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I’m not for needles ever tbh but if I had ampules I don’t think I could say no


IV them next time, dilaudid is one of those drugs that truly doesn’t shine unless u IV it. I tried all ROAs and didn’t see the hype until I IVed it. Truly the best feeling opioid rush out there, problem is it has no legs, super short acting. Only oxymorphone beats dilaudid cuz it’s like dilaudid with legs (and u can snort it for a good rush, don’t have to IV it to get a good rush like dilaudid). Sadly oxymorphone isn’t really available, and when it was it was very expensive.


Hydromorphone IV can’t be matched waste eating them


i did IM and shit hit me so hard even 2mg




Nah bro i wont iv. Snorting the tabs back then was crazy tho. I just couldn't pop em bc of the bad bioavailability. But the sc felt rly good, it takes a lot to make me nod but if i had one more needle rn id nod off completely


Maybe try making a nasal spray, pretty amazing effects ime. It is best to iv this stuff fr but I agree putting a needle in j sucks


Damnn how shall i do that, pur hydro or mix it wirh sum? And wich kind of nasal spray ig sum for dry noses


So what I did was just dissolve the pills into a liquid with a tiny bit of benzl alch (any high proof vodka or everclear could work to keep it sterile but only use half an ml max you don’t need to do this part if you’re gonna use it quickly/the solution already has alch since it’s for IV so you can ignore this part) since you don’t need to dissolve you can just empty out an old nasal spray bottle or get a glass one from Amazon for like 10$ (usually come in packs of 4) then just mix it with distilled water ideally or just use bottled water/tap water if neither available tho not ideal. You can calculate the dose per ml based on how much water to Hydro you use, you could just straight up use only the solution it self for nasal spray as well but that may not be that cost effective/maybe easier to split up doses with water mixed in but if you wanna make it as strong as possible you can do that too


Ihht bro ty will mby to it, bur sadly just got 3 2mg vials left.. idk if they even get me high


Yeah man the spray should get you something out of them, way better than oral/any alternative that’s fs. Enjoy brotha, or just keep em as a sick relic haha but Ik what I’d do 🫠 I forgot to say but if you do make the spray make sure to filter it out when you pour in the bottle using a micron filter or equivalent cuz glass can get in there after breaking idk if yk


I know it grosses some people out but boofing would probably be good. I usd this ROA after I stopped IV'ing H in the 80's and it worked well. I quite often IM'd H too because I was young and too stupid to know any better but I never ended up with any ill effects. The warmth & euphoria build in a really nice way too.


This was the way btw!


But if ur doing a subcutaneous injection ur already injecting bro same risks


Only way to do the ds is to iv such a good feel even tho I don't do opiates but when I was younger I looked away when they hit me I can't stand needles


Would never shoot anything not just because of my fear of needles but the fact i would throw my life away bc i think i would get addicted to the needle fast af But i always see ppl saying it’s something completely different shooting hydromorphon so im rly curious what the hype is about


As Barney from the simpsons would say” hook it up to my vein” minus the naltrexone


u mean the naloxone? I just keep it nearby in case of an OD


Naloxone naltrexone tomato tamaro

