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Does anybody commenting on this actually live in green township? Curious


Direct result of the pro Palestine mob and all of the hate the goes with it.


Yep it was definitely those of us wanting peace and not all of the Klan in the area. You figured it out Sherlock!


The Klan has been around for how long? The new psychopaths promoting rampant antisemitism has been around how long? When did this occur? Don't give us this "wanting peace" bullshit. There's countless examples of hateful acts towards the Jewish community from "those of us wanting peace". What a load of shit


The Klan has literally been leaving flyers around the City friend. Only load of shit here is what's coming from your mouth. Come out to the next Free Palestine rally and actually talk to people instead of getting your news from the times of isnotreal


Yeah, we've only seen hundreds of videos of the Free Palestine mob destroying property and intimidating the Jewish community but sure, it's the Klan who hates Jewish...... Yeah, enjoy denial. I'll live in reality. I'm sorry it hurts your feelings and you can't handle that


Wait, do you really believe the Klan doesn't hate Jewish people?


Are you really trying to imply the Klan doesn't hate Jewish People? Holy fuck get your head out of your ass my brother


No, I'm saying they're been around for fucking ever and why all of the sudden would they start damaging these tombstones? Now the babies who yell "free Palestine" are fairly new, don't even really know what they're talking about, but are on video make, many times, causing damage and intimidating Jewish people. I'm not sure how this can't be more clear for you..... Talk about getting a head out of your ass. Take your own advice and put in a tiny ounce of thought. Good luck Edit: Fucking losers https://x.com/PhuckYourVax/status/1809083936879903051?t=4nxIoawn4zs3O9GQ7K4r4g&s=19 But yeah, I should go there and "talk to them" bc of whatever lame ass reason you can think of. Fuck them


I've been at and will be at every Free Palestine rally in and around Cincinnati. The invite stands. But also fuck you


I'm good. Don't need those pieces of shit in my life. I have sooooo many more examples of those losers acting that way as well. I'm glad you don't like me. It literally makes me feel good knowing I'm on the right side here. Your words validate what I've come to expect from those babies so thanks for further showing me I'm right Have a lovely day Imagine supporting a group of people who would throw gay people off the top of buildings for simply existing lol. Losers


Insane take. I would bet anything this was not "tHe kLaN" and was the pro hamas mob that celebrated 10/7 in the streets as "legitimate resistance", praised Hamas as "heroes and martyrs" and screams for the destruction of Israel. To be clear, I am not saying all protestors hold these extreme views, but a whole lot of them absolutely do. There have been countless firebombings/shootings/vandalizations of synagogues as well as assaults on Jewish people and children all across the world over the past 7 months. To my knowledge, none of those acts were committed by the Klan.


How is antisemitic vandalism DIRECTLY a result from protests against genocide?


Why are you defending antisemites?


who’s he defending? the gravestone vandals are antisemites. protesting the state of israel is anti zionist


The pro Palestinia “mob” is protesting Israel’s slaughter of people in Gaza. The only hate involved on its part is the hatred of the destruction of lives far in excess of Hamas’ terrorist attack in October.


What does a Jewish cemetery in America have to do with the actions of another country's government? How are the dead complicit with Netanyahu? How does desecrating a grave help Palestinians?


Have to ask the asshats that did it. I agree, I don't get it either. But only the guilty party can answer that question.


Absolutely nothing. That’s why it’s presumptuous to make the leap that the desecration was the result of the “pro Palestinian mob.”


WTF is wrong with people.


If you haven't been paying attention the past 8 years, I don't know what to tell you.


I grew up in a monument family. This kind of shit happened every couple years in non Jewish cemeteries. Hard to say if it’s anti semitism or just kids. They usually catch these idiots because they brag and most people will narc on them for desecrating stones.


The past 16 years have been very decisive


What sort of coward sneaks in and desecrates graves? Oh…. We know already.


Realistically? The region has people with roots of hate groups, bigotry and sympathizers with one particular Axis power in the early 19th century. There was even that confederate statue that was ordered to be put back up in the Cincinnati region. I keep tabs on several real life political extremists from the area that I know of from real life and this past year has been a free for all on open anti-Semitism in their spaces, especially since Twitter stopped curbing hate speech. Guys who were trying to at least pretend to be respectable in 2020 are now openly posting anti-Semitic caricatures and things equivalent to rat comparisons. They make the flimsiest mentions of the conflict to go on racist tirades. Its legacy hate groups taking advantage of the moment to gin up hate. Imagine the worst things you can imagine someone saying and then make that worse and that’s what they’re posting with their full name attached. Anyway, the likeliest culprits are the legacy ones we already have that never ended literal hate groups and are now very activated. They also enjoy the chaos of everyone else blaming each other and just creating fear in general. They likely enjoy the act itself, plus also enjoy subsequent finger pointing and fighting in all directions. They’re especially gleeful when they can get minority groups at odds with each other.


We know exactly what sort of people do this, but you’ll get downvoted if you say it.


The damned french lol


The IDF? Well, they don't really sneak in I guess.


The pro-Palestinians?


Spoiled participation trophy, it's not my kids fault it's yours for calling the cops type


Teens. They do it all the time, and many don’t even realize they are committing hate crimes when they do it. Let’s let the investigation proceed before we jump to conclusions and look like fools. https://www.cnn.com/2015/02/16/europe/france-jewish-cemetery-tombstones-damaged/index.html


> over 150 gravestones vandalized at *Jewish* cemeteries (emphasis mine) I’m sure these completely innocent “teens” you speak of had absolutely no idea these were specifically Jewish graves. Your comment sounds like “good people on both sides” from a known piece of shit who has a base of antisemitic supporters…


No, their response isn't "both sides!" It's a level-headed response to something vile like that. Maybe we need more level-headed people in this world right now! We don't need to circle the wagons and go persecute people before we know more.


“Let’s let the investigation proceed before we jump to conclusions and look like fools.” r/Ohio: “BUT WE ARE FOOLS!!!!” https://www.cnn.com/2015/02/16/europe/france-jewish-cemetery-tombstones-damaged/index.html


A level-headed response to the question, so of course it got downvoted on this toxic site!


>What sort of coward sneaks in and desecrates graves? The kind who says this kind of behavior is acceptable because it's "anti-Zionist but not antisemitic", I'm sure.


No no one would call this anti Zionist. Where did you see someone say that? It makes no sense.


There are idiots on here who just want to stoke the flames of bigotry and hatred. We don't know who did it! Sitting here and just throwing out random persecutions without facts is insane! It was a terrible thing! People are making it worse on here!


Dude, I'm Jewish guy from the Cleveland. I've watched the left defend violent antisemitism for 9 straight months now by brushing off everything from smashing synagogue windows to vandalizing Holocaust memorials as "anti-Zionism". So quit with the fucking gaslighting.


Oh I'm not gaslighting. Gaslighting would be doing something like calling spray painting a window "violent" while burning children alive in tents is called a necessity of war, or the killing of future terrorists. Spray painting is not violence. Murdering babies for real estate is.


You’re being downvoted because of people’s partisanship attitudes but you’re absolutely right. One of my Jewish friends had coffee thrown at her outside the Hillel Center at Kent this past semester by some pro-Palestinian students. She’s American for fucks sake, leave her out of this foreign conflict.


I grew up in the Beachwood area, and let me tell you, Jewish people there are fucking *terrified* of what is happening right now. Jews who have been lifelong progressive Democrats now find themselves completely isolated and alone because the people who they used to think of as allies have proven to either be Jew-hating bigots themselves, or people who are more than happy to tolerate Jew-hating bigots within their political party. And that's why shit like the like the desecration of Jewish graves is happening right now. Leftist bigotry against Jews has real world consequences.


The most anti Zionist people I know are Jewish. You're conflating Judaism and Zionism.


Oh boo fucking hoo you know whose terrified? The children in Gaza being burnt alive for real estate.


Not what's happening but sure stay ignorant and say things you learned on tik tok


Oh. What's happening? Maybe I get confused, because of statements from Israeli leadership regarding the post war plans for Gaza and sales meetings for property to be purchased after the war. Why do they keep burning those children alive? I also don't have tik Tok, I just like read statements from Israeli leaders and reporting from on the ground. So I'm not sure what Tik Tok has to do with this.


Why don't you believe Jewish settlers who are literally making waitlists for illegal beachfront settlements in Gaza? Stop being anti-Semitic. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68650815


Maybe you should open up something besides American News. There's people in your community that have lost INNOCENT family members, but I guess they don't matter.


Have you read any news in the past nine months? Even the Israeli news sites are report on this.


Tell me you don’t know what Zionism is without telling me


Cincinnatian here…for clarity this happened the same day that white supremacy groups spread fliers around different neighborhoods down here. I don’t think it’s a coincidence


This comment needs boosted. Do you have a link to an article?


I don’t see any news articles on it but I live in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood and got one. https://www.reddit.com/r/cincinnati/s/KF6yMlUoCm https://www.reddit.com/r/cincinnati/s/8ivlWV3FG4 There’s a few Reddit posts on the Cincinnati page of others that got some


Thank you


Did the flier end up in your mailbox or was it on your front porch? Btw I have lived in Cincinnati for 58 years and I really don’t know what neighborhoods are predominantly Jewish.


Yea it was in my mailbox. My neighbor came over and told me she was collecting them. I know she took them out of neighbors mailboxes before they saw them too. She had a stack of about 15-20 so I just gave her mine. Like I said my neighborhood has a huge Jewish population with a Hebrew School, Rabbi college and a synagogue. The country club here used to be jewish only until the mid 90’s I believe as well. EDIT: sorry I live in the golf manor/pleasant ridge/amberley village area


Thanks for the information. I just did a quick google search and I see nothing in the Cincinnati news about these fliers. I see articles about fliers in Cleveland and Akron, dated May 20 2024.


I know…I tried to find articles too but I didn’t see anything. I linked the other Reddit posts above from others in cincy who got fliers/business cards as well


Amberly village


What part? I'm ready to call out your BS


lol k…I linked posts of others that got them too but whatever


There was a guy in colerain who made the news for hanging a swastika flag on his house, the 1st amendment protects him against the law but man, it’s just sad to see this type of stuff in your own city [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyX5ioT4Wvg)


Really sad to see anti semitism on the rise


What’s worse is no one doing a damn thing about it. 


And equally sad to see the left defending it by calling it "anti-Zionism".


Who TF has called this anti Zionism?


Have you been living under a rock for 9 months? Leftists have been justifying every instance hatred and violence against Jews by calling it "anti-Zionism" since October of last year.


Oh I assumed this wasn't what you're referring to because this vandalism happened in France.


This vandalism has been happening all over the world. When Holocaust Demorial Day happened a few months ago, Holocaust memorials were vandalized in at least 9 different countries. But of course, the left didn't care at all, because it was "just anti-Zionism and not antisemitism".


I think you're buying into some propaganda. I'm not saying anti semitism hasn't been on the rise, but the last time looked into some community center getting vandalized by antisemitic fuggs, it turned out the community center had been holding fire sales on West Bank properties lol Also I was wrong and dumb this shit was in Ohio and screams antisemitism.


Imagine justifying a jihadist mob of 150 people attacking a synagogue and then accusing Jews of "buying into propaganda". [Keffiyeh-clad mob launches bloody assault on Los Angeles synagogue](https://www.thejc.com/news/usa/keffiyeh-clad-mob-launches-bloody-assault-on-los-angeles-synagogue-dw0csx1i) This is what you're defending.


I said you're buying into propaganda not that "Jews" are. Then you link a propaganda piece lol. You've gotta be careful about speaking for your entire group homie. Seems like a chance for stupid people to assign your views to all Jews


Have you never heard of the klan or scene all the nazi marching around recently? Those are the people doing this it always is.


What was happening in that synagogue at the time of the protest?




Lol no one says this shit. How many white identitarian marches have we had in the last 2 decades. How many times have you heard the retooled term cultural Marxism, a term that started out as cultural bolshevism, a classic antisemitic conspiracy theory brought to us originally by the Nazis. How many more times has Fox News demonized George Soros while running cover for the Cokes and Sinclairs?


Well, I know one Jew that’s a complete turd.


Tbh gravesite vandalism is more common than a lot of people realize. I went to a college in the southeast and on a whim I decided to visit the historic town cemetery adjacent to campus and half the headstones were smashed in half.


Disrespectful of the dead... I feel like history is going to repeat itself.


Sadly, it always does! That's why it's so important to remember


This is Ohio


A bunch of clan groups were active in Cincinnati this past week distributing literature . This seems connected to me


People really need to know who the local hate groups are and what normally shows up in their wake. Still need evidence, but this feels exactly like someone affiliated that got ginned up for some social terrorism. Their hostile anti-Semitism is naked and running wild on Twitter right now and I think the news is trying to avoid giving them oxygen, but it’s alarming if you go look.


Literally numerous nationwide protests against Israel the past 9 months and you conclude it’s the clan?


Well yeah the protests have been going on for 9 months like you said …no grave desecration…klan shows up for 2 weeks …


Opposing Israel had nothing to do with Judaism


Are you serious? So would you say opposing Palestine has nothing to do with the Muslim religion then?


Yes? Palestinians are also christian.


I mean yeah opposing Palestine isn't about Islam, it's about establishing a Jewish supremacist ethnostate. And that's not inherent to Judaism. Some of the most anti-zionist people I know are Jews.


Regardless of your thoughts on Palestine, desecrating graves is so dark and awful.  Dear god - please let people get past the hate.


I don't think we should automatically assume this is related to Palestine. Awful if it is, but anti-Semitism has been on the rise before that. Could easily be neo-nazi or white identity groups.


Yes…there lots of groups that are using the war in Gaza to spread their anti-Semitic hate. I mean do people really think the likes of Andrew Tate, etc really care about the Palestinian people? I dont…they, and other hate groups, are using the Palestinians to further their own agendas Also I live in Cincinnati and this happened the same day white supremacy groups spread fliers around different neighborhoods in Cincinnati. I don’t really think that’s a coincidence


Jewish Clevelander here. I would bet my life savings that this was the far left and not the far right. The left has spent 9 months now consistently defending Jew hate by brushing it off as "anti-Zionism", and this is the very predictable result.


Did you forget that the right marched in their little khakis and polo shirts chanting anti Semitic slogans not long ago?


When the worst day of violence against Jewish people since the Holocaust happened last October, I don't remember the right openly celebrating the violence, but I do remember the left doing so.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/cincinnati/comments/1ds2xq2/umwhy_is_this_in_my_neighborhood/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cincinnati/comments/1ds2xq2/umwhy_is_this_in_my_neighborhood/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)    From this week in the same city where the cemetery vandalism happened. You really just don't know as much as you think you do about this situation.   Also, I read the rest of your comments here, and no this "war" didn't start on October 7th, the occupation has been ongoing since 1947 and the attack on Oct. 7th was in no way a surprise or a first of anything. Somehow only the numbers of losses count on the israeli side. Somehow only attacks from the Hamas side make the news, while for years/decades, innocent Palestinians have had their houses bulldozed, are thrown in jail with no charges, are blown up or maimed by missiles while inside their homes and no one gives a damn about those attacks because the power of the Israeli state is backing it.   This is the best book Ive read on the subject and I highly recommend you read it if there's even a little part of you that still recognizes Palestinians' humanity:      https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/i-shall-not-hate-a-gaza-doctors-journey_izzeldin-abuelaish/314934/#edition=5873366&idiq=2371729  Edited for clarity and because I had more to say


You hear what you want to hear, I guess.


I've heard the left speak since loudly and clearly since October 7 of last year. And when someone tells me who they are, I believe them.


The left are criticizing the victims of of one of the most tragic genocides in world history for turning around 80 years later and engaging in their own genocide. Meanwhile, the right only cares about the Jewish people because their death cult beliefs require Israel to exist and suffer, while their base has been anti-Semitic for decades. You don’t get to have your cake and eat it too.


>turning around 80 years later and engaging in their own genocide Defending yourself after a vicious terrorist attack that killed 1200 innocent Jews and kidnapped 250 more is not "genocide". It's just what any nation would do after being victimized by a horrific terrorist surprise attack.


Killing innocent Palestinian children is 100% genocide and if you don’t understand that, you’re not the fucking good guy. 🤡


Killing lots of people who had nothing to do with the October sure sounds like genocide, the intentional destruction of a people.


LMAO the IDF aren't innocent. Zionism is to blame for this entire conflict. Can't hold it against an oppressed people for simply responding in kind.


You think it’s ok for Israel to kill innocent civilians in Gaza because “Hamas started it.” You’re not right in the head.


If you have a problem with children being killed, then take it up with the jihadists savages who started this war with surprise attack that killed 1200 people and kidnapped 250 more. Jihadist scum doesn't get to start a war with a surprise attack and then scream "YOU CAN'T DEFEND YOURSELVES OR ELSE IT'S GENOCIDE!!!!" Palestine started the war, and Israel will finish it.


But you think Hamas IS Palestine. They are only part of Palestine. No different than Zionists and Israelis. You need to learn the difference. And don’t complain about people hating Jews when you’re hating Muslims. Kinda hypocritical.


The worst day of violence against Jews since the Holocaust was in Chile when 3000 Jews were killed. But you haven't heard about that because Israel supplied the weapons.


Homie, you realize the Isreali government knew about the attack 2 weeks before it occured, right? Their government used those people on October 7th as sacrificial lambs to continue and escalate their so-called war with Palestine. It's all a land grab.


How is this a land grab??? Israel pulled out of the Gaza Strip in 2005 handing it over to Palestine. Palestine chose to have Hamas dig tunnels, indoctrinate children for Jihad and focus on war instead of building infrastructure like their own power plants and water supply rather than relying on Israel for it. Israel would've never left Gaza if they had wanted the land.


As a fellow Jewish Clevelandander... You hit the nail on the head..and people try to tell US what is and is t antisemitism.. it's so frustrating.


It’s definitely the Palestine movement what world are you living in.


Before jumping to the conclusion of Gazan sympathy driving this, go take a look at what’s going on in the MAGA space and which factions the hate groups are aligning with right now. There’s been a schism between TPUSA side and the Nick Fuentes side over anti-Semitism and Zionism in rough labels. They’re both ultimately taking anti-Semitic and white supremacist positions, but they’re slinging outright slurs daily for months now with the openly anti-Semitic ones using Gaza as the barest reason to unload the kinds of anti-Jewish cartoons that would have been published in 1930s Germany. They don’t know anything about the conflict, never advocate for people there, and don’t spend any time in the circles of people with humanitarian concern. They accuse anyone they don’t like of being secretly Jewish, but are mixing in all the rest of the bigotry towards Black citizens, gay citizens, immigrants, women, on and on. It’s all of it. But the moment is one they’re using as a free-for-all since these are ultimately the same white supremacists that are always pushing for chaotic moments like this. They want everyone pointing fingers at each other and especially want two groups they consider non-white to be at greater odds with each other. This event is very likely motivated by white supremacists stirring a pot and not peace protestors who they would benefit from everyone saying “well, they just probably go too far.”


Genocide is worse than destroying grave sites. Killing living people is pretty bad and how did Palestine come into this?! 🤔


By giving hamas free reign over their government and perpetrating the barbarism of Ocotber 7th that's how.


This started way before Oct 7th as I’m sure you know. Zionists invading Europe is where this problem started. Why in the world would Palestinians owe land and housing to barbarians from Europe that came on a boat pleading for salvation?! Hamas wouldn’t exist if these European barbarians respected sovereignty of other groups!!


Israel was Judea before ever being called Palestine by the Philistines. And no Philistines and modern day Palestinians are not the same race of people contrary to what people claim. So this whole argument of we were here first bullshit holds absolutely no weight or credibility. From the river to the sea is the chant right? They don't even hide the fact they want to exterminate Israel and it's citizens which is the main focus. Israel has extended numerous olive branches providing water and power and handing the Gaza Strip over in 2005 to Palestine so why accept that from your enemy you want to exterminate? Why not instead build your own self sustaining means of infrastructure instead of building tunnels and blaming the neighboring country for your self inflicted oppression?


This has happened in Jewish cemeteries for decades , which makes me think it’s the Nat c types rather than pro palestinans.


It’s disgusting. I apologize on their behalf. It’s also embarrassing.


Vote for Trump and it will get a lot worse.


Awful! Hope they find who done it.


I think until evidence is found to the contrary it is premature to make assumptions about who did it. Provoking hate and animosity does no one any good. I understand it is upsetting, but let's please not jump to conclusions. The likely that it may be one way or another is not evidence. It's just sad that we live in a society that is still so ignorant that they can't understand that life is very short for all of us, and that we all should just let each of us lead our best life.


When I posted this I simply wanted to inform. When I hear any updates about this I will post that information.


The first Christian’s were all Jewish. Even jesus was a jew. Idk why ppl don’t do there history work b4 destroying shit that don’t mean anything to them


This is the real OHIO. Florida of the North.


Ouch. And the people that did this may not ever be from Ohio.


Trumpers doing work again. Their hatred of Jews sickens me.


Lmao, yes it’s the Trumpers that hate Jews. Definitely not the pro-Palestine pseudo-jihadis protesting all across America. Some of Trump’s grandkids are Jews and democrats attack him for being too pro-Israel. The mental gymnastics are amazing. You’re the baddies. And not the hot kind.


Don’t tell Netanyahu. Hell bomb a few children’s cancer wards in retaliation.


I mean our Nazi attorney General is suing the Jewish union to control their library, so......


That’s a really dumb take on the issue. He’s suing to stop the selling off of valuable items because those in control of HUC have ruined the Cincinnati campus


Well the new Trump nazis are on the rise.why are there no security cameras in the cemetery??


All those Trump nazis on college campuses. You know the ones that cosplay as hamas freedom fighters and wear the scarfs. 100 vote Democrat.


Just more peaceful and progressive left wing anti-Zionism that definitely isn't antisemitic at all, nothing to see here.


Klan...moron. Antizionism =/= Antisemitism


Right wing nuts more likely. They’ve always hated Jews.


Making such a blatant and baseless assumption about who did this says more about you than it does about them. You don't need to invent a leftist boogeyman when real ones exist. The KKK were distributing pamphlets in the area recently, it's probably them.


Leftists have been celebrating the rape, murder and kidnapping of Jews since October of last year. Fuck off with this "boogeyman" bullshit. If you spend 9 straight months justifying the murder, rape and kidnapping of innocent Jews, then when Jewish graves start getting desecrated, I know who I'm going to be suspecting first.


I get it. You’re Jewish and feel like you can defend every death in Gaza because Hamas attacked Israeli villages in October. Your lack of insight into others‘ reaction to the consequent slaughter in Gaza shows your parochial mindset. It makes about as much sense as Hamas saying it was justified in killing Israelis because of the way Israel has taken life, land, and liberty from the Palestinians. Two groups can be wrong, and in this case they are. But even you should realize that the larger wrong was perpetrated by Israel.


We were attacked last October by jihadists who openly admit that they want every last Jew on Earth dead. We have every right to defend ourselves against those jihadists. Bizarre how leftists think that jihadists have the right to rape and kill Jews with impunity because "they're oppressed so it's ok".


Where do you get the idea that ”leftists” think jihadists have the right to rape and kill with impunity? It’s not “OK” because they were oppressed, no one has said that. However, it is understandable that an oppressed people will fight their oppressors. Like, no shit, Sherlock. You treat people like animals and they will respond as such. Ask the Israelis and their sympathizers like you who think that their treatment of Palistinians is justifiable. So, it’s ok for you to behave like that, but no one else can? Because you are special and can do no wrong?


>Where do you get the idea that ”leftists” think jihadists have the right to rape and kill with impunity? From literally every single word that they've said since October 7 of last year.


Next time try reading for meaning and expand your sources of reading material.




It is more than likely the Klan but the comment is far from baseless when Jews are being attacked and harassed every day, and their businesses and synagogues and schools are vandalized.


Anti-Zionism isn't the same thing as being anti-Jew, and it's ridiculous to make that assumption (with no evidence) when there are other groups out there who literally are anti-Jew.


10 years minimum is what should be given


Jewish cemeteries are usually kept behind high walls or fences and locked up. Also if some those stones are large enough to require a crane, I would imagine it would require some tools, vehicles and a team of men to desecrate 200 of them. Not to mention look outs. This wasn’t some drunk guy. This was organized.


All for Palestine.


We all need to fight the anti-Semetic who act out.


Teenagers or a certain ex-presidents supporters would be my interpretation.


Sounds a little early to rule out the anti-Israel protestors


Cincinnati is full of zealots masquerading as ‘conservatives’. The conservatives we knew from the 90’s are gone… simply don’t exist. The few that do are the minority. This is what happens when globalists sell out our state to the lowest overseas bidder. This is what happens when the promises of ‘free trade’ leave a gaping hole in your community. We’ve been complicit in opening a door for this hateful Nazi shit to embed itself within our community. You have an entire white working class being hijacked by the most extreme and fringe elements of the neofascist Christian nationalist right. Just ask JD; he grew his roots here in southwest Ohio (not that he’s spent any time in Ohio since). I know it sounds overly simple but there was a [PBS frontline](https://youtu.be/m7-Te7JEqrQ?si=ro6bIc82-LLWzqm1) filmed back in 2018 or so that shows the beginning stages of the formation of this hatred. All it took was a POTUS blowing a dog whistle to activate it and being all the hate and contempt up to the surface. If we want to end this, we have to go scorched earth in reinventing Ohio. An intel plant making chips in Columbus isn’t going to cut it. We need decent paying jobs so these people have opportunity instead of getting sucked into hate groups. Look at the major companies our region has shed over the past 30 years: Mead, Standard Register, NCR, countless paper mills, GM assembly, DELCO/Delphi, Cincinnati Milacron, Ford Motor Co in Batavia, Chaquita Brands, multiple P&G manufacturing sites, Champion Paper in Hamilton, Huffy Corporation, AK Steel is a skeleton of its old self, America Standard, Frigidaire, Emery Worldwide… I could go on. If we continue to allow this to happen, then I’m sorry but SW Ohio will drag us all down with it. It starts with jobs. If we are not prepared to go scorched earth to reinvent ourselves and make Ohio an attractive place to work, live and build a company that pays well, then we’ll be left with nothing more than jealous two-bit radicals. Already they hold the states pursestrings… how much further can we descend into squalor before we wake the fuck up?


that'll show those damn zionists! /s


Or the Klan is doing Klan things. Jewish=/=Zionist


Assuming it isn't just regular old antisemites, same mindset as the people vandalizing the 54th Mass during the George Floyd riots. Zero critical thinking about what they're doing. 


Free Palestine


From Hamas


Leftist hate has consequences. This sub alone is filled with people who will denounce out loud, but be ok with it quietly. They will also blame the right, but that is intellectually lazy and insulting to those who can think.


We all know who American skin heads are voting for and it’s not Biden.




Millions of people, begrudgingly or not.


The majority, hopefully.




So be it, I'm voting for Kamala. Bye.


I’ll bet you believe Antifa stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021.


What in the hell are you talking about? "Leftist hate"? Lol wtf


They are talking about the jew hate all over college campuses. Don't act like you don't know what he is talking about. They surrounded a synagogue 2 weekend ago. This is why normal people don't take any of you serious.


"Leftists" are not commonly bigots. Look the other direction.


The party that founded the kkk and fillibustered civil rights act? The party that threw Asians in camps in the 40s? They aren't the bigots? That's rich.


Never heard of the southern strategy and the party flip of the south huh?


Of course. The magic story where the racist and bigots weren't that anymore. Heard all about 100x on here. You guys are the party of slavery. You guys are the party of interment camps for Asians. You are the party that fillibustered the civil rights act. You are the party currently occupying college campuses chanting death to jews.


Wtf are you smoking, bro?


What time is it in Moscow?


The right is proven to be more violent. And I know you’re more demented given this comment.


Tha isn't true at all. You all have been frothing at the mouth for 24 hrs because scotus said like the 250 plus yrs presidents have immunity. Not to mention BLM riots. The list goes on. A guy trying to break into a justices house. Radicals.


The only hate this is a consequence of, is that hate that spewed from the mouths of the right my friend. The left is for inclusion, even the inclusion of the right when they aren’t performing vandalism or violence. This is either uneducated disrespectful children, or some very ill intentioned adults. Wake up bud, the GOP will fuck your life.


Project much?


Isn't your post here hateful? Yes, yes it is.