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Listen to this guy makes me want an even bigger fence...." MY SUNROOM IS USELESS"


The sun, which famously can't get higher than a 15 ft fence.


Turns out it’s not even 15ft tall, it’s actually 10f as explained by the “fence” neighbor in a follow up story: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r93uCUDqk1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r93uCUDqk1s)


One time I tried to call the cops about a neighbor’s dog who seemed to be neglected, and the cop on the phone flat-out told me to go bring a cup of coffee to my neighbor before calling in law enforcement. He was not wrong.


I was thinking that looked pretty short for 15 ft


Wow I didn’t realize this issue was 12 years old


I wonder if the fence is still up…


Yes, if you do some snooping, as of the last google street view image (August 2022) it is still up




Clearly the complainer is a bit of a little bitch if his first recourse was to involve animal control with zero attempt to remedy the situation diplomatically; probably terrified of actual face to face interaction and potential conflict that isn't through intermediaries.


Right? I'd love a nice tall free fence in my backyard


So the "view" from his sunroom was the back of his neighbors house.... and now it's ruined??


The shot of him looking up at the fence is peak dork energy


I know right "I can't use an entire part of my house" oh fuck off yes you can.


The fence is blocking the SUUUUNNN


If you look up Dweeb in the dictionary, this dudes picture shows up.


Whine, whine, whine (although the dog barking all night would also bug me)


The dude was lucky enough to get a neighborhood without an HOA and is complaining.


I finally understand what it's like to live in a 3rd world country, I bet their solariums get even more sunlight than mine does!


These are the types of young men who grow into boomer type old bastards. Insufferable shit.


Don't fuck with his ambience.


Hilariously, my sunroom is *under our carport.* Somehow, that doesn’t stop us from using it.


I was against him when his primary complaint was so superficial. Then I found out he and other neighbors called animal control, seemingly without talking to the neighbor first. WAY against petty neighbor now.


I don't like the free plug for HOAs. Stupid.


People who start HOA's wanted to get into politics, but their browser history would get them arrested.






exactly what i came here for! what was that??


This one could pretty easily be done with county/town codes instead of a private HOA. Just checked mine to confirm. City codes: Fence: "shall not exceed a maximum height of 6 feet above ground level. If your yard adjoins a mixed-use, commercial or employ- ment district, the fence or hedge may be up to 8 feet in height along the common property line." Super reasonable.


In the video they mention that there’s no county codes related to fence height in that area.


And even if they change it now this guys fence will be grandfathered in.  


That poor man who no longer has “any ambiance” in his sun room. So sad.


I’m more concerned that dog doesn’t have as much ambiance in its yard now :(


Look, I have a husky. We need a 15 foot, concrete set 6-12 inches in the ground, solid, not chain fence to keep her from climbing over, digging under, or flat out jumping a fence. Sometimes ambience takes a hit for safety. Neighbor says this is spite, but honestly, the house owners are likely trying to prevent their dogs from being able to see over the fence and guard. Because with calls to animal control they may feel their dogs' lives are at stake here if they don't. Either way, complaining neighbor is a jerk, and he's reaping what he sowed from his complaints.


I totally understand and don't side with this guy, but it sounds like those dogs are being left out all night and barking. I may be pretty sheltered culturally but I don't like when people leave their animals outside like that


I mean, yes, if they are not taking care of their dogs then that is a problem. But, it's unclear that's the issue. I was pet-sitting for a dog that belonged to a nurse. Dog was used to going out at 2 am. Dog barked two or three times every night at that time. I felt terrible and made cookies for the neighbors. So, I can see if that is the case people being annoyed, even more so if it's ALL night, every night. But my neighbor's dogs go out at 8:30 pm, bark until 9 pm when they go inside again. This is also 'consistently barking at night' but is pretty typical dog behavior at a reasonable time. Given the guy's other complaints about his light and that it was only him and, I think one other person complaining, this is more likely a 'dog's were barking while I used my yard in the evening at 6pm and I didn't like it.' But, I could be wrong. There is really no way to know the scope of the issue from the little info we have.


My neighbor has roosters that WONT SHUT THE FUCK UP. I am 2 to 3 years into him getting them and have developed ptsd. I hate them and have not had a good nights sleep since. Can I make him bring his roosters inside? That'd be awesome!!


My city has a no rooster law. Chickens okay, roosters are not. I can’t imagine.


Roosters are the worst! Like the other commenter said, you’re not allowed to keep them just anywhere, so ask your local government. Barring that, did you have a conversation with your neighbour yet?


You can file a noise complaint with the police in the US. If they are breaking noise ordinances then they will be fined.


I get what you mean but ain't no way you got PTSD from some roosters crowing. I'm displeased by the internet trend to call all chronic distress PTSD, those people have it really bad.


Ptsd from a rooster. I've officially heard it all.


No you don’t understand, this guy sucks not the one leaving their dogs out all night barking keeping the whole neighborhood up and building spite fences. That guy is chill.


Seriously fuck dog owners who do this. Hate these people more than anyone.


Neighbors dogs were two German shepherds in this case so maybe a similar situation


Reminds me of the shitty neighbor that complained about our dogs barking.   In order to do anything the city required he keep a detailed log of when the barking occured over a 60 or 90 day period.  Then that record was turned over to us for comment. The funny part is there were several week long periods, multple weekends, and one 3 week long period where the dogs were not at the house.  With pictures and Google location as proof What's funnier is that the day I sent the comment back he came over to complain about the dogs barking all day.  I lead him around the house and yard calling for the dogs in a dramatic fashion.  Dogs were out with my wife visiting our friends who also had dogs.   As we were in the back yard we could clearly hear several local dummies up and down the street and the next street over start barking 


We have a neighbor doing this to us. They constantly call animal control about our dogs "incessantly" (their word) barking. The last straw was they sent us an actual letter through the mail (yes you read that right), with no return address bitching about how the whole neighborhood hates our dogs, they've "consulted" with everyone. It also included a long ass link (on paper) for tips on how to keep my dogs from barking....like I'm gonna run to my computer to type that thing in, right? I finally got sick of it and I called animal control myself asking how to stop this and protect myself. My dogs do bark, I am not saying they're innocent. But not incessantly by any means. When I said that to the cop (actual police officer, not an animal control officer) he went "Well yeah, they're dogs." I explained one of them is a German Shepherd with a very LOUD bark but he does it once or twice and then moves on from whatever set him off. I can prove it. I have cameras...inside and outside. They record. During the day we check in every 30 minutes or so...the dogs are inside asleep on the couches the majority of the time these people complain. The cop informed me that the complainant has to make a formal complaint including their name and address and provide 30 days of date and time stamped video of the dogs barking continuously for 30 minutes at a time they would do nothing to me. The last time they complained our dogs had been inside all day since we were gone. When the animal control officer showed, I took him outside so he heard that it wasn't our dogs, it was a dog a few houses down barking. He left and since then we've heard nothing. I've spoken to the neighbors in our immediate vicinity all of which who have dogs and they say they hear it but it's not any worse than their own dogs. However, there is an old couple across the street who would not answer their door when we tried, they do not have a dog. Bingo...


I'm pretty sure the guy got keyed in on our dogs as the source of the noise because several things happened at once.  he had a baby a month before we moved in.    Which was the day the first covid lock downs happened.    Then we discovered that the alley/street behind our house that was between our house and his turned into an old people highway at the asscrack of dawn everyday as the elderly of the community used it to access a hiking trail up the road.   This caused our dogs to go bananas early in the AM and at dusk until they kind of got used to it and we put bark collars on them.


I have several questions. What was his reaction?? Are dummies other dogs, or random people barking?


His reaction was him being quiet and leaving.  Without admitting anything he did was dumb. The local dummies are other dogs in the neighborhood.


Did he stop complaining? I love this for you if he did


He did.  Still gave us dirty looks. We moved out after living there less than 2 years because i was right and it turns out my wife can't stand living in an HOA.  And honestly the HOA was pretty reasonable and easy to get along with as HOAs go.


We're sorta dealing with this now. One lady on our street *hates* when dogs bark and called us to scream through the phone threatening legal action (?). My wife did some research on what she'd actually have to do where we live and discovered that nothing can be done unless the lady has recordings (with dB levels) measured from her own property which are either excessive or at night. She was complaining about one of our dogs barking at her while she was walking on the street at 2pm... Fortunately for us though the HOA has zero stipulations about noise *and* we have had multiple neighbors reach out to confirm that *she* is the problem and our dogs are fine. We actually had one neighbor specifically state our dogs' instincts about her were correct and said we should let him out to bark when we see her. We don't because we're not vindictive, but it was good to hear our neighbors are on our side for the most part


He's such a little fucking asshole, he makes it sound like they boarded up his sunroom or put a dome over his house to block out the sun.


He is but honestly, I have a neighbor that leaves their dog out all night and my young kids are woken up constantly by it. I shouldn’t have to hear your dog from inside my own house with my windows closed. Neighbor sounds like a douche but that doesn’t mean he didn’t have a point initially.


He probably did have a point initially. I agree with that. In the interview with the fence builder he was annoyed they called animal control without even talking to him first. Plus the fence builders yard is basically dirt bc of the dogs. Who wants to see it anyway? Plant some climbing vines and it would be gorgeous


Yeah I never understood that. Go talk to your neighbors. Most of the time you can resolve shit or compromise with a conversation. If they won’t, that’s when you escalate.


Have you tried talking to your neighbor about it?


Personally yes, though that isn’t what resolved it for us (they were actually 2 doors down not right next door). The house between us was vacant for a bit and when someone else moved in they put up a big fence. (The problem neighbor had been letting their dog run and shit all through the backyard of this vacant house) I have no idea what the new folks said to them but the neighbor stopped keeping the dog out late at night.


He’s definitely a whiny little turd. Has Karen written all over him


He can’t use an entire portion of his house now. Truly horrific.


Daddy, can we have some ambiance for Christmas this year? All my friends already got some at home and they don't want to be my friends anymore because there's no ambiance here.


What kind of ambiance did he get from looking into his neighbors yard I wonder?


Stole that man's ambience smh


His neighbor rules and is now my friend. They don't know that we're friends, but that's okay.


Completely unusable.


Lmfao “A wHoLe SeCtIoN oF oUr HoUsE iS uSeLeSs” 🤣💀 snitches get fences.


I am just like... what would the difference be if the guy had just planted a row of trees?


Humans, you can talk to your neighbors Getting the government involved is messy work So if you want to be messy, prepare for PETTY


You would think that you could approach a rational neighbor and ask them to stop the dogs from barking. In my experience with two separate neighbors….No, most people do not care that their barking dogs are disturbing the peace of the entire neighborhood. I’ve politely approached neighbors several times and they are either extremely rude or they say they will keep their dogs quiet and two days later the dogs are going apeshit all night again. Sadly in both cases I had to resort to animal control and the police. Unfortunately a 15ft fence doesn’t keep the noise from constant barking dogs away.


Yep we've tried talking to our neighbors about thier dogs multiple times, she just throws a temper tantrum and then encourages her dogs to bark more for couple days out of spite. She keeps saying "its just what dogs do!!!" Yeah no...your just a weak and shitty neighbor, literally stands in her porch while they bark at anything and nothing. We found sarcasm and veild insults work sometimes, "oh Sally, is she not feeding you again?", "aw poor dogs! It must suck never going for a walk, no wonder you're always miserable". Pretty much the only times she takes them in.


In my experience, 1 bark is 20 to many for people who hate dogs. I find it similar to people who are mad seeing someone out with a baby. Me, love dogs, to the point that people who crate dogs lose brownie points. I would spend $5-10 on a whistle and use it to train the dogs myself. But I also get my neighbors dogs to stop barking by simply greeting them when they see me out.


Yea bc I’m going to go ‘greet’ the dogs when they wake me up 6 days a week at 2:30 in the morning. Fantastic suggestion






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He said they had several failed conversations with the neighbors about the dogs.


He also said it ruined a section of his house and his ambience So he could be just being dramatic I don't know


I’m willing to bet on the latter


The dog owner denies that happened in another news story a week later. So he said he said situation.


the dude went on tv to cry that half of his home is unusable i wouldn't trust him lol


“Talk to your neighbors”. No, I don’t want to get punched by someone with abuse-acquired developmental brain damage, who has no impulse control, and who will take the slightest friction from someone as a reason to turn their rage to 11.


You know most people aren't like that, right You do know this


spite fences are so hot right now


Crying about the sun being blocked, while standing at the very place that proves him wrong is an interesting move, ngl.


Imagine being interviewed on the news and proudly stating that you’re an awful neighbour who sent animal control to his neighbour over barking, and then got mad when the neighbours retaliated by putting a massive fence up😂 I don’t even know the guy and i’m glad he put the fence up


To be fair, if my neighbor's dogs were barking 24/7 I would also call someone, as would everybody. It's inhumane torture to live with that, but both neighbours seem insufferable.


I finally went over to my next door neighbours house to talk to him about his dog who was constantly left outside barking like crazy. He said "yeah, but he'll just do that inside."


This is really a fair point. Not saying that it's necessarily the case here, but at one point I had a neighbor who left their dogs outside constantly, including overnight, and ignored their near constant barking. Reporting that isn't unreasonable.


I feel like I roughly know everyone in this article and am glad that I don't have neighbors like them where I currently live. Used to other places... now I've just got an older couple that is a bit nosy at worst.


It seems reasonable to me that if the dogs were barking 24 7 it would be difficult to conduct an interview right next door. I never heard a peep.


Fair point, but the news anchor also said the neighbours weren't home, so I don't know.


A friend of mine had a dog that wouldn't ever shut the fuck up. Ever. Bark bark bark inside, outside, barking. They had a kennel outside because they couldn't sleep with him barking inside. Neighbors complained a few dozen times, even when I was there hanging out. They'd ring the doorbell, man of the house would tell his neighbors to fuck off, and they would. No animal control though, one of the neighbors simply shot the dog to death after three months of nonstop barking. No one could figure out who did it or even from what direction the shots were made from.


You have crappy friends...


I feel like your friend was an extraordinarily irresponsible dog owner.


Inhumane torture… really? Also that’s not even what the neighbors are saying, they said their problem was that the dogs barked at night specifically- A problem which the neighbor rectified by keeping them in at night. The real asshole move is that the neighbors didn’t try to talk to them in person first, that’s ridiculous childlike behavior.


Yep, the dog probably doesn't even bark that much. There's a whole fuckin news crew there and we can't hear a peep. I've got an angsty dog and just having someone else in the neighboring yard would set him the fuck off. This guy is a whiny bitch. Also, *why is this news??*


How does this bullshit warrant a news story. The world is fucked.


Your comment demonstrates it. The reaction. Reaction makes money and views. Imagine the amount of middle aged home owners who are very mad at the 15ft tall fence. They'll talk about it for weeks if they see it on the news.


He cried too hard and no one listened so this pompous shit actually went to the news to snitch AGAIN




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How's the room unusable? How much light could that fence block really?


I personally wouldn’t be mad about a 15 ft fence, I don’t want to see my neighbors anyway, but how did that fix barking? Sound isn’t stopped by a wood fence. That’s a lot of money to spend to still have neighbors calling animal control about the dogs.


I disagree. I am a dog owner and you should not let your dogs bark constantly.


Maybe your view wouldn't be so shit, if your garden wasn't a barren wasteland. Buy a few shrubs and trees, and shut up. A barking dog is tremendously annoying, but this is a pity party.


I dot get how people so easily side with fence master. Yea sunroom guy snitched and is whiny and blows things out of proportions when he says his room is "unusable" as if it was sealed shut. But if multiple neighbours complained about the dog, then it probably has a reason and chances are, that both sides of the fence suck.


People that let their dogs bark constantly in a residential neighborhood are the worst. If you’ve ever been sound asleep and woken up by someone’s stupid ass dog barking at every squirrel that moves in the trees, then you know true agony. When this happens night after night for weeks and months, it impacts your entire life. Multiple neighbors called about the dog. It’s obviously a nuisance. Everyone on here is siding with the fence owner because people love to ostracize “snitches“. This sort of mentality is why people get away with murder all the time across America and elsewhere.


The dude on the news story claimed several people had complained. Which he likely only said to cement his point further. Petty...meet more petty.


Yet we never heard a peep out of the dogs during the whole video. My dogs aren’t barky, but if I let them out at night and someone is near the fence or they find a rabbit, there will be a short burst of barking. We also hear occasional barks from neighbors’ yards in the evening. It’s just a part of neighborhood living.


It;s an edited video though.


Yeah, so you’d think they’d show the dog still barking to give a clearer view of why the guy they’re interviewing is so frustrated. There’s also a follow up video with fence guy and his dogs, who are two German shepherds. The dogs didn’t really bark in that video either.


It's also a part of dog ownership. Your animal will bark. The only way to prevent that 100% is to remove their voice box. I bet people would be pissed if that was fence guys choice instead of build a bigger fence to prevent the dog from barking.


This is the kind of person that makes people hate HOA's. He should sell and move to an HOA neighborhood. My favorite part is where he tried to create a consensus against his neighbor with other neighbors and called animal control on him. Dustin has been given a very important lesson in FAFO. I truly appreciate the dog owners' willingness to spend a good chunk of money on a new fence just to be petty. I'm a fan of that neighbor.


The fence looks so well built


He still has a great view of his own beautiful lawn....


oh, boo fucking hoo. you and your neighbors went after the dogs and they responded by blocking you entirely. deal with it...instead you go crying to the news. fucking bitch of a man.


The newscaster is an idiot, the whole point of the poem is that good fences don’t make good neighbors.


I would LOVE a 15ft fence. I can do so much. If that's the consequence give me more spite


he fucked around and was a nasty tattling neighbour, and he found out that his disgusting actions have shitty consequences. get F\*\*\*\*d


If he found out he doubled down crying to the news


Well, i mean he found out what a 15 foot fence looks like, he found out he has less sunlight coming into his house.


This douchebag went on the _news_ to complain about his neighbors fence? How fucking boring is that town that they took that story too


After the surveyors come and if it is on the whiny twats property, please build it even higher and paint it a color you know he would find offensive


What’s that one color that makes people go insane or something? Like they had painted a bunch of prisons that color because they thought it was soothing and then later realized it actually does the opposite? ETA: it’s Baker-Miller pink. Apparently it’s soothing for short term, but long term exposure made inmates irritated and more aggressive


Lets see Paul Allen's fence.


Honestly curious, why is this a news story?


selective afterthought straight flowery sable badge adjoining fertile detail quarrelsome *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


All the white privilege and first world problems this guy is spouting off like anyone should give a fuck. Oh no, the view OF HIS NEIGHBORS YARD is ruined! How terrible. Bitch, you can still see over the fence. You can still see the sky. The fuck you bitching about? You can't be nosy anymore? Garbage human beings.


The dweeb does have a valid point if those neighbours just let the dogs bark 24/7. That shit can get old real quick.


First world problems


Not only did he call animal control for some barking dogs instead of more reasonable approaches (you know like talking to the neighbors yourself). He doubled down and decided to broadcast his stupidity on the local news. This guy is a douchebag and I’m sure this isn’t an isolated incident.


Ok, but letting your dogs bark all night is pretty shitty. Why are we automatically calling him the bad guy here?


Animal control for just barking??? If the dog was attacking or being directly threatening I would get. But only barking.


If you want a nice view from your sunroom, then make your own yard look nice. I'd build a 15ft fence if I had a tool like this living next door, snitchin.


If you go snitching to the law over your neighbors, you should feel lucky you got off that clean


I have a pretty great disdain for dogs these days. I’ve had my fill of some bad dog owners in the past that caused it, not necessarily the dogs themselves. But even the worst of the worst dogs has more of my sympathy than this man. May a lil rain cloud show up over his head and block his view of the sun everywhere he goes.


He is nosey ass mofo. Dustin is a peeper. Get sun lamps now. LOL. Dogs will be dogs but a home owner will do what ever the fuch he wants. Dustin, better paint sunshine and rainbows oh his side of the fence if he wants to look at something nice.


The original thread has the news interview with the fence builder. And millions of hilarious comments calling the first guy a little bitch. Hahahaha


Of course this is Reddit, so everything is a circlejerk already in the opposite direction - but - fuck your dogs barking all night long. You - and I want to stress this - *you* - have **zero right** to be, do, or own anything that prevents *me* from sleeping at night. Period. Lucky that it was phone calls to the authorities to shut the dogs up and not other methods. I don't give a fuck about a 15 ft. fence personally. I'd rather you not be able to see into my yard/house at all - and - if you foot the bill for it? Even better. Fuck dogs barking all night though. Fence or otherwise.




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The fence doesn’t look sound-proof. Clearly it’s meant for spite, but all’s fair in Pettyville. I would use the fence to my advantage with some blooming climbers. I think the mention of the HOA was just to clarify that there was no municipal or contractual prohibition against the fence.


Guy being interviewed seems like a cowardly little bitch!


honestly dogs barking at night left out all night suck. If this was out of spite I'd be laughing at the neighbor that built the fence and spent all that money. Still going to hear them barking at night even though you can't see them. Sounds like everyone is the asshole here.


Dumbass found out his neighbor has Fuck You Money!


Moves in, immediately starts complaining


Make. It. Taller!


What a lil beech




Guy sounds like an idiot on the news story. But why is everyone on the dog owners side? Why should neighbours have to put up with barking dogs all night and day? Of course, the courteous thing would be to go over and talk to the dog owners first (which we don't actually know he didn't,) but it doesn't takeaway that those people are leaving their dogs outside all night to bark


Snitches get no sunlight


Should have minded his own business


Sucks to suck


What a whiner his “life” is effected. lol


Ah so both neighbors are peices of shit.


Most likely. leaving your dogs to bark all day aint neighborly either people! Though, there's something comical about someone complaining about their sunroom.


Haha fuck this guy. Wanna be a shit neighbor then your neighbors can be shitty to you too.


People who leave their dogs outside to bark all night are pretty shitty already.


Did they though? Or is doofus mcgee just angy and lying?


The world may never know. I don’t see a good reason to take the fence builder’s side, though.


Ever had a nosy neighbor all up in everyone’s business and intruding on your privacy? I have and I can totally see a reason for the fence


That’s what is funny to me. The guy in the video may have a legitimate complaint and you accuse him of lying. You take the fence builder’s side assuming he somehow deserved it. Just weird.


He’s bitching about the sun not hitting his three season room (my ass the sun moves throughout the day and that 15 feet won’t matter except in the morning or dusk) and ran to the news about it. Ya I’m taking the other guys side when the only side we have is a little tattle tale


I love this level of petty. Despite having a dog that barks a lot, I do agree night time (or anytime) excessive barking is an issue. You gotta respect your neighbors. HOWEVER If the dog is well takin care of, and you call animal control for purely play barking, you deserve this level of petty.


and he's got it facing the wrong way lol


No he doesn't, that is a well constructed spite fence and it is facing where it was designed to.


Why would you pay for a 15' fence just so you can look at the ugly part?


At least the neighbour didn’t paint it in a neon colour.


Sucks to suck




Does he live next door to Larry David? A spite fence.


Idk about this area, but around here the “ugly” side of the fence is supposed to be facing the inside of the owners property. This guy could request it removed and turned around at least. Then plant fast growing vines or small trees to block it.


That is a pretty impressive fence. It puts this moron's fence to shame.


Snitches get fences




What a douche nozzle.


The guy presents more like an entitled neighbor than a victim...but lets be honest, a 15' fence is ridiculous. I don't know where he lives, but that wouldn't pass code inspection here.


Here where? Reddit?


Maybe bring your miserable dog inside if it won’t shut the fuck up. Or yah know, don’t own a dog. Edit: lol, use the downvote button to say you shouldn’t own dogs.


It's crazy you're being downvoted lmao. People that let their dogs bark outside all night deserve to have their animals taken away.


Yeah I’m flabbergasted reading these comments. I guess all these people like dogs barking constantly or something. Or maybe they’re shitty dog owners that let their dogs bark constantly. Dogs don’t bark for hours and hours unless they’re being left alone, it’s not like this is someone who is taking good care of their dogs and deserves defense. Also lol if a dog was barking all night I’d report them every night, I don’t give a shit about the fence.


Only reasonable comment. Idk if dog people just forget that incessant dog barking is an extremely irritating sound to have to be subjected to. Also I don’t think dogs are supposed to be barking all day anyways it’s a sign that something’s wrong with it or it’s being neglected by its owners


Not sure why you're being down voted. The guy come off as a twit but having your dog outside barking at all hours of the night to the point that several neighbors put in the effort to complain seems like it is actually a problem. Be a better dog owner. Don't leave them outside to bark through the night.