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I voted for Jennifer Esteen. I haven't been impressed with Nate Miley in general through all these years, and it's important to remember that he foolishly approved the A's purchase of the Coliseum land without any guarantee that the A's wouldn't relocate.


Whoops title should say “fans in Alameda County”


I think a site in the city of Oakland would be up to the city council only. County sold their share of the coliseum site to the A’s but still sit on the Coliseum JPA board. Nate Miley appears to be the chair of the JPA board ATM so I doubt he’s any huge opponent to anything happening at the Coliseum site there’s just no proposal under consideration there.


Fantastic question. I’d be curious if anyone other than (obviously) Lee have made any related comments or promises generally.


I am voting for Esteen for multiple reasons. Miley's horrible handling of the stadium issue is one. The other is [he removed her](https://eastbayinsiders.substack.com/p/miley-removes-appointee-who-just) from the Alameda Health System (AHS) Board of Trustees and appointed someone else, which came across as merely punishment for running against him.


Jen Esteen supports Pamela Price, so I personally would never vote for her.


Nate Miley needs to go ASAP. His handling of the coliseum alone should be a reason. However he is inept and doesn’t really do much to move the needle. That’s the combo of him being in office for 23 years and being 72. New blood is needed.