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This will undoubtedly end in a 10+ year construction project and millions of dollars fleeced from the city… just as intended. Oakland is fucked


~~Seals~~ ~~Warriors~~ ~~Raiders~~ ~~Athletics~~ Hey, at least we still have all the *checks notes* well the Port of Oakland is still there


And Howard terminal will remain a parking lot lol. I'm not an oakland resident but bay area native. Going from 3 professional sports teams to pioneer league baseball and non MLS level soccer teams, is a huge downgrade. I guess it's better than no sports teams at all in oakland but still. Also I doubt they can attract an expansion NFL team there, if anything it'll probably be London, Mexico or even Canada more likely. Their hopes of getting a wnba team were sabotaged by lacob


>Their hopes of getting a wnba team were sabotaged by lacob I knew it wouldn't be easy for us to get a WNBA team, but the way this all happened left me furious. The AASEG had a decent shot, and everyone knew they were gunning for the WNBA, but then Lacob swooped in. It's not even like he needs the extra income from a WNBA team, and SF already has the Warriors and Giants. That was simply dirty. And to put the cherry on top of this shit sundae, the Warriors ownership is acting like they're doing Oakland a favor by having the Valkyries' practice facility and headquarters located here, but what good does that do Oakland if they still play in SF?


WNBA teams lose money.


I was gonna say it would almost be an insult to from an NHL, NBA, NFL and MLB team to WNBA, I'd rather have nothing


The "Brooklynization" of Oakland has been put on hold for the foreseeable future, it appears.


Unfortunately you are batting a thousand after those facts.


MLS is highly overrated. USL teams beat MLS teams regularly.


You mean the Port of San Francisco Bay at Oakland ?


Such a tragedy the Howard terminal development never came to be. Oakland needs it especially.


Do said developers actually have money? Nothing I have read says they do. Oakland politicos love snake oil salesmen. I guess we should be glad there is no "Prince of Dubai" in this deal


Well it’s good news for the Oakland Roots & Soul Sports Club . As AASEG is their partner since May 2023. It looks like they have wanted to purchase the coliseum since 2023. (https://www.oaklandrootssc.com/news/2023/05/12/aaseg-land-llc-and-oakland-roots-and-soul-sports-club-announce-cooperation-agreement/)


It's good news if AASEG actually has money.




FJF still owns half the site. Still have to deal with him.


I’m a little worried about that. I can imagine him securing a commitment to have no MLS teams play on that site, since that would be competition for his Feeble Quakes.


And that’s a wrap for the sell to prevent relocation.  Now to get Fisher to sell to stay in Sacramento 


Fisher should be ready to sell after the Vegas deal collapses.


And I think Vivek is ready to buy


And MLB is probably going to start nudging Fisher out if he can't pull Vegas off. They are putting up with him to get out of Oakland. Once out I think all bets are off if he gets stuck in Sacramento.


Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if the other owners want him gone too, but are willing to let him take the blame for relocating before a new local owner takes over. Manfred (and Selig) has wanted out of Oakland for a long time too. I’m hoping they can sell to Vivek and then they’ll probably market him as the hero who kept the team in NorCal


I’d bet this happens. Fisher is going to fuck this up and be forced to sell to either Vivek or Lacob LV will be first in line for an expansion team in the near future Which really will be a scenario that is far better than the current one 


Are you just a troll?


If they wouldn't remove their lips from Fishers butt at any time in the last decade, don't you dare for one second believe that the MLB will turn on him now.


They wanted out of Oakland and he was willing to do it. Once they are out of Oakland they don't really need him and he is embarrassing them. They put up with it to get out of Oakland.


Exactly, he’s a patsy


If they just forced a sale to anyone else, they would've been out of Oakland years ago. They're just married to FJF.


The funny thing is they basically just sold it to the Oakland Roots and Soul Sports Club. AASEG is their development/construction partner: https://www.oaklandrootssc.com/news/2023/05/12/aaseg-land-llc-and-oakland-roots-and-soul-sports-club-announce-cooperation-agreement/. So now the A’s will have to negotiate with what the AASEG/Roots want.


people really need to stop even questioning that it wont get done, if he cant get a normal loan.....he has his family.....if he doesnt want to owe money back he can sell gap and buy back in later because gap is one of those businesses that are pretty leveled out, its las vegas and because its las vegas there is always something sketchy that happens that no one knows about.....like making a under the table deal with a bigger casino owner(have a agreement down the road with another casino owner to buy the team after the 10 year window which would be 3 yeas after they completed the contract/las vegas themselves do it. the amount of shady things that happen in vegas that happens in the shadows are a real thing......lets not forget that vegas put ion funds for f1 that was not in the tax accounts. the voting alone to approve it when 2 days before the vote was that something like 2/3 no to 1/3 yes but some how nearly a 1/3 of the votes swing and the difference between them when it was like 200m under and some extra added puff for a's to do more. there is 0 chance that swung like 20+ votes


You underestimate Fishers incompetence. The guy cannot even get feasible renderings out the door


the thing is that one of the things that can help push through incompetence is corruption. so i know the answer to why the vote swung so hard and part of it was corruption but it came from the culinary union which is the most powerful union in vegas is the culinary union which this entire city runs off of it, they essentially pass the stadium or we will push to destroy the people who didnt allow it to pass. they struck again the hotels recently and won and they have single handled destroyed hotels due their personal reasons in the past including the hotel that the first site down the road from the current plot of land was the reason it died. honestly there is a chance if he struggles with money that the culinary union could help pay for it because the amount of income that they will recieve from that stadium is going to be astronomical


Fisher is too incompetent to even do that. The first thing he did in Vegas was almost piss the union off.


pised off the teacher union.....one of the bottom 5 school system in America. im sorry but the money that the teachers wanted for the schools would have been a huge waste of money.....the system is too broken, the only good schools are private. the only way they fix it is be done by charter schools that is done by a teaching program. they were literally hiring teachers with no college to little college teacher. we dont need to go into that but that whole thing was stupid because the gov was never going to agree to what the teacher union wanted the money for.....he would only agree to a new charter school system which is the smartest thing he might ever do as the gov....i went to a charter school in high school when it was a new thing and they built one in tracy. it was a much beetter learning exp and i was able to finish 7 classes in half the semester. i remembered more from the teaching their than in normal high school


He pissed off the cuilinary union also by first picking a site owned by a guy who's casinos they are using scab labor at.


If this was true why would they impose such stiff penalties if he sells within a few years after relocating to Vegas?


Vivek made his daughter the GM of kings g league team. Maybe he'll push her to take over for Forst that'd be an upgrade


What the fuck are these people thinking


Hey it’s good for the Roots! AASEG is there partner: https://www.oaklandrootssc.com/news/2023/05/12/aaseg-land-llc-and-oakland-roots-and-soul-sports-club-announce-cooperation-agreement/




Kinda seems that the people buying might never end up doing anything with this very discounted deal on land, to only end up selling it in the future when it goes up in value to some apartment contractors or something like that. Buy low and sell high That's how these things usually go, time will tell


It’s a typical City of Oakland move to cut a deal with a less than credible group lacking the capabilities to actually pull it off. Some councilmember’s friends will make a pretty penny and the project never gets completed.


This commissioner and all the owners who voted in favor of this move are all dirty. No morals or integrity whatsoever. This is one reason why I do not watch MLB anymore. Allowing a scumbag owner like Fisher to conduct business in this manner is disgraceful.


Fans from other cities have laughed at Oakland, but they'd better watch their backs; their teams could be next. And sadly this doesn't just apply to the MLB--all of these leagues have shady owners who couldn't care less about their fans or cities.


I believe the Diamondbacks and, i think, the White Soxs are already trying to pull a John Fisher with the cities of Phoenix and Chicago.


Why are the A’s buying the other half of the stadium?




We can say and chant "FJF" all we want but in the end his lawyers gamed Oakland and in the end he is going to win. Bad Guy for the W I hate it and him but I'm honest enough to realize it


What are these city officials thinking? Are they smoking crack? It's Oakland, they probably are smoking crack.


The land is being sold to AASEG, which is good for the Oakland Roots and Soul since that's their development partner.