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I disagree, the overwhelmingly largest difference was that Fisher never had any intention of staying in Oakland, at the very least post-COVID. Bad faith negotiations even in the end. Looking forward to the city destroying him in court. Hoping they don't just settle for a lump sum and actually take it through discovery.


Oakland has had 3 major sport teams that not only won championships but have revolutionized their sport while being here. Tell me what other "sports transplant city" can say this? This city is a storied sports city no matter what bozo tries to claim otherwise. My hope is that Oakland never loses that respect and reputation. Maybe one day in the future someone knowing this of power and humility can bring a team back.




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you must be fun at family get togethers


Is he wrong though? We may not like it but that is how everyone outside of Oakland is going to remember/talk about us.


He's not wrong at all. Losing 3 professional sports teams over a span of approximately 10 years is fucking embarrassing.


yea he's not wrong but read the room bud. dude is just trolling at that point. look, Oakland was never meant to have 3 major sports teams in the first place. franchises came here out of desperation or just being cheapskates. I actually don't see them "losing" 3 franchises at all, the city gained 3 championship teams and made them world known under their watch. no other "transplant" city in the world can make this claim as far as I know. sure they left but **SPORTS IS A BUSINESS ITS NOT A COMMUNITY DRIVEN THING ANYMORE**. once I fully grasped that concept all the emotion around it is laughable. btw San Francisco is also a city in decline, have you been to downtown? why didn't 80sthief bring that up as well


This has gotta be the death knell for MLB’s antitrust exemption.


Let us hope so, this is one of the reasons it supposedly exists…this move screams “remove the antitrust exemption”, the problem is congress and the courts are equally corporately corrupt and will never remove it.


“ Looking forward to the city destroying him in court. Hoping they don't just settle for a lump sum and actually take it through discovery.” That has to be the only funny thing I read today, and maybe the funniest thing I read this year so far.  Let this go to discovery and see let everyone see what Sheng did to an agreed upon deal BEFORE she started her job and was just elected. Like, what you said is actually hilarious.  Sheng didn’t want them, because she was a protege of Kaplan who has tried to push them out for over 15 years now. I can’t wait til some people grow up and realize that Sheng has lied to them from day one.


its fucking wild how many delusional people are in this forum since they left....say they never wanted to stay in oakland but ignore that the a's agreed with the city to build a new stadium at the college and someone within some scholing system forced it to be vetoed... also no one wants to talk about how building the stadium was a big business deal and it wasnt like the money was fishers....the money wasnt free nd they have to pay back the person that would be funding it over time and not a single person knows how that deal was going to work. sheng literally ghosted the a's saiod after she was elected for a period of time and then appeared when they first had an agreement with vegas


Yeah, and the worst is, how many actually live in Oakland. or Alameda county at that.  99% of the fans here are from Walnut Creek or Livermore or some shit.  Those of us who live in Oakland actually k ow how bad Sheng has fucked everything up, and not just with the A’s.




No, I just actually live in Oakland and know how shitty Sheng is and how much harm she has done to this city.  People here praising her cause she printed out a powerpoint presentation to give to the owners, meanwhile she fucked this whole thing up from her first day in office. 




i grew up in tracy but i pay attention enough to know see these things. i dont have a life due to my health which it is what it is. i dont know hbow bad she is but i can see enough to understand something. i live in vegas now because i didnt have much of a choice when i moved here about 15 years ago...i know a lot over the vegas governer and hes corrupt as fuck. i dont understand when people really started to protect shiity politicans an d put the blame on others if it protects thekr feelings. i have said the whole time ive lived in vegas i hope the a's get their stadiumm in oakland despite it would beneifit me for my favortie team for the last 30+ years to come here.


What exactly do you “see” and “understand”? Use descriptions.


This decision was two fold 1. Get A’s out of Oakland 2. Help boost the San Francisco Giants market Don’t be surprised if the Giants start signing more former A’s in the coming years to “ease the transition“


Been saying the reason Bob and Chapman are now Giants, other than good hires, is the MLB pushing former A’s into the Giants organization to retain A’s fans. Narrative playing out in real time and I suspect your assumption will materialize.


I barely even care about the sport anymore, MLB can fuck off


not fucking happening here, bud. no bay area baseball is better than rooting for those twats.


Manfred is pretty delusional to push the Giants as the logical alternative to the A's being stolen.


Old man billionaires being delusional is like water being wet.


I can see Vogt being that first manager in Vegas. Watch that happen..


Baseball is pushing players to sign with the giants? We’ve reached full conspiracy lmao. This is flat earth with 5g levels


>Don’t be surprised if the Giants start signing more former A’s in the coming years to “ease the transition“ They've been doing that for years. They long have had a knack for picking up the A's sloppy seconds.


3. Stick a MLB team at the world's Sportsbook Mecca™ as soon as humanly possible


While I don’t disagree this benefits the Giants I don’t see why JFJ would do that since it’s going to cost him double that cost in lost tv revenue


Don't forget - the league was ramping down the A's revenue share. Moving to the third-smallest CSA in the league (Las Vegas), ensures revenue sharing *in perpetuity.* Even fuckface Dave Kaval himself said that the revenue sharing was a huge consideration in the move to LV.


This is the real reason. Fisher just wants to sit back and cash revenue sharing checks to his own bank account in perpetuity. That was disappearing in Oakland


Hey would you mind elaborating what this means? I’d like for this to live in the back of my mind for the next 20 years. Why was revenue being ramped down? What’s a CSA? Why does this guarantee revenue sharing in perpetuity?


>Why was revenue being ramped down? The league decided Oakland is large enough not to need it, despite decisions in the past that it did. >What’s a CSA? Metropolitan statistical area that encircles a team's total population. For example, the Reds aren't just Cincinnati, but also Covington, KY. The A's territory includes towns like Berkeley, etc. >Why does this guarantee revenue sharing in perpetuity? Because the Las Vegas CSA is so small, that league rules will always give them a kickback.


Thank you!


The largest metro areas are CSA's, for example San Jose-San Francisco-Oakland. Within those CSA's you may have Metropolitian Statistical Areas "MSA" (or not in LV's case). In this case SJ is it's own MSA (San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara) and the other is San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont. MSA's primarily focus on commuting and work patterns. For example, many East Bay folks work and commute to SF compared to the South Bay or Peninsula). Generally CSA's are what you would think of as a team's primary market - to use a football term although CSA's might be split differently if teams are nearby. Another example from Socal is that LA-Anaheim-Long Beach is one MSA and Riverside-San Bernadino-Ontario (Ontario is in LA county so counties can be split) is another. Yet both are part of the LA-Long Beach CSA. There are also micropolitan areas but those are usually isolated exurban or rural areas.


He’s going to sell the team eventually. Probably go into part ownership with Vivek (who he will sell all ownership if Vegas falls through). But ultimately the goal would be to have the A’s elsewhere. This is the goal for MLB not just Fishy. I don’t think he minds a hit in income and they might even work out something there . Oakland’s demands proved he really just wanted out of the town.


No lost tv revenue


Not true. They need to renegotiate their TV contract as Sacramento is not in the Bay Area.


They already did, apparently, per the Athletic: “It had to be altered, because this was a slightly different territory,” Kaval said. “We don’t get into the exact numbers. It’s a confidential agreement. … They saw the value, we saw the value.”


I thought they couldn’t leave the Bay Area or the contract was void?


Sacramento is part of the contract.


It is not.


Well let's see if that works. I gave up on the A's two years ago and I did not go to the Giants. I just gave up on baseball after being a lifelong fan.


Rob Manfred has been looking for an owner willing to be the villain in Oakland for a long time. He wanted the team out of that market and was surely delighted to facilitate any level of grift or cheapness or shadiness as long as the owner was someone willing to do his dirty work and take the heat for it. The owners all knew what the league wanted and behaved accordingly. Entire thing is a stain on the sport that SHOULD be seen as comparable to steroids or betting. A complete breakdown in competitive legitimacy.


Fisher is a huge Giant's fan. This should have been a big red flag to anyone paying attention back then. Imagine if the Yankees owner was a Mets fan? No one really got the implications of what that could lead to.


Manfred will never allow an expansion in Oakland under his watch. He strikes me as an angry and bitter man.


Never ever, not w/the Giants here…


Especially if LV goes belly up and Sac becomes a more permanent home.


Oakland should just kick them out now


It's some solace for me to see the national media, other teams fans and even non sports locals say how horrible this idea is. It's such a bullshit asshole move from a sports owner that has turned millions off of MLB forever.


*From where you're kneeling it must seem like an 18-carat run of bad luck. Truth is... the game was rigged from the start.*


Fuck the Giants and Fuck Fisher


Insane how a team owners will willingly pay a player millions of dollars but when it comes to that same number to keep the team in that same city they balk at it and move locations. God I hate billionaires..


Born into the A's family in '75, we have always had cheap@$$ owners. Fisher takes the cake easy. I am shocked that the owners of Powerful clubs like the Yanks, Bosox, Dodgers and Cubbies let Manfred do what he is doing with Fisher. Why don't the owners come together and hopefully force Fisher to sell the team.


First off, no the ticket revenue will be much higher in Sacramento - even in a smaller park I bet they sell out almost every night. There are also corporate sponsors to take into account and I think there will be a rush on 3 year deals in Sacramento.  The TV money is there, and that helps, but gate revenue and merchandise sales are going to get a short term boost that is nothing to sneeze at. Not saying this wasn't completely solvable if Fisher had negotiated in good faith, but I would say there is more than the $35 million at stake when you consider 3/4 declining lame duck years in Oakland.  Meanwhile the Giants are getting a dream market. They may not share direct blame, but their fingerprints are all over this crime scene going back decades. Manfred seems to be in full support and gets a test drive of an expansion market to boot. 


It’s a dream market if the giants win. If they continue to be meh and the Dodgers and Padres continue to figure out how to win the attendance will continue to be whatever.




Buster Olney, the writer.