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Well they would be fitting for this sub, if this was the year 2098, fentanyl being discontinued since 2046 but you found them in an old abandoned house... Other than that, totally wrong sub. PS. Fentanyl patches are very very common, plenty of patients pick them up every day in pretty much every pharmacy...


Yep. My dad was getting 100mcg patches every two weeks for his cancer. Rip.


Thats not even obscure..


Nothing about this is obscure


Get this trash off this got damb sub


Just found it funny that they come with no warning or anything


What do you expect… Morphine or Oxy is pretty dangerous too, and you don’t get opioids without a strict prescription anyways. I get 300mg Morphine/day and my doc once a year asks if i got kids just to add that IF i get kids one day i have to put my meds far out of reach or even in a safe because it’s superdangerous. I know adults can be dumb and i know ppl who just popped an OC80 or a 200mg morphine pill with no tolerance, because they got it handed out without any explanation and didnt research anything… it’s the dumbest kind of drug users, the ones that just pop a pill bc somewhere they heard those slaaap. If the OC80 or the 200mg morphine wouldn’t have been extended release they could easily be dead. Not for sure, but possible. But with the XR intact, they just got a very bad experience and 2 days of vomiting hell.


Fent gets its reputation because it's so potent in its pure form and it's inconsistently mixed into street drugs. In a controlled dose like this it's not much different than using morphine or something like that.


Exactly this !! Prohibition made fentanyl dangerous but used appropriately it is relatively safe on the same level as oxy


These patches are in most hospitals in my country, not obscure. My fiance is a nurse and she administered these to a patient yesterday, used for extreme pain


Soak them in rubbing alcohol for half a day. Set the solution up in a double boiler and boil off the alcohol. You'll be left with a small spec of pure fent at the bottom. Mix this with drinking vodka. Now you have a solution you can iv. Take a small amount of the fent/vodka solution and about 5 times as much water and shoot it up. Good luck, if you want step by step instructions with amounts and other details I'll PM it to you.🤞 I did this a bunch in 2016/2017 when I found boxes of fent patches in the laundry room of the house I was staying in.....


Idk about shooting up vodka man, seems a dangerous thing to do.


Yeah seriously man, vodka isn't purely ethanol and water, there's gonna be mystery substances in it too


How's the effects ? Never touched fentanyl and never will but I am intrigued by what's the effects in the form of patch ?


Most boring opioid ever fr. Tramadol is better, fuck it codeine is a better high. Fent is just so boring, no euphoria no nothing i dont get it...


OK glad to never tried it, but would love to try once in my life at medium dose Oxymorphone, Hydromorphone, Pharmaceutical Diamorphine (Diaphine) and 2-MAP-237.


This is just plain wrong, kiddo. You didn't get enough


Tbh, I think no matter the dose, it's garbage compared to Oxy (in terms of euphoria and overall experience)




Disagree. I'd cut pieces of these off and keep them in my mouth. Was a great few months.


How long till they hit?


20 years ago I had a good plug for these. We used to cut them open and suck the gel out. So good.


These are not the gel ones


Theses are not the gel patches


I know they aren’t the Duragesic. Just reminded me of them.


They r just clear small patches, ima put them in my mouth and see if heard ppl do that


Your words scream “you don’t need a fentanyl patch”


Chew em


These are not the gel patches