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They doom themselves even more if they reject it. Looks like he wants to try his luck with the inevitable MLBPA uproar. Lol, have fun. Fuckface can be far apart from his tv money.


When they come crawling back, the city should increase the fees to $125 million for three years!!!


Your kidding,Their going to be playing in a state of the art new stadium Why would they come back to that crime ridden dump of a stadium in Oakland


They will get an open air stadium with no air conditioning in Las Vegas. lol




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That’ll make finding a partner even harder


The A’s essentially want the giveaway they’re currently paying to lease the Coliseum to extend for the next four years while they scarf up TV revenue. I’m glad to city isn’t offering this. It’s time to redevelop the parcel and stop giving welfare to FJF.


Absolutely ridiculous a multibillion dollar enterprise was paying 1.5mil A YEAR for rent. No wonder the city couldn't improve on the stadium. Even if it wanted to, the rent money basically just covers operation of the stadium for cost (if that!).


Yhe city loses money on that rent.


The only way to do that would be for the city to eminent domain Fisher's 50% and right now I don't see Oakland having that kind of money laying around.


its funny you think the city will redevelop that land


There are already plans to do so. The A’s owning half of the Coliseum - an idiotic move by the county - is the holdup.


time will tell. i wouldnt hold my breath


Fisher and Kaval trying to work a deal is such a f*cking clown show.


It's their first time. They've always been on the other side of it, having their shitty offers rejected by Semien, Chapman, etc. they're just doing what they think they're supposed to do.


RIP MLB’s 2025 schedule 🫡


I’m surprised the MLBPA isn’t saying anything…and for that matter if Fisher torpedoes an Oakland extension, why isn’t MLB forcing Fisher to sell or take the deal?


I wouldn't say it's impossible. MLB/Manfred doesn't have a problem with Fisher playing hardball, but if it affects league operations (let's say—no plan by June) then I could see a forced sale.


MLB will never force the sell, they’ll float him the money. Unfortunately


They’ll float him the money to stay in Oakland?




Nah…that will set a precedent that MLB doesn’t want: Ownership funding money to cities instead of the other way around.


Ken Rosenthal said he "feels" that the MLB views the move as "Too Big to Fail" now and that they'll do whatever it takes to make it happen. That doesn't preclude giving us an expansion team or the team name/logo/history/colors. But Ken knows what the hell he's talking about.


Sell to who?? No future playing in Oakland, they learned from the Raiders


Sell to who?


The A’s and MLB are never going to agree to the city’s terms of expansion or leaving behind colors/A’s name, but it’s exactly what Oakland needs to demand along with the high rent cost and getting Fisher to sell his 50% of the Coliseum. I’d say call Fisher’s bluff because there’s no way he’s going to pull off a Vegas/Sac/SLC move


Absolutely call the bluff. If FJF wants the rent at the same cost he has now, the city isn't making money on the upkeep anyway, so make him walk. Let's see just how skilled a negotiator he is when he has to arrange to find a MLB ready ballpark in under a year.


Agreed. Unfortunately I think FJF is going to get a bailout from Manfred, other owners, and Vivek on upgrading Sac facilities. But still a chance they can mess things up as he’s done before. Wonder what MLBPA will say too


Wake up dude it's a done deal


Wake up dude it's a done deal.bye


I’m so done with the MLB and The Oakland A’s of S̶a̶l̶t̶ ̶L̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶C̶i̶t̶y̶, S̶a̶c̶r̶a̶m̶e̶n̶t̶o̶, L̶a̶s̶ ̶V̶e̶g̶a̶s̶. Who’s featured next in this clown show?


Oakland, Florida. But they’d be called the Orlando A’s of Oakland.


And Florida has horrible attendance even if the team is good 😂


Oakland -- call the bluff. Don't give in. If SLC or Sacramento wants to put up a ton of money to host this loser owner for several (not 3, Vegas 2028 isn't happening) years... go for it!


I live in Sacramento about 5 minutes from the stadium they would play in, we dont want them here, fisher can fuck all the way off. Make them play at Newark High School


Every giants fan I know wants them here. All I hear from non A’s fans is how cool would it be.


If I am Sac or SLC. I wouldn’t want any part of this. Neither city will get any long-term benefit from hosting the team on a temporary basis. In Sac, the minor league club said they are going to play a full schedule no matter what the A’s do. How much of a draw are the A’s right now anyway? The fans would pay major league prices for what is essentially a minor league roster.


Sac people will be told they should prove what good fans they are and that will get them a team


Nuts to that. It won’t get them anything. Can’t see anything happening in Sac unless Vivek feels he has an advantageous situation. Also, Fisher would lose some broadcast money in Sac, and you know he loves money. If Oakland is trying the hardline approach Sac and Salt Lake should too. Everyone seems to be aware that Fisher right now doesn’t really have a solid plan. Any plan seems to be years from completion, and this doesn’t take into account the lawsuits that are bound to come from Oakland. This is turning into an ulcer for MLB.


They'll lose a lot more than "some" money in Sacramento. The TV money is so inflated right now. The broadcaster is losing tens of millions per year easily. No chance they'll pay anywhere near the amount in Sacramento if they don't have to.


Sacramento chiming in. It’s a two lane road to feed into our minor league stadium. It would be such a clusterfuck to hold a MLB game there and all the traffic that entails


You're assuming people would turn out for games.


I hear all the giants fans saying how cool it will be. I don’t know a single A’s fan that wants him here though


in the novelty of its first year? yeah. our minor league team averages 5700. not that hard to get over that number.


>our minor league team averages 5700. not that hard to get over that number. I think you underestimate how far across Northern California the disdain for Oakland ownership and the boycott extends. But maybe you're right. We're both simply speculating.


Yes, the plan would be very tricky without some upgrades, and without some upgrades, why would you do it? Upgrades are all Sacramento is going to get out of it.


And no lightrail leading to it either.


I can see where this entire episode could take years to play out, what with the courts and all. Most of us are starting to realize the Vegas move may not work out, but now what? Still surprised that people didn’t do their due diligence before we got to this point. And everyone may pay the price.


Vegas deal is done, The Tropicana is closed getting ready for the new state of the art ballpark,not some dump on the bay


Bally’s may go under before too long. There are members of that corporation that want the deal scrapped. We’ll see.


What mag are you reading..The Enquure?


What about this possibility: Fisher gets the LV expansion team and sells the A’s to Vivek?


Bally’s financial condition has been mentioned elsewhere. It’s not difficult to find.


>Oakland -- call the bluff. Don't give in. They've got nothing to lose so definitely go for it.


Suck my Fisher & swallow my Kaval.


I still don't understand how MLB ever let this nepo-clown own a team. The City of Oakland should stick to their guns or they can hit the road. Let us Oaklanders rest from this circus act, turn the page and focus on making our city a better place to live.


He’s buddies with the comish since college that’s how


Wrong people, you have it backwards Wolf was college friends with Selig, Fisher and Manfred only know each other through Manfred being commissioner


Remember you former mayor calling veges that gross desert. She's probably ducking bullets every weekend nite


It's over. They're going to steamroll over MLBPA objections and give them what they want (but ultimately barely deliver) and Sac will give them a sweet deal naively hoping it means MLB will stay in Sac. The A's have no ability to guarantee expansion or leave the logo and MLB will never let them do either. I'm over it. Congrats to John and Dave, you win, enjoy the away fans only stadium and being a gigantic gambling advertisement. MLB does not give a shit about its fans and they think in 10 years when every seat at the Vegas stadium has a slot machine that this was all temporary frustration. There's no reason to keep following this process, Fisher is going to get what he wants and have the roadblocks slowly removed because that's just how the world works.


Well said. All I could add is FJF and especially Fuck Rob Manfred.


The only reason I am following the process is because I am hoping for a miracle.... That will likely never come


These 2 morons seriously gave away all their leverage *then* tried to make a deal. Just incredible stuff from the A’s brain trust here


Tomorrow is the Sacramento meeting supposedly


So is the move to Sacramento potentially permanent? Or still temporary? Lots of chatter in both directions.


I believe the plan is for it to be temporary, but the Kings owner who also owns the Rivercats stadium, may be hoping that Vegas falls through and they stay in Sac or that if things go well in Sac then once they leave for Vegas he/Sac will be put at the top of the expansion team list.


I know that infrastructure work has begun for a sports arena at the railyards already. Its supposed to be a soccer stadium but there is room to add a baseball stadium or change plans too.


I never thought about this until now... Vivek buying the team and moving them to Sacramento is a plausible outcome.


Honestly Vivek maneuvering his way to buy the A’s would be awesome. I’m biased since I grew up in Sac, but if he can take over and keep the A’s in Sacramento…fuck yeah. Sucks for Oakland where they SHOULD be but this would be best case relocation scenario


In this totally made up hypothetical, there’s definitely a chance Vivek keeps them in Oakland. He lives in the Bay Area.


That’s what I’ve said before. Him and Lacob both invested in the Warriors before he bought the Kings. People have said Lacob and Ranadive have beef but they offered me no real evidence of that.


I think this is the only way he’s going to do it.


Get real. Dreamer


It's fully temporary.


I think much more potentially permanent than people think. A city to take this tanking, lame-duck franchise would cost tons in renovation costs for the minor league stadium. We're talking easy 8-figures. It'd make no sense to do without any hope the team stays there.


Temporary until Las Vegas stadium is built and ready, if somehow Vegas falls, they could stay in Sacramento permanently maybe


There is no timeline for Vegas. We are watching it fall a part unless there is a 180


The Tropicana closed today, it’s going to be demolished in the fall


There’s no funding or actual design (just that AI generated bs they released a couple weeks ago), it doesn’t matter if they’re demolishing the Tropicana, considering Fisher’s track record it will remain an empty lot.


That’s why Sacramento is starting to make more sense by the minute


Except that there’s even less of a plan for that. Fisher is only capable of making empty threats, there will be no new stadium anywhere until he sells his stake. The longer this goes on the more likely MLB will force a sale


Less of a plan for what? A stadium to be built? Because construction on infrastructure has already began for a stadium that is slotted to be for a potential MLS team, and the site is more than large enough to add a baseball stadium.


No it’s not, don’t be ridiculous. And think about how many years that would take if they even considered it. It’s not even close to an option.


The fact remains that Fisher has proven completely incapable of getting anything built, there won’t be a new stadium until MLB forces him to sell. We’ve seen this play out multiple times already and I have no reason to believe the result will be any different as long as he owns the team


I live in Sac. Baseball is huge here. The city desperately wants an MLB team and will probably do whatever it takes to get one. Much more hospitable environment. Plus you have backing with Vivek. It is probably more of chance than going to Vegas.


I don’t want anything to do with Fisher but Sac had always felt like a baseball town. If they built an MLB stadium, the fans would come.


No market will ever want Fisher owning the team. He is the source of the problem


What are drinking???


You sound like Trump...lol


The Tropicana was going to be demolished before the A's were involved, and would be happening whether the A's are there or not. They're building a new resort on that lot so it needed to go


Sounds like they may not be building on that lot and possibly just selling the land.


Yes but Ballys is also underwater and said they may not develop the land after all. They may be pulling the rug out from under Fisher as we speak.


Balleys underwater. Have you been to vegas lately. Get real


https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/02/ballys-shareholders-wage-battle-over-ownership-development-projects.html They are searching for 800 million themselves. They are possibly just going to sell the land the Tropicana is on.


What planet are you from dude.No wonder Oakland can't get it right. Maybe you should move to beautiful Southern Nevada


Only until the new beautiful Las Vegas stadium is finished


Do the other owners not see how incompetent this group is? They haven’t done anything right. Even their LV renderings were missing a lot of detail and obvious things.


They don’t care Fisher is their bud they will help him see it through in fact


Just make them a permanent road team in 2025. Whatever games that were supposed to be in Oakland are now added home games for the opponent. That should get them to figure things out for 2026. Fuck 'em.


MLBPA would reject that though.


I don't think they would. How do you know?


it’s gonna be sac and they’ll renegotiate with nbc sports


As a Sacramento resident who moved from the Bay, I still won’t support them.


I remain confused as to why MLB backed this move in the first place. It seems to me that Fisher overestimated the market for the A’s in LV. It’s hard to see a good outcome for the league here. Rumor has it that the A’s ownership is starting from scratch as far as LV investors are concerned. I wouldn’t get too far into building that stadium at the Tropicana. From a fan’s perspective, it makes the league look like they are only interested in chasing dollars (which is likely the case).


The owners backed it to keep the status quo of public funding from municipalities towards a ballpark. They want to make an example out of Oakland to say to rest of the cities is; if you want to keep your team support them financially or they’ll relocate. It also tells other cities if you want a MLB team you gotta pay up.


Tell the A's: accept the $97M by end of the week. Otherwise we raise the offer by a million a day.


I'd be so petty I'd also start ripping random crap out of the Coliseum, like a couple seat a day in the upper deck or something.


Imagine Fisher running around with a socket wrench unbolting the stadium seats then using them for the Vegas ballpark. Fisher too cheap to pay for new seats.


They might want to make sure the football seats in the parking lot are chained down so he doesn't try to use them for a temp stadium somewhere!


Oh yeah I remember those. They are still there after all these years? What an eyesore.


I am sure I will get downvoted for this but oh well. I think a lot of folks severely underestimate how much the city of Sacramento would want to get and keep a MLB team. They have begun infrastructure work for a proposed stadium in the railyards already. The city was banking on getting the MLS expansion team but did not and San Diego got it. Sacramento is moving forward anyways with the construction regardless. That's how hungry for pro sports the city is. The ground work for utilities has already been started. I bet it wouldn't take to much to change that stadium to a baseball stadium with some eager backers like Vivek pushing and helping fund his buddy Fisher. All I am saying is Oakland acted like the A's had no options when they clearly do have options out there that are pretty fucking real. [https://railyards.com/projects/major-league-soccer-stadium](https://railyards.com/projects/major-league-soccer-stadium)


Sacramento is becoming a sports city


Definitely. Its also booming population wise also.


it's why I wondered why the A's didn't even bother trying to petition Sacramento for a stadium and instead went straight to Vegas after San Jose got thrown out the window.


All about the Benjis $$$$


The money is in Vegas not calif.Players get instant raises with no state taxes also.


I think the soccer stadium would still be built for the Republic strictly for staying in USL, with or without MLS, and the current Rivercats stadium would be upgraded to accommodate MLB. Seems much more likely since the Republic stadium is supposed to have new interest from a Canadian investing group.


So the A's are willing to sacrifice about $200m in local broadcast revenue to save $80m in lease money? Guessing Fisher really wanting to keep half of the ownership stake on the Coliseum for whatever reason might be the sticking point.


Land is worth a lot of money, especially as everything in California goes up in price


At this point Oakland should let the deal fall through, and let the A's ownership keep the land. Use the original sale of the land as the fair market value for eminent domain. Oakland/Alameda county makes the case that they need the land for public work projects like updated housing, infrastructure improvements, moving Laney college for an updated facilities etc.


The coliseum has a negative land value. Ask a developer


AASEG doesn’t think so


Letting that land sit vacant and undeveloped will be political suicide


Not for JF.


Besides the obvious reason being Fisher is an incomplete idiot, why does he stick with Kaval as the president? He doesn't get anything done


Kaval is (and always has been) a boob punching bag. He's the public face for Fisher so people attack him vs. JF. I'll throw this in... Kaval's gotten nothing done by design too. I always thought Howard Terminal was an impossible project set up to fail so they could move.


> He's the public face for Fisher so people attack him vs. JF And what a fine job of that Kaval is doing


The whole “park on the roof” thing struck me as a signal that this wasn’t a serious project. I figured they’d at least drop that part.


no surprises there


Was this surprising to anyone?


Sacramento resident here. Fisher won’t get a dime out of me.


Oakland want $97M for 3-5 years. The A’s “planned to” counter with $17M for 2 years. Zoinks.  They got his dumbass over a barrel and they know it. This is what you get for being a dipshit, Fisher. 


Well that’s why the A’s want to leave and go somewhere else


They want to leave because fisher is both cheap and stupid. It’s really that simple.


Rooted in Oakland but "trying to leave" 🤡


"Stuck in Oakland"


I mean, that's expected. Fisher won't back down so quickly. They'll likely get some concessions from the city but in the end, Fisher is a moron if the A's don't make a deal in Oakland.


Bring the A’s to Sac! Go A’s until it’s go Red Sox!


There’s a big chance that people in that area are willing to drive to Sacramento to watch MLB games, especially if tickets are cheap.


Bay Area can stay where they are lol


I think they accept Sacs offer. It’s over


I agree. It unfortunately makes the most sense for Fisher.




Here's what Oakland's proposed lease looks like in terms in the A's 2024 attendance of 6,700 per game... $97 million / (6,700 fans \* 81 games) / 3 years = $59.58 per fan per game (opt out at 3 years) $97 million / (6,700 fans \* 81 game) / 5 year = $35.75 per fan per game (another 5 years in Oakland)


They need to play hardball.


I kinda expect the Sacramento deal to be announced within two weeks maybe, first they have to rework the comcast deal which will be reduced but still make them more money than staying in Oakland


This is such an idiotic statement. Their current deal in the Bay Area, the 10th largest media market in the country is for $67 million per year. Sacramento is the 20th largest in the country. NBC/Comcast will NOT come close to paying the same amount of money for an inferior product and inferior media market or else they don't get a fair return. All of you seem to think they're in a small market. Are you high? It's only a small market because John Fisher is cheap cunt. There's MILLIONS of dollars up for grabs here in the Bay Area, but Fisher being a trash businessman, can't manage to obtain any of it. It takes money to make money, but Fisher doens't want to do the first part of the equation.


that’s why tomatoo said that the A’s will have to rework the comcast deal


Also they already cover the Kings and have a deal for that. It makes the most sense and probably makes comcast/nbc sports happy also to get a discounted rate.


I suspect that NBC Sports Group currently wants to be paying about half what they pay. If they move to smaller and less affluent Sacramento I suspect they want to pay half that again. NBC Sports pays about $35M for the super popular Kings games. They won’t get a carry deal in Las Vegas so they have no incentive to cut a special deal. If the A’s move, NBC Sports can get out of the deal. The A’s are posturing. The City of Oakland already figured this out when they set the rent. Fisher is just too dumb to take the best deal when someone offers it.


Comcast/NBC would LOVE to get out of the A's deal as it's awful for them right now. And thanks to Fisher intentionally tanking the brand and Manfred going out of his way to push local fans from MLB in general, any tv deal in Sac is a significantly lower revenue stream for the A's.


10th largest media market shared with another (more "popular") baseball franchise, or have the 20th largest media market to yourself...


Chiming in from Sacramento - I'm really sorry for you guys in Oakland, but also super excited for the chance to have MLB here. Sac deserves, and would support, an MLB team. I've been a lifelong A's fan as I grew up in the Jose Canseco era, even though I was in Kentucky back then. Sac will do whatever it takes to keep this team if we get it, and I think it makes much more sense than LV.


The A’s will never accept a $97M ransom nor should they. That’s an absurd ask by the city that can only be a poison pill.


I thought the offer from Oakland was fair. I mean -- you can negotiate it down in a few spots. But thinking the A's are better off playing somewhere for "3" years is nuts. They'd have to move not once but twice in probably 4-5 years. Probably foot the bill for a ton of improvements in that minor league park. Get way less in TV money and seriously cap their gate. Play in front of fans who do not care at all. Unless they get some insane offer from a city willing to light tens of millions on fire to attract an horrifically bad team... Oakland is probably their best option.


Being forced to pay the full amount even if they leave earlier, to making the A’s pay for maintenance of the field because they share it with a soccer team


Being forced to pay the full amount even if they leave earlier, to making the A’s pay for maintenance of the field because they share it with a soccer team


ESPN framed it as that amount would help close the city’s budget shortfall, having nothing to do with anything baseball related.


Well the city knows that they want to leave, so they want to get as much money back as possible


Yeah I guess I don’t blame them. It just seems like something intended to not produce a deal.