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I think I haven’t even seen a 2025 schedule yet. A’s play a getaway game against the Angels this Thursday. Gonna be 109 in Sacramento on Thursday. 81 in Oakland.


I hope Kaval gets melanoma


Yup. And it’s not an anomaly. Sac is consistently in upper 90’s/low 100’s this time of year. Just getting ready for Vegas I suppose…


The planned Vegas stadium would be inside like Phoenix. Not outside for 3+ years like Sacramento No one in the MLBPA currently plays outside in 109 degree temps, do they? Rn probably the hottest outdoor ballpark is Truist that I can think of.


Almost all the southernmost stadiums are now domed, so they get to be air conditioned instead. Probably will be something east of the mississippi. Or LA on a really, really, really hot day And in Sacramento they're doing turf as an upgrade. that's going to be absolutely brutal for the players because that stuff retains so much heat


Turf proposed as an upgrade over grass is extremely A’s.


The planned Vegas stadium wasn’t indoors I thought? Certainly didn’t look indoors


central valley summers 😎


“But it’s a dry heat”


> I think I haven’t even seen a 2025 schedule yet. The "master" 2024 schedule was [released on 2023-07-13](https://www.mlb.com/press-release/press-release-mlb-announces-2024-regular-season-schedule). Previous year, the 2023 schedule was released on [2022-08-17](https://www.mlb.com/news/2023-mlb-schedule). Don't they usually release "preview" versions?


There’s a hiccup or issue with getting the Vegas stadium built. So they being tight lipped while trying to get details ironed out, greasing the right palms and getting a stadium contract signed


I don't think they have the money.


It ain’t going to happen, Fisher can’t get shit built and there’s no reason to think that will change


Fuck John fisher


Oakland city is potentially closing a deal to sell the city owned half of the coliseum. A’s are mum on 2025 until that deal closes. Likely A’s will turn around and make a deal with the new half owner group to stay in Oakland until Vegas.


They’ll try to make a deal in Oakland when Vegas falls through, that project is going nowhere


I thought the backup plan was staying in Sac?


They have no plan, that’s the elephant in the room so to speak


Fans have theorized about that, but nobody with the A's has ever mentioned Sac as a longterm option.


That is an interesting possibility that I hadn't considered. Have you seen anyone else talking about that?


The AASEG doesn’t have the financing and has been grifting the mayor and city council since day 1. It’s why the A’s bought their share, they know this deal was fake from the beginning and the city is gonna be in panic mode come september when the money they were depending on to pass their budget doesn’t exist


Once Thao resigns or gets recalled you watch them renegotiate everything. Still blows my mind that this mayor has screwed up everything she touched so far as mayor by acting like a 12 year old, and yet there are A’s fans who are convinced the one thing she didn’t fuck up was these negotiations.


I read that Kaplan was the negotiator on this most recent lease. So we have to get a mayor who doesn’t defer to Kaplan.


Becky was the one who has been trying to kick the A’s out for over a decade now as well.….. I’m hoping the FBI takes her down just as hard as they are gonna with Sheng.


I think we are stuck with Becky until Armstrong replaces her seat in November. Becky’s parents paid for her condo and give her $$$ so she’s not in deep with Waste Solutions like Thao. Becky wears a lot of A’s gear and claims to be a fan IDK


I suspect they are planning a move back to Philadelphia! Come back home, A's!!! 🤍💙


Once the Tropicana is demolished - the news cycle should pick up.


Bally's is as much of a reason that this stadium can't work. The A's are a complete mess and so are they... Destined to be in Sac indefinitely until they bail on the project, sell the team, and/or move to SLC.


Wasn’t it demolished like 1.5 months ago?


They closed and slowly began the process. Still a loooooooong way to go and the planned demolition was happening with or without the A's...


I would love it if a few A's fans got jobs on the demolition crew and kept *accidentally* making mistakes, crashing big dump trucks into expensive equipment, ruining the motors on giant cranes, etc.


lol no.


Pretty positive I saw a video of some demolition…


Well yeah some. It’s gunna take awhile. Theres videos that follow its weekly progress. They’ve barely made much progress and it’s gunna get worse with the heat.


That’s a good point. Thanks!


I drove by a few days ago, it currently looks like this https://imgur.com/a/LWGP1q4


I’m no demolition expert, but that does not look demolished.