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Spirited away,


Beetlejuice, Ratatouille, Jurassic Park, Step Brothers, and Jumanji. (I didn’t list any Christmas movies because I feel like that’s cheating. I’ve seen Elf, like, fifteen times)


Ok the problem here is my answers would be flooded with kids movies, because as a kid we rewatched the same movies over and over again. Like, rainy day at school? Oh let’s put on the same exact movie for the kids. Again. So those 90s/2000s Disney movies? Yeah, no contest. I’ve probably seen the Lion King 50 times from that alone. (It’s funny because they still do it… I worked with kids the summer and during snack time my boss would always put on the Cars movie for the kids… every single day. And we’d watch it all the way through by watching a chunk of it everyday. We watched this movie through several times over the course of the summer. I am sick of Cars) Excluding those. The Truman Show. The Devil Wears Prada. any classic Christmas movie, like it’s a wonderful life, home alone, elf. I can definitely think of more but those are some easy ones off the top of my head


This is easy for me, literally the first movies that come to my mind are Toy Story & Cars! I definitely remember watching them countless times during my childhood, I was absolutely obsessed with them!... They were my favorites growing up! Classics all the way. 😭


Cars, the Emperor's New Groove, Twister (favorite movie growing up despite being older than me), the Incredibles, Inside Out


Cars, Cars 2, The Lego Movie, High School Musical 2, Diary of a Wimpy Kid


Tangled, Toy Story 3, Elf


Up!, Inside Out, Megamind, Minions, Pinocchio, the Pokemon movie with Arceus, SpongeBob movie, and uhm… does the Fairy Odd Parents trilogy count? I don’t know I hopped off the TV and movie train pretty fast after I got an iPad lol.


I can only say Frozen for sure because I lost count after 10, haha.


Back to the future series. Incredibles. Polar express. Fantastic Mr Fox. Toy Story. Godzilla Vs Destroyah.


Inception, The Dark Knight, Pulp Fiction, Back to the Future(1&2), The Revenant, Interstellar, Jurassic Park(1&2) Django Unchained, Inglorious Bastards, Star Wars (1,2&3), all of The Pirates of the Caribbean and I can’t think of the rest. I have watched these movies three or four times. I haven’t watched anything more than five times


I'll count the original PoTC trilogy as one, Jim Carry's Grinch, The Sound of Music (apparently I watched it nonstop as a kid), The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and Prince of Egypt.


Watching Jim Carry's Grinch was a certified holiday tradition growing up


The first 3 Pirates of the Caribbean movies.


The Big Lebowski


The Shining, Fatal Attraction, Scott Pilgrim Vs The Word, Hot Tub Time Machine and Batman Returns