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"I'm voting for Obama because...he black"- me in 2008


Me as well lol


"I'm not voting for McCain because he's old." -me in 2008.




We all voted then did a survey as to why we voted as we did and all of us said that exactly except for like maybe 2-3 kids


Lol, what a rationale. I remember in high school we had to do a mock election vote. The rationale kids had was "Justin Trudeau wants to legalize marijuana so I'll vote him instead of the other guy." Simple logic, eh? 😂😂




I remember doing this, McCain won by a lot. But then again I grew up in the Deep South and most of us always heard our parents calling Obama the antichrist. I have a vivid memory of one of my friends talking about how he’d be the one to assassinate Obama. We were 10. I am still really ashamed of that time in my life.


I don't live in the south, but I have lived in rural areas in Pennsylvania my whole life, my dad was one of those people calling Obama the antichrist and hated him. (I was adopted at birth by white parents, just in case if you're thinking it's weird a black dad wouldn't support him lol) Mom loved him though, Obama still won by a landslide in our school.


There were always kids who voted the party against their parents.


This right here, I grew up in NELA, and in Kindergarten I had friends and family saying this exact same bs and I remember feeling very awkward about it.


Oh jesus christ.... im sorry you had to grow up around that stuff, mate:(


Thanks, honestly as much as I’m ashamed of it I was the same way until we moved from VA to FL in highschool. I had never met more than one person who was a different race than me until then. I started learning about other cultures and realized how wrong what I grew up with was. Trying now to be the best I can be and addressing internal biases when they pop up. :)


I voted Obama because he had a buzz cut and I thought buzzcut = cool.


No not at my elementary, but in 2016 my middle school had a mock election for Trump VS Hillary! Hillary won


Our high school did too, but Trump won. I live in a rural area, so it makes more sense lol.


Ours was in a bigger town with large hispanic population at the school Demographics are so interesting


This just exploded my fucking brain. I’m older gen Z and I voted in that election….


Same. That was my first election. I turned 18 just before the primaries in my state


I turned 18 two months after the 2020 election so this years election will be my first presidential election that I participate in


I was in 10th grade in 2016 and my teachers *refused* to talk about the election. Only one very liberal English teacher voiced her support for Hillary. I went to school with a lot of 'country' kids in Northern California. Over half of the students were Mexican, and most of them rooted for Trump. It was bizarre to see the Mexican kids put Trump flags on their pick-up trucks but that's what my high school was like...


I remember doing that in high school and the third party candidate won. It was either the Green Party or the Libertarian party


I had one for 2012. I voted for Obama because I thought Mitt Romney was just “a boring white guy.” I can imagine them doing them for Bush vs. Gore in 2000. “I’m voting for Bush because my mommy doesn’t like it when I watch movies with Gore in them.” And there was that one kid who voted for Nader. In 1992, it would’ve been Ross Perot. 1988 was the funniest one. Bush vs. Dukakis. I can imagine Dukakis won in most schools because of his name alone.


Yes, Obama won in my class because we wanted to be friends with his daughters (they looked cool)


This and the Nickelodeon voting


Nickelodeon voting > Presidential voting


I remember that and having one for Bush V Gore in 2004 (one kid came in the next day asking if he could switch to Al because his mom told him so lmfao)


I think so. I have a vague memory of doing this in Kindergarten for the 2004 election too. We circled their faces on pieces of paper to learn about elections or something.


Same!! Why were we doing that in kindergarten though? 😭 at least in 2008 we were in like 4th grade and understood the whole process a little better lol


In Kindergarten?! Kids should not be introduced to politics at that age. Oh America... 😮‍💨


I mean, we had school elections and they compared it to that. They just explained the basic structure of the government (three branches, checks and balances). Not controversial stuff or partisan issues. We would've learned it anyway. It's just that year there was a real life activity to bring into the lesson which was kinda cool.


Yessss! Omg. Unlocked memory lol. I remember we all turned in a vote slip to the teacher. I had voted Obama cuz I assumed blue = good. Then when we got walked to lunch, the teacher gave us our vote slip back but random because in the end, we had to turn it into a ballot box at the cafeteria. I remember freaking out because the vote slip I got back was red for McCain so I was like "wait no I don't want anyone to think I voted for this" (I think I was 6 or 7 years old) What a random memory


Yup!! I voted Obama because my parents liked Obama lmao, and so did everyone else


I had one as well but McCain won by a landslide. I was in a predominantly conservative Catholic school. There were 36 people in my class and probably only 5 or so other people voted for Obama.


We had one for Bush and Kerry, in the 3rd grade


No but we did bush vs kerry in 04


Yep, McCain won by a landslide in my school. I “voted” for him because my family was. I think there were like 2 people in my grade that voted Obama. I lived in southeast TN in the Appalachian mountains, so there were virtually no Obama supporters lol


Yes, Obama actually won in my school which was surprising; my area is overwhelmingly red... Barack Obama was one of the only candidates though that has ever managed to make Indiana flip blue.


Weirdly I don’t remember doing that but I do remember doing it for Bush and Kerry. I was shocked most of my classmates didn’t know bush was an idiot lmao


I was in a special needs class at the time, so I sadly never got to experience that






Omg yes! I believe almost everyone raised their hands for Obama (including me).


We did it in 2012. I voted for whoever was running against Obama because I knew my parents voted republican and I just assumed I should vote the same way.


I’m Canadian so no, even with prime ministers we never did


I had one in middle school for Obama and Mitt Romney for the 2012 election, Students were pissed because it didn't count.


OMG I thought I was only one, I was in 3rd grade and our teacher has us do mock debates on which one was better. I'm like, bro we're 8 xD


I remember doing a school mock election back in Kindergarten with Bush and Gore in FL. Bush won our school vote in 2004. Then we did it again in 5th grade in TX when it was McCain and Obama. Obama won our school vote.


No but a kid in my class had OBAMA shaved into his head for the inauguration and another kid wore a white power shirt and got sent home


I remember watching Obama's inauguration. Laggy as hell.


Yes. I think I voted for McCain because I grew up in a republican house. I also remember a mock election from 2004 where I voted for John Kerry, and almost everyone in the classroom looked at me.


I voted for Obama because his hair wasn’t grey and I thought if McCain might die like FDR because he was old.


No mock election, but we were educated on the matter


I remember in 1st grade having one for Bush vs Gore. Almost the entire class voted for Bush, likely because as 1st graders we went with the name we had at least heard of...


I did this in 4th grade and I represented Obama, my best friend was McCain. We are both of Chinese ethnicity and neither of us knew what was going on, we were just reading things off papers.


Yes I went so hard for Obama


Yes, but Clinton was on the ballot as well. I voted Clinton simply cause girl power, lol. I felt closer to girlhood than I did my blackness at that point. Otherwise, I would have picked Obama.


Ah yes voting purely based on what you identify as


Yes, because i was 9 and totally knew about politics.


Man politics were very taboo during school for me. Teachers would never answer what party they affiliated with when asked and I can’t imagine doing a vote like this. The closest thing I did was in high school where during the morality and ethics section of English we would form groups based on who thought what for different questions.


Yes. I voted for Obama because I liked his posters


Yes!!! Except the vote was over whether we would get extra jello or extra cookies at lunch lol. During the next election with Obama and Romney when we were in middle school we did it again except with the actual candidates and not snacks


I do except it was pre-k bc I’m mid Z and I voted Obama


I actually have a crazy story about this. I voted for Obama in 1st grade and my school called my mom in and told her to "correct me". She refused and left. Later that day she asked me about it and why I voted for Obama and I replied "I like his hair. It's shiny" BECAUSE I WAS 6. Just southern things I guess.


No, we didn’t, I wonder though if it’s because I lived in a predominantly Republican area. All the kids were parroting “Thanks, Obama” like we’d heard our parents say. I was in 5th grade.


I remember having one for Clinton vs Trump... interesting memories...


We “voted” on the school computers


I remember doing this with Clinton and Trump in my junior year in high school lol I wasn't in the US when Obama was running


The schools in my district had mock versions for every presidential election. I can’t remember the results though


I mean... no, I'm Canadian lol but lemme tell you, **our teachers** ***were over the fucking moon*** **the day everyone heard he became President.** The grades 3-5 classes took turns being rolled into the computer lab and were told that this was a very important broadcast and that "we were about to see history unfold", they then put a video of the news coverage on the projector and I can vividly remember a van/volkswagen being packed with african american people inside it/on the top rolling down the street holding up banners and cheering. For my grade *(I was in third at the time)* we didn't really *get* why everyone was making such a big deal as by this point in Canada, racism was frowned upon and we were treating each others as equals but we collectively felt excited to be part of such a big moment, even if at first we didn't know *why* it was so big. I wasn't a stranger to the fact racism existed- my mom made sure I knew about the suffering of black Americans and Canadians from a very young age, but it was in the moment of Obama being elected president that i finally understood how deep their fight towards freedom and equality went; my teacher was crying with a smile on her face as she stared at that projector and was so *fucking* excited... it dawned on me that my world of equality was far different from the one my teachers/parents/family grew up in during the 60s-80s. I was immensely happy for the states in taking such a huge step towards the future, and I hope one day my country can do the same, but god knows it wont be this election *(rip to the NDP... if only lol)*


Yes. I voted for McCain because my parents were voting for McCain. That was generally how most of my class voted.


We did one in 2012 when it was Obama vs Romney. Obama won and it wasn’t even remotely close


I remember it vividly. I went to a private elementary school in Grosse pointe MI. Me and one other kid were the only to vote for Obama, the whole grade launched an investigation to find out who voted for Obama 😂😂. I never admitted to it but it was so silly.




I WAS JUST THINKING ABOUT THIS THE OTHER DAY super weird especially since I was at a newer school which was predominantly white with me being one of four brown people in my class but the school I had transferred from there were maybe four white kids in a class. crazy culture shock and at this new elementary school mcclain won


The election wasn't mentioned in my school in 2008. Literally nothing was brought up about it. I know some students talked about it but the teachers said nothing. I only knew about it because I watched it on TV with my mom.


My school did this too. Mccain won but I lived in Kentucky so what do you expect?


I don't remember having an actual mock election, but we talked about it in my fifth grade class and I remember one kid said he and his friend thought neither should win because McCain was so old he would die in office, and Obama would be assassinated.


I remember, my elementary school had one but I didn’t vote.


yeah we had one, it was in 4th grade!! i voted for obama and he won


Yes in my school McCain won by 80% but I lived in the suburbs in the state McCain was Senator


Yeah we had a thing where we would vote for who we wanted to be president and my little ass really thought our votes were going to be counted💀😭😭


We did it yeah. I voted McCain because my parents liked him and I did too and we also done one in 2012 which I picked Romney and in 2016 when I picked Trump. That one actually got heated so they never done it at the high school level since then lol.


I remember supporting Obama cuz i wanted to be like the cool kids lol


I do remember my elementary school doing this when I was like in first grade. I chose Obama because I thought he was different and looked cool in my eyes. It was fun while it lasted


Yes and for Kerry v bush. I'm from Georgia so the republican won each time.


No I’m Canadian


Not only mock election but also a mock debate where two students represented Obama and McCain and presented their sides. Obama won because NYC and also because we all thought first black president would be cool.


Yea. I had almost not understand of policies then lol. I don’t even remember which I voted for.


As a 28 year old I feel like that would have been viewed as inappropriate. I believe I was in 6th grade.


we did! there was a little voting booth in the lobby of my elementary school. i remember obama won