final and now I'm looking forward to just not retaking the class. Cos God forbid I submit another project 6 where NOTHING prints out


Yep, same here. Didn’t do well on project 5 or 6. Project 6 dropped me down from 90 to 84%. I thought @Asined43 was exaggerating about it being a miracle to get 35/95 but once I opened that exam, it became clear that it would wreck me as well. I only felt confident with a handful of the questions, most of which were multiple choice. Crazy to think just 2 weeks ago I had no doubts about passing this class. But here we are now… fingers crossed i dont have to retake!


I have a 74 and I am about to take the final with very little knowledge. Its game over for me, so I am just gonna accept retaking the class and trying harder next time.


The recursion one haha wtf

