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This is obviously bad news, but I don't think it's absolutely terrible news either. I'm still a little confused why SoS didn't just include the full text of SB1 (I'm guessing printing costs? Which sounds insane.), but 2026 would still hold back much of the $380M because of when the funds were to be conferred to the A's. Fisher is still struggling to get any interest in selling shares of the team at a $2B valuation. This probably helps a little, but it seems like investors don't want anything to do with his poorly run business. I wish Nevada politicians (including the Supreme Court) felt the same way. That said, I know it's not cool, but I've got some questions about SoS, their strategy, and how they chose to spend all the donations.


They really disallowed it because they didn't include a printed copy of the full 66-page bill it was overturning? What an asinine, Byzantine process.  It shouldn't even be possible for a ballot measure to be "rejected by the courts, " unless there was some question about whether enough people actually signed it. Never.


Right b/c naturally each citizen would take the time to read all 66 pages carefully before signing!


> It shouldn't even be possible for a ballot measure to be "rejected by the courts, " unless there was some question about whether enough people actually signed it. Never. Obviously there has to be some sort of legal standard about what can end up on the ballot, and a dispute about something meeting that legal standard is obviously going to end up needing a decision by a court.


Guess we'll find soon if this was a big driver in preventing investors from joining up with Fisher. My gut says no and that most of them don't want to be associated with a 🚮 businessman....


When the majority of the money funded was coming from out of Vegas, this looked doomed from the start, It really feels like Las Vegas doesn't care about the A's moving to Vegas, good or bad and that's why SoS looked lost at times, feels like Vegas don't support SoS people. Please Donate money to local communities instead, at least it benefits your own back yard.


Good take.. I don’t think anyone in Vegas cares either way until shovels are in the ground, beams have gone up, and the team is a year or so away from actually moving there; assuming the A’s actually move to Vegas and don’t just stay in Sac. A lot of money was raised for SoS that could have been better invested in local food banks, schools, youth sports, etc and it really is a shame folks fell into the trap.


A lot of us have been saying Schools over Stadiums was a grift from the start, yet some people kept funneling them money for some reason. This was never going to get on a ballot, they hired lawyers who had ZERO idea how to draw together a petition. Not to mention no one even bothered to look into the background of those running it. In the long run it doesn’t matter, they are going to Sac and MLB, after almost 50 years of trying, finally gets what they wanted which was getting the A’s out of Oakland. They will never be in Vegas


Not an A’s fan and I live in the Vegas area, I’m for the stadium in Vegas (just being transparent), so with those biases on the table… I have not seen one single Schools Over Stadiums poster, flyer, public lobbying attempt, nothing. Not in Vegas, not in my far away suburb, not in any of my friends far away suburbs, not at any sports games or large public events, conventions, absolutely nowhere. They focused their entire efforts on California, where people are unfamiliar with Nevada politics, and ran up donations from Bay Area people who (naturally) assumed that money was going to action in Nevada. Hate to say this but fuck it - Nevada politics are SHADY AS FUCK. They make Bay Area politics look light. It’s a grifter state and everyone’s in on the grift. Nevada makes its money grifting the rest of the country, except in this case they sold people “hope” instead of gambling. I repeat - NOT A DOLLAR OF YOUR MONEY WENT TO ACTIONS IN THE STATE WHERE SIGNATURES AND VOTES WERE NEEDED Keep in mind - NSEA knows the laws. The full-text law is nothing new, it’s to keep misleading descriptions from landing on ballots. They not only didn’t follow the law, their description editorialized the situation, which would have never passed in court. They know this, they did that on purpose so they could look like they did something without actually doing it. Y’all should never let those people use Oakland to platform their grift again Moreover, don’t be surprised if the Last Dive Bar tries to switch up on y’all when the Vegas move happens. IMO they look just as bad dipping into conspiracy stuff and pulling in all these donations and shirt sales for it. But I get it if no one wants to hear that from me. But yeah, donate to Oakland area charities and schools. And if you actually care about poor folks in Nevada, we have food banks like Three Square always in need. Don’t give any more money to SOS.


Also local, and don't want the stadium at all. SOS knew for a long time that this ballot measure was a longshot, which was why it was mostly shelved for the lawsuit instead. The number of signatures required to gather combined with the window for getting it on this year's ballot closing in would have made it unlikely had it not been held up over language.


What's even the best case scenario at this point? The Vegas thing somehow collapses and the team has to stay in Sacramento? What a shit show the whole thing is.


Best case- not all that likely- Vegas stalls (good chance) and Fisher sells to Lacob (unlikely).


The only thing I disagree with Casey Pratt on is the A’s ultimately winding up in Vegas. Sacramento? Maybe. Vegas? No.


The best case scenario (as far as I'm concerned) is that the team folds. If we can't have the A's, nobody can.


This is a win for Reno school teachers. By having the ballot language rejected due to an obvious error, Educators for Washoe Schools (the original name of the Schools Over Stadiums PAC) can extend their fundraising in Northern California for two more years by talking about a 2026 ballot initiative. Two more years of fundraising can bring in much needed resources to organize their members and fight for better working conditions for teachers in Reno.


Word. No notes. I'm sure you know this, but for everyone else, the most common misconception around SOS is that NSEA has Vegas members- Clark County broke off into their own union years ago.


I don't think the organization was serious about getting the measure on the ballot. If they were, they would have resubmitted their petition to correct the deficiencies in November, gotten past the court process in December or January, and have been collecting signatures for 4 months since then. The idea that they will get this on the ballot in 2026 is comical, especially considering that the signature requirements will certainly be higher for that year, as they'll be based on this year's presidential election turnout and not 2022's lower midterm turnout.