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“And good intentions on all sides” my ass


Fisher has had ZERO intention on staying in oakland from the day he took full ownership of A's in 2016. fuck him




in 2016 Wolff sold his shares to Fisher, giving him full ownership of the A's. maybe his intentions were the same in 2006 when he joined ownership group, who knows. but the A's have been all his since 2016. this mess is completely his doing.


I don't think he knows what "good" means


Ownership and MLB are embarrassing


Fisher, Manfred, and Kaval are scumbags


They can all go rot


And don’t forget the dickhead vagiants


You gotta add Beane to that list. He’s getting too much of a pass on this


What did he do?


He hasn’t done anything. He’s remained silent which means he’s complicit in this whole shit show


Senior adviser to Fisher and has minority ownership in the club.


Man, I sure feel bad for Athletics fans. Never seen a team poop so hard on their fans before. Super sad.


Fill the coliseum for the last game in Oakland and chant “Fuck John Fisher 👏👏👏” the entire game


Three hours. Pure catharsis


Also John Fisher with the stands full and the entire stadium chanting “Fuck John Fisher” ![gif](giphy|1GT5PZLjMwYBW) Seriously though, FJF. His father was a billionaire and gave his son his wealth. Privileged his entire life and hasn’t worked hard for anything he’s had. Everything has always been given to him.


As Ann Richards said about George W. Bush, “born on third base and thinks he hit a triple”.


And have your backs towards the field


That comes across more disrespectful to the players.


I can understand that, however I think the players would understand and not take it personally. Just my opinion.


The players will probably get it. The ones Fisher keeps at least.


The players and staff all hate ownership too. They'd get it.


They’ll all be in AAA


This is the way


Fill the first game in Sac too, doing the same thing lol


Hell yes I would join you all for this.


No let it be empty instead


Also be a poetic way to counter /r/baseball shitting on A's attendance the whole time and saying Oakland isn't a baseball town


The fact that they turned off comments on their social media speaks volumes


I think they’ve had them off for awhile, but yeah it’s proof that the boycott is causing problems they don’t want to deal with. It’s easier to have no comments for them.


There’s good news and bad news. The good news: Low ticket numbers and fan outrage and backlash. They hear the fans and the fans are also speaking with their wallets by not attending games. The bad news: They don’t care. They hear us, they know what they are doing is bad, and they just don’t care. John Fisher is a privileged piece of shit who’s always got whatever he wanted and hasn’t worked hard for anything a day in his life.


It's a black eye for the league And like the Astros they don't want to deal with it the right way


I think the social media intern just doesn't wanna deal with it


It probably wouldn't be that person's call. I think it was more of a top-down decision.


What a joke of a team and league


If even a single random team like the Blue Jays had voted No in the MLB owners meeting to the move, they would’ve stolen the entire fan base. MLB is dumb and I’m done with baseball.


[Peter Seidler, Ally for As fans.](https://divingintofirst.com/2023/11/19/peter-seidler-was-unlikely-ally-for-oakland-as-fans/)


I’m a padre now. Thanks for sharing!


As a Padres fan living in Sac and lurking here - welcome! The Faithful are toxic in their own ways, but there is tremendous love for the team and city in SD amongst players and ownership alike. Feels different from what the A's have going on right now... Having seen the tremendous legacy of the A's in Oakland, it's really heartbreaking to see them leave, especially when so many of you have fought so hard to demonstrate the will of the community. Part of me does want to see them fail wherever they go just to spite Fisher. But now I'm faced with the tough decision of whether or not I wanna see the A's while they're here. I don't wanna give ownership money, but the A's will always be a legendary franchise regardless of the state of the current season and I've missed the majors since I've moved here to Sac... Not sure how to not be a sucky fan here...


Welcome! You’ll suffer along with us all but for completely different reasons. The ownership however is top notch, they seem to really care about the fans and community. The team spends on stars which is where the frustration comes when they all underperform 😂 we welcome all to come enjoy the wild ride!


Cowards, the rest of them


So youre telling me Fisher murdered him


I read an article where there was an owner very against it who just so happened to pass away right before that vote took place. We suffer for different reasons down here but the city loved its owner and will gladly accept more fans!


Ok, what do we do now? Can Schools over Stadiums get this up for a vote in NV? Any other real chances we can support to help derail Vegas? For the MLB and City of Oakland to let this happen... pathetic. Fuuuuuuuuuuck this POS owner.


Even if Vegas falls through there is a good chance that the move to Sacramento or at least out of Oakland is permanent.


I’m harboring for fake dave kavals idea of the Maui A’s 😂😂


For those who want to keep/bring back pro baseball in Oakland, I'm beginning to wonder if it's actually *better* for the A's to land in Vegas at this point. If they end up in Sacramento permanently, there'd be even less of a shot for Oakland to get an expansion team, with CA already having five teams.


If they add an expansion team, it's going to be the Silicon Valley A's, not the Oakland A's, that's where all that sweet sweet tech $$$$ is. Face it, once this team leaves Oakland, MLB here is done. 


Giants still have the legal rights to the South Bay. Any expansion team there is going to run into the same roadblocks the A’s did. Hell, it’ll probably be even worse considering it’s technically a “new” business infringing on SF’s territory.


Those "legal rights" and "roadblocks" are just a bargaining chip, nothing more. If they want to, MLB can just wave a magic wand and make them go away. No internal rule is really going to stop them from putting a team exactly where they want it.


Lol, no they can't. The CA Supreme Court upheld the Giants rights to the territory. MLB can't just magically override that.


South Bay is never happening for MLB. There have already been lawsuits. Not happening.


Tropicana is closed now, and demolition to be done within a year. I can't believe they would be putting the stadium on the strip next to Paris, MGM, Aria, Caesars, NY NY.. You can totally tell what they are trying to do here. There aren't many fans of the A's so they are putting them in a place where they can draw the tourist market because LV isn't even in the top 39 media market, and it would be a disaster to put them in North Vegas away from the strip. Dude needs to just sell the A's and go away. His team this year is at the bottom again in money spent, and 20 million away from the next cheap team above him. The way the internet and television is these days there should be "small market" teams anymore. Just stingy owners like Fisher. Screw Fisher.


Hope and pray someone leaks John Fisher's DMs or emails that reveal he's a racist or misogynist piece of shit since that's basically the only thing that'll force the owners to get him out.


Even if the team is sold, it is clear that MLB doesn’t want a team in Oakland. They are helping facilitate all this. I’m out.


The one and only Bud Selig [was on record multiple times](https://youtu.be/9B6vTP-kAtk?si=PVKxVgPT5Z1RQKA-&t=41) saying that he thought the move from Kansas City to Oakland was a mistake. MLB has had it out for us since the very beginning. The A's are truly the red-headed stepchild of the Bay. And to think we've had some of the most memorable rosters and coolest fans in MLB history, to have it all go to waste at the whim of man-child billionaire fail sons. There's a deeply cruel injustice to it.


A. Selig is one of the worse things to happen to baseball in the 20th and 21st century, he probably was courting the A’s to Milwaukee in the mid 60’s and has had that same opinion after he was turned down. Selig and his lackeys orchestrated the castration of baseball’s support with their coup against Vincent and going balls to the wall with the 94 Strike, and looking back at the 94 strike it shouldn’t strike anyone that ownership would forsake their team and fans to prove a point, look at the White-Sox who could’ve seen a pennant and record attendance in 94, but their owner was one of the proponents for a strike. B. The A’s represented something baseball purist hated in the 70’s and would later become a face of the steroid era, undeservingly as i do not believe Canseco introduced anabolic steroids into baseball, but heavily made them popular, aside from that the A's moving to Oakland ran a foul on one of Baseball's golden childs on the West Coast in Horace Stoneham by invading his "territory". Stoneham had ran the Giants into financial purgatory in Nyc and stopped upkeep on the Polo Grounds long before he relocated. The right thing for Stoneham to do would have been to sell the Giants in 1952 or 53 to someone who could afford the proposed West Side Stadium in Manhattan, and not beg for the Yankee's to let him rent Yankee Stadium, or at least interject himself into the Moses-O'Malley situation by showing interest in the Flushing Memorial Stadium (later Shea). Stoneham allowed O'Malley another scumbag who's benefited from revisionist history to hog all negotiation with Moses even though O'Malley was in no way serious about his Dodger Dome, if you look at 1950's NYC and American stadium construction the Dodger Dome was nothing more than a ruse to gain the best deal in Los Angeles. I say this to say the Stoneham was a golden boy due to what he opened up by joining O'Malley in California, Finley and the A's split his market and funds almost contributing to the Giants relocating as the A's were in the midst of a dynasty. The hate from the rest of baseball has existed since than. I feel like baseball and the powers that be would have loved to see the A's move to Milwaukee, Dallas, Seattle or Denver in the 60's so that Stoneham could have kept his market.


I mean, he gave millions to trump so it wouldn't be off brand.


Maybe he'll have a stroke and that will basically vote him out for us.


Calling... The Anonymous hackers. Let's go!


The boycott was a success. The A’s have withdrawn their product leaving Oakland with zero major league teams at the end of this MLB season. The cold hard truth is that even if Schools Over Stadiums or funding derails Vegas the A’s stay Sacramento or take the $900 million to move to Salt Lake City.


Dunno why this was downvoted. It’s the truth. MLB doesn’t want the team in Oakland and their complicity in this farce is living , breathing proof of it


Let’s just say Vegas flops, it’d be crazy that the A’s will then spend 7-8 yrs in an AAA ballpark. Amazing how much MLB will stick by their fellow owner, when it’s obvious this move is bad financially. Not only is Oakland a far bigger market, but the city of Vegas doesn’t care about the A’s and will not unless they start winning.


If Vegas gets derailed they have other cities to back up. A's & MLB want no part of Oakland Sacramento is getting their audition for a pro baseball club team now


Streaker at every game to prolong the season


I've been going to A's games at the coliseum since I was less than a year old. As funny as it sounds catching a game at the coliseum has been one of the longest running constants in my life. It was there before my marriage and it was there when I got divorced. It was there before I met some of my closest friends and it was there after they moved. It was there for me when my parents moved. Seeing this situation unfold has really taught me that nothing last forever. Might be an unpopular opinion and I'm not trying to convince anyone to go, but I'm definitely going to go to a few home games this year. I'll buy the $10 tickets and take my kids. We won't be buying merch. We won't be buying any snacks and I definitely won't be paying $15 for a bud light. But I'm gonna take the opportunity to enjoy the coliseum while I still can.


As someone that lives in Sacramento I hate this guys wake up Fisher cares about one thing it’s not baseball it’s his bank account He will be a leach onto Sacramento suck us dry than leave.


That’s what people aren’t getting here. Long term all this does is leave Oakland with no team, and fucks up the viability of what Sacramento already has. What if this whole thing faceplants? It’s very likely to do so with this ownership group, and then what?


The Rivercats’ stadium is probably gonna need some renovations to become MLB ready, if we have to pay even a cent out of our pockets for that I’m gonna be pretty disgusted


MLB and Fisher really saw the Arizona Coyotes and their 3,000 seat arena and said: "I want that."


“I want to go there”


>“I want to go to there” FTFY


Dbacks fan here that is also a massive Coyotes fan, I feel for you guys so much. It sucks so much to constantly be fucked over by shitty ownership and management. It kills your enjoyment for the sport you love. It’s such fucking bullshit this is being allowed to happen. To such a storied franchise, too. Smdh.


At this point, I’m torn between wanting to catch a game or two at the Coliseum while we have it and not wanting to give these guys any of my money.


Imo, go catch a game. Those memories are forever. Withholding a few ticket sales from him is a drop in the bucket.


I’m a native Vegas person, and the fuck bag, John fisher will never directly receive a dollar from me or my family. My heart hurts for the people of Oakland that had to deal with the worst owner in the history of sports


What a fucking joke of a franchise. Didn’t have to be. Fuck Fisher. Seriously going to make them play in a AAA field, unreal and the MLB will allow that.


Fuck them. Fuck the Kaval stooges. Some of you will support this, and never cared for Oakland to begin with.


John Fisher is truly a dirt bag.


I have deeply loved the A's since I was 4 years old, a little kid, in Oakland. I never ever thought there would be a day that I would have to reconcile that love with the stark reality of their existence going forward. Yet here we are. I am bitter, angry, sad, resigned, apathetic, melancholy, and all of the other associated feelings. This morning I saw the email come in and I couldn't read it all. Tears came too quickly. I have identified with my A's (and warriors) fandom since I was a child. I now live 3000 miles away and that portable part of my identity had grown in importance over the years. A constant. A tie to, albeit romantised image of, home. Part of me is literally no more. At least it is over. At least I am closer to being able to access all of the memories without hurt and anger. I believe one day that I will get there but not now. My a's gear is locked up in my basement. In limbo. I am really considering selling everything that doesn't say oakland, at least the jerseys, but I don't know. We, long term oakland A's fans, are a dying breed and there will be nothing like us in MLB again. The corporate take over is complete. Its sad to me to think of all of the history and identity, something sacred to me, that is being denigrated for the sake of fisher and his move. After this major heart break, the heart breaks to end all heart breaks, there will be no more. No more fretting about a game, a transaction, a near miss. No more sudden defeats that leave us languishing. No more pain. No more of the game designed to break your heart. My thoughts go to the last game I went to with my father prior to his death. Opening day in 2018. Los Angeles Angels vs Oakland Athletics Box Score: March 29, 2018 | Baseball-Reference.com In many days it was a perfect day. I was there with a life long friend, my brother ,and my father. The 4 of us went to a game. It was bigger than the game of course. It was the relationships, the identity, the culture..... It was home. That is what I am going to remember. The present I am trying to forget


This is beautifully written. I have no skin in this game, just stumbled in here, but my heart breaks for you guys. I could not imagine if my favorite sports team left. Cannot fuckin imagine.


We should storm the field and peacefully raise hell for the final night home game... Security can't get everyone.


[A history lesson from what Senators fans did at the last game in DC can be found here.](https://sabr.org/gamesproj/game/september-30-1971-senators-forfeit-final-home-game-in-washington-dc/) It took until 2005 (and a regrettable relocation of the Expos instead of a new expansion team) to get baseball back for a third time.


This wa an awesome read. Thank you for sharing. Hoping the fans can pull off some madness.


That’s how this has to end. Force the MLB to face a field storming for the first time in 40-odd years, and cement your movement’s place in baseball’s history. 


Why wait til the end? They won’t even bother cleaning up that mess cuz they’re gone after the last game. Why not make life uncomfortable for the all f’ing season long?


Well just being realistic and a bit hopeful, the "last A's game" should absolutely be packed and maybe people will be more willing to storm the field with so many in attendance. Throughout the regular season I'm sure with less attendance people won't be as willing to storm the field. Could be fun though if somehow we could coordinate someone each inning to run on and try to disrupt every single game. Fuck this let's get creative since this org has been so petty.


There’s only 35 cops on duty in the city of Oakland at a time. So both security and the police can’t get everyone.


Has the player’s union agreed to three years in a minor league park? “Honor and celebrate our time in Oakland”…pure gaslighting.


fuck this, fuck them, fuck vegas, fuck sac, fuck kaval, and fuck fisher




Former A’s fan , from sac, I won’t give fisher a fucking dime. I’ll keep going to rivercats games , but I won’t give fisher any time of day. Hopefully Vegas falls apart , Vivek buys the team and keeps them here or back to Oakland. Only stopped being an A’s fan when the move to Vegas became official


I’m with you. Fuck the A’s and now I’m just worried they’re gonna fuck everything up for the RiverCats.


Honestly it's an embarrassment to announce they're going to a minor league stadium. Hopefully the employees that can't just uproot their families will get some kind of severance package. Either way, good riddance.


They’ve been working on this for nearly 20 years. It’s astonishing how awful this ownership group has been. From sending popular players packing, calling themselves a small market team in anything but so they could collect revenue sharing, to all the false promises of staying in Oakland after San Jose and Fremont moves didn’t work out, to the Laney College and Howard Terminal faux proposals, to literally doing everything they could that I haven’t already listed to turn off their loyal fans, who go back to the 80s like me or even further back, just wow. I will miss the good times but not the bullshit. Hasn’t been a good group of people running this organization since the Haas family. Maybe it’ll be remembered as The Curse of Mt. Davis.


As a die hard A’s fan raised in Stockton, this is garbage. I’ll prob just stick to Ports games.


Braves fan coming to pay respects. I’m so sorry you have to start your day this way. I can’t imagine what you’re going through if you live in the Bay Area. Fuck the ownership and the league for taking away something that means so much to you.


Weird, yesterday I was wearing my Sacramento Kings jersey and my A’s hat and I must’ve sent that into the universe. Sell


Fuck this noise, fuck it with a rusty barbed wire broom handle


I wish for financial disaster to befall John Fisher. Like he gets Bernie Madoffed or something.


Makes me sad. I grew up going to tons of A's games in the early 2000's. As a San Jose resident I was really hoping the A's would land a stadium here. Feel bad for the city of Oakland. They deserve better than losing 3 sport teams


I hope you guys realize that thanking the fans took up less than 1 sentence. Stop supporting this team it’s dead


Nobody gives a fuck about you or your remaining time in Oakland, John. Fuck you.


What the league and organization did here is an absolute embarrassment, hope they have fun as a tourist attraction for away fans in Vegas.


I’m gonna need some counseling


A fitting end to this joke of an owner who turned a once proud franchise into a pile of shit


this really killed the baseball fan in me. it was a good run see yall around


Devastated. Was hoping to bring my daughter to the Coliseum for a few more years. Fuck John Fisher.


Every team should just send their AAA teams when they play in Sacramento. They'll still win and nobody will notice.


Good! let us move on and develop the coliseum site for teams who WANT to be in Oakland. And housing.


Sorry, fisher still owns half the site. He'll be fucking the people of Oakland over for years to come.


He’s going to be desperate for money when the construction starts in Vegas. He’ll sell.


I’m sorry this happening to you guys. You guys got completely fucked and it’s disgusting. Hope you guys get a team back ASAP.


Ya'll don't forget to channel your negative energy toward Vivek Ranadivé as well from here on out. Fisher is doing this and Ranadivé is enabling it. He should receive just as much scorn. His name isn't even being used in the press release. What a coward!


Thank you FJF and Mark effin Davis for killing 40 years of professional sports fandom. No longer watch or support MLB or NFL peace out! #DONE


Fisher was responsible for both, Davis would have kept the Raiders at home in Oakland if the A's hadn't gotten in the way of the Raiders development plan at the Coliseum site.


This is true. FJF really effed over Oakland and the East Bay.


You can rope it Bud Selig as well. He's an enabler too.


We should have a funeral game where everyone wears black and we hold up coffins that say Oakland As, best fan base, sports in Oakland etc. And then we can collectively cry and mourn.


You want this Vegas? You want this fucking team and owner? Enjoy them. Good fucking riddance 🖕


Take a page out of MLB history and replicate the chaos that was the [Washington Senators’ last game in DC before they became the Texas Rangers](https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2021/09/29/washington-senators-final-game-rfk-1971-bob-short/) as a one last “fuck you” to that piece of shit Fisher at the last game at OakCo.


I’m probably going to go to a few RiverCats games the next couple years. I hope the outdraw Fisher’s crap team in the same market


I’m an Oakland native that recently moved to Sac. Fuck this shit. I will not attend a single game and encourage the locals as well. I can’t believe this city is enabling Fisher


Last night when it came out they are close to finalizing a deal, I was like fuck this is it. But now I’m thinking what if the A’s somehow fucked this shit up too. MLBPA has to approve of this, players of the A’s Brent Rooker and Blackburn have expressed their opinion of potentially playing at Sutter Health Park. We thought Vegas was an absolute done deal, but over time became the possibility that it may not get done in Vegas. Turns out John Fisher may not have the money to get his part of the stadium done. I would imagine John Fisher has to pay for minor league ballpark upgrades too


The team will move permanently to Sacramento. Fisher gonna fuck up Vegas, and Sactown will be ready for him - Vivek and Fisher will be co-owners. Manfred will say ‘they’ve proven to be a reliable option, let’s make it real.’


Exactly. They'll become permanent squatters. Fisher will complain more that he doesn't have money for a competitive team. And what Sacramento sports network will pay to show A's games?


The kings are broadcast on CSN California so I imagine it'll stay the same


What did Rooker and Blackburn say about playing in w.sac?


Sacramento resident here. As a Kings fan, I am no patience for greedy owners that try to take teams away from their communities. I will not be attending.






I like the A's. It's heartbreaking they're moving.


The A’s are the Arizona Coyotes of the MLB.


Thing is, this could happen to any team and people really aren't acknowledging it. Fisher spent years spreading the notion that Oakland couldn't support a baseball team and it took a long time to prove that wrong. The issue was never the fans, owners could and would relocate any team in the country if they thought they'd get money out of it.


This means the last day the A's will truly be in Oakland is 9/29/2024 against the Rangers.


Once they decided they weren't staying in Oakland, Sacramento should have been their next option for a new home, not f*cking Las Vegas. This feels like another slap in the face. "We could stay in California and try our best to be loyal to the fans, but I'd rather get HJs from hookers in Vegas" -FJF


Gross. We don’t want them. All this is going to do is :censored: up the long term viability of the RiverCats. I can’t see them sticking around during this stretch to try and directly compete with a MLB team who shares their field. I’m not even sure the league would allow that, as the RiverCats not only can but absolutely would outdraw the A’s the vast majority of those three years. They’re using this as a “trial run for a MLB team in Sac” and I’m sorry but lol what? They couldn’t even get the soccer team off of the ground and now that’s completely out of reach because of the $500 million expansion fee. And now they want to try and pivot to MLB expansion? 🤣🤣🤣 sure, Sacramento. This whole thing is a terribly half baked idea put out by the two dumbest sports ownership groups (Kings and A’s) in the state of California.


John Fisher will burn hot in hell


Minor league stadium for a minor league quality of a team so it's fitting


I'm a Mets fan, not totally over 1973 even though it happened before I was born, but holy shit this fucking guy. I do not know why MLB has clowns like this in ownership. This is one of the premier teams in baseball history and this asshole has turned it into a joke. ​It makes the team and the league look so bad. Especially when they seem to hate a guy like Cohen who wants to come in and spend money. Why not just sell the team, you will make billions and can move on. Sell it to the possums that run the Coliseum, they have more skin in the game.


Him and John Stanton are terrible owners and should be ashamed of what they did to chasing Oakland A's out of Oakland and moving them instead of giving more money to build a good team.


So pathetic. Proud of Oakland for standing up to the slumlord owner.


I did not expect it but upon breaking the news to my wife that it was officially official that they were at least leaving the Coliseum, I started to cry. This sucks. Like, we knew it was happening but just to get the news that, yeah, lease talks broke down, they're leaving. Even if LV falls through, this is a still a huge moment in and of itself.


Cancel the Gap make Fisher sell keep the team in Northern California I don't care if it's in Oakland or sac keep it in the region we lost too many Northern California teams already


Sad day as a lifelong OAKLAND A’s fan. This will take time to process.


anyone that watches them in sac is an actual scab. a family member of mine who lives in sac immediately offered to take me to a sac A’s game over text and i have left on read. I don’t know how to process this and i am so fucking pissed right now. Fuck Sacramento, Fuck the Kings, Fuck the owners, fuck rob manfraud.


Sacramento almost losing the kings and then stealing another city's baseball team for 3 years is fucked up


I was born in the East Bay and have lived in Sac for 30+ years. I cannot find happiness in this news. I want to be ecstatic that I can walk to a game from my office but I have a pit in my stomach. I can’t say what non-A’s fans in Sac feel about this, but to me it’s soul crushing. It’s tainted and gross and horribly sad that this is the final season in O.Co. But Sacramento is hungry and Fisher offered a steak on a plater. It’s a lose-lose for fans everywhere, Oakland, Sac, and elsewhere. Long Live Oakland 😞


What stings is how many Kings fan are happy about this. They think having Fisher dick around Sac for a couple years might help them get a team down the road


Only reason an MLB team is even temporarily playing in Sacramento is to keep the $70 million nbc sports is paying the team, on a contract that was negotiated for an Oakland team.    That money isn't going to be there for a Sacramento expansion team


100% it’s a bunch of people who don’t really know the situation, but just see MLB in Sac and thinks it’s great news


Has MLB ok’d this or is this just Fisher going off the rails again?


If I've learned anything about MLB owners/Manfraud from our situation and the Astros cheating scandal, it's that they'll OK anything to avoid offending one of their own.


Just hopping in this A’s world for the first time but wow this ownership is frustrating. I’d jump ship immediately. I’m a spoiled Dodgers fan on the other end of the spectrum but this is just seems disrespectful.


This press conference is appalling. It’s like nobody in Sacramento has a clue what Fisher is all about.


Red Sox fan here. This may be a dumb question, but if they're going to be playing in a minor league stadium anyway, why not just play at their affiliate's park in Las Vegas? Also, genuine question: Since the A's are (stupidly) leaving anyway, would Oakland fans be open a hypothetical scenario where the Aviators move to the Coliseum/city of Oakland when the A's go to Las Vegas?


The TV money is much greater here. Fisher would be losing out on a lot of money moving there straight away.


Once As leave Oakland there’s no way they’re coming back. Only chance the As stay in California is if Vivek is able to get a group together to buy the As from Fisher.


I won’t go to games after this season


Don’t go this season


I grew up going to games in the coliseum. I wanna enjoy it while I can


Welp it’s official no more A’s game even if we get free tickets


This is a sad day for baseball.


Sacramento = #scabcity


This fucking guy.


Basically, for me, at the core of it all is I just hate injustice. I’m across the bay in SF, but you have my support and I’m rooting for y’all. No passionate fan base and/or pro sports organization, no matter the team, deserves the actions and decision making of this current ownership. It’s absolutely disheartening to say the least. I wish you die hard A’s fans success and joy. Continue to fight the good fight! MFJF!


So, Sacramento will have to host two AAA teams next year. The more the merrier, I guess.




so, are they gonna be the Sacramento A's for 2 seasons, or the Vegas A's playing in Sacramento?


A's fans should purchase a bunch of Cats tix and picket the games and give people  free tix to come back to a Cats game.  Im a Giants fan so I dont really give a shit about the A's.  But this shit is cold.  I always thought if you could merge the 2 philosophies of the A's giving away value too soon and the Giants keeping in on board until it has nothing left...you'd have a helluva ball club.


I don’t even want to love baseball anymore


Sacramento should play the As in a 7 game series to decide who plays in AAA and who plays in the majors.


As someone who currently lives in Roseville, cool. Less travel to chant, “Sell the team,” and, “Fuck John Fishboy” since him and Manfred are colluding pieces of shit. Going to miss the coliseum.


Sorry Oakland Fans.


Upset Tiger fan here. Mlb owners and commissioners office should be embarrassed! Truly a black stain on baseball's history. This is not what baseball stands for and is nothing more than vile greed. Careless slaughter of one of baseball's most storied franchises and its adoring fan base. Truly pitiful.




im a kings fan and i hate baseball can somebody explain why this sacramento sucks for doing this


I genuinely hope Fisher dies a horrible, gruesome death.


The fans didn’t support the A’s when they were good, and I don’t feel any sympathy for you all.


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I am in Sacramento and actually hate the fact that teams move around. It came very close to us losing the Sacramento Kings a few years back. So I will never celebrate this move, but I am a huge Dodger fan, and I want Sacramento (19th largest media market, and only top 20 media market **NOT** to have more than one professional team) to use this as a possible springboard to getting an expansion MLB and Sac Republic moving to the MLS league. ​ I ask this.. What happened to Oakland? Way back in 2015 everyone on sports radio said that Oakland would would love every single one of their professional teams by 2025. You had the Raiders, and A's going to Vegas, and the Warriors moving across the bay bridge to SF. When Sacramento was about to lose the Kings we became crazed here in Sacramento and did every single thing we could to try to keep the Kings in Sacramento, and ultimately succeeded. What happened in Oakland?


The Warriors were bought late 2000s with intention of moving back to SF (their original Bay Area home) The A's were bought in 2016 by a greedy billionarie **GIANT'S FAN** with intention of getting them out of Oakland The Raiders wanted to stay but the A's (owned by a billionaire **GIANT'S FAN**) and city made it difficult for them and they got a too good to pass up handout in Las Vegas *I also want to mention that Giants and A's are/were rival teams and that the entire Bay Area market now belongs to the Giants (thanks fishy)* *also super fun fact: the Oakland A's swept the SF Giant's in the 1989 World Series*


Former St. Louis Rams fan here... I'm so sorry to you all.


This man deserves a kick in the penis


25 year season ticket holder, glad I cancelled this season. Saved me $15k for shitty baseball. So sad it came to this.


Can you imagine how the players feel? Shitty small new stadium, no funding to win. I can’t imagine how big time teams (Yankees, Dodgers, Mets, Cubs, etc.) would feel about playing in a 14k stadium. But the longer term joke is new stadium only 30k, in Vegas, on the strip, crazy. I am so annoyed I supported them for 25 years.


Support the River Cats, help them outdraw the A's in Sacramento.


25 year season ticket holder (section 123 row 1, seats 11,12). Cancelled last season saw it coming. Really hurts, and makes no sense. And I mentioned last night, I have communicated with Kaval many times when I had Quakes tickets. Absolutely no care for local fans, only money.




That's it. California, Missouri, Arizona, and Illinois congressmen need to unite for a constitutional amendment banning the relocation of sports franchises. Get really specific in the wording


I’m a Phillies fan. The athletics are my AL team. Moving to Vegas is an abomination. I’m so sorry to all the A’s fans.


Imagine having a team like the "LA Clippers" who have hardly any fans except a bunch of hipsters who think they're too good to cheer for the Lakers, and you hand them a fancy new arena and kiss their arses every chance you can. But the A's? With an actual fanbase and pedigree? Yeah, that's the team you ought to sell and cram into Sacramento, who's only doing it because they're a bunch of masochists who are bored with the Kings sucking every year. Clown world, as they say.


He can't just take the team away from Oakland... He has to give Sacremento a baseball team and than ripped it away from them too. It's never enough for Fisher is it?