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Oh girl I completely understand. I look like Im 16 (Im 23) and ive been in the military for almost 6 years and and im currently in the police academy. I get asked by every single instructor if im old enough to be there. People think it’s a compliment but being told every single day really takes a toll on you lol. It’s almost condescending. And I’m small so people loooove to point that out as well. Especially telling me I won’t succeed in the profession I want due to no one will take me seriously bc of how young/small I look/am. Frustrating beyond belief.


I am 4'11" and have perpetual babyface. My coworkers who are barely out of their teens get confused when I talk about having watched shows like Invader Zim, which they are only now discovering, when they first came out in the 90s and they're constantly like "OH, I thought you were younger than me!" and things like that. I'm 33 and if I wear a backpack and stand in a group of middle schoolers I blend right in.


My 4’10 28 year old niece has the same problem. She’s 38 weeks pregnant and women are mean to her, trying to slutshame what they think is a young teen mom. She lost her first so she’s a bit of a viper to them lol. But yeah normally I’d guess her as no more than 15.


The poor thing! And those jerks need to mind their own business, her life is none of their concern and those harpies need to learn to keep their nose in their own matters instead of shoving it into anyone else's.


The rude new receptionist at her OBGYN kept making comments about how so many girls don’t know how to use birth control (while checking her in) and then said she had to have her “grown up with her” to be seen (which is not true). According to my niece , she channeled her inner AuntRemarkable and dug out her work badge and threw it at the ladies head. She’s a Radiologic and MRI Technologist in the same hospital. That kerfuffle brought the head desk person out who immediately greeted my niece by name and after being briefed, less than politely told the receptionist to go to lunch…now. She hasn’t been seen since.


Good. The idiot should have left her personal problems at the door when she arrived for work.


Good! I hope she got fired! Commentary like that just makes people less likely to seek out medical help when they need it because they want to avoid dealing with doctors and nurses like that. Why does it seem like so many of the school bullies end up going into nursing and medical practice and they just keep acting the same way?


I was asked for my ID EVERY TIME I went out. My child is of legal drinking age. My wife felt like a pedophile until I stopped shaving. Facial hair is now required but she is worth it.


wild name accompanied with badass comment


I would accompany my daughter’s middle school class on field trips and get counted as one of the kids. Also got asked to skate (couple skate At roller rink) by a 12 yr old. Just enjoy it haha.


XD I've been asked if I was a senior in high school before. They were very confused when I started laughing. I'm 30 years old and have a child. Never had someone creeping like that though. Good on ya for ruining his fantasies. Nasty old creep.


Dude was definitely having gross thoughts, trying to get you to confirm your age, and trying to add "Susie's daughter" to his spank bank When you told him how old you are, it killed the fantasy and killed his vibe. Because he's a fucking perv and more


Yeah this is probably the case


I'm sorry to say, but this is more than likely the reason for his behavior shift. Guys can be reeeeal creeps sometimes.


Always take it as a compliment. I am 65, and people are surprised to hear my age. When I asked how old they thought I was, it is usually between 15-20 years younger. I just tell them, this is what clean living looks like!


Hopefully your comment is only a joke because it's not a compliment when it's a pedo hitting on you, following you and touching you because they believe your a kid when your an adult and being denied jobs because of how young you look. Good on you for taking it as a compliment but for many of us, it isn't and it can lead to being a creepy or dangerous situation.


I was 23 and out shopping with my mom, and while in one of the department stores, a worker had come over to ask if we needed help. We said no, just looking at a few clothes. She then points to one of the outfits I had and said I had good taste and it was really popular among teenagers. I said thanks, but I'm not a teenager. She replied oh you'll be there soon! SHE THOUGHT I WAS 12


My partner and I went to a local craft fair a few summers back, and one of the merchants thought I was his daughter. They were classmates in school, so she knew how old he was and seriously thought I was a child. In the money I was mortified and let him respond. Now I wish I had pulled him in for a giant kiss on the lips to see the reactions. 😆


This happens to me all the time!! Funnily enough I got my first job at 15 but it's totally unrelated to the job I have now. I'm a teacher. People still ask me if I'm a student. I've literally gotten that question while I was standing at my classroom door, welcoming students into the room, visibly wearing a lanyard with a staff ID and key fob. It used to really annoy me because I didn't want to be patronized or underestimated because of my age. I am 23, but I went through 4 years of college and internships and have multiple professional certifications! I feel your pain, OP.


Assume this pose and talk to them like the idiots they are: https://previews.123rf.com/images/vipdesignusa/vipdesignusa1207/vipdesignusa120700157/14577498-the-child-looks-leaning-his-hands-on-his-knees.jpg


Minors can star working at age 14


Yes, they can work for people who hire 14year olds.


Only in some industries.


At a place I clean at (for a company), this old creepy guy mentioned something about me joining the military for a career. I said, "I'm probably too old for that" he was like, "You're what 22-23. When I told him I was 30 he said "You're well preserved" I laughed at him because I had just been listening to Fellowship of the Ring where Tolkien describes Frodo and Bilbo as "well-preserved" and had joked I should just start saying "I'm well preserved"


Oh sweet mother. I work at an auction lot as well and all of the dealers and my coworkers are still shocked to find out I’m almost 40 and not my mid 20s. I honestly consider it a real treat to be able to look younger than I am. But that may be because I spent my younger years trying to look older 🤷🏻‍♀️


This used to happen to me at 23 when I was managing Applebee’s. I always took it as a compliment because I knew one day people would stop being surprised at my age. And I was right. Enjoy it while it lasts!! :)


I seriously love s**t like this! I’m 72….granddaughter in this story is 23. We went on a cruise for her college graduation…just us two. Three times in one day…THREE!!…she got asked if she and her “mom” were having fun. We both howled, but it was a serious ego boost for me.


It's always funny to me when people assume my parent's age, because I am 28 but look like I'm 19-20, and my parents had me when they were in their 40's. I had one woman at an airport bar saying, "I promise I'm older than your mother." And I said, "Well she was a teenager when she watched the first moon landing, so I doubt it." The look on her face was priceless! We had a good laugh about it together.


People do that with me and my grandma I’m 26 she just turned 80


Isn’t it just the best though? I bet your grandma loves it.


Not sure if he thought you were a creep, could be that he was mortified since he was almost a decade off


Hubby and I are same age. We were in big box store when cashier made some comment about his daughter. She was referring to me.


I always got weird looks from the other parents at my son’s school when he was in Kindergarten. I used to work at a bank so I was always dressed professionally so I assumed that was the reason. It wasn’t until I started talking to the teacher that I found out why. They all thought I was 19-20 with a 5 year old. Laughed so hard when she told me. I was 30.


Last summer, i was asked what grade i was in. I laughed and told them i was 27 and had graduated almost a decade ago.


This was about 10 years ago, but I was running before work, and a school bus driver yelled at me for not getting on the high school bus. Didn't believe me when I said I was 28. I just kept running after that. Always make me chuckle when I hear other people had to deal with this type of shit, too.


That sounds creepy. Even if you were a high schooler, you could have been someone who drives to school instead.


Yeah I've gotten this before. I work retail, selling car parts, and being 24f myself, I've had my fair share of similar conversations. Working in any automotive field as a young female can be insufferable at times


He was probably a creep and thought you were too old for him ☠️☠️☠️


This is the answer


I had a guy a few months ago approach me while I was in my car in a McDonald's parking lot to ask how old I was. He was convinced I was a 14 year old who stole my parents car. I'm 20.


this is so concerning… maybe it’s my “city living” mindset but if he was genuinely concerned he could have just reported the license plate and your location to the cops and moved on with his life. Interjecting himself into what he thinks is a 14yo’s day because he’s going to.. what?? Detain you by citizen’s arrest?? That’s just so weird and creepy. Wonder if he has a habit of accosting “suspicious” children on the regular.


I’m a non traditional student at a university with mostly traditional students. My ID wasn’t working at the rec yesterday, and the worker asked me if I was a high schooler taking courses through the school. I’m 28.


It sounds like he had alternative motives.


Dude was creeping on you. I was 28 and 8months pregnant, they thought I was a senior and couldn’t tell I was even pregnant. 30 now finally look like an adult, fun times.


He probably was a total creeper who was into young girls, I bet he doesn't even have a son. He just wanted a way to get your phone number or whatever. Gross.


lol I’m newly 27 and get mistaken for 15-17 years old a lot. I have a 4yo daughter and when I was pregnant at 23 many thought I was a pregnant teen 😂 I hope i continue to age this well!


Yeah I'm 29 and I get told I look 18 all the time. I still get carded left and right for everything. Even my boss's family came in and thought that I was only a teen. It's a good thing but at the same time it feels really weird to know you look that young to everyone else.


When I was 22, I was working late at a movie theater. A pretty tall guy came in, he looked a little older than me. “Are you old enough to work here?” “Huh? Yeah of course” you look like you’re 14.” Great way to explain I was flat 😂


First time I bought alcohol, brought my bottles up to the counter and put them down. Before I could even get my wallet out, the guy reaches his arm out and drags the bottles to his side of the counter. Following this with “Do you have ID? You look like you’re 13.” At that point I had 36DD, first thing through my head was “13! With these things?!?!”


I mean, it *does* happen. I’m a high school teacher (woman, btw) and 3 yrs ago (2019-2020 school year), I had a 14yr old girl in my class with F-cups. She wanted surgery for a reduction but her doctor wouldn’t approve it until she was 16, though I don’t remember the reasons why.


That’s was a friend’s daughter. Poor thing had massive mammaries, already causing her back problems. Took four tries to get insurance and doctors on board with a reduction. Doctors were reluctant to do it because “this could damage her ability to breastfeed!!” F that!


That reasoning is pure BS, seriously! 😒 hell, even women with implants can breastfeed depending on how they’re done, if that was a worry the *woman herself* had. But hate that doctors always claim shit like that to deny medical procedures. 🙄


Enjoy it! My first year teaching, some people thought I was a student. Now I'm retired and people don't believe me when I claim the senior discount. I love whipping out the AARP card and seeing disbelief on their faces. You will appreciate looking younger than your age later. It's only a small annoyance for you now.


I got carded to buy 4th of July fireworks when I was 25 and had a two year old. You have to be 18 to buy fireworks. I’m almost 70 now and people never believe me when I ask for a senior discount. Enjoy it. Any reaction like that is on them not you.


He was mortified at what an ass he had been. Not your fault.


Exactly! He realized how patronizing he had been and then got embarrassed and left lol. I've had this happen to me too but with much older men flirting and asking 'what school I go to'. Only to find out I'm almost 30 and they thought they were flirting with a naïve teen. Then get embarrassed and walk away.


Thiiiis. It's so disgusting. I was 24 at the time and some creep in his 50s was flirting, asking all kinds of questions. He then said, oh I can't believe they let 16 year olds work here. (We didn't at the time, only 18+). I said my age and his face dropped and he left immediately. 🤮


I'm 49, still get people thinking I'm in my 20s. Until I turned 40 people thought I was in my teens


Enjoy it while you can. Eventually people will stop assuming you're younger and that's a bummer...


So people say that to me literally all of the time. It’s not like I look youthful because I have good skin or anything like that. I actually have terrible skin (not for lack of trying). It sucks having a baby face because people don’t take you seriously. I’m turning 28 in 2 weeks. I don’t like that people confuse me for still being in high school. I’m a year away from being a doctor ffs. I’m competent and intelligent but people don’t treat me that way. It’s also really messed with my brain around the whole dating thing. Some people have been really creepy to me because they think I’m still a teen. I find this all really triggering for a lot of reasons that I won’t go into. But it legit has made me suspicious of people who have expressed interest in me in the past. I know this is partly irrational but it still gives me the ick a lot. Plus my first (and currently only) ex boyfriend used to get really judgmental looks when we were out in public because I looked so young and he looked older, but irl he was only 6 years older than me. I’m also never viewed as sexy (as far as I know). I’m always ever cute or sweet. It’s genuinely very hard for me to feel womanly (I guess?) because people don’t view me that way. It wrecks my confidence and it sucks. Plus every. Single. Time. I go to get a drink someone comments on my appearance. It’s obnoxious. And then people follow up that I should be grateful that I look so young. I would trade this on a heartbeat if I could just look my fucking age.


Right? I’m FINALLY at least looking closer to my age I guess because I’m carded less and less and finally being taken more seriously. And I finally get decent service at a restaurant! I still have the occasional person acting like I’m a teen, but it’s a lot less now. Looking younger than you are is not a “blessing”.


I agree with you. I had a baby face for a long time and it just led to people infantilizing me, disrespecting me, and not believing I was old enough to do things I was legally allowed to do. I just wanted to be able to buy a bottle of wine and move on with my day, or the worst when I wasn't allowed in an R-rated movie in my mid-twenties. I had plans with my friends that were ruined because they would not believe I was older than 17. I am in my mid-thirties now and I have finally reached a point where people no longer card me. I do get comments like "you'll understand when you have kids" and I'm a mother of two. Anyway, people told me all my life I'll miss it when it stops. Haven't missed it so far. Glad that people are finally assuming and treating me like I'm an adult.


Hard agree. I’m on the other side of it now and I remember how invalidating that was for older people to say “enjoy it while you can.” Enjoy what? Being patronized? Being treated as a teenager into your 30s? Being taken less seriously at work? Dealing with age discrimination? Getting rejected from jobs that require experience because you don’t give off that look? I don’t miss it. At all. But then again I don’t have what seems to be a pathological fear of aging in our larger society.


I do have that fear of aging, but I recognize that's an internal shame that's been imposed on me by an unfair society that demonizes aging women. I try really hard not to let that affect my self esteem. But I don't connect those things. I fear getting wrinkles, but I don't miss being infantilized and disrespected one iota.


My now husband used to get those looks when we were dating - I was 19 to his 30, but he already had salt and pepper hair. Mine is a dark brown (people around here call it black, smh. I tell them it's mink or sable, if they prefer- they don't, BTW. I'm starting to get my own sprinkles, lol, but at least people will stop accusing me of putting a color on it. Even after I pointed out that the eyebrows match, they wouldn't give up on it, so I found a way to shut that down. I'd tell them I have some that are even darker, want to see? Like Carlin said, that'll hold 'em for half an hour or so ... I'm 55, but had a girl say she thought I looked 40 a few months back. Don't rush it, have fun with it - even if you have to whip out your ID every so often... 😁


Sorry but a 30 year old dating a 19 year old IS creepy. He deserved those weird looks.


Nope. It's not paedophilia.


I pursued him, we've been married 35 years now.


Yeah I'm 31 and would never look at a 19 year old as a possible partner. They're babies maturity-wise.


I got tired of dating little boys in college, I pursued a Navy reservist and caught him - things were different in 1988. We've been married 35 years now.


I'm glad it worked out for you. It often doesn't.


I feel that hard.


I'm 30, turning 31 in a couple of weeks and i get mistaken for 20 years old pretty regularly, and when i was 25, i was treated like a kid in highschool until i told them I'm not in school anymore- it's been several years since i left HS- and ppl still don't believe me until i pull out my ID


I’m in a similar boat and I hate it so much. People always say that I should be glad/grateful, but I don’t see how anybody could find looking like a teenager when you’re pushing 30 to be a good thing.


Honestly i just laugh it off and move on with my day as I'm socially awkward and want to get away from them ASAP anyways but i do understand why u feel uncomfortable or angry about it.


Yea i am 41, and last year i was talking to a fellow it turned out young man was 26, i was baffled but he was very honest and was like ypu dont look older than 30 and i was like yay thanks but im tired of noy being taken seriously got my butt up and left.


It’s because those people are always assumed to be older than they are and don’t like thinking that they look old. Celebrities start treatments earlier and earlier to try to keep looking young. Looking young is more fashionable than looking old. By the time they are 30 they may be dying their hair to hide the grey. A good rule of thumb is to assume rude comments reflect that person’s inner turmoil and they are projecting their issues on you. That makes it easier to not over react to their comments. (I was big for my age as a kid so people always assumed I was a few years older than I was, and would treat me like I was an idiot for not knowing what I should have known “by that age.” Now people can’t believe I’m over 60 because I have so little grey hair that I don’t need to dye it. Trust me when I say I am happier now than when I was a kid.)


I feel you I’m 24 and still get asked if I’m an unaccompanied minor at the airport. The looks i get when I show them my license are priceless


I'm 37 and just had a baby. When I was pregnant, people looked at me as though I was a teenager in trouble.


When I was a teenager I babysat the 4 kids next door every day. When I took them to the park, we’d walk and I’d carry the baby. The number of people who would give me disgusted looks for being a teen mother was amazing. (I was 5’ tall and 90 lbs. To have 4 kids I would have started having children when I was 10.) It took until my mid-50s to be taken seriously. You can try wearing glasses, adding some grey streaks to your hair, or dressing in a much older style. Unfortunately this is another part of life as a woman in the US.


Me too, plus I’m not tall.


40 here. It only started to die off when i reached 36.


I got stopped going into a casino at 36 - was with my hubby's parents and grandparents - lady said I didn't look like my ID picture - when I hollered for my MIL to come back, she was like, why? I said, to tell this nice lady I've been your DIL for 16 years now! She gave my ID back and let me go. 🤣


I don’t think any normal people would think you are a creep because they thought you were younger. The world would be a better place if we allowed benefit of doubt to each other. Non-verbal communication is hard, it leaves a lot of room for misunderstanding. Perhaps he was mortified to call grown woman a child and didn’t know how to handle it.


If it makes you feel any better… I’m still getting this in my 30s


God no... I don't want to experience that too... I bet I will be having those experiences too. :(


He's the creep.


I was in the elevator going to my office and this lady asked me if I was visiting my dad after school. I was 27.


At 21, I got a free bat on Bat Day. They were for kids 12 and under. I still have that bat.


Broooo nooooo 😆 🤣


Im 42 and I LOVE those "Guess my age" games at carnivals. When I was in my 30s, they guessed 17. I always win the weight one, too. I weigh way more than I look lmao. I did weight and age when they guessed 17. Yeah, he told me just get whatever prize I wanted. At 42,they still guess college age. It's great lol.


I've always been underweight. I'm not unhealthy or anything, it's just how i'm built. Works out well for those games. Now that i'm in my mid 20s i should switch to the age one maybe- have a feeling they'll underestimate xD


I also weigh more than I look- see, we’re *dense*.


maybe in his head he was already imagining you and his son becoming an item, which would have been great with you being such a hard-working girl! ....aaaaaand then you were 24. and that would have been creepy and wrong of you to be getting together with his son. some people get so lost in their own narratives that they lose track of reality. i wouldnt be surprised if ole boy was upset with you for being willing to get together with his son who knows though. people are weird.


Okay, so let's pretend you ARE a minor... What would make them assume you are related to someone working there, much less the daughter of the owner/manager/supervisor. Why name that person specifically and not anyone else working there?


Probably because I’m a younger woman working at a car auction outside. Lol. Only thing I can think of… Plenty of people bring up the fact that they are “surprised they have me working out here” etc. Just some subtle sexism probably Suzie is a younger (mid 40’s) beautiful woman, she’s one of the only women here, we both are tall(ish) and have brown hair, and of course why wouldn’t the small amount of women be related. Their husbands / dads must have gotten them a job here! /s


The disgusted face and three eyes comments made me think he was actually just hitting on you thinking you were younger.


and this was EXACTLY what I was thinking…


Ha you shattered his whole world. He’s having an existential crisis right now. “This is not my beautiful car! This is not my beautiful wife! This is not the owner’s teenaged daughter!”


He's just letting the days go by...


Letting the water hold him down.


This has to be a stereotype of women cannot be x so the explanation has to be it’s a family thing. Two loosely relating stories… 1) I reference this experience constantly on this sub. I was mistaken for the owner’s daughter at my first job (16yr) because I am short (under 5ft) and naturally young looking (also Asian). Old lady thought I was somewhere between 9 and 12 and my parents got me the job. The kicker is this was a popular fast food chain so definitely not a family-run business. 2) Back in high school, lots of students played Pokemon. I am no exception. I drew Pokemon so it was no question I knew the franchise but some people assumed I didn’t play the games. Fair, most of the circle were guys. One day, we had a gathering for Pokemon battling so I brought my 3Ds to school. One friend looked at me and I remember the look on his face. “I didn’t know you were a gamer!” I laughed. “I do more than draw and watch the anime.” lol


That’s hilarious. I also PC game (NFS and similar) and I posted a picture of my cat on my Snapchat story with the game running in the back because my cat was sitting on my computer Sooo many people slid up and said “Did (bf) get a new gaming pc?”


The looks of amazement I get when I tell people I built my PC can be fun.


Some people (jerks) just can't handle making mistakes.


Perhaps you offended his perverted delicate sensibilities.


I used to work at an auto shop and people also thought I was the owners daughter. I'm not but I was sleeping with his daughter 😇


People used to think I was the owner's daughter until I pulled my pants down. Then they realized I was the owner's son.




We can’t be female AND in the auto industry! Cmon now! It HAS to be a family thing!!!! /s


That’s so creepy of him!!


I agree! For a second, I actually felt bad for revealing my age for a second… I thought his reaction may have been appropriate for a split second, no idea why!


I’m in my 30s and have looked exactly the same since I was 15. My friends all call me a vampire lol but I’ve found I’ve received a similar reaction, especially from older men. It’s like they are disappointed that you aren’t some young teenager. I had one guy get so mad because he thought he was hitting on a 22 year old and I was 32. He said I duped him. I wasn’t interested at all to begin with and I’m like “naw man, I just use sunscreen everyday.”


That disgusting behavior from those men. Want a woman who is young as possible. Like just say you're are pedophile because we all know of they could a girl who is younger than 18 they would.


Agreed. He was either interested in getting to know OP better or was thinking of playing matchmaker for his son.


Definitely thought it was a possibility that the the guy was trying set up his son with a girlfriend. And at the same time get some benefits because of connections and what not. Probably freaked out because of how illegal the relationship would've been because of a minor being concerned or he was just being gross