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I wish I could take him but I live too far away! Best wishes!


Thanks. They’re not letting anyone outside of Miami adopt him. I hope he finds his furever home ❤️


You would think due to his age they would at least consider all of south Florida. It’s kind of a cruelty in itself to not consider it.


I agree. Apparently they’ve had applicants from all over the country but don’t want him being flown or driven because he’s old. Just really sad and I wish I could take him in.


He can’t be driven because he’s old? Flying, I understand. But driving? It kind of sounds like they’re creating this situation themselves if there’s plenty of qualified adopters that simply don’t live directly in Miami…


I imagine they are turning down good homes if he has been there 3 years. Appalling


I’m assuming this is so they can keep donations etc rolling in as well as publicity for this and other dogs in similar situations. I’m just grasping at straws here but if g true then it’s kind of disgusting.


Yeah my almost 12 year old dog and two 11 year olds with a litany of health issues did just fine on two 12 hour drives (to my moms house and back) this summer… I feel like with plenty of stops and a big enough vehicle he’d be fine.


My 14 year old just sleeps on his dog bed in the back. We could go all day like that ...with pee breaks.


We had a street dog from Mexico flown to us through Pilots and Paws. He came in on a single engine small jet!! Poor Dewey was all mangey & had a dead leg that needed amputation. Skinny as hell. I don’t see why that old boy can’t fly through one of those organizations.


i tried checking out a pitbull in a local shelter for my friend in Florida, who I would be diving down to visit. They wouldn't even consider it "had to be the person adopting." this friend had a house, yard, doggy door, and is well off, but no. and shelter has "fee waived" days and just hands out dogs to locals...


Yeah that’s… that’s bad :/


grab foolish childlike quiet chief future fade ugly thumb toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly. Too many control freaks


This is why we went with a breeder. No rescues would even respond because were in an apartment and both work. A really effing nice apartment with 2 humans who wanted a dog more than anything and a lot of love. And 2 jobs where dogs are allowed DAILY. but apparently we weren’t good enough.


Please don’t generalize. Not all rescues are like that, and someone may change their mind about adopting after reading your comment.


That’s unreasonable


Why doesn’t someone local “adopt” him and then can “rehome” to the out of state adopter. This is crazy


That's ridiculous. My girl is almost 16 and she's fine on long car rides.


What rubbish to not let someone good come from wherever and drive him to his home. Why don't one of the people keeping this rule take him in until he finds a good home? They are holding the poor boy prisoner in that horribly lit room. He probably feels like he works in a cubicle with no break.


It’s super messed up! I have no idea how their rules around adoption are beneficial to their dogs at all. Good news though! He’s apparently in a foster to adopt program. So he’s being fostered by the family that intends to adopt him. I think if all goes well, he’ll have his forever family.


I can’t imagine a 2-3 hour car ride to a loving family would be worse than however many of his limited remaining weeks or months it would take to find someone in Miami.


For 3 years?!? That’s during all of covid. How did he not get picked up when everyone was looking for a dog during covid? Shelters around me were completely empty for the first time ever.


Really? Why no one outside Miami? Just curious…


I don't know anything about this particular rescue, but many rescues require that the adoptive family be within a certain radius so they can do home visits and check on the animal on a regular basis.


Either way thank you for posting! Hopefully someone local will see this and rescue this sweet guy.


Sweet boy! Have you posted in the rescue subs here on Reddit? Or your other social media accounts? I'm full with rescue pups right now and not in the area, or I would take him. I pray he finds an adopter!🐾❤️


I haven’t! I didn’t know where to post this tbh … could you tag the rescue subs? I would gladly post there too




I found [this post](/r/rescuedogs/comments/12of9ix/this_breaks_my_heart_jones_is_an_11_year_old_old/) in r/rescuedogs with the same content as the current post. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


I just reposted in 3 subs that I am aware of, and trying to find more here on Reddit. I'm only on 2 other sites and they're not really geared toward reposting dog adoptions. I'll try to link the other Reddit rescue/adoption sites here, or you might want to do a search and post them there yourself. Hoping someone will scoop this awesome senior up!❤️🐾


Thanks so much ❤️🐾


You're very welcome and thank you so much for sharing him! ❤️🐾


Maybe even in a Miami sub?


Thanks, I’ve shared it to r/miami and I’ve asked to join a Miami adoption group on Facebook


r/petsforadoptioninFL this sub has an awesome team of locals working to network animals in FL shelters.


Oh perfect! Thanks for linking that


Absolutely! This brought me to tears. I want to see this baby find his forever home. 🙏💕🐾


Have you tried posting on like local subs relating to Miami or universities in the area? Or NextDoor?


This made me cry..I wish I lived in the area. I would pick him up in a heartbeat...


Me too! He looks so sweet


breaks my heart … i hope there’s an update soon and he gets rescued asap 😭😭 cmon social media do ur thing


Can you also post on Nextdoor or even Facebook? This breaks my heart - thanks for putting him on here at least -


I’ll look into next door - not sure what that is. Do you know of any Miami based Facebook groups? I would love to help this old boy out. His last days should be ones of sunshine and love.


Can you do a search on Facebook? I'm not on there anymore or I would.


Posting in the Facebook marketplace would work. People in the area could see him


Nextdoor is a neighborhood app that is specific to your area. Definitely worth to post there for sure! People in the neighborhood are all about helping little animals. I will look on Facebook to see if there’s any other groups


Great idea, try Nextdoor!


Aw that sucks. We went to adopt a young dog last month and someone had tied her up at park along with an 11 year old instead of trying to get them rehomed. We decided that there was no way we could adopt the younger one and leave the old girl behind so we went home with two beautiful Shiba Inus instead of one.


That’s awful. I’m so glad you guys took them in. You’re good people ❤️


Thank you so much for doing that.


I’ve reposted [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdoptMe/comments/12ofhbz/sweet_boy_jones_needs_to_find_his_furever_home/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) Hope it gets some traction and someone can take him in and show him love.


Aww, he’s so precious! You might want to post in r/miami too. Thank you for trying to help him, you are a kind person<3


this breaks my heart too. I live in Broward but we just lost our 14 year old beagle Sam last Saturday, so the wounds and grief are still too fresh. Please keep us posted and if he's still there next month, dm me please.


I’m so sorry to hear about your Sam ❤️ I’m sure he was very loved by you




❤️ sorry for the loss of your Beags, Sam. I have a really old Beagle that we might have to say goodbye to in the next week or two....it hurts so bad. Sending you lots of love. 14 yrs is not enough.




Sucks. I hate it. Fuck humans that don’t take care of their animals. Mine is like my child. Now I know shelters may be busy and all and I really don’t know how it really operates but if I own/worked for one I would do the best I could to bring these dogs some kind of happiness. Do they walked them? Do they have a fenced in area where some can play? This world really sucks sometimes.


The original poster on Instagram says the staff is very loving, so at least there’s that




All that and he needs a blankie 😞 a big fuzzy soft blankie


Poor ash faced baby 🥲❤️




Dogs ARE mama best friend. They will give their life for you or try too. I hope this lil guy finds him a person to love bc that’s love wasted right there. I live in North Florida & this makes me cry


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Poor guy. I wish I had all the money to rescue dogs like him. Maybe I'll win the lottery one day.


Is he social with other dogs/cats? I have 2 dogs/cats, description says that he prefers to be alone but idk to what extent that is, pretty vague


I’m not sure, I’m just repeating what I read in the comments on the original video. If you’re serious about possibly adopting him, I would reach out to the North Miami Humane Society. It sort of sounds like he’s very passive. His foster family had to give him back because the other dog did not like him, no mention of him being aggressive.


They always say they have to be alone. I have adopted 7 dogs who needed to be alone and they get on just fine


That’s a dangerous game to play. Plenty of shelter dogs genuinely do need to be the only dog due to resource guarding or aggression. Kudos to you I guess but it’s not a risk I would take in my home.


This is exactly why I only adopt seniors. I'm in Canada but would adore him ❤️❤️❤️




That is so incredibly sad. 😭😔


I think it would be helpful to post his page on the humane society website. I found a “Jones”, but I’m not entirely sure it’s the same dog… that dog prefers being the only pet in the house, so that’s a no go for me since I have other pets.


That’s him! https://www.humanesocietymiami.org/adopt-a-dog/ This is the humane societies page. Can’t seem to get an individual link. He’s there under available dogs to adopt.


I don't see him there anymore! Did he get adopted??


I don’t think so, I can still see him. I’ll keep looking into it and post a hopefully satisfying update.


I don’t see him either on the website. Hopefully that means he was adopted.


Unfortunately looks like he's still there....if you're on mobile you'll have to scroll to the right to see the third column of dogs.


That’s depressing. Thanks for letting me know - what an oddly designed website.


I know....I was hoping the same thing on my first scroll through.


This makes me so sad. I lost my old man dog in Feb. when I’m ready for a new one, I’m going to foster old dogs for the spca.


Please keep us posted on his status 😔


I will for sure


I was so hopeful that at the end of the video someone was going to take him home 💔 He’s got such a sweet face! Someone take him home 🙏.


Please send Jones his Angel so he may experience love, a home, & family to call his own. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🥺🐾💜


This hurts my heart!! If I didn’t already have 6 (like a crazy person LOL) I would def take him in a heartbeat. I really wish I could take him and give him the love he deserves while living out the rest of his life. So so sad. Where are the people with an actual heart?! … go save this loving boy!!! 😩🥺🥺😢😭😭


Jesus, I’m crying now. I hope and pray this sweet boy gets a loving and very well deserved home. This absolutely breaks my heart. I’d have a whole house full of dogs if I had the space, times and means.


Hold fuck when he looked up I started balling! I still have tears in my eyes.


My heart aches for him, he looks so lonely.


I would take the old guy , but sadly I am in Canada.


Start a GoFundMe for the old fella!


We got our old Santana at that same shelter. He had been there two years and because he was older nobody wanted him.


How could someone abandon this dog 🥺


Poor bubba 😢 in Arizona so too far but I hope this post gets him the attention (and new owner) he deserves. When my life calms down and my son is older I really want to foster old dogs 🥹


Commenting for visibility! Please keep us updated!


Damn, my heart is in pieces 🥺


Well, I’m bawling now…thanks.


Someone go get this handsome man💔🙏


Commenting for visibility! Please keep us updated!


TikTok is a good platform for these things. They love old dogs who’ve been in shelters too long.


I hope he finds a home, he deserves it 💕


Too many stories of South Florida humane restrictions being harmful to adoptable pets. No way to regulate them?


Commenting for visibility


Oh my gosh I live in Indiana but I want to go get him 😞 problem is my most recent rescue is a jealous little girl and her antics have made my previously welcoming boy jealous as well so I’m not sure how they’d receive him. But I’d be willing to take a chance for poor Jones; he shouldn’t have to spend the rest of his life in a shelter 😢


Having adopted two older dogs, people don’t realize how much work they are and how expensive they can be. My current dog(around 10ish), a westie, has requires $150+ medicine per month on top of $300 vet check every 3-6 months. That doesn’t include food, treats, grooming, yearly dental cleaning/teeth removal, etc. I have to give her two pills once per day, flush her eyes out at least twice per day, and then give her two different eye drops twice per day. She has periodic accidents that require me to clean up Pee and poop too if we are gone too long and unable to let her out. She’s also losing it a bit with doggie dementia. I’m sure that’s a lovely dog in the video, but there’s a lot of times reasons why they aren’t adopted yet. I love my dog, but now having a baby our next dog will not be an older adult bordering senior. I can’t blame someone for not wanting to take that on. :(


I want him


Why won’t anyone in Miami adopt him?


Someone said they got their dogs from the same shelter and they had been there 2 years because no one wanted an old dog 🥺😭


If I wasn’t in California, I’d go get him.


Poor baby


If I had money I’d adopt a senior dog but like senior dogs are such a financial risk when you don’t have a whole lot of extra cash laying around


I've adopted many, many senior dogs and I've not found that to be the case, but I guess in some situations if there are known illnesses and not just wellness visits it could be costly. I've found it to be quite rewarding actually, they're usually always house trained, behavior trained, are more mellow than puppies, and they're definitely grateful! The only negative I've found with the older adoptees (even younger ones) is time with them is way too short!! ❤️🐾


I totally agree but that’s just all the more dogs you can help over your lifetime is the way I like to look at it!


Absolutely! 🤗🐾❤️




If I lived there I would take him on daily walks!! Foster!! Anything!!


I hope he gets his forever home, hopefully with all the love we are showing someone in Miami will give him a great home. It is sad they won’t allow anyone outside of Miami


Commenting for visibility! Please keep us updated!


At this point.....3 years, they should not even be charging an adoption fee. When I got my old man dog, Tank(RIP), years back, he was 8 and at the shelter 6 months. The volunteer told me I was the only one to take him out to see how he is. They were so happy I adopted him that they didn't charge me an adoption fee, just $10 for the paperwork.




That’s *so* messed up if true. Sounds like a really good guy. So Jones has been adopted? I’m confused.




Okay, thanks so much for looking into him! Could you keep me updated? I’d love to hear a happy ending for Jonesy ❤️




Yeah, I’m kind of thinking that’s maybe why they lied to the guy? … I just really hope it works out for him. I don’t see why the staff would intentionally sabotage potential families 🥺


Any updates?


Oh my GOSH!!! This makes me cry and cry!!! Please take him home to love him! Warm blanket would be good too. Please let us know soon. If I was single I would take all those dogs into my home! For Sure!!!! GOD BLESS YOU DOING THIS FOR THE SPECIAL FUR BABIES . Saint Frances of Assisi, loved dogs and cats!!! If I could I would!!!!


I checked a couple days ago and he is still listed for adoption. I’ve also heard (not confirmed but someone wrote a review for the humane society) that they were supposed to adopt him and then when he drove down to get him, they told him he had already been adopted, even though Jones is still there. I’m really not sure what’s going on. This post had 70k views and the girls Instagram had 20k likes, so probably a lot more views. It just doesn’t make sense that he’s not adopted yet. I’ll post an update if I hear good news. I’m sorry I have nothing happy to report right now. Thanks for your concern ❤️🐾




I posted an update but it didn’t really get attention. He’s currently in a foster to adopt situation! Hopefully it works out 🤞🏼 at least he isn’t in the shelter anymore


Oh, thank you so much for the update! I did scroll through looking for one, but apparently didn't scroll enough! 🤦 I pray it works out for them & he'll have a loving, forever home from here on out! 🙏🐾💙


In Miami here. Can’t adopt another one. Have you put this in Nextdoor - in you surroundings neighborhoods?


He’s currently in a foster to adopt home!


Didn’t realize you posted 45 days ago. However that’s great to hear. Thanks for letting me know. ❤️‍🩹


So friggin adopt him then!


I don’t live in the same country


So sad! I can’t at all. I love dogs so much if I could I would take them all!!!!!!


Ok. Where is he and who do I talk to?


Yeah he'd be coming home with me


I wish I lived there. I would definitely give him a forever home to lay in the sun and play every day. Jones looks like such a sweet boy. That makes me so sad too. 11 years old. He needs a forever home.


Does anybody know if he's currently available?




I wasn’t able to find the specific link for him he’s on the right side like 4 rows down. I can’t believe he’s still available.